The Anoraks' New Clothes 110
An anonymous reader sent us linkage to a
ZDNet UK Article
written by Martin Butler of the The Butler Group.
The article doesn't say much new, it really just says
linux is just the "New Thing" (Just like windows was so
many years ago) and that it will factionalize when money
becomes involved. And its already started to happen.
My take? Bring it on! As long as a base system of kernel, libs,
and utilities is compatible
accross distributions, divide all you want. Debian for Hackers.
Red Hat for Suits. Slackware for loons. And the 28 other assorted
distributions for whoever wants them. Its about options,
and as long as we adhere to a minimal set of requirements,
everyone will be happy. Am I crazy?
Linux Fragmentation (Score:1)
No, I think that about covers it (Score:1)
Re: Anoraks? (Score:1)
"anoraks"??? (Score:1)
Now there's a semi-informed article at least: (Score:1)
Anoraks? (Score:1)
Anoraks? (Score:1)
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
And for those compiling from source, there's a special SRPM fairy, that will "magically" create RPMs that the RPM Fairy can install.
The sad bit of this is that there's nothing magical or proprietary about RPM... The source is out there, it's GPL'd and even documented very well.
The only reason it seems "magical" to Slackware users is they are too lazy to learn about it. I know.. I used to be one.
Echo "Recovering Slackware addict"
Mindless... (Score:1)
His contention that standards inevitably fall apart when money is involved doesn't make any sense. Unix split apart because of poor licensing before there was much money involved - it's been slowly coming back together BECAUSE there's now a lot of cash at stake. AT&T could have prevented the SysV/BSD split by 1/keeping the source totally closed through more restrictive licensing, 2/keeping the source totally open (ie. free). They did the worst possible thing by having licensing terms that encouraged a fork. Academics had enough access to the source to make significant modifications, but they couldn't merge their changes back to the original.
Are there other examples of standards splintering that I'm missing?
Mr. Butler doesn't get it (Score:1)
Of course, Windows2000 is simply another division in that, and then there's 64-bit Windows, and then...
about the article... (Score:1)
Who the hell is this clueless old fart Butler anyway ? It's like coming across a zdnet article from 6 months ago.. Linux lacks support, windows works today, etc etc.
Doesn't the smug old git (checkout the photo) understand that the reason technical people (dismissed as "anoraks") are interested in Linux is that it works better than Windows. It never was the "anoraks" who were interested in Windows 10 years ago. It caught on as part of the "nobody ever fired for buying IBM" mentality.
AARGH, I just hit myself. I should know better than to bother looking at zdnet. Is there any other profession in the world which is so badly represented by it's press. It's not as though you find medical journals written by people with no qualifications at all saying things like
"Anti-biotics or Leeches - in depth article on what's wrong with these untested new fads"
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
Now there's a semi-informed article at least: (Score:1)
2) Linux really isn't innovative, other than the economic model on which it is based. But in a way, this is good. What it is, is a rock-solid implementation of almost every computing standard out there, standards which the "innovative" guys tend to forget.
3) I'm sad to say that he was right about the factions, however. And it is starting now. Not the distro's (that's a common misconception). I'm talking the emacs vs. vi people; the Gnome vs. KDE people, and probably, once it's released, the Berlin vs. X people. Just watch; I'm going to say "Gnome Rules" (which I do honestly believe) and I'll bet you a flamewar starts as the reply to this post. It's sad, really, but do you see what I'm getting at?
"anoraks"??? (Score:1)
Regards, Ralph.
ack, gasp.... President Gore? (Score:1)
On the other hand, he might have me arrested if I do that.
Redhat suits ? (Score:1)
Quick history check - Debian was created by the GNU project - they funded it's initial development by Ian Murdock. So why shouldn't it have "GNU" in it's name?
- Jim
RedHat is damaging for the Linux community (Score:1)
Standardizing libraries would be nice (Score:1)
Having spent a good chunk of my weekend migrating from MkLinux to LinuxPPC, the issue of constantly changing libraries has been on my mind. I find that one of the biggest hassles of Linux is the amount of time I spend tracking down and building the new version of the library required for some new app. And I only have one GTK app installed!
