LSB: A position paper 123
Ransom Love from Caldera has published
a positional paper about Linux Standard Base and what he
thinks about if the Linux community won't adopt it. I think it's a "must read" (thanks to Linux Weekly News).
Update: 03/01 03:23 by S : Seems like that LSB needs a boost: now
Intel is talking of setting up a new initiative... (see
half way down the page)
I don't agree (Score:1)
LSB a good idea (Score:1)
I don't agree (Score:1)
RedHat is the Problem (Score:1)
Now stuff goes in
The reason it doesn't go into
LSB - or nothing? Not quite that dire a choice .. (Score:1)
The users of a given distribution will become self-selecting. Those that have little interest in commercial applications, but value their option to alter the underlying OS in any manner they choose would follow the dissenters.
Both have a role to play - LSB and the major distributions will make Linux mainstream perhaps even to the desktop . Those that will play with the code in a non-standardized environment may be creating the next LSB standard
If this is about freedom, it is also about freedom of choice. Linux should not become 90% of the OS market.
What's wrong with... (Score:1)
LSB v1.0 minimum specs could be 486DX2-66, 16MB RAM, 500MB HD, VGA 640x480, SB Compatible Sound, OSSFree or ALSA, libc5, X11R6 3.3.1, SVGALib, Linux 2.0.35, Mesa 3.0, TWM, linuxconf, RPM and File System Standard.
Almost every distro *I* know of provides these basic things. I include libc5 because it has the most widespread implementation (I can run libc5 binaries on my glibc system), X11R6 is a standard, SVGALib - standard, Linux 2.0.35 or better standard, Mesa 3.0 or better - standard, TWM at the very least, linuxconf is essentially a standard and distro agnostic, RPM can be used on any distro - I hear Debian's install stuff is good but more people use RPM. FSS is VERY important for compatability and crossplatform capability - isn't that what Linux is all about?
That's not to say that the distribution vendor couldn't ADD to the spec with newer versions and more choices; it would just mean that the ISV's would have a minimum system configuration that they could write to.
JUST DEFINE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. It's as easy as that. Give the ISV's additional incentive to provide us with additional sofware.
Thank you for your time.
I agree (Score:1)
Eveyone should be in favor of this, especially those who are always whining about Red Hat taking over the world. Instead of making products for Red Hat, companies can make products for any LSB-compliant distribution.
Yes, please! (Score:1)
As someone engaged in porting a commercial application from other Unices to Linux, I would cheer at the arrival of a base set of services that I can count on in all Linux distributions. That base set of services has to be competitive with other OSes, or Linux is not going to make it. My users are used to being able to install & uninstall with some sort of package manager. I don't want to tell them "on Solaris, use admintool, but on Linux, you have to untar, copy these files, check these prerequisites,
True but vacuous ... (Score:1)
True but vacuous. Is there any general-purpose distro without plans to support 2.2.x, egcs, and glibc in the very near future?
The devil's in the details -- for example, the libjpeg problem with its unnecessarily fine-grained version code in its header. But these are easily solvable.
As for LSB, as long as it's a reasonable discussion between techies to solve technical problems, bless them. But -- at one point, at least -- it was in danger of becoming yet another vehicle for the overblown Perens ego, to which the various distributions replied (quite properly) by ignoring it and starting side discussions.
I have no idea why Love chose to write this now, unless there's some special situation at Caldera that requires a political statement of LSB support from them. I would have thought that the whole standards thing was mostly a non-issue [mit.edu] by now....
Standards are always good... (Score:1)
Even if you don't see need for LSB in order to run commercial software, I don't understand how anybody can argue against standards.
Standards are good for competition. The more things there are that are standard the easier it is for me to change distributions or work with people who use other distributions. There's less to learn, less to recompile, and less chance of frustration.
For example, every distribution has a way to stop and start daemons. Since the feature is standard there should be a standard way of accessing it. If you can't agree on init.d setup, then agree on a standard interface that each distro will implement in it's own way (ie. a set of /usr/sbin scripts that call the native commands).
