The story of the Linux kernel 183
Todd Bradshaw
wrote in with an
excerpt from Linus' chapter in "Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution".
Linus' number one rule for keeping the kernel healthy is to
avoid new system interfaces.
The Next Big Thing (Score:1)
In particular, I think distributed OS's hold a lot of promise in the new era of "everything's connected". This is an area which I would like to spend a lot of time on....
Most widely ported OS. (Score:1)
Linux people usually count ports by the CPU.
There are at least 8 working Linux ports if
you count that way, perhaps more when you
include experimental ports. This is about the
same as NetBSD has, perhaps a tiny bit more.
(finally NetBSD can do sparc64 like Linux!)
NetBSD people usually count ports by general
hardware similarity. This makes the Atari and
Amiga ports different, even though Linux once
used a single kernel binary to handle both.
Counting this way, Linux crushes NetBSD with
an awesome 29 ports.
We've been over this before, and there is an
old Slashdot post that enumerates all 29 ports.
You might find it by searching for a whole bunch
of different architectures.
Re: RMS won't like that. (Score:1)
Most of the system tools, the compiler, the binutils, the shell, the library, emacs, are GNU in heritage and GPL in license.
Both BSD and GNU are critical to any Linux distribution. Tux should have GNU horns and a daemon tail.
Kernel Trees (Score:1)
linux and web serving (Score:1)
Hardly Windows that way (Score:1)
Funny how much stuff MS has built in to their GUI...
I detect the hint of stupidity (Score:1)
Torvalds has accomplished much with his skills, he has earned the respect and admiration of the Linux community. So what have you done with your life? Make it count, or shut up.
Emacs (Score:1)
I'm really sorry to hear Linus say this. First of all, calling Emacs an "editor" is a bit dishonest. Yes, it is an editor, but it is *so* much more. It is a file manager, an IDE, a gaming platform, etc.
I was using Emacs long before I was using Linux, and will continue to use it for many years to come; it is my Swiss Army knife. Just the other day, I had horked myself experimenting with some arguments to tar. I ended up with a huge file with a name that started with "--". How did I delete it? That's right: DirEd! Thank you, Emacs.
As for the size of Emacs, if you really only want an editor, there is micro Emacs.
Personally, I am the worst of pig-editor users: I use XEmacs. And I like it that way.
If you wanna use vi, fine. But know that Emacs is a great, multi-faceted tool, not just an "editor."
compile-time configuration (Score:1)
Linus, the great diplomat (Score:1)
If there is one thing I learned from that article, it's that Linus is not nearly as humble as I thought he was.
He seems to want to make a point of pissing on everyone else ("microkernels suck and the people who made them are stupid, everything from GNU except GCC is lame, etc") for some reason. What an ego.
He's down right rude (Score:1)
I used to think Linus was humble and I respected that. It's a great thing to do something great and still be humble about it.
It's quite the opposite to do a great thing (albeit with the help of thousands of others) and in the end use it as a platform to insult others and minimize their accomplishments.
I have to say, RMS may have some radical ideas, and he may support them pretty strongly, but I can't remember the last time I heard of him calling someone else stupid or minimizing their accomplishments.
He's down right rude (Score:1)
Most widely ported OS. (Score:1)
This list isn't organized per processor architecture though and it doesn't carry information about the current state of the port. For example the Sun3 port just recently got into a state where it can boot to a working system with userspace applications. The problem is that they can't share binaries with the rest of the m68k ports because of the different page size (8kB vs. 4 kB).
I'd say it could be accounted as a benefit for the NetBSD that a some of these m68k platforms (and some others) are better supported under it but on the other hand nowadays the said platforms are exceedingly hard to find anywhere.
Kernel Trees (Score:1)
Btw. here's a link which illustrates the growth of the kernel archive. (thought I had to advertise this somewhere since I bothered to do it
Don't mind the script. It's a result of couple hours worth of spontaneous hacking. It's interesting to see that since the late 1995 the growth has been pretty linear and amounts to about 200 kBs worth of bzip packed kernel source per month.
Graphics driver in the NT kernel (Score:1)
Servers don't normally need good GUI performance; they're not trying to do complex rendering or animation, and most of the time nobody's anywhere near their consoles. What's important is that they're robust and reliable, have the necessary administrative capability, and have good I/O and sometimes computational performance. If the GUI preempts disk or network activities to update some flashy widget, the server's ability to do its job is compromised. If a bug in the display driver (and display drivers tend to be complex) locks up or crashes the system, likewise. If some alert box pops up and the system can't do anything until someone manually dismisses it, it's also not very good.
