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Linux Software

Infoworld on LinuxWorld 21

Will in Seattle writes "Catch the LinuxWorld hype and try not to gripe about why you aren't there. San Jose, here I come! " Good article stating some of known stuff coming out-and that's some interesting stuff still coming out.
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Infoworld on LinuxWorld

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  • Sheesh, there's some sort of "Giant Linux Expo Of the Century and you really have to be there!" every week.
  • And why are they all on either coast? It makes so much more sense to meet in the middle. :)

    Comdex in Chicago was nice (for being put by ZD), but I want a pure Linux show near here too...
  • Might be nice

  • Well to those of you complaining about it being on the West coast I came all the way from Australia!

    I have been creating a diary from when I first started to think of coming over for it. I am writing up each day and have photos from my new digital camera.

    You can see it all at http://gomed.rodos.net/trip99/ [rodos.net]. I am just about to write up todays (Monday - Tutorials), there is a link at the top of the page to each days details.

    Interesting thing, when I was taking photos on Sunday of when they were setting up (the area where they are doing keynotes looks cool) I had a few people mention about restrictions on taking photographs. I posted to the Linux World Expo news groups but no one has responed to my query about it yet. I am doing a report for Linux World on the "Linux on Laptops" BOF so I email the editor who I am in contact with, maybe she will know what the policy is.

    Raw reporting from the net, putting publishing in the people hands!

  • Good blurbs on a variety of happenings. The tone isn't exactly respectful, though, peppered as it is with stuff like "Linux fever", "infatuation", and "cobble together". Wait, guys, S/370 support is on the way....
  • Pu-lease folks! San Jose is suburban sprawl incarnate! Bad geeks have to go to San Jose. Good geeks get to stay in San Francisco and eat lots of sushi!
    I noticed
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "Big Blue also is providing an open platform reference design for OEMs to build PowerPC-based motherboards for Linux."

    woo-hoo! Now we'll be able to install LinuxPPC
    without paying the MacOS tax. How do the prices
    for PPC chips compare to x86 prices? I imagine
    the mo-boards will be pricier though...
  • Because anyone important lives on the west or east coasts. Think about it. New York/North Carolina/Silicon Valley.
  • This makes me *very* happy =) Mmmmmmm, open firmware.

    Joseph Foley
    InCert Software Corp.
  • Umm, no. Think about it. What about Dallas
    and Austin? Dell, AMD, metrowerks.

    And New York? What big tech companies besides
    IBM are in NY? Boston, yes.
  • Yet again a qoute that clamors on about the cost effectiveness of open source and linux. Thats not why I fight to have open sourced solutions in my work place... its not a a cost issue.

    Its an issue of simply being better. When will the mainstream get this?

    Openstep/NeXTSTEP/Solaris/FreeBSD/Linux/ultrix/OSF /...
  • PReP and CHRP have been around for years. LinuxPPC does run on them, but it appears to be difficult to install and LinuxPPC Inc doesn't seem to care since they have plenty of happy Mac-owning customers.
  • That's because Linux sells books, Linux sells magazine articles, and Linux sells convention tickets.

  • Errr, you can go see Linus for free (as in beer)
    I will be, first time, swooooon!
  • (so this is off topic by a mile and a half but give me a break huh?)
    A few things of note

    I have been going through slashdot withdrawal big time baby! but look what i find on my return...

    A knees up with CmdrTaco in San Jose - yippee!

    I had to look at this page's source code to find out <LI> usage.

    Aren't they cute?

    Adding a "I'm on vacation" button to user preferences to prevent slashdot from thinking you don't love it any more and are sick of posting would be cool.

    I have moved from QA to Dev (first day y'all!) fulfilling my pathetic Irish desire of becoming a coder in Silicon Valley.

    I am seeing Linus in person tommorow, dude SWEEEEET.

    Lake Tahoe rocks.

    So does my girlfriend who has returned to London :( *sniff*

    Whew! Got all that out of my sytem,
    xxx Anthony

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