Now I can go to any machine running Linux and be confident that, even though I've never seen the distro, I can perform basic administration. Also, if Slackware comes up with some awsome whiz-bang feature that I must have, I can switch to it and be instantly productive.
how do you know? (Score:1)
Ambition ? (Score:1)
Lack of understanding (Score:1)
This standard wouldn't be arbitrary and linux wouldn't bend to fit it. It would be a dynamic living standard that would change with the community as the community needs it to. It would be more than a package manager (hopefully it could do some god because there isn't a really good one yet, they've all got flaws) that would just be a tiny piece of the puzzle. It would probably even be an optional piece of the installation. I'm sick of hearing people complain about RPM and say this is a bad standard, you've probably already got RPM capability in your linux dist. as it is even if you never use it.
The deal is that if linux is going to be a full desktop OS it is going to have commercial source-code-less software. To support that there needs to be some kind of baseline, it's just unacceptable to include all the possible libraries with an application (what good are sharedlibs then?) and it's unacceptable for an end user to buy an application and be expected to go find, download, and build lesstif to make it run.
Not just will it benefit linux by allowing ISVs to develop software more easily (without worrying about all the 'what ifs' of installing the damn apps) but it will make it easier for OSS to distribute binaries also. And I think it is inevitable, a defacto standard (redhat linux) will become the standard or we can take control of the issue with Redhat's blessing and create a distribution free standard.
I'm willing to say the a Linux99 compatible machine can deal with RPMs, has QT (if they ever release the free version), GTK+ 1.2, GNOME 1.0, KDE 1.1, glibc, JDK 1.1.7, and lesstif on it in working order. I'm also willing to say that linux99 apps can be gnome or kde compliant but need neither to run. Essentially we'd pick some libs, name them with linux99 in the name and put them in when you install, you could upgrade to newer versions without breaking anything. Next year we will change it to match the new landscape. As component ware becomes more of a reality we can add mozilla and other components to the standard (you will need to have a mozilla component to run certain apps.)
This doesn't sound so bad to me, sure it might install a few megs of libraries I'm not fond of but if it's optional I won't install it if I don't need it. I'd much rather be able to just install and run StarOffice, Corel WordPerfect, RealAudio, Netscape, or whatever other apps on my linux box than save a few megs or be tied to redhat linux.
Or spend hours trying to force some application to work on my machine. And if I never buy any binary apps then I don't need it but I'll probably end up installing most of the linux99 standard simply because I'll need parts of it for a lot of OSS apps.
LSB = POSIX for Linux (Score:1)
The story of Linux (Score:1)
I don't agree (Score:1)
"Problem with that is, that RedHat is one of the main people in the LSB effort. Most of the past discussion about LSB has been about what package manager to use. I thought it had died, and was glad."
You know, I have to say, I can't take anything in this post seriously after the opening sentance. The LSB mailing list is hosted by Debian. The site isn't hosted by RedHat. The activity on the mailing list seems to show RedHat hasn't pushed for anything that much, and definately not for something that would specificly benifit them.
The LSB is NOT a behind closed doors project, and it is not going to be bulldoged by one distribution. Following your logic, the LSB would be doomed to include a commercial X server because the LSB written standard Technical lead is Stuart Anderson and he works for Metro Link, Inc. That more consistant with your logic, and we all know that won't happen.
Guilt by association is absolutely rediculus, and your stretching to even prove the association! It would be wise to read up on it, and check it out yourself at thier website a bit, join some of the mailing lists, and learn more about it before you condem something you don't seem to understand.
Commercial Standard (Score:1)
Oh, Caldera's the one to complain... (Score:1)
Another interesting fact, is that Caldera was the company that actually developed RPM. This happened way back in the days of Caldera's CND, which was a set of Caldera extensions over the top of Red Hat. Today, Caldera still looks a bit more like Red Hat (under the hood) than I care to talk about.
So, I guess to sum up, Caldera's biggest problem is that they are a slow-mover. RH 5.2. SuSE 6.0. Caldera 1.3?! Guys, put some money into devel!
FreeBSD approach is good (Score:1)
I don't think it necessarily solves the problem for binaries-only software releases the article was addressing.
