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Impact of Windows Programmer Hordes on Linux? 277

Dr Dobbs Journal analyses the impact that Windows Programmers could have on Linux arguing that they could boost Linux' usability drastically. So what do you think Windows programmers could do to/for Linux? Do you think the ensuing culture struggle will be positive or negative? Link from LWN.
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Impact of Windows Programmer Hordes on Linux?

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    I haven't been too impressed with the usability of many Windows programs (and I'm not just talking about the programs made in Redmond) so I don't quite see what they are going to do for the usablity of Linux.

    I am, however, worried that they are going to treat Linux like Win32 by writing 32-bit, little-endian code that wont even compile on my Netwinder. I see enough non-portable code from Unix programmers

    I hope they spend the time to learn the platform properly.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I believe that many people that will be posting later will be forgetting what Linux and OSS is about: use what you want. Use the Window Manager you want. Use the distro you want. Heck, make one yourself if you want.

    When and if Windows programmers come over to Linux, sure, they will begin to look at usability code and stuff like that, but they will become confused when they see that X works with multiple window managers, not a single one such as explorer. Before the Windows users out there chide me because LiteStep is out there, recall that LiteStep is a *SHELL* not a Window Manager.

    Also, by the time most mainstream Windows programmers switch, I believe that GNOME and KDE will have taken control of most of the visual desktops, making it almost impossible for a developer to ruin most Linux users' desktops by just adding their own code (as long as the users stick to official distributions of the packages...).

    Finally, there are many good programmers for Windows, stuck in an industry-centric job. They go where the industry goes (they have to earn a living...). And just as all the other Linux hackers out there learned, they will also.

    - Shaheen Gandhi
  • by Anonymous Coward
    So, if Windows programmers produce crap, as so many posters here are claiming, why the excitement over Wine? Wine, it seems to me, is a clear statement that Linux users want or need the programs those Windows programmers have written.
  • This is getting a little insulting guys. Windows Programers do not equal Microsoft. It does not mean we automatically use VB (though I think it has its place), or write crappy programs. So give it a rest...

  • by Anonymous Coward
    A lot of the stuff he talks about is already here
    or starting to happen. The new kernel (2.2.0)
    already has decent sound and apm support. KDE
    1.1.1 is pretty polished and usable (unlike E - no flames please - KDE works out of the box and is easy to configure without editing text files).

    He has a point though - usability can always be
    improved, and although I think KDE is more usable
    than the Win '98 interface, stealing good ideas
    from MS (they don't have many, but they have a few) makes sense. A lot of the good gui features
    in Windows were stolen from the Mac anyway.

    Also, more programming bodies can't hurt.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    After reading a lot of these comments I think its funny how all these people forget about managers, deadlines, etc. How many times have you said "well, it works for the most part, but it needs polishing" and in return you get "well its good enough for now then, work on this piece we're way behind deadlines". Seems to be a pretty common thing at MS, and when you start with a wobbly base its near impossible to build a stable product.

    Give anyone who's been programming for any amount of time and who gives a damn about quality a stable platform and a decent set of well documented APIs and I'll guarantee you they produce good code.

    Just my $.02 on this one...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    We need the NeXTSTEP /THERE/ was a sweet interface. :)
  • by Anonymous Coward

    To me the difference between Windows programmers and UNIX programmers is that the hordes of Windows programmers can mostly be classed as application developers, whereas UNIX programmers are more apt to be system programmers, deeper into the layers of the OS.

    I'm sure the app developers have their place, but UNIX is a different beast from Windows. More often than not you stray into the system level, and you can't hide behind point-and-click development tools.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Among widely-used GUIs, Windows has easily the worst usability around. That's not surprising: Microsoft's design is driven by time-to-market, backwards compatibility, and first-sell (rather than long-term usability).