This suggests that NT Workstation (where graphics performance actually may be important for some applications) and NT Server should have different design goals, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
RMS is surely well aware of that (Score:1)
And note that Linus said "...are for Linux insignificant IN COMPARISON." That's a long way from saying that they're truly insignificant.
sketch for linux and web serving (Score:1)
fd = open(translated_URI, O_RDONLY);
addr = mmap(fd, random_mmap_args);
write(socket, addr, whatever);
Obviously, there's all sorts of stuff involving retries, tail ends, and so forth that I've left out, but the upshot is that most of the data never actually makes it into user space. mmap simply does the mapping; the data doesn't fault in until someone actually requests it, and if the user program never touches it, it doesn't get copied into user space.
However, there are things that could be done at the kernel level to strip away even this kind of overhead. The fd>fd copy (with retries done at the kernel level, rather than the user level) is one possibility. Another possibility is a system call to actually copy a file to a file descriptor, thus avoiding the user-space open(). This seems a bit of a stretch.
However, there's another approach that might yield a big payoff, which is actually to embed some knowledge of the http protocol in a kernel module. This isn't as far-fetched as it sounds; NFS servers have been doing this for well over a decade, explicitly for performance reasons. While http is a stream-oriented protocol, it's actually quite a simple protocol indeed, and completely stateless. Even the keepalive option introduces no state beyond a persistent socket; each http transaction is logically independent of anything else.
So the basic idea here is that the user-space http daemon registers mappings between URI's and filesystem locations, and the kernel-space http daemon intercepts these requests and processes them without involving the user-space daemon at all.
This is very schematic, and doesn't address issues such as cookies, filesystem permissions, and such. But it's certainly a possible architecture for this kind of beast.
RMS won't like that. (Score:1)
RMS won't like that. (Score:1)
Linus, the great diplomat (Score:3)
Take, for example, the way he manages to mention Windows NT several times in a less than complimentary way, without ever sounding like he was being condescending, or "Microsoft bashing".
Or the way he manages to bring home his point against microkernel architecture. He made points that coming from most people would have been flamebait, but from him seem little more than quiet assertions of the truth, due to his modest and humble manner. Then again, Linux is probably proof that this assertions are in fact truth.
I'm not saying that the article was brilliant, in fact I thought it served to highlight the difference between a great author and a great computer scientist. That is, the article, while doubtlessly interesting and informative, lacked an artist's touch (much like certain operating systems in fact). However, it did yet again highlight what makes Linus such a good kernel maintainer - his people skills are first class. It's something that unfortunately can't be said for enough CS people, which is probably why Linus stands out so much.
I think this is the reason why many people, myself included, have the greatest amount of respect for people like Linus. For in being a pragmatist, while the world hasn't benefitted (or suffered!) from any great ideas of his own, his contribution in helping people come from often vastly different views to meet in the middle ground has more than made up for that.
So while I respect RMS as the rightful "Saint of free software", as I respect various other "celebrities" of the free software/open source world, I think that what Linus has done is far greater. That is, in the way he has managed to bring people together (not just with code, but also with his words) rather than tear them apart over a relentless pursuit of an ideal, as some have done. Perhaps he realises, in his more balanced world view, that the end does not justify the means, nor, just as importantly, does the means justify the end.
It's probably no coincidence that Linus is generally reluctant to offer his opinion on things, and when he does he tends to be brief and to the point. Perhaps that's a hint that I've said enough!
emacs *is* not horrible (Score:1)
I personaly love emacs, but will admit it is very hard to learn to use.
emacs is not horrible (Score:1)
Ok, I'm switching to...pico? (Score:1)
Most widely ported PC-OS? (Score:1)
Credit where credit is due.
Linus not "anti-Microsoft" (Score:1)
He objects to the quality of MS operating systems, but that's it. He's even complimented MS application software.
emacs *is* horrible (Score:1)
I don't *think* I'm stupid, but emacs makes me feel inadequate... while vi makes me feel powerful...
vi *is* horrible (Score:1)
Of course I know this is purely personal, and I know that many people *do* have trouble learning vi. I just found it very logical and consistent straight away.
This guy obviously enjoys rebooting! (Score:1)
He might not actually know there are OTHER operating systems out there (FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Tru64 Unix or whatever Compaq are calling it this week, etc.), that have a decent command-line interface and can actually handle long file names!
