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Linux Software


The Atlanta Linux Showcase folks have put out their annual CFP (call for papers). They are looking for papers 1500-5000 words, with the corresponding talk being about an hour long. This year's Showcase is being held in conjunction with a USENIX tutorial session from October 12th to the 16th. I know I'll be there.
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  • I spoke with the webmaster for the Atlanta Linux Showcase and apparently they are looking for something more than product demonstrations this year; they're looking for papers on serious technological advances having to do with Linux. If you're thinking about submitting a paper for the Showcase, don't go by previous Showcases for examples of the caliber of paper they're looking for. You'd be better off looking at previous USENIX conferences, in fact!

  • I always read about all of these Linux get togethers ect.. I hope one day they have more Linux-related get togethers in Dallas Tx :P
    NaTaS -Just got the Civilization: Call to Power Message-board up! Come on in and ask questions about the game!

Did you know that if you took all the economists in the world and lined them up end to end, they'd still point in the wrong direction?