    Given that Windows (and NeXT Step, and Motif, and ...) libraries already exists, the issue is also not that there is much missing from Linux. If people want to program Windows-style UIs under Linux, they already can. Most people who complain about poor usability in Linux are simply complaning about the fact that people write software for all different kinds of UIs, not just their pet ones. That variety results in some fragmentation and duplication of effort, but it also is what primarily distinguishes Linux from Windows.

    There is only one area where I would like to see a little more standardization in Linux: in the area of inter-application communications. But efforts are underway: xdnd seems to have been adopted, and COM-light/CORBA are both becoming more widely standardized and used under Linux.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    After looking over the comments posted here, I've noticed a high percentage of negative reactions to Windows programmers coming over to Linux and a number of false assumptions about Windows applications.

    For your information, there ALREADY is a very healthy market in Windows freeware, and this freeware is GOOD. On balance, much better than a typical Linux app and much more usable. Most do not use Visual Basic, but C or C++. I've not paid a penny for Windows apps except for my C++ compiler for years since using Windows, reluctantly, after the decline of Amiga and Os2, and I have everything - midi sequencers, excellent text editors, graphics, internet apps, etc. The Linux apps I have, with a very few exceptions like Gimp, are in no way competetive from the standpoint of power, flexibility and usability. Without usability, the first two don't mean much.

    Just because the underlying system (Windows) is bloated and unstable when stressed does not make these apps bloated and buggy. These many excellent free apps are in no way like bloated office suites and browsers (which are just as bloated and buggy in their Linux versions). They are generally mean and lean.

    Fes Windows freeware programmers release source code. A few of these free apps use GPL licensing, but most Windows programmers don't even know about GNU, yet. Source code is not generally released because most of these free apps started as shareware, and when their authors were not able to get enough people to pay for the shareware, they said to heck with that, and released the apps as freeware. As these excellent software authors come over to Linux, they will release source code, though. Some already do.

    Wake up, insular, ignorant Linux elitists. Good programmers write software that is usable, not arcane. If you can't create apps that people want to use, and which are usable and efficient, you are incompetent. Using or not using vi or emacs has nothing whatsoever to do with one's competence as a developer.

    People who want to be developers but who don't have the right stuff become sysadmins. Your days numbered, because you can no longer get away with writing lousy apps to keep Linux an elitist thing (and protect your boring sysadmin jobs which depend on system utilities for unix which have poor interfaces, inconsistent switches and parameters, etc.).

    Windows programmers writing applications for Linux will in no way affect the underlying system or kernel. Applications programmers DO NOT want to do kernel hacking or write device drivers or develop new systems. Subsystems in which their apps can live, perhaps. The influx of Windows programmers will probably not even affect desktop systems and subsystems like Gnome and Kde AT ALL. Rather, these programmers will use api's provided by gtk, qt, kde, etc., to develop what they are good at, which is APPLICATIONS, not systems.

    The times, they are a-changing. It's about time.

  • The guy who wrote that article may be a programmer, consultant, and technical writer but I wouldn't give him an ALO disc in return for his programming, consulting, or technical writing about OpenSource. Here's why:

    In general, he's right about WinGeeks scratching thier developer itches and contributing things. The same thing has happened when poor souls are forced to work in an NT environment we saw vi ported, emacs ported, GCC, sed, awk, you name it ported for free or sold like Hamilton csh and Attaman telent daemon. Of course, M$ has also done things (IIS, Terminal Server addition, CrappyDNS server, etc). This made NT more bearable for *NIX users/admins. The same type of thing will eventually happen with Win32 crap and Linux if there is enough interest. One difference though: since no cestpool of marketing fuckheads controls Linux, you won't have to take "features" you don't want.

    That's where Lou fails in his analysis: so long as the source remains free, there will be some package configuration, some distribution team, or some heroic individual who will work towards what long-time Linux users like. Even with a "demographic shift" as described in the article, OpenSource is IMMUNE to total mutation and/or hijacking from whining Win32 (l)users who don't understand or appreciate "mount".

    Use the source, Luke.

