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Linux Software

Panel Linux(r) Show Tonight 15

Well I guess tonight I'm going to be a guest on the Weekender Show which is being run tonight by the boys from the Linux Show over at along with a panel of folks including Larry Augustin and Chris DiBona (from VA) Dave Sifry (from Linuxcare) and Doc Searls and Matt Cunningham from the Linux Journal. It starts at 11:20pm Eastern, and runs for awhile, so we'll see how long before I fall asleep. The topic will be a practical discussion of what Linux can do for an organization. You can call in at 888-591-TECH.
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Panel Linux(r) Show Tonight

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  • sorry all I saw was the shoutcast server. Just a quick take on it. is that wrong? I guess I could have worded it better. sorry
  • Not to nitpick. but it's a shoutcast server. Not much difference really 'cept the sound quality will be higher as it chops...
  • It will be on demand at for the next week.
  • That's what tapes, different show times, and the like are for. Will this even be shown international?

  • 23:20 eastern, that would be 5:20 central european, 6:20 Finnish time. I guess they didn't think of europeans when planning this... :-)

  • Doh! I didn't read the article.

  • Maybe you should check the facts before you "nitpick". They do have a Realplayer Server, and they were using it. They were also providing streaming Windows media, and Shoutcast.
  • Will this even be shown international?

    Hmm let's think about this for a moment. Being broadcast over the Internet...hmmmmm.
  • The reason why the show is broadcast at the time it is is because of most of usual participants are on the west coast. FYI we have listeners live from around the globe. But most of the european listeners pick up the archive.
  • What does this have to do with Linus? No offence to Rob, but I don't think watching this show is Linus' top priority.
  • Well, i hate to be negative, but that really was a pretty lousy show. VERY poorly managed on the part of the moderator. The topic of the show was supposed to be based around the question of why to use linux in educational and business environments... but I never really heard a convincing argument. No one seemed interested in being there. The first half of the show was pure linux bashing... i have to give them credit for giving an honest, open discussion of linux on the desktop though. Basically except for a less-than-knowledgable caller no one had a positive view of linux on the desktop. As sad as it sounds, unfortunately I had nothing better to do with a Saturday night... oh well 8 (

  • FWIW, Rob passed out before 0025 Eastern when he was called on to plug slashdot...
  • I don't know if anybody else feels the way I do, but for me, listening to anything in real audio is slightly less fun than, say, eating glass. Will a transcript of this show be made available?

    I wonder what the slashdot effect will do to the realaudio server...


  • Well... No matter what time they did it it would be early in the morning for someone... I guess they decided to do it at a time when Linus would be awake... sounds resonable to me..

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
