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Linux Software

Linux kernel 2.3.1 Gifted Unto Us 31

30 bazillion readers wrote to say that kernel 2.3.1 is out: a ChangeLog is available here. Standad warnings, everyone-don't play with what you don't know, and expect to have everyone bail you out. In related news, Linus will be appearing at the Lotus DevCon 99' - more information is availible.
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Linux kernel 2.3.1 Gifted Unto Us

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    What's the point of these kernel announcements? At first I thought it was funny when people criticised these articles but now those announcements are really starting to piss me off. Nobody except kernel developers use these kernels anyway! These things change so fast that we can expect new announcements almost every single day. Could those idiots who submit the articles please start using their brains?
  • I kinda agree with you, but I kinda disagree with you. In my eyes, 2.3.1 is reportable. It marks the start of a new development cycle, and thus is news. (And that only because 2.3.0 was really the same as the stable kernel, with the version number changed.) 2.3.2 and so on shouldn't be reported, I think. The day someone posts a story titled "Kernel 2.3.45 is out" I'll be mad.


  • According to "finger @linux.kernel.org", 2.3.2 is already out.

    I've got to get a faster machine to do my dev kernel testing on. At this rate, my poor old 386-40 won't be able to keep up. :)
  • There already is one. It's called "LinuxHQ Kernel Versions".
  • Takes it about 4 hours to compile a recent kernel. I upgraded it from 8M to 20M of RAM back around 2.1.120 or so... before that, it would take it 7-8 hours, sometimes more. Not a big deal... I'd start it up, leave it alone overnight, and in the morning, there'd (usually) be a shiny new kernel waiting for me.

    Oh, and I run X on the thing, too. :) It really doesn't have enough horsepower to handle X and Netscape at the same time, so when I want to read Slashdot on it, I run Netscape on one of my other machines and use display redirection... very handy.

    The slowest compile I've ever personally witnessed was on my laptop. 386SX-25, 4M of RAM. Took it a little over 12 hours to build a 1.2.13 kernel.
  • Posted by FascDot Killed My Previous Use:

    Last I heard Linus wouldn't take KGI...
  • by smash ( 1351 )
    Linux zero 2.3.2 #1 Sat May 15 18:27:56 WST 1999 i686 unknown

    need i say more? ;)

  • A new kernel is released. So.. thats not necessarily earth shattering news...

    BUT, to all the people whining about it:

    I (and I am guessing many others) are interested in reader's comments on the kernels which are released ;) Sure.. there is the kernel mailing list, but thats pretty heavy traffic, unless you get the digest, which is then pretty slow (a few times a day).

    So.... i think there IS a place for kernel news here ;)

  • the reasoning is simple: the de facto graphics standard is X. the unix console only does text. As long as the kernel can recover the framebuffer everybody's happy.

    why put code into the kernel to make the console graphics capable when the unix-portable graphical layer is X?

    it works, it's portable - why change it?
  • Dual P2-350 on asus p2b-ds....
    Maybe the SMP patches weren't that good :)
    Haven't checked the uniproc version yet.

    It feels good to finally have a development branche again. Can't wait to see KGI in the kernel. Yes, hardware drivers belong in the kernel.
  • Why not?

    If you don't like it, you can always disable it. I think that running suid root binaries (even if you have the source) is a scary thought.

    And if we had things like KGI, it would be easier for hardware manufactuars to write drivers. The XFree people could then fully concentrate on the 'real' X-Windows stuff.

    Just my thought...
  • this was getting excessive with the 2.2.x series, but now the 2.3.x? come on...if you want the latest greatest, look on freshmeat, linuxhq, mailing lists, or just check the kernel.org mirrors everyday. granted, 2.3.0 was newsworthy (starting of the branch, not the renaming), but this is just getting stupid. Next thing we're going to see is that all the newbies who got in on linux because of the hype and never read the full manual are going to be complaining how 2.3.x wouldn't boot, etc, why is linux broke? anyways, to end the rant, /. is not a dedicated kernel.org portal.
  • Now I like seeing the kernel announcments on slashdor
    But, perhaps instead of being under "Linux", they should be filed under "Kernels" or somethine of a similar vein, so all you guys who don't wanna know (and I can understand why you wouldn't :) can ignore them.
    Just a thought :)
  • According to you newbies should be treated
    as idiots? and we must protect their poor
    little eyes against temptations to put
    stuff that could damage their PCs.

    Newbies have many more imaginative ways to
    destroy their PC than you seem to realize.

    The experienced person who hoses his PC with
    screwed up stuff isn't likely to be in any better
    shape than the one who doesn't know shit.
  • by nowonder ( 11583 ) on Friday May 14, 1999 @10:07AM (#1891976) Homepage
    a normal kernel announcement IMHO should
    not appear on the frontpage. especially
    not if we are talking about development kernels
    (2.1.xxx stopped somewhere in the 130's - that'd
    be more than 130 announcements).

    it's completely ok to announce the first version
    of a new stable or development branch. it may
    then be ok to announce some more stable versions
    as they increase in stability. also announcing
    development kernels can IMHO be okay, if there
    is a specific new feature implemented
    people might really care about (like when ntfs
    support was added to the 2.1.xxx branch).

    just my 0.02 euros
  • Hm, I didn't expect that kind of Spanish Inquisition...

    Well, honestly, should Slashdot start to actually censor news, just because some people may misunderstand them?

    I for one want to be informed about the devel series and since Slashdot is my No 1 source of information I expect it to pass everything noteworthy, may it be "dangerous" to some or not.

    "Newbies" will find many more ways to spoil their box then you might imagine.


  • After using 2.3.1 for a few hours, I encountered a big bad kernel panic when trying to run mpg123 - hopefully this will be fixed in 2.3.2! :)

    It's reproduceable, too... just try it :).
  • That Lotus link was priceless! Try using Lynx to visit it. You get to see the part that says "Welcome to the non-framed version of www.lotus.com." Press the link and where does it take you? Oh, my god, can that be.. FRAMES?
  • Look I want to hear about each incremental update
    of Linux kernels. Even the development ones. But
    for those who don't, they could disable the 'Linux
    kernel' topic. If there was one.
    What do you reckon?
  • Those who care know where to find out. This isn't Freshmeat. Let's try to avoid newbies flooding the lists and usenet groups.
  • I think it is VERY interesting to see the start
    of a new kernel branch. :P

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