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Linux Software

LWN's Penguin Gallery 23

aqua writes "Linux Weekly News posted its penguin gallery, a collection of the various forms in which Tux has been used in logos and such. Some are quite entertaining." Great stuff! I'm glad LWN is doing this. I immediately sent them two new entrants myself. Perhaps you have a favorite penguin of your own for them. If so, please send it.
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LWN's Penguin Gallery

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  • by Erbo ( 384 )
    They left out one of my favorite penguins...the one opening a big ol'can of whoop-ass on one of our least-favorite billionaires, at the KMFMS [] (Kein Mitleid fuer Microsoft) site.

    "Free your code...and the rest will follow."

  • And my favorite, a Soviet-heroic worker style poster of Linus with marching penguins askedforit/lip_linux_manifesto.html

    The original image (click on the image next to the first paragraph) plus an interview with Linus.

  • I originally designed that ASCII penguin (Tom improved on it afterwards).

    All I need to do now is actually learn C... :)

  • man, that kicks all ass!

    of course my work laptop is grumbling now, because I tried to set that as my "active desktop" background. see i figured "finally a reason to view my desktop as a web page!"

    but I was wrong. it'll only let me view it in a window on my desktop. what fun is that???
  • Well, I thought LWN's server could take anything /. could send it...but we never tried with such an image-heavy page before. Things will be a bit slow for a bit.

    Thanks also for the pile of penguin suggestions, it's going to take a long time to work through them all....

  • has a version of Tux done in kernel source.

    But it won't actually compile, because they've removed all the spaces. It would be cooler to take some of the kernel source (perhaps the smallest subset of 1.0.9 that compiles to a working kernel), somehow combine the files into a single C / asm source file, and make that into a picture. Like some of the entries in the Obfuscated C Contest.

  • by pen ( 7191 )
    They should show a few preview images, and charge a subscribtion fee for the rest. AFAIC, has a new competitor...



  • 70% of these seem to be Tux with a brand name plastered on his stomach.
    We ought to try for more unique logos than that.

    Also, they seem to be missing the alpha penguin. Not that I ever cared for him myself - I think he looks like daffy duck peronally.
  • You know the url, you love the penguin! Who's your friend! Who's your god damn friend!!!
  • by andrewb ( 23571 ) on Friday October 08, 1999 @09:05PM (#1627750) Homepage
    Actually, it probably doesn't qualify, but for those who didn't see it on User Friendly [] yesterday, [] has a version of Tux done in kernel source.
    It's really rather spiffy, although it gives your browser some grief.


    • The two Slackware Tuxen b("Bobbed" Tux [] and Tux as Bob (Sorry, don't have a URL, but it's Tux with Bob's pipe. I only know it exists because I have button with it on it from this year's COMDEX-Chicago.))
    • Demon Linux Project (Using the Linux kernel with a BSD style setup) (An evil looking Tux with curved horns)

    And of course the Linux Image Montage Project [] has lots of logos there, including their very own Tux [].
  • They had a few good images,
    The 'Good morning Mr. Gates, I'll be your Server today' withg a giant Tux looming over Redmond.

    A farside inspired tux robot

    A cigar chomping penguin with a double-barreled shotgun an the Linux Quake article.

    And my favorite, a Soviet-heroic worker style poster of Linus with marching penguins

    I like seeing 3 linux magazines on the newsrack. There need to be more...
  • Now the big question is if you strip the ansi off it will it result in a working kernel :)
  • Sorry! Couldn't find the URL you

    NetLink's web server was unable to find the document you asked for. Either the URL is
    incorrect, or the maintainer of the site has removed the file. Please check the URL.

    For further assistance, contact
  • A buddy of mine made this one.

    DARTH TUX []

    Steven Rostedt
  • All I need to do now is actually learn C... :)

    Speaking of learning C, does anyone know of a good resource for learning C on Linux, for someone who is already familiar with programming in general?
    "I already have all the latest software."
  • my 3D tux...

    and, for those of you who can view Quicktime (Cinepak codec, 335k) .mov

    if you want a penguin like this, i may be persuaded to pose and render him in a variety of ways.

    drop me a line on
  • Goddamnit, they must have taken it down. I'll put it up on another server soon.. man that sucks.
  • Oh, my.

    Oh. . .my.

    I have to say, that is just the *coolest*. Now I'm gonna see if I can save it, resize it, convert it to .bmp and use it as the desktop on my '98 box.

  • Think about it, people, it would be cool. . .Tux in a cute little sailor fukuso, waving his gew-gaw encrusted energy staff around as he (she?) chases away the demon hordes of the M$ Empire. Bishjo Senshi Sailor Tux: what a concept!

    I think I'll run and hide now. ;-)

  • Nothing like Penguin images to brighten your day.

Human resources are human first, and resources second. -- J. Garbers
