Cygnus Announces "Embedded Linux Solution" 40
While I was unaware that this was even a problem, Cygnus Solutions announced EL/IX API which is "...a major step to pre-empt the fragmentation of embdedded Linux..." Essentially, it's an open source, configurable API that lets developers create software for embedded devices running Linux or Cygnus "eCos" OS. Standardization is a good idea, I suppose, and embedded seems to be the way the wind is blowing.
Might be offtopic (Score:1)
I am writing a document for a class (thankfully, my last english class) which requires me to contact an "expert" in the field I am discussing.
I find embedded systems to be fascinating and would like to contact anybody who has done development in the field.
Moderators I implore you not to knock my score, and potential "experts" I would ask that you either reply to this message or to email mf40467
in the domain of swt.edu so I can begin to ask questions pertaining to my paper's topic.
Yes, it is POSIX (Score:1)
(answering my own question ...)
Finally found some content at Cygnus' EL/IX page [cygnus.com], and it appears that this will be POSIX based.
It's going to include most of the base Unix API, the real-time extensions, POSIX threads, the ISO C library, and BSD sockets (minus STREAMS). I assume that the BSD sockets support means that eCos will have a TCP/IP stack, which another poster mentioned as a problem with eCos.
And, one of the design criteria is to make EL/IX a subset of the API that is already available on Linux, so this will not involve any Linux enhancements.
Go Cygnus! :^)
Re:Ecos/Linux embedded not suitable - GPL sealed f (Score:1)
I'm assuming that today's distributions still do that, in some form or another. Why not just disable support for just about everything? It's what I used to do when building customized rescue diskettes. The resulting kernel got pretty small.
(Disclaimer: I don't know jack about embedded systems, and I don't know whether this process would bring the size down
The GPL is another problem altogether...
Re:Ecos/Linux embedded not suitable - GPL sealed f (Score:1)
Linux was not designed to be a RTOS. A RTOS does not necessarily make the OS good for general purpose operation. I mean, a network switch, router, toaster, etc. has far different requirements than a PC. Real-time operating systems are more than just special scheduling. Often they're designed to be quite compact and have extremely modular functionality. They run in things like your VCR, DVD player, router, intelligent hub, palm pilet, etc. They are designed for very tight memory constraints. Some operating systems are very primitive, such as what runs in a VCR or your keyboard.
In our environment, for example, without all the things listed above, we use a unified memory space. All processes share the same memory space. We don't care about virtual memory since if a process dies it's probably catastrophic since most of the processes are interdependent.
In our product, a real-time process is often more like a TSR in that it is event driven and communicates with other processes via events.
Granted, there are places where Linux can work quite nicely, for example tivo [tivo.com], which, I must add, is a really cool product (and they'll burn a Linux CD with their kernel modifications upon request). But that's a different ballgame where a filesystem is important.
Cygnus (Score:2)
Thanks, Cygnus, and keep the software coming!
Fragmentation (Score:4)
The problem is that most embedded systems has no MMU. I know Axis [www.axis.se] have made some linux implementations and I have seen other local companies advertising about a job to deal with these problems.
Writing programs without an MMU to rely on is probably dependent on strict use of a good memory management system, and from what I have heard this is the main problem with linux and these applications.
Patrik Carlsson
Re:Not so good (Score:3)
egcs gave the folks who wanted the new features a place to hack, and check their results. The egcs team has done such a good job with these enhancements, that they have become the GCC maintainers.
I view this as a Good Thing.
Let us judge this announcement on its technical merit, and on its openness and free(dom)ness, and leave personalities at the door.
Re:Rob is an idiot (Score:1)
I could say that you are an idiot, but this is stupid and unproductive! Do you need the
I like
Re:Not so good (Score:5)
Embedded Linux users? (Score:1)
I design (soft) real-time industrial control software and there are some PHB's at work worshipping the Microsoft CE way...
I'd love some ammunition for getting embedded Linux in the door.
Stupid Q. (Score:2)
Re:Pre-empt Linux Fragmentation? (Score:2)
Of course the company will put a spin on their press releases. The better they sound, the more product they sell. Simple. But if this action helps out something like embedded Linux in the process, more power to 'em.