That having been said, I have to take this opportunity to say that I also like the FreeBSD approach. From what I have seen it gives you the most flexibility and control. I like its source-oriented approach (ah, the Good Old Days when everything was source only!). I would prefer a FreeBSD-like Linux distribution to those currently available.
This is silly chest pounding (Score:1)
Netscape communicator 4.5 runs on RH, Debian and SuSE.
And it worked on my RH box before and after upgrading from 2.0.36 to 2.2.
Pre compiled products can statically link and run most anywhere.
If the authors are dieing to ship a smaller more elegant chunk of code... let them join the open source movement.
LSB a good idea (Score:1)
The general educated position is that Debian is, for those with the experience to cope with, far better with that sort of thing. In fact, Debian can also upgrade everything with two commands (look at apt-get), with the added benefit that everything is guaranteed to be thoroughly quality-checked before release. As a power user I'd certainly recommend it over the other distributions.
I agree on your view that Linux needs a FreeBSD style upgrade model though, as an option.
Lack of understanding (Score:1)
When I upgraded samba I was surprised to see that the genuine samba make throws everything in
Perhaps rather than make a clean break to conform to the standard, filesystem links can be used to good effect to 'upgrade' old distributions' layouts to conformance without much pain.
But things like different configuration file formats are just *wanton* and one way or another will get weeded out by evolutionary forces.
One other thing, the standard clearly needs at least two levels to it. The first, core, level should talk about where files ought to live, format of configuration files, which standard-C libraries must be available and so on: issues relevant to even the smallest embedded Linux application. The guy who replied to this thread above me cursing his HDD space getting eaten with (hated by him) Gnome has a good point if your microwave or settop box is running Linux from flash. The second level could address X-Windows and window manager issues in systems where that's appropriate.
The guy way above who said that you shouldn't be frightened of these kind of genuinely open, changeable and debated standards was right: the thing is to standardize to core of things without tying people's hands to innovate and remain complient. You need to standardize a virtual base class and let people derive!
Subtext (Score:1)
is now strain within what was once a multi-vendor agreement to support something called
the LSB.
I confess to not following these developments closely enough. Could someone knowledgeable
perhaps post an objective summary of the current state of affairs?
In general, I think that posters here have expressed fair-minded skepticism regarding the
need for--and viability of--an overly restrictive LSB. However, I think it fair to say
that Linux distributions are as compatible as they are, due to a desire to remain so.
There is real danger that some Linux distributor (eg, Microsoft, Corel?) might emerge with an agenda
to embrace and extend the system in proprietary ways. (Corel statements that they intend to develop proprietary UI "standards", and that they see an opportunity to "dominate the UNIX market", show cause for concern.) However, the danger would lie not in
the attempt to do so, but in the willingness of ISVs and consumers to accept this tactic.
I am indeed beginning to hear--from consumers and IT people--language like, "we're looking
to Redhat to provide...". This is bad news for the community, because even though I doubt
Redhat really has any intention of "consolidating the Linux market," the Redhat of 5 years
from now could find itself the "defacto standard"--which would indeed greatly stifle the
innovation and competitiveness Linux represents today.
Ultimately, the Linux community is going to have to be very savvy about this kind of move,
and even about general trends, and develop an ability to mobilize opinion against
proprietarization attempts.
NB: Applications are NOT required to choose static linkage, if they don't like the
library layout of a given system--and many large UNIX apps, such as Oracle, already do not.
An application can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and use libraries shipped with the application.
For GPL'd libraries, this means making source available--however, this is much less a deal
than ISVs might imagine. Savvy companies like IBM and HP will have no difficulty with
The idea... (Score:1)
The idea... (Score:1)
The idea... (Score:1)
Thanks to Motif, or to Netscape's programmers? (Score:1)
I'm sure the Netscape folks would have some choice words to say about the quality of Motif. Certainly everyone I know of who's used Motif for serious applications hates it
I'm not sure how much better GTK is having not used it much. Netscape's major reasoning behind going to GTK is not because it's BETTER but because it's free software and it's easier to get people to work with it.
Oh, Caldera's the one to complain... (Score:1)
I don't know whose fault it is, but more than once I've seen /etc/passwd world writable on old Caldera boxes. More to the point, they're so preoccupied with running commercial software on Linux in binary form that they strategically leave out .h files to make it hard to compile things...
