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Linux-Mandrake 5.3 80

Jacques Le Marois wrote in to plug Linux Mandrake which has just released v5.3 of their self dubbed "User-Friendly Linux Distribution". Probably best described as "Red Hat, KDE and some other nifty stuff".
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Linux-Mandrake 5.3

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  • Um, once gnome actually is advanced enough, isn't that what redhat is going to to?
  • Redhat 5.x already did this. Mandrake is just adding a few updates (the benefit of being newer, not necessarily different) and KDE.

    KDE is NOT necessary for Unix accessability. That's just stupid KFUD. Although bundling a better filemangler is something the Hatters should do.

    Mandrake is a convenience meta-distribution built on what someone else has done. While the convenience aspect & competition pressure is nice, you all are giving them more credit than they really deserve & not giving the Hatters enough.

    Of course RH5.2 didn't have kernel 2.2.1 in it; it wasn't done then. However, Mandrake benefits from the fact that the new kernel can be dropped right into RH5.2.
  • ...should still be there, named ksirtet.

    BTW: try kshisen-so :-)
  • My mirror is up! check out my site []. Er, not that one.... this one!
  • Look in QT. There is a full blown tetris there for your playing plesure :).


    Probebly why the KDE crew didn't bother.
  • foundit on a random FTP mirror and didn't even know what it was...couldn't find mention of a version 5.3 anywhere. So OF COURSE I installed it... I'm rather pleased with it, except that KDE 1.1 no longer has Tetris in it, which is about the only game that I ever played. It seems considerably faster than when I ran Mandrake 5.1 . And KDE is nice to have, but Window Maker is far better than KWM...

  • Yes, you are correct. Very good. I poked around /opt/kde/bin and found some game that was tetris-like (though no fun at all) and I just assumed that that was their replacement for the old Tetris.

    I suppose I should load KWM and see what all is in the new menu...I've just been running K apps from Window Maker.

  • as soon as you stop whining and write the driver
    yourself, you lazy idiot.
    Next time, check the documentation to see whether
    the card you're buying is supported. It's not
    that hard.
  • > Either ignore him or at least try to put some effort into posting a
    > reply worth the time it takes to read it.
    Why should I put any effort into my post? (S)He
    apparently didn't.
    I'll ignore it when (s)he stops posting off-topic
    > Perhaps you speak of yourself?
    Good one, AC.
  • Good-bye Red Hat. Helloooo Mandrake. I think I'm in love.
  • Can I upgrade a standard redhat 5.2 box to
    Mandrake Linux 5.3?
  • The TNT has been supported since XFree86 version 3.3.3. It was written and donated by Nvidia for your x-windowing pleasure. It's not yet included in a RedHat distribution, but it is available on in RPM packages.
  • My Chinese wife installed Mandrake 5.2 (in English) on her computer by herself acouple of days ago, no problem. She has yet to be able to do a successful Chinese Windows install.
  • The point I was trying to make was that even an inexperienced, non-native English speaker can install Mandrake easier and faster than Windows 95/98/NT4,in whatever language.
  • Col. Mandrake (RAF) don't need no copyright!! You mess with him and he'll deny you his essence.....
  • Well.. using a TNT w/XFree86 is a snap.. just download the XFree86 3.3.3 (I Think that's the latest version #) RPMS from the RedHat 5.2 list... do an rpm -Uvh XF*.rpm, run XF86Config.. and away you go :o) I'm running it at 800x600x32Bit Colour, because of my damned 15" monitor........ now if I coulda snagged one of those $165 19" Hitachis...... *drool*
  • Watch what RPMs you're using, buddy. Stuff from rawhide (and maybe other places) won't work since they are compiled against a different libc.

    When the linker tries to resolve the symbol for the libc it was compiled against, it looks for __bzero. Which isn't there.

    Your best bet is to download source rpms of the packages that are giving you the errors and then do a:

    rpm -Uvh ***.src.rpm
    cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
    rpm -bb ***.spec
    cd ../RPMS/
    rpm -Uvh ***..rpm

    To build the packages yourself ( ensuring binary compatibility).

