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Everyone and Their Brother Opens a Linux Site 49

Couple of new Linux Portals to mention: An anonymous reader sent us a link to LinuxStart- a yahoo-ish Linux focused site, and FaKe wrote in to send us EmilEifrem sent us Earthweb's newly announced OpenSourceIT, which isn't a portal: More like a better designed LinuxWorld, with a cheesier name. It Debuts with the standard ESR and RMS profiles. All of these sites look pretty decent- its pretty excellent that Linux can support this much content. Anyone else remember when it was just Me and Scoop? We've come a long way. Very cool.
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Everyone and Their Brother Opens a Linux Site

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The phrasing of the caption of ESR's picture at Open Source IT is rather amusing :
    "Bazzar Advocate Eric Raymond"
    Don't tell me I'm the only one finding that funny :-)
  • NewHoo was already 'gobbled up' by AOLscape. It seems they've abandoned it though..
  • all these new sites are cool and all, but the only things i check are /. freshmeat and lwn.

  • >Everyone and Their Brother Opens a Linux Site

    Not to nitpick, but "everyone" is singular, and "their" is plural... So, for plurality agreement, it should be "...his brother" or possibly "...his/her brother" :).

    Alex Bischoff

  • Posted by Forrest J. Cavalier III:

    Developers don't want to read news, they want code. I didn't find a site I liked, so I created yet another open source site:
    The Reuse Rocket []
    Links to more than 3000 applications, libraries, functions, faqs, etc.

    Don't bother checking every 5 minutes for news. But if you want code. It's there.

  • Posted by Roland the Gunslinger:

    Language is constantly evolving. What a wonderful euphemism for 'language use is degenerating thanks to those too lazy to use the language properly.' Ask a linguist? A real one, or one cranked out by the diploma mill universities we have today, where any idiot with 10 thousand dollars can receive a piece of paper certifying he could remember things long enough to take a test?

    [Insert 3 hour diatribe on the decline of Western Civilization here.]
  • Probably a couple hundred, anyway.


  • I remember before there was even a Slashdot or a Freshmeat, it really wasn't that long ago.

    This happens when any underground movement begins to become popular. It is the way the dominant culture controls dissent. I liken it to the Chinese and the Mongols. Every so often, the mongols would kinda go, "Hey, World Domination! Let's go Kick Micr^H^H^H^H Chinese Butt." and the Chinese would kind of yawn, maybe fight them a little, and sometimes the Mongols would win. But it didn't matter. In two generations, the Mongols weren't Mongols anymore. They had given up riding little ponies, and hordeing, and settled down to be nice middle class Chinese shopkeepers, and every once in a while some old timer would grouse about the good old days, and how it felt to have a sword in your hand and the wind in your hair, but the kids would just ignore them, cause it didn't fit their (Chinese) world view.

    Okay, for the slow, Open_Source == Mongols. Closed_Source == Chinese. The thing that makes a Mongol a Mongol, or a Hacker a Hacker, isn't the little pony, or the code, it's culture. The Chinese beat the Mongols through cultural dilution. Any movement with ideals that run counter to the dominant culture of today runs the same risk. As it's popularity soars, the percentage of people that hold it's core values decreases.

    Now, you might say the Internet makes this argument irrelevant. The old timers will still have their forum in which to pass on their values to the next generation of larval hackers. The GPL will insure the code stays open.

    Wait, which public license was that? It's happening already. I have this image in my head, from say, 20 years after a succesfull Mongol invasion. Hordes of young Chinese wandering around imitating the Mongol style, wearing leather, and little pointy helmets, growing their hair shaggy, without a clue in the world what it means to be a Mongol. They just know it looks cool and it pisses off their parents.

    So how does a numerically and socially inferior culture maintain itself while surrounded by a larger, arrogant and prosletyzing culture? I don't know for sure, but I know who to ask, and my Jewish friends all say you have to practice memetic hygene (okay, I'm paraphrasing.) You need ritual intertwined with daily life locking in the ideas of cultural importance. In Judaism, there is an interesting story behind every seemingly meaningless ritual. There is also a focus on purity (khashering, the dietary laws, etc.) Which, I think, has helped Jews keep memetic purity through the ages, and the long, lonely times in hostile lands.