Fruity? Why? (Score:1)
I mean, all of the distributions are just that, right? Distributions of 100s of independent packages. Init scripts may differ, some of the directory structure, perhaps... but at the end of the day, what is really so different? Especially after you start customizing your favorite distro to behave the way you want it to behave?
I'd be interested in some un-emotional, fact-based insight into why people believe that one distro is superior to another.
URL to LSB docs??? (Score:1)
What are they proposing exactly??
If it doesn't meet and exceed the best ideas we can come up with, we shouldn't standardize yet!
That has killed many things (ADA, X.400/ISO, etc. etc.). Good riddance, but let's not follow.
Motif is NOT awful (Score:1)
It's statically linked with Motif which makes it a 11 MB monster that crashes, takes 20 seconds to load,
and sometimes decides to take off with the cpu just to run an animated gif or something.
I will be sooooo glad when 5.0 comes out.
What problem? Caldera's problem. (Score:1)
Look, it takes less effort to make your app run on all major distros than it does to get it to run on Win95 and NT, and your backward compatibility isn't much different than trying to write an app that runs on NT 3.51 and NT 4.0 (gods forbid NT 3.1).
No LSB? It means the other distro makers have to play catch-up with Red Hat's decisions, instead of getting to help make them.
It also means immunity from stupid mistakes -- if Red Hat screws up, another Linux distro will replace them as the leader. If a universal LSB screws up, however, a non-Linux (and not necessarily free) OS will win.
What problem? Caldera's problem. (Score:1)
And how long does it take to make the decisions, how long does it take to realize it was a mistake, and how long does it take LSB to correct it? And how much damage happens in the meantime?
Forget a standards committee. Let the rough, anarchic consensus of the Free Software movement and the marketplace solve it. It got us Linux, didn't it?
No Problem ? (Score:1)
It's the libraries , stupid (Score:1)
The major problems running commercial packages are mostly related to the shared libraries ( in particular, libc ) . For example, Applix wants libc 5.3.12 , Star Office 4 wants libc 5.4.x , and you have a glibc distro, where all your other apps want something else. What we are seeing at the moment is a mix of the following:
(a) Big statically linked commercial apps
(b) Users, often newbies, crying out in pain as they try to configure their system to handle severl conflicting library versions.
I , for one, would be appy to see this stupidity come to an end. Even if the distributors were to do no more than synchronize kernel and libc versions, this alone would be a vast improvement.
I do not see a major advantage in having different libc and kernel releases with the different distros . There are some issues where the users want choice ( say, package management ) , and there are some areas where choice makes life difficult for everyone ( shared library versions and directory structures )
Personally, I'd love to see the distributors standardize on releases of the major ( libc and libg++ ) shared libs, and possibly do the same for the non core libs ( gtk , jpeg , gdbm , ... choose a version of qt, so that *if* qt was shipped, it should be version X ) . Is it too much to ask that linux be binary-compatible with itself ?!?!????
-- Donovan
Donovan Rebbechi
It's about the FUTURE of Linux (rather long) (Score:1)
No, it must give them, the ISVs, something to "bend to" -- state its own "whims" clearly, that's all.
No, but to make life easier for consumers to buy software from those ISVs.
Yeah, it's "doing just fine" among those few (relative to the myriads of Windows users) hackers and techno-nerds who use it today. But who cares about the great unwashed masses -- as long as we "L33T D00DZ" can have our toy to ourselves everything is "just fine", right?
Heh... Yes, "glaring" is a good word to use here, given all its connotations... And given those, I'm not sure it's the word you should have chosen, if you wanted to paint a rosy-red picture like it seems you did. That lovely lava-lamp mood light of media attention can soon turn into the harsh glare of oncoming headlights (mounted on a truck known as "wide-spread consumer dissatisfaction"), if Linux doesn't live up to the feel-good hype it is currently recieving.
Yeah, that will be a hit with the Mom-and-Pop crowd! Hey, what exactly are those "--switches"? And are you sure they'll work on any distribution? Mom and Pop won't be able to figure them out, if the software package they just bought is configured for a distro other than the one they are attempting to install it on, you know.