I think that that situation is manageable, or even desireable, as long as it's an OS for hackers and tinkerers. I'm sure that as Linux moves into a larger market, the pace is going to have to be slowed down. (See the Red Hat post above - I bet that's how it's going to happen.)
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
I'd rather be able to customize my system, instead of having some magical RPM fairy decide where stuff needs to go.
Oh yeah... and I can install Slackware onto an 80 meg partition. Try that with your Red Hat, monkey boy.
[For those too dense to notice the emoticon, this post expresses the way I feel, but wasn't meant to be inflamatory.]
Slackware forever.
This Monkey's Gone to Heaven... (Score:1)
"anoraks"??? (Score:1)
This is rather off topic...
An anorak is the hooded coat worn by the inuit (native people from the far north of North America). It is basically a jacket that dosen't have a zipper all the way down its front. It might be known as a pullover jacket. Look in a camping goods catelog and you might find one.
I'm a loon! (Score:1)
nope, not crazy (Score:2)
some people have commented on it (bob young is one), but linux is, and has been for over a year, attracting people from new backgrounds. windows in particular. soon, a lot of mac developers are going to pop up since they'll be learning unix skills anyway for macos x.
i'm a unix bigot, i can't see much of value coming from the windows world. i can see some good ui stuff coming from mac people, but i dunno much about macos gui access - methinks they're skipping x and doing their own stuff. that's a loss.
i really don't see anything wrong with a giant redhat, nor do i see anything wrong with more competition in the distribution arena. as long as it's gpl'd and open, we'll be safe. now if some company uses a linux kernel and proprietary code from init on up in a completely nonstandard config... well, then the linux community is in trouble. it'd be a lot of work though.
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
I still think it's funny that when doing an install of a Redhat system, the installer uses --force --nodeps to install everything. Even Redhat doesn't trust their own system.
Gore himself should be "Linux Czar"! (Score:1)
The flame wars mean linux is ALIVE (Score:1)
Linux Fragmentation (Score:1)
I'd agree here. There has to be a minimal set of standards - such as libraries and directory setup and services. After that, it's a matter of competition. The best applications win.
That being said, fragmentation does tend to scare off applications developers. Things get dicy when you're trying to test, and I'd hate to see a good application fail just because the developer(s) picked the wrong distribution.
What If... (Score:1)
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
So far, I've tried SuSE, Debian, and Red Hat. I tried each version for about 2 weeks (that's roughly 3-4 hours per day of use) and I found that *none* of them are as configurable as slackware. Sure slackware takes a bit of upgrading when you get it. In the long run though, it does *exactly* what I want it to do.
Slackware forever.
Hey, hey, hey! (Score:1)
Anoraks' need for tinkering? He hasn't a clue. (Score:1)
To understand how Linux could become a credible alternative to Windows it is necessary to understand the dynamics behind IT itself. The anoraks are driven by technical novelty and innovation, quickly tiring of technology once its challenges -- making it work -- have been overcome. These people live by the motto: 'If it works it has no value'.
Um, I don't know about the rest of you, but I use Linux because it works. Because it doesn't crash that often, because it is fast, etc.
Who exactly is leaving 95/98/NT because they are tired of it working all of the time. sarcasm { Damn, NT has just been up and running for too long. I wish it would crash so I could spend hours on the phone with some stupid tech guy because I can't look at the source myself. }
Linux just happens to be in the right place at the right time, providing anoraks with the life-sustaining technical novelty they need.
That is funny, I could have sworn Linux was in the right place at the right time, providing us with the life-sustaining stability, efficiency, and control we need.
But then again, I could be wrong.
Ignore Martin Butler (Score:1)
Agreed. Butler is just part of Microsoft's FUD machinery - He's always being quoted in Computer Weekly and on Silicon.Com.
By the way, above you seem to indicate that 'The Butler Group' and Martin Butler are not the one and the same entity - I personally suspect that they are.
Founder, President, CEO, Teaboy & General Dogsbody
The Dodger Group
Slackware, Debian and Redhat (Score:1)
It's in the stars. (Score:1)
"I predict that in a group with a great deal of dedication to the platform, factionalism will arise." Well, duh. Show me any group like that where it doesn't. I think it'd be an improvement for a lot of factions to produce more code and vent less heat, but the old rule applies - competition promotes innovation and improvement.