NT isn't even a true multi-user operating system!
Linus can veto any crap code (Score:1)
So Linus may speak!
But NT *is* a piece of CRAP! (Score:1)
Microsoft deserve nothing less than what Linus said. Designing an operating system that can only handle 8.3 file names is, indeed, STUPID!
That's about as dumb as the drive-lettering scheme in Microsoft's "operating systems". Just put another hard drive into your NT box and watch all your drives swap letters, and then watch all your programs fail because they can't find C:\whatever...
Challenge to Microsoft: write an operating system that is *HALF* as good as Linux/Unix/BSD!
emacs *is* horrible (Score:1)
I count six
Don't get me wrong, I *like* modal editors (anyone familiar with isredit on VM/MVS/OS-390?), it's just that I don't think "keystrokes to leave the editor" is a good argument for the virtues of one editor over the other.
emacs is not horrible -- au contraire! (Score:1)
That's OK, but I don't. I spend most of my system time looking at logfiles and process displays, searching text files, checking disk space, and editing config files. Hence, my requirements for a working environment are better matched by a shell than by an editor.
Horses for courses folx
Hi-ho silver!
Alas, you are now worthy... (Score:1)
Were it not for my knowledge of vi, I would not have been able to talk (over the phone) a newbie through editing
"Alright, now type 'jjwwwcwc0t0d4' etc."
linux and web serving (Score:1)
Does he mean something like a system call that could directly copy from file descriptor to file descriptor?
Isn't that what sendfile [linux.no] does?
RE: The Review - Interfaces vs Modules (Score:1)
Great article. =)
For sale on Ebay (Score:2)
Operating Systems--Design and Implementation by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Hardly used. Read only once, in fact. The are no markings in the book. Unlike most text books, you wont find highlighted sections with annotations marking all of the useful and helpful areas of the book.
emacs *is* horrible (Score:1)
depending on whether you are editing text or not, it is either 2 or 3 keystrokes.....
Linux Sensitivity (Score:1)
Linux, OTOH, is so efficient that it keeps the CPU running all the time causing it to overhead. Either that or it spends all its time in interrupt handling routines.
Maybe I'm just making this all up :P
self: *THWACK*
MS (Score:1)
When the video-driver-in-the-kernal thing gets dredged up, I always wonder if it really matters.
Servers generally run really generic SVGA or S3 drivers, which don't crash on NT 4, and from a normal user perspective, if your video driver crashes, you pretty much hosed anyway. (Unless the normal users you know like a command prompt.)
If it's a server, why not just not bother? That is the whole point, with NT, you have no choice.
Linux doesn't have video drivers in the kernal pretty much only because Unix has never done it that way and Linus doesn't want it. But video on Unix has always been an afterthought, whereas on a client OS like Windows, it's practically the most important thing.
Not strictly true. SGI for example, put minimal drivers in the kernel. Even newer versions of Linux do. It is not a good idea to give user space processes direct hardware access. The hardware drivers should therefore be in the kernel.
Scalability vs. reverse scalability (Score:1)
I think Linux will allways run quite well on machines in the $1000 to $3000 proce range. When such machines have 64 CPUs (or 64 hardware level threads, maybe not as many physical CPUs) then the base Linux will run quite well on it. After all that's what most Linux developers have, so thats what will get the most work. It will allways run somewhat less well (but still decently) on the cheaper and more expensave machines. At least if the future follows past trends.
However I don't see any signs pointing to cheep large scale multiprocessing. The prices on 2 CPU machiens have dropped dramatically over the last few years, but the price of 16CPU systems has been fairly stable compaired to single CPU systems. The Mediaprocesser (the only cheep general purpose multithread CPU that was aiming to go comercial) has sunk without a trace. The only two comercial multithreaded CPUs I know of are the Terra which is only being sold in really large machines (think bomb testing, and weather simulations, not kick ass raytracer), and um, that thing I just read about in EDN which is targeting 8bit and 16bit systems.
I would love a 64way machine. I do raytracings (when I'm not coding, sleeping, or watching TV, actually I frequently raytrace while sleeping, watching TV...), so lots of compute will do me good, even if I only have a one giant lock kernel.
usage patterns (Score:1)
Note that this is dependant on having a decent shell, namely bash. If I have to use anything else, I tend to do things more from Emacs, because it can compensate for faults in other shells, like not having both ! and C-r histories.