Oh, forgive me for not realizing that Linux was built for your pleasure and your pleasure alone. BTW, what exactly is it that you "already" do with Linux -- Web surfing, IRC and games, I suppose...?
The only problem being that gnumeric will run "out-of-the-box" only on Corel or Debian, KOffice on Corel or Red Hat, and AbiWord only on Debian or Red Hat, or something like that. The difference, furthermore, being that MS Word and Excel -- and Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect for Windows -- run "out-of-the-box" on all the distributions" of Windows 98 and NT 4! (Yes, I know there's only one of each! :-) (That's why we need a little standardization among distros, to achieve those same advantages.)
Again, forgive me for not realizing that you and you alone have the authority to decree that ISVs who want to release proprietary software on Linux -- and people who want to run that proprietary software -- should just fuck off and die, what with Linux being your and the other "L33T D00DZ" personal playground and all...
And your needs are of course the one and only World Needs Standard -- now that seems to be a Standard you're in favour of...
??? Are you stupid, or what's wrong with you? Of bloody course it will hurt Linux's market share if people who could use Linux if there were a standard for non-OSS ISVs to write to -- can't, because there is no standard for non-OSS ISVs to write to!
No, it won't "suddenly DIE" -- it can live on among those few (yes, relatively speaking it is still a few) hackers and techno-nerds who use it today. If that's what you want, to doom Linux to such a marginal existence, and denying ordinary end-users a realistic chance at using it, then just say so. But please don't try to pass it off as striking some great blow for freedom -- it's just the opposite.
Christian R. Conrad
Opinions are MINE, not my employer's -- Hedengren, in Finland.
Red Hat is the future (Score:1)
The human need for a "heard" and to flock around "the leader" never ceases to amaze me, but thanks to the GPL there will always be a nice, custumizable distro for those who want it - even in a MS/RedHat/IBM/HP/Euro/whatever ruled world. That is the real beauty of it all.
Hobbiest OS (Score:1)
If the user cannot *use* his or her machine in an effecient manner, then they will not change, technical superiority not withstanding. Period.
The media has shined a very large spotlight on our community. Very large companies have voiced support and some have even begun to provide very good products. However, without an increasing user base, how long do you believe this support will continue?
The story of Linux (Score:1)
However, you bring up a couple of really good points. One of the things I like about Linux is that it is co-operative (collaborative? collective?) effort of people with many different points of view, but one larger (yet amazingly hard to define) direction.
I then had a realization...
The LSB could easily be the first step to the Linux Cathedral.
Yes, we need standards. Yes, we need protocols and APIs. We've developed those using the current structures. Do we need an arbitrary group of people determining our direction for us?
I think this could be one of the more interesting questions for the next year or two, as the different allies in the Linux effort (distributors, users, hackers, ISV's, and proprietary software companies expanding into the new market) realize that their own goals are subtly (or not so subtly) different from all the others, and want to have some control (or lack of it) over the direction of Linux.
This could easily lead to the fragmentation that has plagued Unix and other great endeavours in the past.
Excuse me, Motif has tearable menus (Score:1)
Xt has some significant bulkiness and design issues. There are large portions of Xt that just feel unpleasant and unwieldy to use, in addition to requiring too much code to implement. (Having event translations as a user-alterable resource springs to mind.)
I don't have a good idea of how GTK stacks up as I find the idea of bringing out yet another UI library that's designed to do OO in C instead of C++ to be rather revolting. I do recall GTK being rather more simply and cleanly implemented when I gave it a glance awhile back though.
Motif and Xt (Score:1)
Xt (and hence Motif) has some significant bulkiness and design issues. There are large portions of Xt that just feel unpleasant and unwieldy to use, in addition to requiring too much code to implement. (Having event translations as a user-alterable resource springs to mind.)
I don't have a good idea of how GTK stacks up as I find the idea of bringing out yet another UI library that's designed to do OO in C instead of C++ to be rather revolting. I do recall GTK being rather more simply and cleanly implemented when I gave it a glance awhile back though.
GTK, and LSB (Score:1)
I dislike GTK because it isn't written in C++ and it should be.