    Get a clue, Lou.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's not so much that Windows programmers write better GUIs. Most GNU/Linux programmers are capable of writing perfectly good GUIs. It's just that most free software programmers tend to focus on writing a solid core before worrying about higher levels of the application. A program who's functionality is also available through text configuration files and command line tools is that much more powerful.

    Most GNU/Linux programs are fairly new, and are just getting out of the level of building a solid core, and are only now starting to shift to GUI work. It'll be another couple of years before we see good GUIs, but when they start coming out, they'll probably be better than the crap we see on Windows.

    - pmitros at

    (note: I wouldn't mind an influx of Mac and NeXT programmers to help with the GUI)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "Linux is in danger of getting overwhelmed by the
    hypergrowth as thousands of Windows programmers
    defect to it" ... yeah like the West was in danger
    from all the people who defected through the iron
  • by Anonymous Coward

    M$ programming tools include wizards that make it easy to pop up some decent looking GUI interface in minutes.

    The MFC wizard produces ONE GUI. It's the same one, every time. If that's not what you want, well, tough shit. It'll take longer to re-engineer it into something useful than it would have taken to write what you want in C from the ground up. I am not kidding, and I am not exaggerating. I hang out in the funhouse mirror that is windows development for a living.

    MFC is very useful for writing Notepad clones, and also other programs that look and act like Notepad clones and basically do the same thing for other file formats. That is what MFC is good for. It also militates violently against abstraction and it generally isn't much more object-oriented than a hockey stick. Blechh.

    I'd rather eat a rhinoceros than spend the rest of my life on that crap.

    Joe Dzugashvili

    p.s. Yes, I did eat a rhinoceros once on a bet, so I know what I'm talking about. I was drunk, I was young and full of life, you know how it is.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    1. I have a feeling that most of the windows programmers who really emjoy their work already have linux installed and are weening away the nights figuring out how everything works. All the flamage that is going down on the VB crap is irrelevent.

    2. While win32 has some serious design flaws, the biggest challenge of windows programming is coming up with a really good UI. Its hard, and I think the effort far more often fails than succeeds, both in windows and in X. While throwing more heads at the problem isn't going to solve it, we will surely get more gems mixed in with the dung.

    3. I think there is very little to leverage specificly from windows to X that isn't already cross platform under the guise of "good design"...(patterns, STL, etc...) What you do get is a tap into another source of fingers to be typing.

    Ah well... I got learnin to do and already spend too much time wasting others time on /. =)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Be it programmers or users. Help make Linux to
    something you like. May the best implementation
    and programmer win!!!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Ok, first off, before the flames begin let me say something: I work at Microsoft; I develop Win32 code for a living, in Redmond, at Microsoft. Secondly, I've been using and developing for Linux on my own time away from my job. I like Linux quite a lot and because I work at Microsoft doesn't make me any less of an engineer. I've been in this industry for going on ten years now and really enjoy being able to write code for any platform I see fit. Microsoft does some things very well and others are woefully inadequate. ( I use Linux as a server at home so I know where to use what. ) Now I think introducing programmers who have only coded for Windows to the GNU perspective can only be a good thing. And lumping all MS affiliated engineers into the "stupid, can't code their way out of a box" category really makes noone on the outside the Linux community want to join up. I think software quality is a huge issue no matter what platform you're referring to. I've used cruddy, bugridden software on any of the platforms I've ever encountered but the shear number of Windows app that people have encountered that have problems I think may make people think that Windows has more that its fair share.

    I code for Microsoft and not ashamed of it.
    (Well, I'm anonymous because I know my mailbox would fill up with mail flaming me for working where I do and feeling the way I do, and there's no /dev/null on Windows)

  • While I think that Linux could always use more "competant" programmers especially those that have expertise in GUI design and human factor engineering, the author of this article seems to think that windows programmers are the messiah come unto linux and that they alone will usher in the age of Linux domination. Really? Geez If they are so necessary how did linux get to where it is without them. Why is it that there "apparent" superiority - if you believe the article -- hasn't quelled the grass roots rebellion against windows that is linux already.

