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Linux Software

VA Research Obtains Domain 72

Mithrandir sent us a link to a article which hits on the Intel investment, but also reveals that VA Research has acquired the domain.
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VA Research Obtains Domain

Comments Filter:
  • The real problem is the owner of the site, who stirs up a lot of strife in the Linux community on an unfortunately regular basis.


  • Who is going to be on this advisory board? is a very important domain name. If there are fairly choosen members then thats kewl. I don't think VA would put their own employees there.

    I think Linus' wife maintains both pages. ;)
  • by dirty ( 13560 )
    You know what I'd like to see?,,, and so on. Maybe even, even though debian isn't really a commercial dist.
  • Microsoft REALLY needs to tighten up the standards for their MCAC (Microsoft Certified Anonymous Coward) program! MCAC's who are totally ignorant of anything dealing with Linux can only give Microsoft a bad name, after all.

    -- Eric (a user of the "K" Desktop Environment, BTW, which makes Win98 look like a hacked up pile of trash).
  • Anyone else noticed the similarity between the current contents of [] and []? I think this is evidence of a shadowy Linux conspiracy. My guess is that their goal is nothing short of world domination. Beware!
  • I love that comment from Tom Henkel of the Gartner Group:

    "Customers are opting for the Blue Light Special over the Blue Screen Special"

  • in a row??!!

    Remember, there has been no decision! Moreover, if MS loses the appeal process will be endless.

    If three or four of these in-a-row defenses of are from MS lackies, I too am DISCUSSED!!!
  • Go see [] again. It has been updated. I think it's going to look great.
  • Thank God. Maybe.

    The way this could suck is if they turn it into a
    heavy VA-Research site, link it directly to their
    own site, or write it up with selling machines in
    mind instead of promoting the platform.

    That said, I think the folks at VA are probably
    froody enough to realize how badly they would suck
    if they pulled something like this.

    More likely, I think we'll see a professional and
    useful page for the newbie or the kernal hacker,
    complete with links to the various flavor makers
    and project sites.

    Anyhow, cool deal (I hope).


  • Given that VA Research sells boxes based on some of those other architectures, I doubt the site will neglect them too much.
  • Oh wonderfull! Does this mean we'll finaly have a *decent* web page there? =:)
  • portal.. oh god.. i'd be so pissed if RH took control of it, or if SUSE got it, or if Debian smurfed it or if Slackware sucked it up or if stampede stomped on it.

    At least a hardware site would not be biased and let them make a good portal. Though the Intel Alliance makes me get a bit worried about alternative x86 chips and non-x86 platform coverage.

    But overall I trust VA research more than any of the other linux hardware companies. Good job guys. Let this be the site i mention to anyone interested in linux. I'm so sick of telling people to go over to

    Hope to see the site up soon! May I suggest a portal like the moz directory effort? Smaller but somewhat like that with lots of linux related links and news articles. We could even make it an community effort! Think about it. Some of us cant code, but can write well! We would help! If it is for linux.
  • Can anybody say "Microsoft employee forum poster"?
  • Most cool! Now the site might finally get a decent webmaster!

    Oh, and that final quote from the article is golden ;)
  • My understanding is that he got into an argument with Linus and others when Linus refused to put a couple of his patches into the kernel, and then he went off and sulked rather than hang around and work it out.

    There was a thread on the Kernel list about him a few weeks back. You might want to go to DejaNews and check it out.

    -- Eric
  • I doubt that will be an "all VA, all the time" sort of site, but what are the Vegas odds on it being an x86-only Linux site?



    <!-- There are no secret messages in this web page. -->

    <!-- There are no secret messages in the source code to this web page. -->
    <!-- There are no tyops in this web page. -->

    I think Linus' wife maintains both pages. ;)
  • Please tell me that microsoft did not discover slashdot. Pease tell me that this wonderfull web site is gone forever and replaced with quotes from the ms marketing department
  • Posted by Roland95:

    I agree. This could be really great for the linux platform, and I don't think that it will turn into a VA site. Especially with the LINUX community advisory board!

