Computerworld article on Linux "Silliness" 60
An anonymous reader sent us a link to an article that
expresses the most amazing cluelessness
about Linux I've seen yet outside of the creative panel that
brings us Jesse Berst. A few good points, and a bunch of
obnoxious flame dragging statements that make me irritable.
It's like he's trying to bait Slashdot readers. Don't
take the bait. This one isn't worth it.
Mascots/logos (Score:1)
If there is a problem with something in those logos, it's a lack of humor on M$ part -- this is probably why M$ followers see others' logos/maskots as silly.
I agree (Score:1)
Constructive criticism (Score:1)
He just offered his opinion, and some uniformed "facts".
Constructive criticism would be: "Linux has great potential but is missing a user friendly user interface."
All this guy had to offer was "Their logo sucks." and "I think all the other Linux developers are out there to make ME(Linus) look good." (Taken from the out of context "I don't care about you people" quote)
All I saw in this article was potential FUD for more IT managers to use against Linux.
I read it (Score:1)
heh.. (Score:1)
As for the rest, it sounds mostly like he's pissed off that other people are having fun, mixed in with not understanding human nature (people wanting the reward of tangiable things for themselves before "The common good"), and not doing his fact checking... Linus called it "Freax", dammit.
Besides, the success and future of Linux aren't just about corporate strategy. The corporates may well stand more to gain from Linux (by getting a level playing field for their products) than Linux does from the corporates (getting a few more apps)
Stupid post for a stupid article (Score:1)
Penguins don't/can't run anywhere near 100mph.
Umm...of course they can't. What culture do you belong to that doesn't recognise that Linus post as humour? It's like the quote about Linus just being lazy and not caring about other people. Is this type of humour really that obscure? This isn't a flame, I'm really interested as I'm sure that humour does vary from place to place....I'm just not sure to what extent.
Stupid post for a stupid article (Score:1)
There. See I missed the humor because I automatically assumed he was talking about a penguin under water, perhaps in a SeaQuarium. I don't know the top speed for a swimming penguin, but I can't imagine a more graceful swimmer.
My favorite penguin quality is that powerful image of the male emperor pengiun sitting on an egg in a near coma through the Antarctic winter 200 miles inland for weeks. No sun, hurricane force winds and 70 below. He just stands there and keeps the next generation alive. And when the female comes to relieve him in the spring and the egg hatches, he waddles with the rest single file for that 200 miles back to the ocean for breakfast. Beat that for a mascot. Especially considering that we have only just come onto Microsoft's radar, and we are lilkely to be in for a long, cold struggle from here.
Linux-keep the dream alive.
Case in point? (Score:1)
Case in point being CmdrTaco's take on it. Relax, laugh, go on with your life. Etc.
I agree (Score:1)
The logo sucks.
The idolatry of Linus is pathetic.
The comparison to going to the dance is right on the money.
I guess I am tired, but I just finished fighting with Gnome. And you think Windows crashes?
Get over it. No flame for that guy. Two thumbs up.
What a bonehead. (Score:1)
This guy doesn't matter. Professionalism (I'm assuming that was his point) only gets you so far. Eventually, you have to show the code. Since Linux wasn't developed to "take over the world," why bother with the formality? It just makes the coding/testing/recoding process a whole lot less fun. I'm sure enough of us have to worry about the suits at work... who the hell would want to bring THAT home?
Let's get back to coding...
I dunno the point, but... (Score:1)
I agree it shouldn't get in the way, but the goal shouldn't get in the way of the fun, either. Nobody has to 'join.' But alot of people could stand to lighten up about life in general... and alot of things in the Linux community lean that way. Nothing wrong with it, at least to my eyes. I find it refreshing, in fact.
A big thing to remember (and a LOT of people seem to overlook this lately...) Linux has as many goals as it has users and developers. That's the way it always has been... and should remain.