    I think that hackers realized the need for ritual and purity early on. Not consciously, maybe, but I see it in Hacker culture and lore. So I do beleive that Hacker culture will survive the dilution of the mass culture. Even if the mass culture rips Linux away from them (A very likely outcome) Hacker culture will survive, and if necassary, create a whole new OS from scratch, better than before.

  • Why did this come up anonymously?


    I think that Rob may be messing around under the hood right now.
  • We're running out of good domain names for linux sites. Good names like and are all taken, so pretty soon sites like,, and will start popping up. I've actually thought of a really good name that hasn't been taken, but my lips are sealed until I register the dang thing.

  • I'd imagine most linux users have switched quite a few win users from the dark side. It kinda comes with the territory. I've probably done 8 or 9 people.

  • I know variety is the spice of life, and I support that, but i just wonder, wouldn't it be better to pool some resources and have 3 or 4 really good portals rather than 1,796+ mediocre ones?
  • by MarsBar ( 6605 )

    If you're going to be bothered about non-gender pronouns then why the hell are you using everyone and their brother ???


  • I just visited linuxstart earlier today because it is one of the banners here on slashdot. (BEFORE this post came out I may add).

    Something about this dosent set right with me... there is a banner promoting them on your site, yet you just found out about them now.


    The art of flying is throwing yourself at the ground...
    ... and missing.
  • Linux is really starting to take off.

    By my counting, we are now up to 1800 registered Linux domains in .com alone!

    See [] for the complete list (plus some other useful Linux market intelligence I have gathered).

  • : Probably a couple hundred, anyway. How does a not so witty one-liner like this recive a score of 3 when there are /. readers writting 3-4 paragraph posts that make a little more sense. Argh. Now im going to end up with a -10 score. Ohh well, its all just a status symbol, right guys? :)
  • the security hole is fixed now.
    please go use
  • I just found a major security hole in the linuxstart email system. I emailed the webmaster, so hopefully they will fix it.

    Just take my advice and dont use it til they get it fixed, it's pretty huge.
  • I just found a major security hole in the linuxstart email system. I emailed the webmaster, so hopefully they will fix it.

    Just take my advice and dont use it til they get it fixed, it's pretty huge.
  • How about ?

    Actually Im surprised that isnt registrered yet.

  • I had just got home from work last night and also noticed the banner on slashdot. I then sighned up for email there(i did have a hotmail account but it got spammed alot). I also at the same time was at and said that it (the banner) was on for a while.

    bye the way I also have my own domain which is where I had Lancaster Co Linux User Group untill I found which is now hosting LCLUG. They give you cgi & 20 megs for the cost of a banner at the top of your page(free). If you own your own domain you can have hosted by them with a banner of course for free(what a deal).
    Joshua Curtis
    Lancaster Co. Linux Users Group
  • Give the guy a break, it's obvious what he meant.
  • I just looked at once after seeing my name on slashdot (ultra elite)=P
    Anyways, i looked at the articles and clicked More.. - surprisingly.. a comment structure extremely similar to the old /. before all the new scoring and threshold stuff came upon us. Looks like could have downloaded the old slash package and just modified the colors/templates to match their site.

    CmdrTaco: good job on all the new features. Slashdot will always be the #1 Linux News site, who cares about those portals.


  • ...but here in the Real World, language is constantly evolving. Proper English doesn't have non-gender specific singular pronouns, so the language is changing so that "their" and related words have come to apply to one person of any gender. Ask a linguist if you want to hear the gritty details.
  • Well, i'd like to invited you to check out a linux portal that doesn't sound so linuxy.. its we chose the name since we are small, we produce content, websites, and link information and news..

    and some other new goodies are under our belt, we have been working on a complete gui based linux for a bit now (included gui install) we have been working for on some modem drivers, video drivers and a bunch of other code to help bring linux to all.. (such as winmodem support, dsp based sound cards and what not)

    we look forward to your visits, and let us know what you think!

