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Caldera/SuSE/Stampede Announce 2.2.x Based Distribution 66

Surplus Baggage writes "Caldera is planning to release the beta of OpenLinux 2.2 at Novell's BrainShare conference. It's the first distro to be based on a 2.2.x kernel. ZDNet has the story. " I've been reminded by people that Stampede has the first 2.2 out. As well, SuSE 6.1, out in a couple days will have a 2.2 based distrib. /me slaps own face.
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Caldera/SuSE/Stampede Announce 2.2.x Based Distribution

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  • Hello? I've been running 2.2.x on Debian for a few months now (some of the prereleases). If we're counting BETAs then Debian has it, if we're counting stable then it's totally ready ... I'm running many servers totally based on the stable distro (2.1 aka slink) with the 2.2 kernels.

    It bothers me that the free (and IMO best) distro is consistantly ignored.
  • Why not get a subscription from SuSE. It's very cool. If I understood correctly they will send you updates (new versions etc...) for a year.
  • See! Lookie!


    very nice ;-)
  • Posted by Art Pepper:

    From http://www.debian.org:

    Debian version 2.1 (Nickname: slink)
    released - 9 March 1999
    -Linux kernel 2.0.36 (a source package for 2.2.1 is included)
    -Apt (part 1), the new backend to dselect for easy net package retrieval
    -Apt (part 2), the new commandline for intellegent upgrades/installs
    -first public release for sparc and alpha architectures
  • Posted by Forward The Light Brigade:

    that would be great EXCEPT you see Debian has this nice page that lists the INCOMPATIBILIES between slink and 2.2.x

    they ship with 2.0.36

    Stampede was the first distro out with 2.2.x

    *I am running deb 2.1 In a few days I will be running Stampede 0.89*
  • Posted by Forward The Light Brigade:

    there is apparently some beta RH release that they are calling starbucks....

    anyone heard of it?
  • Where can I find an MP3 player for my car?
    Try http://www.empeg.com/ [empeg.com]

    And it's a 250MHz StrongARM RISC in the "car radio" form-factor, running the 2.2.1 kernel -- so I'm on-topic, Rob :-) -- with a Python UI.

  • The real MEEPT!! did one act plays and dialogues.
    ^~~^~^^~~^~^~^~^^~^^~^~^~~^^^~^^~~^~~~ ^~~^~
  • It's not like Caldera's is a RELEASE... and RedHat's beta also includes glibc 2.1 to get the most out of 2.2... does Caldera's??
  • Red Hat 5.9 Starbuck. No 's'. Matt

  • Upgrading the 6.0 to run with 2.2.2 (yeah, yeah, 2.2.2 was the latest back then) was a doddle.

    Overall, SuSE rocks.

  • Stampede actually made it out the door first with a 2.2 binary. This Sm@rt Reseller article, as first reprinted in PC Week and ZDNet, left off the all important 'deck' line which stated:

    The early _reseller_ Linux leader is Caldera by a beta.

    Which puts the story into its proper context. It's since has been corrected.

    Steven, Senior Technology Editor, S@R
  • by Zeek ( 11740 )
    we all know Stampede then Debian were the first but has anyone heard/read/thought/concived of when a new distro of slack with the 2.2.X will be released?
    Zeek T. Morbid
    This was only the test.
  • Their webpage says the distro is still in beta.
  • also there german page say this

    "SuSE Linux 6.1 - mit Kernel 2.2.3, KDE 1.1 und GNOME 1.0. Lieferbar ab 12. April 1999.

    The international version of SuSE Linux 6.1 will be released in May 1999."

    I am now testing Suse 6.0 with 2.2.0-pre7 which came with the distro but i will soon to be at 2.2.3 as soon as i compile it. One thing that i do not like is they give you afterstop 1.0 that sucks afterstep 1.6 was stable public for 3 months or so and i do not like the speed of KDE its to slooowwww..

    Joshua Curtis
    Lancaster Co. Linux Users Group
  • I just bought it one week ago now i see that 6.1 is going to be out(Now like SUSE6.0 better than RH5.1) I am going to see if i can get them to send me a new cd or I just will order one from cheepbytes.

    Joshua Curtis
    Lancaster Co. Linux Users Group
  • by ja ( 14684 )
    Try CeBit
  • Where can I find an MP3 player for my car?

    Ho! Ho!

  • Anyone know when RedHat will have a 2.2.x dist?
  • The media already has a migraine thinking about free software. The only way they can prevent total confusion is to focus on the commercial aspects of the Linux movement.

    If the media were ever to grasp the concept of a free distribution as well, their heads would explode.
  • Just a vicious rumor, if I could remember where I saw it I'd post a link. Kernel 2.2 and glibc 2.1 are destined for the Slackware 4.0 release. Date was September-ish I think. Independent verification, anyone?
  • Do you realize what all needs to be upgraded on a stock Slackware install (even 3.5 or 3.6) just to compile the kernel without errors? Being able to install the new kernel out of the box without having to play "musical upgrade chairs" is nice.

    That said I'm waiting for Slackware 4.0 at which time I'll reinstall and go 2.2.x only (or not). Right now my modded Slackware 3.1 setup now running 2.0.36 works so I'm not going to try to fix it. :-)
  • Hi everyone

    is there a detailed faq to update suse 6.0 to the 2.2 kernel somewhere (for a newbie)?

  • Hmmm as i remeber the redhat beta distro has been carying the 2.2.x kernel for quite a few weeks now ... so the first beta with kernel 2.2, i dont think so, and as a fellow ./'er pointed out, stampede and mandrake linux have the 2.2's to ... so what does this all prove? Hmm ... zdnet has a few years of linux expiriance to catch up with i gues :)

    -- Chris Chabot
    "I dont suffer from insanity, i enjoy every minute of it!"
  • by chamont ( 25273 )
    It's funny how the article mentions nothing about the NDS support that 1.3 had. Installing the netware server on anything but 1.3 was a nightmare, but Novell's sp5 broke it anyway, and I and most people I've spoken to have scrapped it. It looks like I'm stuck with netware to run NDS.
  • wouldnt a slackware public development tree be nice?
  • Stampede were first that I know of
    Red Hat were probably second, but a lot of other
    small fast moving dists may have beaten it

  • Not that I would claim that SuSE was / is first, but the 6.0 release of their distro came out in December and was "2.2 ready", at least that's what they claimed. The 6.1 release is supposed to come out middle of April with the 2.2.3 kernel.

    I guess, SuSE as well as Caldera use the 2.2 as marketing hype... and who cares who is first - there is much more to a good distro than the newest kernel version.
  • Didn't Stampede announce that it was the first distro with 2.2.1 kernel on the 15th of Febuary
  • Ahhh, but this band deserves it. Check them out, you will understand.
  • Well, I'd not call SuSE 6.0 "2.2 ready"...

    Right, you can get it to work with 2.2 (me set it up with 2.2.3 right now), but you gotta patch a lot if you want it to work all right. Masquerading scripts e.g. barf merrily.

    I think what they call "2.2 ready" is simply that all programs required to patch your system to a 2.2 one are included and that some scripts have been modified to at least not barf totally.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -- Arthur C. Clarke