If Linus ever did get tired of being in charge of the kernel, I think in the first instance he'd hand it over to someone he trusted. That's what I'd do. And if the worst does happen and the code forks, people will use what suits them best, and changes will probably migrate back and forth.
Re: Not mutually exclusive! (Score:1)
(Ducking for cover....)
the best way to go (Score:1)
RedHat==Tons o' space and easy
SuSE== I dunno, It's still pretty rad
Debian== Turbo Geeks
Ever mounted a floppy as a swap partition... that's style!
Right on! (Score:1)
As for incompatibility between versions, the closest we've come is libc5/glibc2 crap. Which is really easy to remedy.
Different package types? Compile from source! I use RedHat, but I only use rpms for libraries (and, of course, the base install).
As long as it's still Linux, it'll still be compatible.
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
The first time I tried to install Linux, I had a choice of Slackware (Unleashed book '96 version) and RedHat 5.0..
RH would just NOT install right.
Slackware went in on try 1. Sure, it took a bit more thinking to get it there, but DAMN!
And besides, there's a certain satisfaction to bucking the trend that's bucking the trend..
-- Proud member of the intra-Linux counter-culture.
ack, gasp.... President Gore? (Score:1)
if Gore got his hands on linux, it would become illegal. He'd say that linux discriminates against minorities, since minorities are less likely (according to various polls) to have computers and internet access.
Have it my way. (Score:1)
You mean compatability with standards??? WOW WHAT (Score:2)
(--regains senses--)
Oh, sorry, I slept near that new Gates book, it must have tried to poison me....
The fact is, people want standards, and until people deviated from standards, the WWW was a cool place to play. As long as Linus, Alan, and the Merry Men, keep a standard kernel and lib. the Linux World will just get better and better.
Silly "technical" writers are so used to the status quo of Big Business today, they can't see the shift that's happening, there's more profit to be made in an Open Source Standards world. IBM, HP and the others will catch on soon.
What If... (Score:1)
Now, what have we ended up with? We're right back where commercial unix is today, although for mostly different reasons. I'm probably going to get flamed a bit, but think on this. We wanted Linux to be widely accepted for many reasons, now that this is starting to happen, we are bitching at eachother over (mostly) trivial things. If Linux is going to be everything we want it to be, we need to stop fighting, we need to allow for the commercial interests of companies like RedHat, while maintaining the diversity provided by user based groups such as Debian. If the commercial and non-commercial sides can manage to get over their differences and work together as, Linux will go places we never imagined. If we can't let that happen, Linux is likely to become the next OS/2.
Hey, hey, hey! (Score:1)
Red Hat (Score:1)
Come on, people, it's a ZD publication... don't expect too much from it.
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
I really can't stand people who "install" Linux and the GNU tools, and have no clue of how it works. New installs of Linux should be hard, and when the new user starts to show they know something, they can use RPM's then. I think this should especially true for X. The harder, the better!
RedHat is damaging for the Linux community (Score:1)
get a clue man. why don't you wander over to
debian.org and see how GREAT and PROFESSIONAL their site looks....blah
if you dont like the redhat site, i suggest you
donate your time and redesign the fucking thing into something more suitable in your mind.
damn...some people just dont get it at all.
Here's what we need: (Score:1)
Please. Those two words together is enough to make me want to vomit. I don't want to see the chief administration poster boy for Clipper/Skipjack/key escrow president, nor Tipper Gore, the founder of PMRC the first lady.
I like freedom, and those that are for government spying on citizens and for censorship of music lyrics are no friends of freedom.
The democrats had better be able to come up with a better candidate than Al Gore. How about Bill Bradley? What is his record on the important issues?
This guy really doesn't get it does he? (Score:1)
Flame wars imply life?!?! (Score:1)
Such idiocy presumes that controversy can only be expressed in the language of vulgarity and ad hominum. The fallacy of that position is self-evident.
What all these flame wars really represent is the fact that Linux and the Internet have superceded the old BBS nets as the forum of choice for the socially illiterate, self-proclaimed mavens of the computer "underground".
