Batch of LinuxWorld Stories 21
Later today, Slashdot will be giving out its awards for
the LinuxWorld Expo- brace yourself. To help
tide you over, we have several stories about the show. The
first is from
FWMiller who sent us
a Salon Article
about the event.
sent us a yahoo headline page from
the show.
and Mtn_Dewd
sent us a CNN Story and
wired story.
Stallman marginalized? (Score:1)
If he really delivers a keynote at the next LinuxWorld I bet they'll be ready with the tranquilizer darts and nets. Or they'll put him on at 3 a.m.
Poor Richard... too scary for the suits, too valuable to snub entirely...
On another note, I watched the RA of Linus's keynote. I like the fact that he says he ISN'T a visionary! He just wants to hack code, drink beer, take care of his daughters and let world domination take its natural course.
No disability (Score:1)
Linux Conferences in Europe (Score:1)
When's the next "LinuxWorld"ish conference? Is there one somewhere in Europe?
I wouldn't mind attending, but the US is so far away.
Stallman marginalized? (Score:1)
I don't believe that he should be ignored, but don't let him control the whole thing. They way he dissed Mr O'Reilly pissed me off though. He was acting a little counter to his own philosophy. If you can't sell books (or services) on free software, then you put a death hold on ever making money on GPL stuff.
sexpot? (Score:1)
Suits in Hacker Clothing (Score:1)
This comment from the CNN article really bothers me... This sure sounds like some guy that just wants to make a fast buck!!
Rob, you need a media rep (Score:1)
Too bad they misinterpreted Nate, too... he "works for" Rob?
In any case, you guys have to be nicer to these media types... if you're gonna get press, make sure it's *good* press. Isn't Hemos supposed to be the schmooze-meister?
Stuff wired, Saloon rock. (Score:1)
shallow one on wired. From memory most of the interesting analysis has come from saloon. I guess
I've made my selection official, I deleted my wired bookmark and added saloon.
And to think at one point wired was where the exploration occurred.
sexpot? (Score:1)
sexpot? (Score:1)
Stallman marginalized? (Score:1)
You don't understand Stallman's points. RMS is one of the most consistent people I know; he never acts counter to his own philosophy. He makes his living selling services connected to free software (as a consultant), and supports others in doing the same. He does not object to the sale of books, and the sale of services is key to his philosophy as the only ethical way for programmers to make a living.
His point is that free software needs free documentation; otherwise when someone improves the program, it's illegal for them to update the book to match the changes to the program.
Now, while I respect RMS, I still own some O'Reilly books (and work on proprietary software, as well as free software).
Just the same, O'Reilly seems to be trying to take over the free software movement and to exclude anyone who thinks like RMS: just write them out of history. Did you notice the list of people invited to O'Reilly's next "summit" on "collaborative software?" All the people who talk about freedom have been banned. No RMS, no Bruce Perens, no one from Debian. Why should O'Reilly be in charge of these kinds of events and select who attends?
Only a few clueful journalists out there (Score:1)
Rob does have better things to do than talk to those people. Most of the trade press is clue-impaired. There are only a few journalists I can think of who consistently "get it": Andrew Leonard of Salon Magazine's "21st" section [salonmagazine.com] is probably the best out there, and Dan Gillmor [sjmercury.com] of the San Jose Mercury News has a clue.
Notice that what these guys have in common is that commercial software companies aren't paying their bills: they write for more general-interest publications. This means they get to stay honest. Folks who write for Ziff-Davis or IDG publications are under great pressure to be whores.
first? (Score:1)
You mean appearance and not actual reality right? (Score:1)