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Linux Software

Linux Distributions Compared 1

palpatine writes "In this comparative review, five major Linux distributions are compared, including Caldera OpenLinux 1.3, Debian GNU/Linux 2.0, Red Hat Linux 5.2, Slackware Linux 3.6, and S.u.S.E. Linux 5.3." They also mention several of the lesser known distributions at the end. No surprise that RH5.2 takes the editors choice, although on the whole, it seems like a fair analysis. Figure now is a good time to rerun the distro poll too. Break out the asbestos.
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Linux Distributions Compared

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  • Yeah Right. I'm sure. I must be on crack to post this. Oh, yeah, I am. SuSe (Suess, Dammit!!!) kicks. If you don't like it, I don't like you. Bu-Bye.

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