Linus's Design Decisions (Score:1)
I wonder if the free software community's dynamics help create better design decisions as opposed to a corporate environment. I'm not talking about the often-cited advantages like having lots of people pounding on the code and such; I'm talking about the need to have many developers working in parallel affects technical decisions in a way that are benificial.
It is an interesting thought to ponder, and one I'm not qualified to answer from lack of experience.
Am I the only one... (Score:1)
linux and web serving (Score:1)
(/proc/.../web_root or somesuch, probably).
But wouldn't the web server still have to process the URI... open() the requested page and then make the fd to fd copy system call?
I guess this is what I was confused about. To have the kernel be able to handle HTTP requests would seem to go against linus's philosophy... I suppose you could have a web server kernel module, though, but that just seems like something that should be running in user space.
Kernel Trees (Score:1)
# du -sk linux-2.2.1/*
20 linux-2.2.1/COPYING
54 linux-2.2.1/CREDITS
2401 linux-2.2.1/Documentation
19 linux-2.2.1/MAINTAINERS
14 linux-2.2.1/Makefile
15 linux-2.2.1/README
3 linux-2.2.1/REPORTING-BUGS
8 linux-2.2.1/Rules.make
8655 linux-2.2.1/arch
27993 linux-2.2.1/drivers
3945 linux-2.2.1/fs
6298 linux-2.2.1/include
36 linux-2.2.1/init
63 linux-2.2.1/ipc
253 linux-2.2.1/kernel
55 linux-2.2.1/lib
258 linux-2.2.1/mm
3959 linux-2.2.1/net
355 linux-2.2.1/scripts
linux and web serving (Score:2)
I was interested in what Linus had to say about web serving, but I am a little curious what he means about the kernel handling requests for static pages. Does he mean something like a system call that could directly copy from file descriptor to file descriptor?
Much better than Katz (Score:1)
English is not even our favorite Finn's first language, but his article was a joy to read, and just the right length too.
Other comments in response to the Gates book were about how BORING Gates is. Linus isn't boring at all.
How About Some Props For Linus' Forebears? (Score:1)
Something that always amazes me about these self congratulatory love fests is how little Linus, Eric Raymoyd, etc, etc, give any credit at all to the people who blazed the trails for them. I haven't read the book yet, but it seems devoid of any interviews of people like Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Alfred Aho and many others.
Sorry, boys and girls, but without those guys there would likely be NO 'Open Source Movement'. They were the first to do readily available, accesible research on practical, NON PROPRIETARY, non big iron requiring O/S's, languages and scripting tools, and for the sheer pleasure of it at that. Linux is a direct descendent of their work, and with a healthy supply of Unix-alike tools and utilities (without which Linux would just be a curiosity).
Cmon, Open Source 'leaders'... does it really hurt that bad to give a little credit to the guys that got you here?
Linus, the great diplomat - not (Score:1)
Superstition is a word the ignorant use to describe their ignorance. -Sifu
keep it short (kernel lines) (Score:1)
Linus on GNU (Score:1)
Hmm. In one of those weekend magazine liftouts
(no URL, I'm afraid, though it might've been a mirrored, ahh, syndicated article online elsewhere.) in the Sydney Morning Herald, they had an article on Linux. Obviously, they bunged up Linus' goofy face on the first page, but they also had a smaller picture of RMS (replete with borrowed laptop with "GNU/Linux inside")
Anyway, the point is, Linus in the article was very forthright about his and Stallman's relative
contributions to the system, giving RMS plenty of credit. I can understand why RMS is pissed tho', since he's an idealist, and idealists tend not to appreciate having their ideals diluted.
As for the further development of Linux, if you don't like what Linus is doing, fork the bitch!
:) If it means that the kernel for embedded systems has to take a different course to large scale systems, so be it. I think the "movement"
is big enough and ugly enough to handle it.
Isn't it ironic? (Score:1)
I don't see any irony in the fact that a non-commercial OS gets ported to obscure platforms (cough, Amiga, cough), where a commercial OS that has a revenue stream does not.
Microsoft had a MIPS and PowerPC port. Haven't seen many Non-SGI MIPS or Non-Mac/Non-AIX PowerPC boxes lately have you? They only could push their thumb in Intel's eye for so long before they did the logical thing.
Yup, he'll be "pissed" all right.. (Score:1)
So, when GNU formed in the early eighties, it was in order to fight Microsoft?
Kernel Trees (Score:1)
If you started to see home made platform-specific kernals, I can imagine the situation where that might become standard enough that people would submit patches just for the platform-specific kernal, and not the Linus kernal. This effectively forks the code, especially if RedHat or someone picks up on the patches.