One problem I see with LSB is that too much standardization is bad. A good OS will succeed in a marketplace (ecology) because it can adapt to fill a lot of niches. There's a shrink-wrap application/home user niche. There's a heavy duty file server niche. There's a web server niche, and there's an imbedded applications niche. There are TONS of niches. Linux is adaptable enough to fit into all of them.
The most important niche from a standardization standpoint is the shrink-wrap niche. That niche is large enough to have several players, and they will only badly hurt eachother if they don't cooperate to some extent. I see GNOME, and possibly LSB as a step in the direction of getting the shrink-wrap people to cooperate to the extent necessary to create a stable marketplace niche for Linux.
LSB is bad if it attempts to make ALL Linux distributions conform to the standards necessary to compete in the shrink-wrap niche. Distributions should be clear about the needs they try to fill, and standards should be flexible enough to let them fill them.
This is overblowing the problem. (Score:1)
Even slackware has rpm utilities. And all systems have tar and gzip.
All systems shipped at the moment have both libc and glibc (with minor glitches like wich one is preferred) so no problem there either.
All systems ship with a 2.0.35+ kernel and none with 2.1.x or 2.2.x
So if an ISV is a moron and does not see the fact that a properly linked package will work on any system, then to hell with it and its venerable product.
If the ISV is not a moron, than there is no problem here and Oracle and IBM are proving this pretty well.
And there is more than enough standards as of now to follow (i mean those that are not completely implemented). Overlapping them with a new and artificial one is simply stupid...
This paper is badly though out and simply stupid. (Score:1)
Even slackware has rpm utilities. And all systems have tar and gzip.
All systems shipped at the moment have both libc and glibc (with minor glitches like wich one is preferred) so no problem there either.
All systems ship with a 2.0.35+ kernel and none with 2.1.x or 2.2.x
So if an ISV is a moron and cannot design a properly linked package that will work on any system, then to hell with it and its venerable product.
In btw: this is what mostly makes windows life so troubled. So letting these guys into linux will quite windowize it... It is better to keep this kind of lousy "developers" OUT!
If the ISV is not a moron, than there is no problem with having 4-5 distributions. Oracle and IBM are proving this pretty well.
And there is more than enough standards as of now to follow (I mean those that are not completely implemented into Linux). Paying attention to a new and artificial one is simply stupid...
easy system updating (Score:1)
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Everything else takes care of itself, dependencies are checked and updated, old programs are removed, and the system works as a Debian distribution should (which is very stably). It is possible to add these commands to cron, and your system will remain up-to-date without any routine intervention.
LSB would maybe encourage Game Ports (Score:1)
For the above reasons I think a standard would help.
The story of Linux (Score:1)
Linux, possibly the most successful GPL'd project outside of GNU, must stifle experimental development, and lock itself to an arbitrary standard (beyond POSIX), to make life easier for ISVs to keep their source code proprietary?
Well, I only abandoned WinNT 6 months ago or so, but it seems to me that Linux has been doing just fine before all the big names started porting and supporting Linux. And, now that the media attention is glaring, I see no reason for the current system of distributions and flexibility to change.
./configure --switches; make ; make install
After all, even if IBM, Intel, and everybody suddenly stops supporting linux, us Free software and Open source types will still be able to do with linux what we already do with it.
Only, as time goes on, free software alternatives grow stronger and stronger. Any Day Now (tm), gnumeric or KOffice or AbiWord or something will be able to do all that MS Word or Excel does for people. Real Soon Now (tm) Corel or Red Hat or somebody will make a distribution that truly is as comfortable for users to install and configure as Windows 98.
Those of us who like linux are content to bite the bullet and use Windows when we have to, and wait until linux gets all the productivity software it needs, with source code included.
Those of us who have looked at perl, egcs, emacs, KDE, and more know that we don't need no stinkin' linux-specific standards, and we don't need no stinkin' proprietary software.