    While I have no problem with there being tools available for those who need them or want them, such as automount CD utils etc, I dont want them to replace what Linux is currently. It seems from the article that the author doesn't understand this, that both can be had and live together harmoniously. Instead, he comments that the mighty windows programmers will decend into Sodom and Linux and will tranform this place of sin such that the prophecy will come true and linux will achieve World Domination and be King of the OS's.

    As far as ease of use on the desktop, if someone cant use GNOME or KDE its not a desktop created by the great windows programmers but a brain.... go visit the wizard ....follow the yellow brick road to Redmond ( you wont actually receive a brain but a man behind a curtain will show you many wonderful illusions ).

    More and more tools are being developed for X as opposed to command line tools or dos like interfaces. These apps are utilizing toolkits like GTK+ ( personally think this is the best looking widget set I've ever seen... any OS ), Xforms, Fltk, wxWindows, etc and they all basically are setup very similar in terms of menu's, toolbars, etc. I defy any one to prove to me that apps written with these toolkits in X are any less user friendly that windows. Maybe the commandline tools are less friendly ( hell some are down right evil ) or standardized but there are X equivalents to most of these.

    Some windows programmers would be lovely to have and I'm sure they would have some very good ideas to contribute but please dont make them out to be the magic bullet for Linux's success. The only thing monumental about windows programmers programming linux that would in any way be a paradigm shift is that conceivably they would no longer be programming for windows and thus a "brain drain" from windows to linux would occur.

    I have a solution for how to achieve the unified look across all applications on a desktop. Instead of having the widgets ( looks ) defined by individual toolkits, have them make calls just to a general windget button.. and let the window managers supply the widget images for all widgets. Thus on any one WM the apps will all have a consistent look... this would still allow flexability because people could conceivably "theme" the widget set for each WM to allow all sorts of weirdness. The biggest problem I see for this idea is that there are manytoolkits in use that would have to have parts rewritten, everyone would have to comply, WM would have to develop standard widget sets for respecitvely and a ton of programs would have to be altered and recompiled... a sizable effort, one I'm not sure is absolutely necessary but an available solution should it be mandated by users at large that a 100% consistent look between apps exist

    Just my thoughts on the matter

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Windows programmers who work on the "fluff" of usability issues are the main need of Linux, if the OS is ever to be truly competitive on the desktop. The common user wants the OS to enhance not impede their work. The computer is supposed to make life easier, not complicate it. I love Linux, but Windows is easier to use and from a management point, more efficient as a desktop for my workers. In the back office, its Linux everywhere because the BO is where my techies are. But for the non-technical user, Linux causes more headaches than its worth. I look forward to the day when userfriendlines is given its proper respect as a necessary feature. But until that day, Linux will be not be a real threat to MS.
  • You'll notice slashdot is a "related link" on that page..

    What they don't factor into those number is the fact that freely-available Unix has put a strain on the commercial Unix market, at least on the workstation side. NT is a minority.

    Same goes for the server-side, which, conveniently, they fail to mention in this Microsoftian article.

  • Please don't confuse two things. "Unicode support" mentioned in the article is not what Linux, or Unix, or people need -- Unicode is a half-assed way to support displaying text in multiple languages without really supporting any of those languages. The problem of multiple language support is much bigger than the use of some overbloated alphabet, it still needs a good solution, developed with clear understanding, what exactly is necessary to make the use of text in multiple languages suitable for reading and processing. Unicode solves small part of the problem (how to represent and display a string with text in multiple languages) but makes impossible to solve anything else -- the basic question "what language is this word in?" can't be answered after the text is converted to Unicode.

