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German "Linux Hotel" has Tux in Every Bed 32

Anonymous Coward writes "I just found this funny idea: A Linux Hotel in Essen, Germany. They give seminars, courses and workshops on Linux, some of them free. And Tux is in every bed, as seen here. Sorry, it is in german, but there are also english pages."
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German "Linux Hotel" has Tux in Every Bed

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  • I wonder what the hell the maids think of this.

    I personally think a beer/fridge combo is a better idea.

    Then again, maybe the NSA/CIA/(Insert your Black Helicopter People Here) have just come up with a new anti-cyberterrorist device...

  • Now I know where I want to go on a vacation...of course, Essen isn't exactly one of the major German tourist destinations. (I seem to recall it's primarily an industrial city...someone correct me if I'm wrong.)

    Not to mention, I'd probably have to spend a few weeks with some Berlitz tapes beforehand to get my German back up to speed...and then spend more time reading c't or some other German computer news site so my technical vocabulary would be up to par. (I had three years of German in high school...I could read some of that page, but not all of it.)

    (Erbo turns away from the computer for a moment and calls out to his fiancee) Sweetie? Wanna go to Germany for a honeymoon? :-)

    "Free your code...and the rest will follow."

  • The english pages suck I think babel fish would do beter or even I could do beter with my high school german
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Uh..... Don't drink the koolaid there.
  • A few thoughts on the subject...
    1. A new reason to steal something from a hotel.
    2. I wonder if they replace them for every new visitor. You never know...
    3. ::drool:: Just imagine a bunch of these suckers in a Beowulf cluster.
    Well, there goes my Karma...


  • Here's an attempt at translating the page into english for ya. You should know that 1 USD buys about 1.7 to 1.8 marks right now, depending on the day. Stuff in paranthesis are my comments.

    Villa-Vogelsang - the first linux hotel!

    Linux seminars, evening classes and Workshops will begin taking place in november in co-operation with the Essener Linux User Group and full time linux specialists. Many of these courses will be free of cost in order to stay in the sense of the nonprofit beginnings of Linux.

    The Villa Vogelsang (which means mansion of bird song) is administered using linux boxes, and all rooms are connected via 100mb ethernet to an internet and email server. Linux notebooks are available to guests for training courses at a cost of 100 DM per day. (about $60)

    In the evenings we offer individual training courses for 170 DM (about $100) an hour to the interested business traveler. This is usually a welcome alternative to watching television or sitting at the bar- both of which are available of course. (hmmmm... expensive personal linux lessons given in german, or a good half liter of Krombacher while watching Dortmund kill Bavarian Munich on TV, which would I prefer?) The topic of the training- be it linux, email, the internet or whatever- are to be decided on between you and your teacher.

    Naturally, Tux, the linux penguin, isn't in any of the guest rooms. (I guess that picture is a joke then) However guests will find information about linux and the principles of free software beside the usual magazines. (all of which will be in german I think)

    There are some links to general information about linux, why people should switch, etc. etc. Other pages on the site describe the hotel, prices and things like that. Prices are:
    Standard room: 195 DM
    Better room: 245 DM
    Junior Suite: 325 DM
    Suite: 425 DM
    Second person: 60 DM
    Third person in a Suite: 60 DM
    Kids under 14 can stay in their parents room for free.

    Seminar Prices, max. of 30 people
    Standard (inlcudes tables, chairs, overhead projector) 69 DM
    Multimedia Seminar (Standart plus computer connected to the internet, email address for the day, SVGA projector, access to Dolby surround sound system, video recorder and a DVD player) 250 DM

  • The only problem, every time they make a change on the rooms, they will need to demolish and rebuild.
  • Yes Tux...the ultimate bedpartner (get those sick thoughts out of your head..that IS NOT what i meant)
    You heard right, he's won't hear a single snore from him!
    And who needs a serta perfect sleeper? Tux never moves, drop a bowlling ball beside him, he won't mind or care! Best of all is Tux's multi-functioning way of operating...yes, it's true... tux can be making you bvreakfast while doing the laundry...all this wrapped up in a nice display that rivaly any other service like it.

    Tux... he's stable, he's able, and he's ready tp serve you! Book is limitied.
  • This hotel uses some sort of self made installation bus, controlled by Linux

    I wonder why there are no or few such applications like a "linux controlled" house or something...

    by "linux controlled" i mean elictrically e.g. a lightswitch is connected via ethernet or some sort of installation bus to the linuxbox, and the box decides what to do... e.g. turn the light on (also via some sort of network device)...

    There is some sort of bus called InstaBUS from Simens, but i have not seen any adapter for PCs..

    a adapter for serial would be fine, anyone??

    and then lets write a neat proggy in perl or something. :)

  • Just when everone's arguing whether open source is or isn't a political movement or is or isn't a religion, we get Linux hotels.

    The scary thing is, I actually think this is rather cool.
  • Wow, with Internet access in every room, who needs SpectraVision(tm)!