It may sound like wishful thinking; many people do need proprietary software to get their jobs done. But, those people who need that software aren't using linux right now anyway. So, if ISV's don't develop for them, then it won't hurt linux's market share at all.
linux is already doing just fine, even without a prime-time Desktop Environment. So, barring some foul play on the part of transmeta's flying saucer technology
Interesting Idea (Score:1)
Partially right (Score:1)
Although Debain and Slackware are good distros, and WILL be around for a while, they are both a bit behind.. debain lacks in a good configuration tool (as of 2.0), so does slackware...... they are both excellent tools for learning th einternals of the Linux system, as they require you to edit almost every file by hand, rather than thru a GUI...
Redhat is a good distro, but because they are often the first one to go to the bleeding edge Linux stuff they have had some stability issues in the past. but I think they have overcome most of them (RH 5.0 & 5.1 are known to be a bit unstable in some areas.. duh they released 5.2 to fix these)..
I use SUSE.. and it does follow Redhat model in some ways.. however the installation is the main difference and the setup tool..
there was an article on 32bitsonline that that compared distros.. and there results were that most distros are different in the setup tool and installation
to port to linux here is what I'd recommend
1) most distros are moving to glibc2. is support threads and some other things that are 'modern' in programming and necessary.. so if you are going to port to linux go with glibc2 as the c lib... (now libc2 officially)
2) the kernel version.. if they are just coming on board with linux..start with 2.2 kernel series.. 2.0 is stable but even Alan Cox and Linus T, will probably tell you that eventually they like to see 2.0 die and 2.2 improve...
3) now if they ar porting from windows to X they shoudl pick a tool kit and stick with it.. here I'd recommend wither gtk+ for C or qt for c++.. I use gtk+ and find it very easy to use.. but I am a c programmer..
.. and I think most people with a clue will agree that this will be Linux 99... glibc2, rpm, kernel 2.2.. although I have not move up to it yet myself.. by the end of the first quarter of 99 I will have upgraded from suse 5.2 to 6.0 + updates....
Red Hat is NOT the future (Score:1)
(attempts at) Enforced LSB=bad... (Score:1)
If I was an LSB supporter, I would come up with your standard, and recommend it to the community (so far, I haven't seen a standard yet, just a lot of talk about why there should be one). If your idea is good, the community will adopt it and assist in making it better. If not, well, the community will tell you where you went wrong. Show the code, or in this case, show your standard. Noone in the community is likely to take you (the LSB supporter) seriously unless you provide some solid recommendations. If they make sense, then great! I'd be happy to support them.
The problem here is that an LSB standard must stand on its own merits, not on theories about what should be right for Linux. Until that is understood, no progress will be made.
Ambition ? (Score:1)
> move to Linux ? Without them, I am sure we will
> never rise at M$ desktop standards.
The question is do we want that.
In the early days of computing, the time of the
C64, ZX Spectrum, BBC etc, computing was a lot
of fun. There was this whole bunch of hackers
that tried to figure out the systems and program
for fun. Then the suits came in, developed the
PC, and Windows, and took away much of the fun
and orginal spirit. Now with Linux computing
and computers are fun again. I am afraid all
that will be gone again if we let the big
companies over again, and try to be everypersons
History repeats, unity is the key (Score:1)
If there is no minimal Linux version, big corps will distribute their own versions (isn't Corel starting this already ?). This will bring :
* either chaos with more distributions
* or corps apps will end to being tied to their distribution (and say bye-bye to freedom). Just imaging that M$ distribute some Linux version that can easely run windows apps. I am sure they will if Linux is threatening them. Years ago Billy said : "Internet is nothing, we have MSN" but one year later he embraced Internet... You might be horrified by that idea, but plenty of M$ clients would be interested... Another argument in this favor : Win is a mono user environement, M$ never believed in thin clients, but they changed their mind with NT4 Terminal Server & win 200?
Linux is a kernel! (Score:1)
If people want to make programs that do things differently, they'll have to provide statically linked binaries. So what?
LSB: Right idea, wrong focus? (Score:1)
Linux wise, I am also not distribution-centric yet. So all of the flame wars between Debian, Slackware, Caldera, RedHat, and SuSe strike me as being alot of wasted use of bandwidth and mindspace. As are the non-stop commentaries about KDE vs. Gnome, Gtk vs. Motif/LessTif.