MS (Score:1)
When the video-driver-in-the-kernal thing gets dredged up, I always wonder if it really matters.
Servers generally run really generic SVGA or S3 drivers, which don't crash on NT 4, and from a normal user perspective, if your video driver crashes, you pretty much hosed anyway. (Unless the normal users you know like a command prompt.)
Linux doesn't have video drivers in the kernal pretty much only because Unix has never done it that way and Linus doesn't want it. But video on Unix has always been an afterthought, whereas on a client OS like Windows, it's practically the most important thing.
The thing Linux has, that Windows doesn't is compartmentalization. Sure you can run Linux on your 4 meg 386, just disable everything you don't need including X. Microsoft always designs their product around absurdly low standards for marketing reasons (486SX/25 with 16 MB is minimum spec for Windows NT), yet has to make everything kinda-sorta-run. That's why you don't see things like network-transparency with the Windows GUI - it would price them out of the unrealistically low-end market.
Isn't it ironic? (Score:1)
That wouldn't be a "Macintosh G3" would it?
no autoload gooey ms tarbaby (Score:1)
Yeah but turning off the GUI in Windows doesn't give you Windows-with-no-GUI -- It gives you good ol' 640K MS-DOS!
(Someone did hack a 32-bit no-GUI DOS using Win95 VxDs - it had networking and file system caching, but nothing really ran on it.)
Graphics driver in the NT kernel (Score:1)
Correct. NT WS and NT Server are exactly the same operating system - except for the price, and the fact that WS doesn't include server services.
MS (Score:1)
Good Point
- I think the video-in-the-kernal thing was one of the things that had WinFrame on NT 3.51 only for a long time.
title gives it away... (Score:1)
I'd rather have someone else do it, personally, someone a little less partial - seems to me that Linus would be a little biased. Why not ask the author of Minix to explain it? >;) Microkernels - just a way to get more research dollars. Of no use in the real world.
For sale on Ebay (Score:1)
duh (Score:1)
RMS won't like that. (Score:1)
These may be on the GPL, but the're NOT developed by the FSF.
Just my £0.0125
MS (Score:1)
This is a really big deal when you're maintaining, say, 300 servers that are 21 floors and two elevators away from you. It's an even bigger deal when you need to deal with a server from home.
Of course, most PC hardware limits your capability in this area regardless of the OS you run. I've run lots of NetBSD/i386 systems with serial consoles, but that still doesn't give me access to the BIOS setup. With a Sun server, on the other hand, using a terminal server to talk to the serial port is just as good (better, in fact), than having a graphics console on the machine and being there.
Most widely ported OS. (Score:1)
Linus's bald claim that Linux is the most ported operating system that runs on the PC really burns me, because I don't think that anyone who actually examined the issue would disagree that NetBSD has a strong claim to this. (I believe it's stronger than Linux, myself, but that's just my opinion.) I expect that this will be perceived by the free software community outside of Linux as yet another typical example of Linux hogging the spotlight, rather than sharing the fame. There are not an insignificant number of people out there who see little difference between Linux movement and Microsoft; in both cases the promoters tend to gloss over flaws and ignore other technology, instead giving the impression that they are the one and only option.
The link given above, http://www.ctv.es/USE RS/xose/linux/linux_ports.html [www.ctv.es], is a little optimistic in what it considers a `port'; The VAX port isn't anywhere near bringing you to a single-user shell prompt yet, for example. (This is typical of most `Linux ports' pages I've seen; they don't indicate which ones are real and which are currently vapour to some degree or other. Again, more Microsoft-style marketing.)
If you're going to discuss this issue, it helps to make clear exactly how you're approaching it, as I've done a href="http://www.cynic.net/~cjs/computer/os-ports. html">here. (Note that this page is getting old and needs an update; I'll get to it as time permits.) Some of the questions you have to deal with are:
I have another comment on Linus's article, but I'll put it in another post.
Kernel Trees (Score:1)
Most of his comments on portability are quite ignorant. The Linux kernel is *not* very portable internally in many ways. Compare the device driver model Linux uses to NetBSD's bus_space and bus_dma structure for a look at the difference between portable and non-portable. (And if you're going to argue this point, please actually *read* the source code first, before spouting off. Though I'm a NetBSD developer, I read a fair amount of Linux kernel code before coming to this conclusion, so I'm not talking through my hat.)