    A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and

  • I am ecstatic of the idea of Linux hotels, and I propose that the idea be taken even further and a chain of hourly charging Linux motels be opened now. After all, Linux geeks desperately need a place to bring all those hot drunk Linux chix0rs they pick up at LUG meetings. Just picture it, what could be more romantic than a night of Linux-themed sex0r with penguin bedsheets, wallpaper, magic fingers (controlled by a Linux box of course) and a condom vending machine that distributes condoms with penguin graphics stamped on them. This is a glorious idea for horny Linux geeks across the world!
  • I wonder if the maids have to image the drive after the guests leave. It'd probably not take as long as changing the sheets!
  • Just as an (important?) annotation:

    The text says something to the effect of
    "Of course, tux is not missing in any bed!".

    See how double negation works in German, too ...
  • Well, Essen isnt a bad place to live in (especially the south of Essen), but if you come to Germany as a tourist, you will probably find more attractions somewhere else (in Berlin, Munich or Hamburg, for example)... perhaps the most interresting thing is that Essen is not a city in the middle of nowhere, in this region are a lot of big cities next to each other. From Essen you can reach cities of comparable size (around 0.5 Mio people) like Duesseldorf, Dortmund, Bochum or Duisburg in less than 30 minutes, and there are a lot of smaller cities with 100000 inhabitants or more in the same region. But, as you said, Essen is a former industrial city, like all other in this region with the exception of Duesseldorf.

    Attractions in or around Essen are:

    • Many awful musicals that are surprisingly popular in Germany (Starlight Express, Joseph, Les Miseres and some smaller in D'dorf)
    • Warner Movie World in Bottrop
    Hmm, i cant remember more, this is probably not a good sign...
  • Hey, this is nice - you can use a laptop with Linux during your stay. Also available are reading materials concerning free software in addition to glossy magazines! Also they have " bath or whirlpool, either with view of the park or the old garden. Mini-bar, large color TV, fax machine, modem plug, Treca beds, ... and much more."
    In addition to stuffed penguins!! I had a lovely stuffed penguin as a child. In fact, i still have her! Mine was a good deal slimmer though.
  • better pass those tux under an ultraviolet
    light before you start to snuggle.
  • you say they have a modem plug in the rooms, don't they have some speedy line and an 100Mbit plug also in the rooms ? If so, I'll pack my bags today :)
  • Tux is in every bed, I forgot about "fehlen" when I translated. That sentence should be more like "Naturally Tux is missing in no guest rooms." or better said, "Naturally Tux is not missing in any guest rooms."

    Now I feel stupid, I think I need to work on my german some more. Thanks for pointing out my error nowonder.

  • Take a look at the page []. It tells that they work together with the essener linux user group []. It is possible to get individual lessons as an alternative to tv or bar-program.

    This should be a possibility for other linux user groups too. Then perhaps the penguin could sing other places than at Villa Birdsong.

    During the summer, I saw something about some hotel chain (Unfortunately I don't remember which) that planned to install PCs in every room. This should be a double opportunity for the linux community.

    • Someone who manages to convince some hotel chain that linux is better for them could earn some money.
    • By getting the business people who visits these hotels to try it, perhaps some of them would ask why this OS is not used in their own company.
  • Here it is: In co-operation with members of the Essener Linux user Group and full-time Linux specialist take place starting from November Linux seminars, evening classes and Workshops. Completely in the sense of the non-profit beginning of Linux many of the meetings and training courses are free. The mansion bird-sang by Linux computers is administered, and a Ethernet network with central Internet and EMail Router all guest rooms supply 100 MB. Notebook computer is available under Linux for the guests (DM 100 per day) and for training courses. In the evening we offer the possibility of non-standard single training courses (DM 170 per time hour) to interested business traveler in the room of the guest - a often welcome alternative to the television or bar program (those are naturally also available). Topic of the training (either Linux questions and/or general training courses to Internet, eMail etc.), point in time and duration
    1. A new reason to steal something from a hotel.
    2. I wonder if they replace them for every new visitor. You never know...
    3. ::drool:: Just imagine a bunch of these suckers in a Beowulf cluster

      I can imagine that if they had a Tux in every room, they'd soon quit, because I don't imagine many of them would stay past the first person to stay in that room. However, I noted a translation that said that they weren't actually going to have a Tux in every room (too expense, if you ask me).. but
      imagine the task of the notebooks. I know it'd be hard to steal one, considering the fact that they've got you on record as having checked one out, etc, etc... but.. another temptation to some.. actually, what I'm wondering is how much permissions you'll have over the notebook. I guess they'll just play it "safe" (at least, with a no-brainer like me, it'd be safe indeed from harm) and create a very limited user account. Of course, you could wipe the drive and re-install.. and they'd have a new distro; maybe *BSD, Mac, who knows... someone might even have the prankster idea to put Windows on the darned thing!! (ack!)

      I'm just interested to see how it goes... shall have to follow up on this.. hmm.. where's my bookmark list?
  • It's not that surprising.
    DE is, after all, the country where "The Kelly Family" tours endlessly.
    What's up with that?!
    No one outside of Germany knows who the Kelly Family is folks.
  • Just look at that fat beak. Maybe it's his brother or cousin, but it's not Tux :-)

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