As a developer, what I want is a clear set of API's and/or published specs which allow me to write and test my code, then point it at a target platform, knowing that as close to 100% as possible of the code will function properly on that target platform.
Which is what the Win32s API, etc. do well (that is, not perfect, but enough to get the work done.) I have written apps in the past that worked without any code changes on platforms from Win3.11 (with the Win32 library), Win95, and WinNT. They even functioned correctly under OS-2/Windows without problem.
I guess what it boils down to is that if the LSB initiative results in a more consistent API across platforms, then I'm all for it.
ease-of-use testing (Score:1)
Your argument is valid but not sound. I think I read here that GNOME is going to be installed on pretty much every computer in Mexican elementary/secondary schools. You couldn't pay for a better usability lab than that.
Interesting Idea (Score:1)
I doubt, however, that it would actually work. The problem is that Linux software is changing so rapidly that any standards base would be swamped trying to keep up. A lot of software changes every few weeks, not every few years like traditional software. By the time any panel could agree on the Linux standard it would change and they would need to start over.
If people really want something like this, I think a greater benefit would be gained by participating in other Unix standards organizations and meeting their certification tests. A lot of the new vendors supporting Linux now also run on other Unix platforms. If making life easier on them is the goal, let's play nice with everyone instead of creating yet another standard.
Unfortunately the issue adressed in the paper is a concern. Maybe I dilusional, but lately more software seems to only work with certain versions of other libraries. For example, Window Maker, GNOME, & the Gimp seem to be very version specific on some of their libraries. A third party vendor would have a nightmare trying to ship a product against constantly moving target. The question is how do you "standardize" without slowing development to a halt?
LSB Idea - Keep Platform Uniformity (Score:1)
I don't agree ( with the guy who doesn't agree) (Score:1)
Today Linux has a shot at what advocates have always wanted, widespread acceptance. And the only way it is going to continue to succeed is with modern commecial applications with a modern look and feel. (and locking ISVs to Motif, or Lestif, certainly isn't going to do that.)
You may consider package managers to be "stupid" but again if Linux is going to get widespread acceptance, it needs to be easy for the average user to install and remove programs. I really think that RPM does that. Use one of the GUI frontends, and you've got a pretty easy to use system.
What you don't seem to understand, is that this whole movement doesn't have you as its target. I'm not its target, Joe Slashdot isn't its target. What this will do is bring more Windows users to Linux. Most of whom expect the software that they just bought at Best Buy to run right out of the box. (Which isn't too much to ask) He's not going to mess with libs, he calls tech support immediately when he sees DLL or VXD.
If Linux provides only what the "old gaurd" sees as bare essentials, then it is not going to succeed. What RedHat is doing for Linux right now is going to give it a chance to really compete in the OS market. I am guessing that the next redhat release has some real potential to be the breakthrough release. I think with Gnome 1.0 it has the potential of attracting a lot of consumers.
Oh, and GTK rocks. I mean come on, how can a 100% themeable toolkit not? If you like Motif, use the motif theme... Windows, the Redmond theme, whatever. Personally I like the BeOS theme... And I have been told that it is simple to use, but haven't used it myself, us web developers don't get out much...
InTel are such arrogant assholes (Score:1)
From the article:
Intel likes the idea of open source software but is afraid of too many cooks in the kitchen.
What do those idiots think "open source" means, anyway?
For this reason, the company will announce next month the formation of a consortium to help ensure a unified vision and common implementation of the Linux operating system, company officials said last week.
Yeah, right. These assholes finally figured out that the Linux community has something worthwhile, and is trying to position themselves to be in control of it.
While Intel execs believe in the open-source model, they're concerned about potential fragmentation caused by too many disparate implementations.
Bullshit. Fragmentation of what? the kernal? the libs? The beauty of open source is that if something doesn't work with the system that you have you can fix it so it does work.
"Not everything has to be shared all the time," said Ron Curry, Intel's director of marketing.
Now that one really takes the cake. Thinking like this is the reason that Linux is kicking Microsoft's ass.
So now all the bandwagon jumping suits-without-a-clue have decided that the grass just might be greener in Linuxland and have opted to join our parade. Be afraid.