    horray for boobies
  • The "Portal" i have been working on is []

    We carry, LinuxGames, LinuxToday, Freshmeat, Slashdot and many other headlines included linux.announce and will be offering our own search
    engine and other goodies soon..

    plus there is free tech support
  • you forgot about the new web site.

    now where's my endorsement fee for giving props to the new site, Marko? i usually charge $1000/endorsement - just donate it to GNU as usual.
  • Good idea.
    Good site.
  • With the PortalWars ensuing I wonder how long they will last before being gobbled up by AOL, Yahoo or maybe even Microsoft.
    I can see it now.
    Microsuck Network for Linux Users

    If you can beat em, buy em out.
  • I wish sites like this were around when I first started using linux... woulda helped immensely!

  • Yeah, everyone has a site these days... and that can be a good thing... (Heck even I [] have a site that has some Linux content.)

    But think about how many sites there are out there dedicated to MS products... yuck. Can you imagine being a borg groupie?

  • Yeah... I only found out about /. a year or so ago...

    I come for the news... but if actually want to know something I go to my local LDP mirror.

  • Actually I didn't know about Linuxstart until today and it is a good looking site although many of it's links are either broken or lead to dead ends because of subsequent broken links.
  • by drwiii ( 434 )
    Also, coming sooner or later, []

    The actual look of the site will probably be something like this [].


  • How does a not so witty one-liner like this recive a score of 3 when there are /. readers writting 3-4 paragraph posts that make a little more sense. Argh.

    I can type some more, if you like. :-)

    Running a Linux news page with about 50 readers may seem like a waste of time, but it's not. From August 31, 1998 through the end of February, 1999, I helped 3 Windows users get Linux installed and configured for the first time. I didn't know any of these people prior to them sending me email via a link on my page. So if the trend continues, I will have helped 6 people per year become new Linux users. I don't want to sound like I'm selling Amway, but if everyone did this we could drastically increase the size of the Linux user base in less than a year. Just a thought.


  • Anyone else remember when it was just Me and Scoop?

    Cough. I don't think so:
    Linux Gazzette
    Linux Now!
    Linux toybox
    Uncounted BBSes before the 'net

    ... the list goes on. Credit where credit is due! ;)

  • Actually, Linuxstart has been around since early March. What's really cool about it is that searches are multilingual (i.e. if it's a french page, you get the french page). Thus it makes it a bit more global (in my opinion, that is).

    The problem now, is, what to do when searching for linux news?! I've got slashdot, linuxtoday, lwn, metalab, freshmeat, and now all these portals (well, Linuxstart carries Linuxtoday and Slashdot news...and Linuxtoday carries Freshmeat and Slashdot...and, well you get the idea). If any of them could reach the customization of Yahoo!, I'd be all over that...or better yet if Linuxtoday, Freshmeat, and Slashdot could become content providers to MyYahoo...oh the options the options.

  • These businessman, regard linux users as a dumb crowd.
    Some of us, are infect a dumb crowd,
    using Linux just because of the hype.

    but the most of don't need portals.
    we know what we want to do.

    These peope think: "hmmmm.... linux has 7 million reachable users, thats a good target, let's get them".
    It won't work.
    Portals are made for internet newbies, and these sites never thought that linux users arent such.

    if a linux newbie is looking for info, he'll search the ldp.
    if he wants news, he'll go to slashdot/linuxtoday.
    want jokes? he'll go to segfault.
    need files? freshmeat is the place. (not linuxberg)

    the unix way is to spererate different services,
    and that's what they don't understand.
    (slashdot may be regarded as a portal to some people, but as a recent poll showed,
    for most, it's just a news/discussion site)

    on the future, though,
    when there will be many "just-for-the-hype" newbies,
    that come from windows, yahoo, tucows, and zdnet,
    these portals will have audience.

    also the saturation of the market with so many linux sites,
    is not good for anyone.

    on a different note,
    there are many cool services in justlinux (the one i checked out).
    such as email forwarding, dns for dynamic ip's (that's a rather good idea) and redirection.
    too bad all of the domains end with a .com


Most public domain software is free, at least at first glance.
