Linux.com Debut 22
webslacker writes "According to ZDNet, Linux Systems will open up the much-coveted Linux.com website on Tuesday. Pretty good timing too... I can give it a visit before I get in line for you-know-what. " Hmm. I thought they were going to wait until
Expotime, but I guess not. OctobrX, Linux.com webmaster and former themes.org head, will be in the Slashdot booth during the Expo. CmdrTaco is also one of the linux.com board members. I can't wait to see the site. Update: 05/17 11:39 by J : A news.com article about it.
Re:Good for who? (Score:1)
- linux.com is linux.com. measure it's merits after we bring it online.
- linux.com is made by a group of people putting a LOT of time in and they aren't necessarily getting money for it. some of them write software, some of them do awesome graphics. some of them are hard working admins doubly triply checking everything to keep the users happy.
- how can you feel betrayed when the site hasn't even come online yet? judging the book by a placeholder pamphlet?
I feel embarassed that the typical slashdotter comment here is derogatory about linux.com, is that all you guys can do is make derisive remarks? these guys are working their butts off to try and earn -the- linux site title. not by pushing other people out of the way but by pleasing the community the most.
linux.com isn't about making a quick buck for VA or shoving Red Hat down your throat. be fair about it and wait until it's online. there's a lot coming to the future.
Good for who? (Score:4)
After reading news.com's article about what Linux.com is going to be used for there is only one conclusion to make: Some people are looking for money in their pockets.
Is it not enough that Slashdot is associated with Linux that you must go out and focus entirely on Linux?
I hate to say it, but this is not part of the original free software spirit.
Who will get to chat on this so-called Linux news site? Just the ones who praise Linux (exactly how Slashdot works today)? Hell, if someone says something that is true, but not what a moderator wants to hear they drop it down. This is a pure FUD driven scheme since most moderators are Linux lovers (*gasp* bigots).
Why not link Linux.com to Linux.org? Linux.com should be an unbiased place for information on the Linux kernel that provides information about GNU also. Something Slashdot (or clone of) will never be.
I feel betrayed that Linux.com is not being ran by contributors of free software that know the value of freedom of information, but by people pushing the hype bandwagon.. possibly for their own benefit.
If Linux programmers dislike the community they will leave. If programmers leave there will be no software. If there is no software then true Linux enthusiasts lose. But, freshmeat.net, slashdot.org, and themes.org can all jump ship to the next big thing. Be it FreeBSD, NetBSD, or some other OS. And I believe once the Linux hype simmers down many of you will jump ship. Including VA Research. Linux hype can not go on forever. Outsiders want in now, but Linux is not designed for the outsiders. Unix is an OS designed for programmers (computer enthusiasts). You can't change a 30 year old design in a few months by hack job programming (GNOME/KDE on X on Linux kernel) to accommodate non-programmers (non-computer enthusiasts).
Learn from the masters - www.freebsd.org (Score:2)
As a longtime FreeBSD user and bigot, I can proudly say that www.freebsd.org is an absolutely awesome resource the linux community would do well to copy outright.
PS - Its yet to be
Re:Good for who? (Score:2)
Do a search on
Bzzt (Score:1)
Re:Make up your minds... (Score:1)
Re:Make up your minds... (Score:1)
Rants.. (Score:1)
Anyways I hope VA puts a lot of work into Linux.com and makes it an aw[e]some resource for users. Maybe some user columns, newbie tutorials, etc.. etc... I hope its not all a big add for VA... Anyways,
Stan "Myconid" Brinkerhoff
Re:Make up your minds... (Score:1)
Huh. I guess your day has only 9 hours in it. Mine has 24. On top of that, there's always the possibility of unforeseen delays. Oh, but I forget - they should have warned you in advance.
"VAR has no right to call themselves a Linux vendor, IMNSHO."
They sell Linux boxes. They don't sell boxes with all available Linux software, but then why should they? They don't sell boxes with every piece of Linux-compatible hardware in them either.
