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Open Source Forum LUG Discounts 61

The folks at ZD are hosting the Open Source Forum in Texas June 30 - July 1 in Austin, TX. LUGs get special rates-so if you are interested in going, click below. Hot. That's what Austin on June 30 makes me think.
We would like to extend a special invitation to those that make up the heart and soul of LINUX, you the LINUX users. By following this link you can find out more about the ZD Open Source Forum and register for $349 (a 50% discount). Please use customer code > when registering to receive the discounted price.

This two-day, high-level conference will help you assess the real potential for Linux and other open source software as a solution for your business. This conference is designed to provide enterprise IT management with straight answers and practical insight in to the role of Linux and other open source software for enterprise business applications. ZD Open Source Forum will address the business and technical pros and cons of the open source software model, evaluate the viability of open source and develop strategies to support open source software within your organization.

When registering please use the following customer code > to ensure that you receive the discounted price. The conference program is filling up fast, so please register now to reserve your seat at the ZD Open Source Forum.

Thank you.

Kim Myhre
Vice President, ZD Studios

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Open Source Forum LUG Discounts

Comments Filter:
  • (wow, here's a prime example of why I should NOT be defaulting to a score of 2, but anyway, here goes...)

    Check out fonda.html for a story on the place, and you might search around (search for "miguel ravago") to see if you can find out where he is now.
  • by Cosmo ( 7086 )
    Finally, a cool conference here in Austin. It will be hot though. Awesome, I'm excited.
  • When first I scanned the story, I was amazed, to say the least. Why would the conferrence try to drag in LUGs? I live near the Univ of Washington, where LUGs and BUGS are thick as flies ...

    Then it hit me. Wait, they don't mean those who are "Lesbian Until Graduation" (BUGs are Bisexual Until Graduation), they must mean something else ...

    Only later did I twig to the thought of "Linux User's Groups" ...
  • Hello, fellow Dell employee. I went to go get lunch at the Whataburger today (11a.m.), and it took me 50min round trip, and I went through the drive through!!!

    (for those of you that don't know, the whataburger is only about 1 mile from Dell)
  • > 103 for five weeks straight in 90% humidity

    Congratulations. You just described Toronto. *sigh* Though to be fair, it's more like 100F but 100% humidity for 3 weeks straight. And you'll get 3 such heat waves between June and September.

    Ontario has the crappiest weather on Earth. As I understand Russian diplomats in Ottawa say: "Summers like Nigeria, winters like Siberia."

  • Actually, the 9th level of Hell was a huge sheet of ice with Lucifer frozen in the center. :) I think he had three heads and was chewing on Judas, Brutus and Cassius, but I could be mistaken.
  • They might even give you a dollar if you do it on Guadalupe :)
  • by Draco ( 1804 )
    Well, I'm not forking out that kind of cash to ZD by any means, but I'll certainly make the trip from Dallas for a gettogether.

    "TX /.-con" Wheeeeeeee.
  • ...but I'm not going to scotch doing LinuxWorld this year just to do the close-by conference. I can't budget the costs myself for this one and my employer's picking up the entire tab for Linux World. If I can get them to foot the bill for this one as well, I'll show... :->
  • Really? It's not even going yet. Wait a couple of weeks when the state jumps into the triple digits- then the fun begins. Personally, I plan on spending a LOT of time in my new pool this year! ;-)
  •'s a dry heat. Houston is so humid! This is the beginning of my first summer in Texas and I happen to live in Houston. What was I thinking? :)
  • I'm in Houston right now, and I have to say the only difference between the 9th level of Hell and Texas is that Hell is 10 degrees cooler.
  • I'm in Dallas, but I'll make the drive. Count me in for an outing.
  • I think Hole in the wall is still there, looked kinda dank so I never ventured in, but it is still there.
  • by Glith ( 7368 )
    Austin's great!

    Being in Austin, I'd have to say that it's a really good place for this conference. It's always been a strong technical and *NIX town, and it's *gasp* not on the east or west coast, which means the suits won't be able to find it.

    It's actually not that bad over the summer. Now Houston... that's where the heat and humidity combo get you. We'll crank up the a/c for ya and serve up some Tex-Mex. Come on down!
  • woohoo! finally something i can GO to. i hate all the "should we have XYZ conference on the east coast or on the west coast" crap.

    now i just need $350...
  • Oilcan's is still going strong. It's not really my kind of place, though. I've always preferred the Chain Drive at Cesar Chavez and Red River. It's a leather bar. :o)
  • by Booker ( 6173 )
    Every time I see austin come up in a story, the austin-based /.'ers come out of the woodwork... there seem to be a lot of them! I think we need to organize an outing - go see how Chuy's can cope with the slashdot effect.

    Actually... that's not a bad idea in general. Might be fun to organize outings for slashdotters around the world...
  • HA! I made the opposite move. I lived in El Paso and moved to Austin, after a short stay in Amarillo. The only thing I liked better about El Paso is it was 110 and DRY, instead of Austin's 105 and 95% humidity...
  • Is anyone else suspicious as to why ZD, of all companies, is sponsoring this? This is, of course, our friend Berst's company.

    This hardly looks like something a Linux geek should be excited about going to. Looks like they're targeting PHBs. Who knows what will happen - will they try to point them TOWARD open source, spew FUD about open source, or (heaven forbid) try to be objective?
  • Count me in.

    Sheesh, between car meets and now /. meets, I won't have any spare time!
  • Then there's the Intersection From Hell:
    FM 1325 as it crosses I-35. Pack a lunch.
  • Is this a Linux only discount? Or do *BSD User Groups get a discount as well?

    Given the code is "UG" and not "LUG" I assume it's open to all the user groups, but it'd be nice to know for sure.


  • Just wear a mask and don't give your name.
  • Pfft. Austin's tech industry is the strongest in Texas. It also has the best CS school. The so-called youngins I'd refer to would be pre-college students, which would be more in the larger cities, like Dallas and Houston. It's an overgeneralization anyways.
  • by Booker ( 6173 )
    Unfortunately, Miguel is no longer at Fonda San Miguel... I suppose you could call it Fonda sans Miguel.

    The food's still pretty darn good, though.

  • Think they'd mind if I kept an electronic log of the entire conference? If not, I find the whole thing vaguely ironic.
  • Thanks, that would be great... (at least it would be great if I had ever used AIX before)
  • Since all the Austin folks are here....

    Anyone know of a good Jr. level Linux programming and/or sys admin job in Austin?

    I've been trying to get a job with a certain company's upcoming Linux Support Center, but they've been telling me "any day now" since December! They're just not ready to hire yet. AAARGH.

    Still living in rainy Oregon,
  • I know that DejaNews has part of their operations based in Austin... (In the arboretum) And I also know that they are looking for some really highly skilled/hardcore Linux Admins... Plus People that are godlike with INN. Ya might want to check out their employment link on their website...

    Anywho.. Austin Does have a decent amount of *nix jobs.. but for folks like me (Crazy NT admins) I'm actaully having to relocate to Milwaukee to get a decent paying NT Admin job. :-/
  • As a long-time Austin resident and Texican native, I'd have to take exception with this.

    It doesn't hit triple digits until August. ;D

    Seriously, though, if you're not used to higher temperatures, stay inside as much as possible. And remember the "shock" factor of going from air-conditioned space at 78 degrees F to 95 F -- this is where most natives even get summer colds.
  • You can thank Mr. Dell for making Austin too PC-centric.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
