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Linux Software

Linux Scavenger Hunt Party 22

Jeff Gerhardt writes "The Linux Show is in the process of planning a live and interactive show, aka The Linux Scavenger Hunt Party. At 8:00PM, CST, on the 26th of October, the URL of the questions will be revealed on air." The general concept is to find answers to Linux and technology related trivia questions. They are looking for help with planning and would love any Q&A suggestions sent to: hunt@thelinuxshow.com
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Linux Scavenger Hunt Party

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  • by davidw1 ( 29211 )
    Do you get free pizza and a T1?
  • by Pyr ( 18277 ) on Friday October 22, 1999 @12:01PM (#1593748) Homepage
    Are they nuts? Their site is going to go down so fast it'll make the slashdot effect look like a day in the park! Who wins isn't going to come down to who actually /knows/ the stuff best, it's going to be to who can get to their page the fastest before it goes down.
  • They could post it on Slashdot mabye. But I agree, they better have some good servers if they plan to stand up to the Slashdot effect.
  • I'm gonna win!

    I mean come on.. Make a banner really quick, put it on top of Slashdot page advertizing the fact that they need help with the contest and lets get on with it.. Other than that I don't see what the point of this being on Slashdot is.. Does anyone else? Tell tell me that their is a contest on the internet? To get people that know about technology (and Linux in particular) to help out with this scavenger hunt? hmm..
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Will the scavanger hunt include a plan for building software for controlling nuclear weapons in 24 hours, just like the University of Chicago scavanger hunt had featured building a nuclear reactor? [1]

    [1] http://slashdot.org/articles/99/05/20/1320256.shtm l
  • Agreed. No one's going to be able to get the silly questions.

    Why not post an email address where you can get on a list of people who'd have the questions mailed to them. I think I could stand to see the list appear in my Inbox. Hell, I'm probably not going to win the contest any way but I'd still like the list of questions so I could amuse myself for a few evenings.

  • www.thelinuxshow.com/hunt3
  • Anyone notice there is no count_me_out@ email address for them? :)

  • by Anonymous Coward
    A copy of DOS 1.0
    An 8" floppy disk (hard sectored).
    A 2.88MB Floppy disk (the disk, not the drive).
    A cassette drive for a PC jr.
    An Apple Lisa
    Any add-on card still being manufactured today... that has jumpers.
    A color inkjet that works in color under Linux.
    An altair 8080.
    A Novell dongle.
    Any laptop, with a built-in non-win-modem.
    An optical mouse with the gridpad.
    An IBM 3270 terminal (with the solenoid clicker inside the keyboard)

    The winn^H^H^H^Hfinder gets to make all these devices work under Linux!
  • I must have been asleep for ages, but what exactly is this scavenger hunt? How can it be "live and interactive" if it's a URL with trivia questions?

    showing text boxes popping up and mouse arrows clicking won't be too exciting. OTOH, if it will show live people scavenging, who will they be and where will this aforementioned scavenging be carried out?

    Brrrr...scavenging - brings back bad memories.

    Wooly Mammoth.
  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 )
    linbot "http://www.thesite.com" & sniffit -twww.thesite.com -d & tail -f x.x.x.x:x | egrep -i "hint" | mail -s "Hints" root@localhost ; echo 'I win!'

  • 1. Linux Winmodem Driver

    Oh, this is going to be fun.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "Why not post an email address where you can get on a list of people who'd have the questions mailed to them. I think I could stand to see the list appear in my Inbox."

    You should actually email this suggestion to them. They appear to be open to suggestions and they may not exactly realize how hard they will be hit.

    I think if they realize that they could just send out one big bulk email (just similar to a mailing list) they could avoid the doom of killing their pipe.

  • that's scary .... I have 4 of these .... :-)
  • Just so you know, we are having this Linux Scavenger hunt because we do not take ourselves 100% serious 24 hours a day. There are times when you just kick back and have fun. We thought it would be something fun for Linux folks to do the week before Halloween.

    Yes there will be a few prizes, but that is not why you would want to participate because the prizes will not be that grand. Do it for fun and "braggin" rights!

    If you have questions (and answers) and a place out on the web where that info can be found, please suggest a question to "hunt@thelinuxshow.com"

    Thanks, jeff

    PS thanks to those who have already submitted questions.
  • The sad part is, I have more than half of that crap either in my apartment somewhere or in my office... and I'm only 22 and have never even *used* half of what it is that I do have.

    As to the other stuff, it would only take me a couple hours to dig around and find it.


"Why should we subsidize intellectual curiosity?" -Ronald Reagan