You are correct that the stock kernels are missing some stuff. To the best of my knowledge, Linux cannot currently run inside a doorknob. Other embedded system can and do.
And there are also other embedded systems that, for example, run Win95. I worked on one in college.
Re:Not so good (Score:1)
Re:Not so good (Score:1)
No matter what it looks like, there isn't a
Pre-empt Linux Fragmentation? (Score:2)
It's true that the stock kernels are missing some stuff that some embedded projects need. Maybe you need flash-disk drivers or real-time scheduling. And if Cygnus wants to jump in and provide these services, that's great (just so we all realize they're not the only ones). But a stock Linux kernel works great for a lot of embedded systems.
The real point here seems to be building some kind of a bridge between Cygnus' eCos embedded OS and Linux, so that apps that are a little too heavy for eCos can move to Linux and keep a common API. That's cool, too. But this press release portrays that as the savior of the embedded-linux world, and that's just degrading. It makes me respect Cygnus a little less.
Re:Rob is an idiot (Score:1)
Shut TF up and contribute to the Squishdot [squishdot.org] project. It's OpenSource [squishdot.org].
Maybe you can make a
more at EE Times (Score:1)
Is this just the POSIX APIs? (Score:1)
Both the business wire article and the e/lix page [cyngus.com] seem to be content-free about what e/lix actually is. Given that the eCos homepage says that they are thinking about implimenting the POSIX APIs, is e/lix simply a POSIX API for eCos?
If so, this is very cool, but not world-shattering. It would bring eCos into closer parity with the major proprietary RTOS's, and should make it easier to have more free (libre) software available for small embedded systems.
In any case, it's nice to see eCos and Cygnus getting good press. I hope they do well with eCos; IMNSHO the embedded-systems market is ripe for a good free OS.
Very interesting. (Score:4)
I think that the point that should be made is that while Cygnus will be supporting work for both eCos and embedded Linux, eCos is their baby. Now before someone gets all huffy and ticked off, note that eCos is a real time embedded system, and Opensource. And when it comes to embedded systems, designing real time into the kernel is a major boon as opposed to something like rt-linux where linux is essentially run as a process of a smaller real-time kernel (yes, that is an oversimplification, but basically true).
Quite frankly, I do not see embedded linux being able to run inside a doorknob anytime soon, there's a lot of work still to be done. eCos already has that ability, and according to the whitepaper Linux and gdb can be used as the development platform. The real point is that all the reasons I have heard of for wanting embedded Linux, seem to be embodied in eCos. POSIX compliant, open source, real time embedded system.
Ahem. Go Cygnus, go Cygnus, go Cygnus, go. (Insert cheerleaders and dance routine here)
Now all we need is support for broadband multimedia to take the settop box market away from CE. The fact that CE is pretty much guaranteed to have directx and realaudio/video is a *major* selling point.
And if you don't like what I had to say about embedded Linux, you know what you can do? Go code it. Get its development going that much faster.
Re:Very interesting. (Score:2)
This reminds me of what Java/Sun went through to get Java back into embedded systems. Original Java was way to big to fit in the proverbial doornob (or JavaRing, in their case), so they backed up and gave us several leaner versions targeted for small machines.
As far as DirectX and RealAudio/Video, what open standards-based technology exists that has equivalent serious capabilities of those two that could be incorporated into eCos and/or Linux?
I've glanced at eCos but never had the time to give it much review. Think I'll dig a little deeper. Thanks for the insites.
Yes MMU, No Process Model (Score:1)
What they don't have (as a rule) is a process model. Everything runs as a bunch of kernel tasks, or as a bunch of threads in one big user process. At the high end, there are RTOSs (e.g. LynxOS and embedded Linux) which have a full process model, but allow memory locking and preemptive scheduling.
Working in the embedded space takes a different mind set. Linux can definately be used in some cases, but its resource heavy compared to any RTOS I've looked at. Even LynxOS is highly configurable in terms of allowing you to pare the kernel down to a bare minimum. Of course, with Linux source code, anything's possible...