    We'll just have to wait and see! (now we have yet another domain from which we will be able to get linux stuff.)
  • So...I go to and that's what I see. Someone should put a watch on it and tell /. when it goes live. *** Enter /. effect ***
  • Do you people read the articles? They have secured the domain name from Fred Van Kempen. Also, they are quoted as saying it will be a general purpose linux info site. This is an excellent thing, because previously was the one most people went too, but joe windows doesn't know about the org domain, so he would try com. Anyway, a little competition never hurt anyone. Best of luck to VA Research. Its awesome to see how much Augustin is putting behind Linux and the variety of stuff he supports now. Perhaps in the end it was better for him to get out of Yahoo and start VA Research.
  • Hey...... waitafuckinminute. What's with all the pro Microsoft meepy stuff above?

    The Glorious Meept is hurt.

    Hurt. Hurt that his slapdash friends would be unfaithful. After all the stuff we've been through, you're seeing another troll.

    A poem:

    I may be fat,
    But at least I'm
    • alive.

    The end.

  • Holy shit! It's gone Transmeta!

    Why is the X-Files theme stuck in my head all of the sudden? Why do I feel like I should be subscribing to alt.paranoia? Watch out for the black helicopters! AAAH!!!!!


  • <head>
    Not quite the web page

    <!-- This web page does not have anything sneaky in it. -->

    This web page is not here yet.
  • Well, it's a kind of drug in _Neuromancer_.
  • Definately the worst computer company name that comes to mind. Who wants something that's "micro" and "soft"?

    Think about it.

  • I'm not sure who the chosen few are, but if you are one of them, please vote to drop the last few AC posts to be below the default threshold. They are slightly off topic, to say the least.


  • by Khan ( 19367 )
    ..did this just become a M$ rah-rah post or have the kidz from Redmond been allowed access to the web? Either way, time to /ignore those idiotic postings and stick with the main topic: VA and Let's hope they make an end-all site for the Linux community. It would be nice.
  • maybe we'lll finally have a decent website for linux now. all the linux.* websites have been an embarassment. hope var does something good with it.

    asinus sum et eo superbio

  • And, in my opinion, it is a terrible site. Even since the update, the site is poorly organized, updated infrequently, low on information and just generally makes Linux look bad. And I remember the layout they had before this current was even worse and their background didn't even TILE properly. Not even close. It looked wretched. Some college kids run better done sites out of their dorm rooms.

    Plus the guy who runs it is the same one who tried to start up that "standard Linux" movement that got everyone so fired up.

    I'm glad VA has . I expect that they will use it well...

  • Bill is a gay faggot...
    he stole dos from some poor dumb motherfuckers
    and added a few things along with a buddy of
    his which was hired by MS... MS is gay too..
    "not that there's anything wrong with that..."
    FUCK ... shit... MS will crumble but onle
    in the business. not untill your boy-joe and
    girl-jane can put in a CD and play a game on
    Linux will be a desktop owner... ..... SHIT...
  • Well, maybe the god of the ninth grade.


  • Catchy slogan for the banner ads?

    Seriously though, this is great news, provided
    that they follow through with the idea of
    governing it through an advisory panel from the
    Linux community.

    Thank you, VA Research!
    "The Internet interprets censorship as damage,

  • Please note that the concept of a "limited liability corporation" is government intervention in a major sense of the word. A thousand years of common law holds that the owners of a business are liable for all debts and deeds of that business. The limited liability corporation, a concept that dates back only to the 1870's and which is sustained only due to major government intervention, totally destroys that concept. The owners (shareholders) of limited liability corporations are NOT held liable for the deeds and debts of the business that they own.

    In short, Microsoft (and all other limited liability corporations) is the result of a major government intervention into our economy. If you say that "government should keep out of business", you should also be against the government granting "artificial person" status to limited-liability corporations. After all, if government keeps out of business, they should keep out of business in ALL respects -- including areas that benefit current businesses (such as limited liability "artificial person" status for corporations).

    -- Eric

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