There's a World Beyond Linux (Score:2)
I'm not at all impressed with this article, and I must say it's reduced my opinion of Linus considerably. I've mentioned a few of the things that have bugged me in other posts, but I'll summarise here.
1. The claim that Linux is `the most widely ported operating system available for PCs' is certainly arguable. It's unfair to ignore the lesser known systems (such as NetBSD) in an article with such wide distribution.
2. He's insulting. There's no reason for calling the people he's discussing `dishonest' or `stupid.' That's immature.
3. He's not correct that the OS research world had abandoned monolithic kernels for microkernels or felt that only microkernels offered good prospects of portability. Around the time Linus started his first i386 work, Berkely and other folks were busy making 4BSD (which is monolithic) more portable, and moving it on to several other architectures. The period between 4.3BSD and 4.4BSD showed a dramatic portability and ports increase.
4. Linux is far behind the curve in terms of internal structure for portablity; NetBSD is unarguably significantly better in that regard. Take a look at device drivers, for example; Linux has a proliferation of machine-dependent drivers where NetBSD uses machine-independent drivers almost everywhere. Linux doesn't even have a structure to support MI device drivers! (See NetBSD's bus_space and bus_dma work for an example of what such a structure can look like.)
In short: he insults others, denegrates the work of others that Linux was built on, and he frequently ignores the work of others. Either he's lacking in technical knowledge, or he's willfully ignoring other stuff out there that `competes' with Linux. This article is marketing, not information, and is only going to worsen the reputation Linux already has as a `Microsoft' among the non-Linux free software community.
Kernel Trees (Score:1)
If someone with FTP space and bandwidth wants to take the kernel releases, and make up different
Moderation (Score:1)
He'd probably also get a -2 or so moderation if he posted that here...
Scalability vs. reverse scalability (Score:1)
Servers (Score:1)
administrator. Ideally, all the administrator should be doing is to continually customize the services the server is performing to meet the
needs of those receiving service. However, things not being ideal, an administrator has to worry about hardware failure and hence must add
tape backup, RAID, etc. to his server for fault tolerance, insurance against data loss, and to minimize down time. Now concerning the issue
of whether or not to put certain drivers in the kernel, you must look at your application. In a server environment, you want to maximize
stability and reliability. Therefore, the ideal situation is to minimize the number of factors that can directly affect stability. Device drivers are included in that category. With the creation of new hardware comes new drivers. The question is, is the driver updated enough to run the risk of failure? Patches and fixes are great, but you still have the possibility of failure present if such patches and fixes
are needed. The question when looking into the operating system's design, and determining what drivers to include, do the drivers present
a danger? Are they patched frequently? Are they stable? But those are all relative to what we know about the driver and it's history? What
about rare and unknown bugs? Bugs that show up under unusual circumstances. Ever had a machine crash once out of the blue without knowing why? I have. Only God knows why in such situations. Maybe it never happens again. But it still happens. So what does one do? Do we accept that it will happen infrequent enough that we won't have to deal with it again? If you want stability, that is not acceptable. You cannot
just leave such unknowns unanswered. NT and Linux both have such vulnerabilities since they both can have drivers present in the kernel.
Getting back to the server, what do we do? Well, a design which I have been very impressed with in terms of an operating system is QNX [qnx.com]. I do not know how many of you are familiar with it. It has a small message
passing kernel and runs everything else as protected and separate entities. I found their microkernel model to be very impressive. I
downloaded their demo and was very impressed with it also. For a server environment, it is a much better design than Linux or NT. I hope that
someday Linux and NT will follow it's example. Perhaps two versions of each operating system. One version with a QNX-like model for servers,
and one for high-performance workstations that don't need that kind of reliability. Another thing of noteworthiness that I wanted to look at
deals with a difference between linux and NT. GUI interfaces are nice and pretty and are sometimes easier to use than a console. But if you think about it, on NT, the GUI is always running wasting precious memory and cpu time. I mean, how often does an administrator tinker with his server. Not often unless he is experiencing a high demand for changes from his users. Linux allows you to run the GUI if you want to, when
you want to, and shut it down when you are done. In my opinion, that makes it a better design. I hope that microsoft will go back to the Win
3.xx/DOS model that is similiar to the X-Windows/Linux Model. It would certainly improve their server product. One of the engineers that
designed VAX VMS worked on NT as you probably know. I believe at the heart of it, the microkernel is pretty good. It is all those nasty
libraries on top, the integrated GUI, and the registry (yuck!!!had to mention that) that mess everything up. Hopefully my logic on this stuff is sound, but if someone finds fault, please reply and set it all straight. The point of discussions like this is not about who wins the argument, but that we find the best answer. One additional note about QNX, it is designed for embedded systems and the currently do not seem interested in the server market. However, I have heard rumors about Cyrix and QNX getting together to build ultra-cheap boxes for web-browsing or something. If you access their search engine, it provides detailed explanations about the QNX microkernel. I hope you all will read up on QNX. Linux and NT could definitely learn some things from it.
