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Linus at Fermilab: A report of the event 8

Dan Yocum (Hi Dan!) writes "Well, since Comdex is over and there isn't much threat of me getting whacked by their mob, I guess I can point people to a report of the "Linus at Fermilab" event, written up by Steven Adlerif they're interested. A pretty complete transcript of the event is included. The event was pretty technical and the report was written by a nuclear physicist, but it's still a pretty good read. " Update: 04/26 11:14 by H :Steve sent an update to let people take a look at his Comdex 99 update.
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Linus at Fermilab: A report of the event

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    As is usual, Mr. Adler fails to give proper credit to any Linux distributor but Red Hat. I was at Comdex in Chicago, and I can honestly say that Red Hat did not have a stellar presence; Caldera and SuSE had pushing, yelling, boisterous crowds at their booths almost all the time (they weren't in the "pavillion", but instead were in separate booths like Red Hat), and I can only guess that Mr. Adler was so enamored following around Bob Young that he failed to look south to see the huge crowds Caldera and SuSE entertained.

    Sorry, but I'm finding it harder and harder to take this gentleman seriously, at least as a writer. He ignored the real stars of the Linux arena at Comdex, instead doing whatever he could to promote his favorite distribution. When he decides that promoting Linux -- not just Red Hat -- is what's important, I'll start taking him seriously.
  • Where can we get copies of Linus speaking. Any would work. I just wanna hear him speak about Linux and how it has grown :)
    NaTaS -Civ:CTP for Linux. Go here for the latest news and info on the upcoming game by Lokisoft!!!
  • Set your level to '-1' first - I already posted
    this one many hours back...

    There goes my default scoring. Serves me right.

  • Not only was my original comment censored,
    but the picture has now been removed!

    This is looking increasingly sinister.

    I suspect a underground plot to suppress
    dissent in the Linux community and promote
    the image of a beer-swilling, hard-working,
    lumberjacking Nord.

    Not a super-intelligent alien with light

    I have the picture on my hard drive for proof.

    Let's get to the bottom of this before history
    is rewritten and the Truth is buried.

    Linus Torvalds is Zarathustra!!!!
  • It's back

    ZD has put what looks like a home video of Linus's speech, the cameraman is all over the place, but the home grown look to it is somehow fitting. About 55 min long at 34Kbs quality. Plus there are bonus interviews with Linus and a Comdex reporter for ZDnet. Have fun.
    Linus at Comedx []
    and for the link impaired s/story/0,3679,2242841,00.html

  • A quick skim read of it, and that (above) is my conclusion. we should hear more of him speaking, (and reporters with better notes) in the future.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