Something wrong with it (Score:1)
Battle against Microsoft (Score:1)
From Linus himself. (Score:1)
the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen a angry
penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They'd be a lot more
careful about what they say if they had. -- Linus Torvalds
'nuff said.
piss off (Score:1)
You're the sort of person who would get miffed because {insert celebrity here} doesn't wave back at you in the crowd.
Geez, he's just being honest. He didn't say that he wished the crowd would rot in hell or something.
Silly hysterical people.
Well, Jeez; Geeks are Silly... (Score:1)
has a massive silly side to him/her.
And where did Linux rise from? And what kind of
people made it the glorious piece of work that it
Geeks built and maintain Linux. Linux is so
awesome, because the geeks know how to do things
right. And a fundamental goal of Linux is to
have fun with it. So a little silliness spilled
in. The fact that world domination is happening
is a direct consequence to building such a high
quality system. Oh sure, we could be professional
with a low-quality system like some other OS
company. But I think we see where that leads
in terms of user satisfaction.
Have a great day, everyone.
OS/2 ? (Score:1)
Linux, on the other hand, is freeware and does not depend on income or market share to keep going. Those help, to be sure, but aren't part of the base conditions for success.
What can I say...Let's Oscar Speak (Score:1)
Oscar Wilde
I flamed them, I can't help it. (Score:1)
But seriously, even I, the avoider of Linux, caught a factual error in this article -- I have it on good authority that Linus had to be talked into naming the OS Linux instead of Freax.
Curmudgeonliness is good and right, but a curmudgeon who doesn't have his research straight is nothing but a common flamer.
Status of Linux in Hong Kong (Score:1)
well, as a Hong Kong people, I feel ashamed that this kind of article would even appear in those so-called "mainstream" magazines. But luckily this is only an exception.
IT people in Hong Kong is beginning to take notice of Linux, and many univ / college students are using Linux. But only a "beginning" thou.
There's also a LUG in Hong Kong. Not a professional org as it should be, but since this LUG is new, I think it'll be better later.
He does get it (Reposted) (Score:1)
hehe, hate it when i forget my password =)
Nothing wrong with it (Score:1)
We don't have a BillOS because Bill doesn't have a personal link to it. He paid people to write it, that's all. Linux is Linux because the design and philosophy came out of the heart and mind of one person.
A mascot is stupid? (Score:1)
Stupid post for a stupid article (Score:1)
Penguins don't/can't run anywhere near 100mph.
Some guy thought it'd be a funny excuse for a linux penguin.
Talk to Larry Ewing about it, He drew Tux and Linus saw it and liked it. That's it. Linus is fond of penguins tho.
As far as the article goes, Rob is right. It's not worth any time writing to him.
"Those who can can, and those who can't teach (or write slanderous non-accurate critique's)"
The guys a loser, who likes his sound effects and a FLAG (want to talk about a stupid logo.. I could see a window but a f*'in flag?) in every free corner of his desktop. He'll be out of a job in a few years if Linux keeps on gaining momentum like it is.
That's a thought to keep your dreams happy.
(And Bill being forced to use Linux when he has to get a real job because M$ crumbles)
delusions.. no, just wishful thinking.
Constructive criticism (Score:1)
Nothing wrong with it (Score:1)
default shutdown wound (Score:1)
But . . . . (Score:1)
Practical Linuxism (Score:1)
Computers are a means to an end, not an end unto themselves. And if that's true for computers, its doubly so for operating systems. Though arcane, bloated, and slow, Windows makes the world go round because its got the Apps most people want.
The Linux zealots and their criticizers will always be there, but they'll never be remembered for clever remarks or shameless flame throwing.
The folks, quiet or not, who actually heed Linus' advice and make apps which beget more users which beget more apps, which beget more users, and so on and so on and so on, will be remembered for actually DOING something useful. If they're smart about it, they can also get rich.
Penguin Vs. NT? (Score:1)
New Technology works for me too. When you get to the point that acronyms the mean more than the original long name I guess it doesn't matter.
Yesterday it worked.
Today is is not working.
Windows it like that.