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Cover Story on Linux, plus An Interview with Linus 34

agermain writes "VARBusiness magazine is featuring a cover story on Linux in its April 12 issue. It details Linux's growing acceptance in small business and how value-added resellers and consultants can profit installing and integrating the OS for their customers. Also online is a Q&A with Linus Torvalds, the Wizard of OS, plus a pretty funny profile of Torvalds by the two reporters who interviewed him. The online Linux page rounds out the package with recent stories for resellers and useful Linux links. "
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Cover Story on Linux, plus An Interview with Linus

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  • If he was running a 386 at 266, just wait 'till he uses those same techniques for a quad Xeon/1500. :)
  • If it isn't, I would love to get my hands on a 386 266MHz computer. Just because...
  • Heh. Ever seen Tove? She looks like a refridgerator. I wouldn't mess with her even if she doesn't know Karate. No offense Linus, I'm just saying....

    -Rev. Randy
  • by Whisper ( 2382 )
    I dont think there is such thing as a 386DX2-66. As far as I know, the highest 386 was a 386DX-40. There was a DX, SX and SL, but no DX2, so I have no idea what the author was talking about, unless they meant a 486.
  • Oh, how I loved Nibble. Too bad you had remember to replace all PRINT statements with ? as to not exceed 255 characters per line, no spaces between :'s, etc. At least they started doing checksums with their programs later on, which was kind of stupid because you had to type in the checksum program to begin with... Ahh, the memories. Too bad my ex-non-sentimental roommate decided my stacks of Nibble from June '85 to July '90 were garbage. Argh.
  • It's the same old recycled information, all packaged in a cutesy wrapper. The writing style was pathetic. I had journalistic skills like that in early high school.
  • Maybe the ruskies were giving their MIG-17's away for that price, but who would take one of them except maybe for display. The 29's were more like $100,000 at the cheapest. Still dirt cheap for a fighter on par with a US F-16.
  • "[from] Larry Ellison saying he'd like to take his MIG up to Redmond".

    Hehe. Wouldn't we all? ;-)

    You have to know that Ellison is so filthy rich that he bought himself a Russian MIG.

    (On the other hand, Gates is also filthy rich so who knows he has bought himself some discarded SDI equipment...)

  • you wrote:
    "You have to know that Ellison is so filthy rich that he bought himself a Russian MIG."

    I think MIGs were going for around $15,000 - $25,000 some years back. Russian breakup and all. Now he has to be filthy rich to maintain it if he intends to fly the thing. That must be exspensive.

    Here is a link to one of Bill's upset neighbors. Sick of all the construction for a family of 3.5! otogal/196601.jpg

  • The first time I wrote a letter to a newspaper editor, he kindly changed a 'was' to a 'were' and screwed up my subject/verb agreement. I was royally pissed off, because the letter was about the school system, and I was still in High School. All my English teachers saw it, and probably thought I was the one who made the mistake.

    I also got a "Last Word" letter printed in "The New Scientist" and although my letter was crystal clear, the editor decided to change my wording so that the published letter actually said exactly the OPPOSITE of what I had written to him.

    I wrote to the editor that aboriginal peoples in the far north now wear glasses in the same proportions that other peoples in the world do. This is because the eye has a feedback mechanism which causes it to enlongate to the proper degree as it develops, depending on what the eye is looking at most of the time. Now that aboriginal peoples read books and go to school, the feedback mechanism is causing the eye to develop in a more enlongated way, causing near sightedness.

    The idiot editor at "The New Scientist" changed my letter to say that the eyestrain from switching back and forth from books to polarbears and seals at a distance causes nearsightedness! Bah! It's damn frustrating.
  • "kata" is not a style of karate, kata are karate exercises...damn computer journalists don't know anything...*grin*
  • i think that the funniest thing in the article is the bit where they say that his new portable (vaio) runs windows.
  • by Hos ( 13441 )
    Thanks, and I feel really dumb since it says
    this in the body of the /. story submission.

    Thanks again,
  • by Hos ( 13441 )
    Not a bad article, I have one question though:
    What the heck is a VAR? They throw this acronym
    around like its going out of style, but I can't
    find anywhere on their site where they define
    what VAR stands for!

  • I liked their terminolgy, especially how Linus
    "wrote linux", and did so on a "266-mhz" 386. Hah! Typical non-techie article. Otherwise I thought it was pretty interesting.

    I figured Linus was more a Slakware kind of guy.. Maybe I'll have to take a look at Red Hat.
  • Doesn't this article say Jay Jacobs were quoted $700 per site for SCO/NT but $50 per site for Linux licences? Surely they only need 1 Redhat licence at $50 for all their 125 stores.
         Give them a break - I'm involved in publishing, and I've seen editors "fix" typos over and over again.

         Did you know that it's Linux DOS (an editor adding the dropped "D")? Or that a modern computer has 32 megs on the harddrive (a result of the editor adding verbage to fill out a column)?

         It's my second pub/ed peeve. The first is when they word wrap (or even worse, re-paragraph) source code. Anybody ever try inputting source from Nibble Magazine when they tried to squeeze code onto one page?


  • Worse than that, There was no 386-DX266 either. 16/20/25/33/40, Thats all there was.
  • Nope, sorry - he threw out the only 266 mhz 386 ever in existance! :-)
  • Vendors And Resellers. It worked for this article at least.


  • Coolness-o-rama! Best penguin I've seen to date!
    They have a dancing penguin at the top of the Linus interview page. The article is so-so, but the penguin makes up for that.

  • Ack! Penguin is on the Linux/VAR top page.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by AJWM ( 19027 )
    VAR = Value Added Reseller

    As opposed to OEM, Original Equipment Manufacturer, or to just plain distributor or reseller that doesn't add anything.

    (Sometimes the 'value' of what VARs add is questionable...)

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