Linus, the great diplomat (Score:1)
Does this sound diplomatic to you?
Not only is this not diplomatic, it isn't even entirely rational. Once upon a time, emacs was an unusually large program, now it's only about average. And emacs has plenty of excuses to be larger than a simple text editor, because it does a lot more... sure, there are other ways of doing most of those things, but so what? You might as well complain about Perl being larger than it needs to be because you use Python.This makes me wonder if some of the anti-RMS sentiment that you see is really the result of a deeper ideological split than open vs free software: it all goes back to the vi/emacs wars.
After LinuxWorld, I was actually a lot less impressed with Linus than I had been previously. It seemed to me like he'd gotten his fingers burned in the past by shooting his mouth off, and had concluded that he should never say anything. Look at his old style back in 1992, during the famous "Linux is Obsolete" argument with Tanenbaum: Linux is Obsolete [xach.com] (This is also reprinted in the back of the "Open Sources" book).
If you want to see a real diplomat in action some time, check out Brian Behlendorf.
no autoload gooey ms tarbaby (Score:1)
This also enables you to resume a command line session by typing Mode co80 at the "you may shut your computer off now" screen. Also, add the line Logo=0 to msdos.sys to get rid of that stupid splash screen. BTW, this all works in w95, I've not tried it on 98.
Hardly Windows that way... but that's the point (Score:1)
from the "Linux is Obsolete" archive (Score:1)
Emacs (Score:1)
I have been using emacs for 5 years now and although it may be a bit large if you just use it for an editor, but many don't as explained before.
In fact I was on contract this summer and was asked to choose the IDE (Java was the implementation language) of my choice. The company had set aside 1G. After some heated discussions i broke down and agreed i would spend one week trying different IDE's on the market. I tried JBuilder, VisualAge, Cafe, and basically they all stunk.
I choose emacs with JDE cause it was by far the most powerful. While it is not for everyone (including Linus apparently) I consider it one of the most usefull programming tools i have, and to me Linux without emacs is only half as useful.
RE: The Review - Interfaces vs Modules (Score:1)
RMS won't like that. (Score:1)
Good Reading, but... (Score:1)
The content and style are great; I do agree that
calling other ways "stupid" and such is a bit strong, but it *is* concise, and he doesn't seem to be personal when he says it, just to the point.
HOWever... If this is the actual text that appears in the book, shame on them! It's not the best copy editing. Linus does fine with English (try some Finnish, if you doubt me), but a courteous square-bracketed word or two would help in a few spots.
Also: There are some typos and/or detailed editing errors that shouldn't get into an O'Reilly book. I expect better of them. (If this is still a draft, fine).
(Fwiw, this msg. is no great piece of writing
Kernel Trees (Score:1)
I became a Linux convert the day that NT crashed five times on me.
Alas, you are now worthy... (Score:1)
Beating a dead horse! (Score:1)
Linus, the great diplomat (Score:1)
In a reply though, Linus said he probably wuold get an "F", because he got into a verbal argument with his OS teacher over something completely unrelated. I guess Linus' diplomatic skills are about average.
Linus, the great diplomat - not (Score:1)
My diplomatic replacment for "stupid" etc. is "non-optimal". Unfortunately, my co-workers seem to have caught on. Bunch of cow-orkers...
Re: Scalability vs. reverse scalability (Score:1)
Just my 2 cents.
Wouhou!!! world domination!!! (Score:1)
Yup, he'll be "pissed" all right.. (Score:1)
I also think that Linux being free software, it should have a certain aliance with gnu (even if we don't always call it gnu/linux), because, after all, it's just the same comminity. The anti-microsoft community...
He hate's Emacs?!?!?! (Score:1)
Ok, it has niffty features like reading mail, but, if I want to read my mail, I use pine.
Vi is the wave of the future (actually, it was, in the early days of UNIX, but anyway...)...