    In fact, using src rpms gives you all the flexibilty of a tar.gz build ( via modifying the spec file ) while retaining all the nifty rpm stuff ( package integrity verification, no /usr/local choas that will eventually ensue ). Aspiring admins of Linux boxes would do their sucessors well by studying up and _using_ the packaging systems.
  • I have no idea about the answer, but I'm going to try it tonight most likely. I'm coming up from a redhat5.1 though.. My system isn't too hard to config from scratch, all my work is in one dir, so I can just back that up, and install and see what happens... If worse comes to worse, I'll just Fdisk and start over.
  • On the screenshots section of the Mandrake site, there is a screenshot of Netscape 4.5 viewing the Slashdot news page. More ego for Rob.
  • If only there was a distro like this but instead installing GNOME by default. That would be heaven heh.
  • (Sigh) 1. Once again, I am forced to say... PLEASE VERIFY WHAT YOU SAY BEFORE POSTING IT. Excerpt from the XFree86 documentation, available from the XFREE86 site []:

    This driver supports good acceleration for both the NV1/STG2000 as well as the Riva128. It is known to work on PCI and AGP versions of the Riva128. The Riva TNT was added to this driver and is not yet as well accelerated as it could be. Still, the server is very usable.
    Now, perhaps RedHat's install program doesn't recognize the card. That's another problem. 2. I am a XFree86 developper and am sick and tired of people saying "XFree86 is a piece of shit since it doesn't support XXX while Windows does.". To support a card, XFree needs either: - authoritative documentation, a machine to test things on, and somebody willing to write the driver; - a driver written by the card's maker or some other party that has had the necessary documentation and hardware. If a card vendor refuses to give the proper documentation (has Matrox did for a long time) and doesn't give any driver, then the card is not supported, period. XFree also has a chronic problem of shortage of competent people with the proper hardware to test and fix bugs.
  • I'd like to know what really puzzles so many people about the 2.2.1 kernel on RedHat / Mandrake 5.2. I myself upgraded the kernel and have had no particular problem to do this.
  • I've been running Mandrake 5.2 now for a little more than a month -- without it I'd still be 100% Windows. Now I'm about a 10% Windows user. Definitely worth it. I just pre-ordered it from CheapBytes [] who say they should have it available next week sometime. Definitely worth it if your connection doesn't allow you to download it. -Augie
  • This notebook has some tricks to getting linux on it but RH/Mandrake installed simply and even worked with the NeoMagic ZV video chip. My DVD drive is working nicely too. Now if I could just find those drivers for the Margi card...

  • I've heard that Mandrake is 100% compatible with
    Redhat. Does that mean that I can "upgrade" a RedHat 5.2 system (which I just installed about a week ago) to Mandrake 5.3 easily? If so, how? Just boot the CD and choose "upgrade"? Also does Mandrake 5.3 include *all* of the packages that Redhat 5.2 does? I don't want to lose any functionality if I choose to install it on another
    box instead of RH 5.2. Thanks in advance,

  • I just upgraded SuSE 5.3 to SuSE 6.0, with an i386 2.2.1 kernel that I cooked up on my RedHat 5.2 system. I am running out of computers to install linux on. I need a computer for each distro. Lets see, one for Debian, one for RedHat, one for SuSE, one for Yellow Dog(PPC distro), one for This distro, one for Caldera, Hmmm, I need a SGI to install the MIPS distro, oh and a Sun for the SPARC distros. Hmmmm, oh yeah, I need a DEC MicroVAX 3100 for the VAX distro. Oh, don't forget the strong arm, and mc68k, oh and I heard someone was doing an Intel I960 port. Man, ya just gotta love Linux.
  • Did you try ksirtet ;-)
  • I don't know if Mandrake is copyrightedd, but I know that there's a MUD server in Finland ( who bears that name.

  • by Ripp ( 17047 )
    Ditto slothbait's
    I d'ld the ISO for this 'round about Monday or so.

    Used a bunch of the RPMS to upgrade parts of my
    RH 5.2 setup.

    Although trying to implement the 2.2.1 kernel
    included *still* broke how *do* I fix the undefined __bzero thing anyway!!!
  • Actually there is something you can get called Metro-X for the XFree86 which adds support for lots of new cards.. I don't think They offer anything for we who use AGP ;)
    Check out their website at
    latest version is 4.3
  • Just thought that I would let all know that the Mandrake site has posted the few mirrors that are out there. Just head on over to:

    the mirrors page []
    and grab it (downloading myself as we speak!).

    Bryan R.
  • For one thing, it is nice to have everything on one CD, especially if you need to install on more than one machine. For another, it is a lot more than just KDE (preconfigured as the default desktop). Mandrake includes the latest XFree86, the latest kernel (2.2.1), the latest RedHat fixes, a bunch of additional KDE apps and big extras such as XEmacs and Wine. If you are installing on a fresh machine, it saves a lot of hassle. You could have answered your own question by reading the Mandrake announcement.
  • man, do you know the difference between a kit and a kid?
  • there may be support for the TNT but xfree86 still does not work with my Elsa Erazor II (frame buffer device also does not seem to work). the only thing i can think of is that the SGRAM is causing the problem

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