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Linux Software

Free LinuxExpo Exhibit Passes 23

Well, I seem to be the Santa Claus of conference exhibit-only passes today. As the title would make obvious, we've got fifty free LinuxExpo passes. The conference is in Raleigh-Durham, May 18-22. Click below if you want address information and such.
OK, kids, I need a stamped, self-addressed envelope. I'm not paying for your fun. :) Send that to: LinuxExpo Passes 116 E.18th Holland, MI 49423
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Free LinuxExpo Exhibit Passes

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  • Wordperfect does (or at least used to) include a font which comes out as barcodes. Any worthwhile label software will do it too. The bar code is just the zip code.
  • I want it!!!!!!!! gimmie gimmie gimmie NOW!!
  • Well expect a Saturday Delivery FEDEX pack from me :)
  • > now we get to /. the US Postal Service, too!

    This brings up an intersting question (that should probably be posted to "Ask Slashdot").

    Does anyone know about the routing information printed via the half barcode on the bottom of the letters the USPS delivers? I assume they have something to do with the zip code, but:
    • Do they print them at the local post office after they pick them up and then use them for routing while in transit?
    • Are there any codes for things like "stay in the system, just going round and round and round and never leaving the auto sorter", or anything?
    • Any webpages with information about this sort of thing?

  • DO we just mail this envelope and get free tickets? Do we need an address, a phone number, anything included? ???

    bleh... answer me if possible
  • now we get to /. the US Postal Service, too! Is there any transport medium we can't grind to a screeching halt? 'course, the USPS isn't exactly known for its blazing speed in the first place. if this spreads much farther, we're in big trouble - just think of what the /. effect could do to lines at the DMV...
  • what happens when you get 8000 self-addressed stamped envelopes?

  • Ah, sounded tempting but I'm just going there to browse the booths and basically bask in the whole damned concept.

    Besides, the odds of me being one of the first 50 if I don't fedex the damned thing...? =)

  • You mail a self addressed stamped envelope. In other words, and envelope with *your* name and address on it, and with a stamp on it. You put that envelope *inside* another one with thier address on it, and a stamp as well.
  • > if this spreads much farther, we're in big
    > trouble - just think of
    > what the /. effect could do to lines at
    > the DMV..

    Hahahaha. Yeah, right. /. is great at slowing remote things down, but NO BODDY can top the DMV. Even /. coulnd't make the DMV slower. /. is of the Earth - powered by nerd-geeks, but the DMV has supernatural powers culled from their friends in the 7th circle of hell.

    Just my 1.9 cents worth.
  • by drwiii ( 434 )
    Now to find fifty self-addressed stamped envelopes.. }:>
  • Hey y'all- you do realize that these are exhibit passes, right? That means no talks, right?
  • I wrote you a month ago asking for dibs on a freebie. :) Oh well. See all ya'll there!

  • Man... Since this went up I've gotten 7 phone calls from other people in the building asking me if I'd seen this and if I'm sending a S.A.S.E in! Now I've got people wanting to catch RIDES! Just wait a sec. folks.
  • As I understand it, it's just done by the sender to make it easier on the USPS (they just have to scan it for the zipcode instead of doing it manually), thus making the letter generally get to where it's going a bit faster. This is usually done by businesses who send out lots of stuff, and I think you can buy machines/programs+hardware that can do it.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
