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ALS & LWN Producing Daily Showguide 16

chris writes "The Linux Weekly News, in conjunction with the Atlanta Linux Showcase are producing an onsite, web based daily showguide. It is running on the showfloor. See what is happening at ALS. Roving LWN volunteers will be covering the show and the conference sessions. " Well, the show's just started to get underway, and I'm about to be trampled by attendes flooding through the gates. That's my update.
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ALS & LWN Producing Daily Showguide

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    no comments yet?

    FYI, the Beowulf BOF is today at 6pm.

    Damn, that's begging for a 'Beowulf post'...

  • Is the lack of comments on this story due to a lack of interest (in which case: Hemos, take note of what nobody cares about) or is there just nothing here to comment on?
  • Here's the process:

    Click reload

    See new story

    Click 'read more'

    Realise you've no idea what you're commenting on

    Decide it's easier to say "It's rubbish" than to read the story

    Admire your devasting wit and click preview

    Realise 'Linux' is in the story; better not say it's rubbish

    Read comments. It's been up for ten minutes and it's still only got three posts. Obviously only lusers are posting to this one.

    Back to the main page and look for something worthy of your talent.

    Find a story slagging off microsoft and post a 'bill sux' comment instead.

    Instant peer approval!

  • I, for one, think that the show in general, and the /. booth in particular, could be greatly improved if there was even more random firing of nerf darts into the air.

    --John Riney
  • Prolly most of the people who would comment on it are at the show, and thus not web-connected right now (with the exception of wearable-computing ubergeeks :-).
  • I think its more along the lines of: "Hmm, I just read the headline and I have no clue what it is talking about." That is what happened to me, at least until I realized there were only 11 posts and if I were so inclined to post it would have a better chance of getting read than some posts at some of the other stories today. Hmm... Bah.
  • Trample Hemos, Trample Hemos! And take his and Rob's picture! They love posing for pictures!
  • Last year we had a 'Who should go naked at ALS' poll... 'OctobrX' won (staggering majority), with 'NOT Cmdr Taco' a distant second.
    This year I propose we have a who should go clothed to ALS poll. ;-)

  • I'm planning on visiting to reap the karmic rewards of touring the showfloor, without actually paying for anything (well, except a couple of tanks of gas [it's a six hour drive each way] and two nights in a hotel, plus meals). I might even get some signatures on my PGP and GnuPG keys after 3+ years, and meet some of the people I've flamed (and been flamed by) on debian-devel. Sounds like fun, no?
  • Interesting how StarOffice is getting hyped so much. Their product won't run at all on libc2.1 and it's been over a year since libc2.1 came out. All Sun is doing is building in more support for their own portal yet they abandonned ever migrating the software to libc2.1. Sun may have made some pledges but there's been no evidence of any money being spent on software for over a year. Eventually as more and more people migrate to libc2.1 Sun will get more hits and StarOffice is going to vanish.
  • What in the bloody buttfuck does this have to do with ALS?
  • I just wish I could go. I live in Atlanta, close enough to bike to the thing, but alas, a family wedding is dragging me out of town this weekend. I was so looking forward to doing a GWG here...


The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