"You can specify to REMOVE 'Linux Office Suite 99.' Who the hell assumed I wanted that shite on a *SERVER*!? I don't want some trashy setup; I want a real system that has only components I choose. If I can't get that at least to a certain extent, you won't get my business."
So when VAR gives you the option to either have or not have a given component installed, you complain that you can't choose what software is installed?
Not to mention the fact that some people buy Linux-based systems to *NOT* use as a server. *Some* people even have the gall to use Linux as a workstation! *Gasp*!
I agree that it would be *nice* if VAR decided to preinstall other distributions/OSes, but I never planned on buying from them anyhow so their decision doesn't affect (or bother) me in the slightest.
Re:Yet another Link to Bookmark! (Score:1)
Re:The /. effect cometh... (Score:1)
Everyone who visits linux.com on Tuesday: visit microsoft.com too, and we'll see who's the last one standing.
Re:Make up your minds... (Score:1)
Make up your minds... (Score:1)
VA Research buys linux.com. Sits on it for a couple of months, with big fat VAR ads all over it, now says it's opening today (Tuesday), and at 9:17a Eastern, it's still nothing but a giant VAR ad.
It's not enough that VAR only offers RedHat, a distribution which I explicitly *refuse* to run. If they force this kind of policy on LHS (who was more than happy to sell me a laptop with absolutely no OS, but explained that they had to install something for burnin.) then I'm going to lose a lot more faith in the 'commercial supporters.' As if I had much faith and/or trust in them as is.
Damnit, I don't want your Windows. I don't want your goddamned HP-SUX. I don't want your goddamned DG-UX. I don't want your goddamned OpenVMS. I don't want your bullshit media-baby distributions, either. I want a real system. With a distribution of my choice. And no bullshit.
VAR has no right to call themselves a Linux vendor, IMNSHO. They sell ONE distribution. That's not Linux. That's RedHat. Where's Slackware? Where's Debian? Where's Stampede? Nowhere to be found.
The people at LHS were very kind and corteous, and even though it took them a full day to return my call, at least they did. I never got a callback from VAR. There is no option at VAR for 'no operating system.' You get commercial RedHat, no other option.
You can specify to REMOVE 'Linux Office Suite 99.' Who the hell assumed I wanted that shite on a *SERVER*!? I don't want some trashy setup; I want a real system that has only components I choose. If I can't get that at least to a certain extent, you won't get my business.
VAResearch has proven to me that they are incapable of offering me what I demand, much less *trying* to. One distribution. Who knows what kind of hardware in some cases. Forget that bullshit. I'm going to keep right on building my own systems, and buy a laptop from LHS.
Down with the false supporters; long live choice. Long live customer service.
-RISCy Business | System Administrator, Nexbell Communications
world domination (Score:2)
i'm interested in how linux.com will diversify itself significantly from
no matter what direction the site takes there can be little doubt that it is another feather in the cap for linux making open source technology even more accessible to the enlightened and newbies alike. and another nail in the coffin for microsoft.
slashdot involvement probably does explain however the noteworthy absence and erratic postings in the last 48 hours or so on slashdot as there must be a fair amount of tweaking going down as the new titanic sets out for a maiden voyage in a few hours time.
the countdown is on...
Yet another Link to Bookmark! (Score:2)
My understanding of that statement is that VA will host this site out of good will, using it ONLY to benefit the Linux community as a whole. Information found on LINUX.COM will NOT favor any particular distribution, vendor and/or commercial endeavor over another. All of VA's sales and marketing campaigns will be confined to other sites.
Is that what they mean? Is is really possible? Since VA is hosting this site, will they allow posting of information that criticizes their systems? How will banner ads (if any) be selected ?
If you twist and rotate the "V" and "A" in the VA logo, you end up with a great big "M" . . . or perhaps I just need some sleep. I will check the site again in six hours or so!
You weren't paying attention (Score:1)