The truly sad result is that flaming is a self-perpetuating phenomenon that seems to engulf even the most civil and intelligent of individuals once they have become the brunt of it. Civil debate and discussion require effort and thought; flames only a keyboard and a command of the cruder elements of language.
Fortunately, there seem to be relatively few flame-baiting topics in the Linux universe so far. Sadly, these subjects seem to be in the forefront of conversation far too often.
Freedom of speech is a vital part of the Net. It carries with it the responsibility to use that freedom properly. Express your opinions. Do it forcefully when necessary. But recognize that flaming is not speech but assault. It presents no opinion, but rather attacks those whose opinion differs from yours, and in so doing, spits upon the very freedom that allows it to occurs. It is the ultimate hypocrisy.
Trainspotting (Score:1)
Redhat suits ? (Score:1)
Hey, hey, hey! (Score:1)
Hey now, no Slackware bashing! I like Slackware and I'm perfectly normal. Except for those damn pixies flying around the room.
John Riney
Here's what we need: (Score:1)
John Riney
Another idiot spouting off (Score:1)
Did I miss something in that? (Score:1)
Now there's a semi-informed article at least: (Score:1)
The flame wars mean linux is ALIVE (Score:1)
The Amiga for instance, doesn't just smell funny, it's dead- an ex-parrot; joined the choir invisibule etc etc..
However, hop on over to comp.sys.amiga.misc to see how valid your metric is- lots of drongos flaming each other over vaporware
Yes, I do own several Amigas, but they mostly run linux.. and when we get cross-compilation running on the x86 box, the PPC Amiga will run APUS linux too...
Hey, hey, hey! (Score:1)
Hey, hey, hey! (Score:1)
Of course it could be the tin of Penguin Mints a day that I eat.
-g0 -O99 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=i486
Of course you are! (Score:2)
In any case, the crucial test for compatability is: can you run 99.9% of the binaries on different platforms without recompilation/major option tweaking? If you can, then the differences between, say, Red Hat and Debian do not matter. If you need to recompile or do deep options voodoo, then the whole thing will crash around our ears. To succeed prepackaged binaries have to run on *Linux*, not Red Hat Linux version 5.0 or greater with kernel patch v2.........
Don't Slam Debian (was Redhat suits ?) (Score:1)
Hey Now! Debian is one of the better distributions, IMHO, and is one of the only distributions that mantains the same spirit that helped build Linux in the first place. Don't troll what you don't understand.
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
But rpm doesn't suck nearly as much as Debian's packaging system.
I like rpm because I can convert it to a tarball with Slackware's rpm2targz utility. Then I can work with it. I don't trust rpm to safely install anything.
Another has-been trying to share its experience. (Score:1)
Comparing Linux History to Unix history is incorrect. Linux really not follow the same development line and the way Linux evolved is really not the same as the way Unix as evolved.
To be brief, in answer to this article, I should say that achieving compatibility between Linux versions is always possible, as long that the components involved are "open". That's a major differences with Unix where people are bashing each other in law suits (Are there law anoraks? Just kidding.) for stolen ideas. That's the same reason why Linux can't die totally exceipt from holocaust or a MS totalitary mondial government.
If this happen, you can be sure I will be in the rebellion.
Just my 2 pennies.
HELL YES (Score:1)
Hotty Toddy Gawsh Almighty
Who the hell are we?
Flim flam bim bam
(with apologies to Colonel Reb.)
Oh yes and about the magical RPM fairy
I'm a loon
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
I have gotten Slackware + X + networking in 40mb of space (and *still* have free space). With 20MB of swap it ran fairly slow on a 386SX-25 laptop w/ 3.5mb of ram and a 60mb hdd... heheheheh
Smallest install of RedHat was about 50MB in 5.1, without X or networking...
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
the best way to go (Score:1)
Alright, loons! Sound off! (Score:1)
Whether you consider the lack of a package manager to be a good or bad thing is a matter only you can decide.
All I know is RPM is still not perfect although it is still a useful utility if you prefer that sort of thing.
Redhat suits ? (Score:1)
RedHat is damaging for the Linux community (Score:1)
Am I just in some lucky little pocket of non-reality out here??
Right on! (Score:1)
As long as the basics are compatible with each
distro I dont care how many there are. Ill just use what works best for me.