Linus, the great diplomat (Score:1)
I think you need some time away from your computer or something. He is everything you said (to a lesser extend), but, you looked like you were asking him out or something....
Bad idea.... (Score:1)
Also, to save yourself some bandwidth, use kernel patches, they are easily installed, and fit in 600K.
(To install a patch, if that is your problem, take the patch in bzip2 format and put it in
bzcat | patch -p0)
You would get the same upgrade result that you would have gotten with a full download....
Page handling = memory managment (Score:1)
To do so, the hardware must do some work for us (like being able to translate virtual adresses to phisical ones and vice versa). It does so by spliting the total amount of memory into pages (4K on i386, 2K on alpha).
What he meant (to my opinion) handling requests to static pages is that when a process wants to get memory for himself (when is is started, or by a malloc call or so), it asks the kernel for a certain number of pages. Then, the kernel gives him descriptors to these pages, and alocates them when the process actually uses them (so if you malloc(10000000) and don't use it, you won't realy waste memory).
Also, when he was talking about "sane architectures" and page handling, he meant (I think) that all basic architectures use such schemes. It's just that the number of levels of page caching changes (3 for alpha, 2 for intel).
Maybe you already knew all that, or maybe I suck at explainig stuff, but, if you want to know more about this, go get "The linux kernel" from ldp. Or even better, if you understand french go get "programmation linux 2.0 api système et fonctionnement du noyau" by Rémi Card (author of the ext2 file system) and the only good french computer book I've ever read.
Wouhou!!! world domination!!! (Score:1)
Now, all the pieces fit....
Very good (Score:1)
This book is written by a kernel hacker that made the port to alpha possible. It's not Linus, but he is a very knowligeable individual, and he explains design issues very well. Plus, there are pointers to files in the source tree so you can read the code while following his book...
Alas, you are now worthy... (Score:1)
Switch to nedit instead....
Scalability vs. reverse scalability (Score:2)
So far, Linux has been able to work on Palms and on 4 processors. But if all goes as Linus plans, there will be a much bigger discrepency in the scale of systems in the future. And this will just hurt the performance of Linux on either of these systems.
For instance, does it make any sense to have red-black tree virtual memory areas on an embedded chip running 2 processes? Or should the scheduler be as simple as it is for a machine with 16 processors?
I am afraid Linus will hold back scaling Linux up. He even mentions that one will only be able to use a modified (non-standard) version of Linux if you want to run on 64 processors or more. It is true that in order to scale, you need to make things more complicated and possibly slow for single processor machines, but this should be done. I mean, how many 386's are there running Linux nowadays? How about in 5 years?
I would bet money that there will be many 64 processor machines out there in 5-10 years. Moore's Law is going to give out eventually on the single processor and the only where to move will be in the parallel direction. Linux should be prepared for this.
Try ZED (Score:1)
Flame me as much as you like but vi(m) as well as emacs, joe, etc are predominantly for masochists, gurus or not.
I think it is (Score:2)
One of the troubles with M$ products is that marketing reasons can take over pure technical ones. One such decision (I read it somewhere here) was to place the video driver in the kernel space to make the GUI run faster in NT 3.51. The other obvious example is the attempt to bury the web browser as deep as possible in the OS only to limit the market share of a rival product.
I am aware this is off topic but please post more examples if you know such. The Windows user lives with the undying hope that the next version will finally get rid of the bugs and will become stable. But it would be good Linux advocacy if we are able to prove that they are consistent in sacrificing reasonable solutions for the sake of greater revenue.
Linus talks about how Linux will inevitably be replaced by another OS once when the hardware evolves enough. But at the same time he tries to ensure that Linux is designed in such a way that it lasts as much as possible. M$ on the other hand don't need an OS which lasts more than 3 years because how else could they convince you to buy their next one if you are comfortable with the current. 'But please, try our new one. It's not only richer in features but we got rid of the bugs. Really! This time for sure!'
Other texts worth reading (Score:1)
Isn't it ironic? (Score:1)
Linus does a good job of being modest, but bashes Microsoft while he is doing it
And we shouldn't forgot to thank RMS and the FSF for gcc.
RE: The Review - Interfaces vs Modules (Score:2)
Especially interesting from an engineering pov is the separation of interfaces from modulisation. The idea of writing the OS in C and basing "portability" on the portability of the compiler is a cool idea.
But, I suggest that you do need "interfaces" otherwise how can ppl use the devices? The "interface" in Linux is the
In effect, we have a trade-off against "portability" towards usage. This, I agree with totally.