Rob is *no* idiot (Score:2)
If Rob Malda feels that ./ is not yet mature enough for OS - then it's 100% ok. ./ OS because he want's money for it - then it's 100% ok.
If Rob Malda never want's to make
If Rob Malda's coding abilities sucks and he is ashamed of them - then it's 200% ok
Why is it so hard for the Open Source community to accept that not everyone want to release their products as OS? If people want to go OS, then it's a great thing, but if people don't, then we should accept it and let them be commercial or whatever their desire is!!
RTEMS *is* GPLd (Score:1)
I'm assuming the reasoning is that you can then use RTEMS with GPLd code (Linux drivers, for example). The problem is, this may be legally questionable. I'm not a lawyer, but I would talk to one before embedding any GPLd code in a proprietary product, even with this "special exemption". Why didn't they allow the option of using the LGPL or the GPL? This would seem to achieve the same goal.
Ecos/Linux embedded not suitable - GPL sealed fate (Score:4)
I found RTEMS http://www.rtems.com [rtems.com] is an excellent solution. It is open source and has the latest BSD TCP/IP stack. The license also allows us to hack up parts of the kernel without having to release the source code back.
For our current product, any RTOS we use we need to make some custom changes to the TCP/IP stack (which involve changes that would NOT be of benefit to the open source community unless the company wanted to compete with us). The eCos license would let us do this, Linux does not.
Don't get me wrong. I support open source and feel that any changes that enhance a product, fix a bug, or whatever that are not proprietary to one specific application certainly deserve to be released back to the community.
Another problem with the Linux kernel is that it is far too bloated. It would take a lot of work to bring it down to size. For example, everything we have is in flash. There is no file system. Our current image, symbols and all, is around 1.25MB compressed (using Zlib, which incidently is much faster than Gzip). We have a lot of code and not a lot of room. Having a small kernel is often necessary. We don't need a file system, virtual memory, security, loadable modules, or many of the other features of the Linux kernel. In fact, due to the fact that everything must be physically linked to the kernel, this totally rules out Linux. The 1.25MB is EVERYTHING, all of our code, protocol snooping, debugger, routing, console, SNMP, and firmware for supporting a second CPU (which runs our custom RTOS which is only a few pages of code).
eCos and RTEMS fill the void nicely in that one can pick and choose which features get compiled in. Unfortunately eCos is missing some very important pieces (i.e. TCP/IP).
VxWorks is a pain in the *ss since it has numerous bugs (i.e. improper cache operation on the NEC VR4300 CPU) and has terrible support (after paying thousands of dollars a year it's not unusual to have to wait weeks or months for a response). Not only that, but we had to buy their networking source code which costs many thousands of dollars (it's mostly just the BSD 4.3 TCP/IP stack, nothing special, and various daemons).
I am seriously looking at moving to RTems in the future. They have always responded promptly and have the features we need. My boss was all for Linux until I told him about what was involved to use it, and the GPL immediately killed it.
If we do move to RTems, I would certainly make a number of the changes we would make available back to the source code, but there are a number of others that we cannot release (since there's competition).
Re:Very interesting. (Score:1)
99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code,
fix one bug, compile it again...
The major problem with running anything on Hand... (Score:2)
Re:Pre-empt Linux Fragmentation? (Score:1)
They did say *embedded* Linux. And they're right. There are RT-Linux, KURT, Embedix, Lineo and Hard Hat, to name a few. Linux proper has Linus and Ulrich (maintainer of glibc 2.x and a Cygnus employee) keeping the API unified, but this is not the case in embedded Linux land.
"Maybe you need flash-disk drivers or real-time scheduling."
Actually, Linux has had real-time scheduling since 2.0, at least. And there are flash-disk drivers too, at least on the PowerPC.
"this press release portrays that as the savior of the embedded-linux world, and that's just degrading."
A bit spin-doctored, all right, but you can't blame them. Their just trying to hitch eCos to the Linux band-wagon. They've put a ton of effort into EGCS and glibc, so I guess they deserve a break