    I personally believe that there is no alternative to the development of text charset/language labeling system and format (that will use existing language and charset names -- no need to reinvant the wheel there). Maybe XML (without the requirement to use Unicode everywhere -- this requirement is to say the least, is odd in that standard) can provide such labeling, maybe inline MIME-ish labels will be useful, but plain extension the character size and requirement to use one "charset" for everything is just a way to sweep dust under the carpet. This is what we can expect from Microsoft (and they have done it, too -- but ask non-western-European Windows user if it helped) but what will be a huge step back for anything more advanced.

  • Don't even DARE tell me that a multiple charset approach such as the ISO-2022 crap is better.

    Why not make a better labeling system? The idea of one huge charset that includes everything else is still flawed, that fact that existing alternatives are bad doesn't change it.

    As for those Asian and European stances about it, they are no better than an American saying "just use ASCII for everything". They have something that works for their narrow uses and couldn't care less about a solution that works for everyone in the world.

    It does not work for "everyone in the world". Japanese don't like it, Chinese don't like it, Koreans don't like it, Russians (myself included) don't like it, etc. Who does? People who speak English (first 128 Unicode symbols are ASCII) or use Latin-1 (first 256 Unicode symbols are iso8859-1). No one else.

    Unicode is an attempt to bring "happiness to the world" by forcing one narrow-minded vision on people who don't approve it, by telling them that "others" like it. There is no "others". No one uses it or likes it except people whose existing charsets happened to "coincide" with the beginning of Unicode table (so they remain using their charsets, possibly inserting more bytes into their strings).

    I certainly prefer to use koi8-r for Cyrillic and have MIME headers in mail and web pages tell me what charset and language is used. With the lack of better solution I can use multipart MIME message to represent document with multiple languages. I will prefer to have better way of handling multiple charsets/languages (even though personally I never deal with documents that contain more than one language other than English, and ASCII is a common subset, representable in all charsets), but there is no better way now, and Unicode certainly is worse than that.

    As for Microsoft, if it makes you feel better you should know that their implementation has the usual flaws and violations of the standard that Microsoft always has when they try to use an open standard.

    It's poor implementation of poor standard.

    Don't let them distract you from the best technical solution.

    It definitely isn't the best of what can be made, and what is worse, it's a dead end -- no possibility for improvement because the whole concept of language is thrown out of the window.

  • 1. You might want to look into MacWrite.
    2. Apple had Opendoc first (well, slightly, but they were first)
    3. Maybe they did innovate on this one, although I'm not exactly sure what it is :)
  • Screen fonts? OK- I am a big fan of many of them. I wish I had ProFont on linux :/
    Consistent keys for shortcuts? Aaaa! How I wish I had this on Linux! I really miss it terribly. I _use_ the keyboard. Hell, _Netscape_ does not have all the keyboard shortcuts under Linux. I guess I better learn emacs ;)
    Type/creator? Damn straight. This _works_. It _also_ assumes you are going to be making choices about your apps and files, that you will want to customize them or have special cases. The closest we get to the Windows file mapping tyranny is Quicktime or Internet Config download mapping. Even that sometimes annoys a Mac person...
    The filename stuff is all basically the same in Linux- no extensions, the period is just another character it seems.
    Contextual menus? That's recent for MacOS- but it wasn't Windows that invented it- it was Smalltalk! My preferred Linux windowmanager is Window Maker- it uses popups heavily, and lets me assign Fkeys to help pop up the menus that normally are 2nd and 3rd button.
    No MDI windows! Damn straight, but you're understating how good drag and drop is on the Mac. Though it still has missing spots- every single network application I use (email, news, IRC, _ftp_ for God's sake) is totally drag-and-drop savvy from the desktop. _Netscape_ is not. I have to bounce stuff off of Simpletext to get text clippings. Text clippings _rule_. You don't even have to use a texteditor to view them- it's built into the windowmanager ("Finder"). The point about MacOS encouraging layering with offset windows is quite accurate- on the other hand, Afterstep has one type of effective virtual desktop (visual icon view) and Window Maker has one in which the arrows on the clip, when the clip is kept in the topleft corner, are clickable even with a window mostly covering the clip. I consider that as good as anything in MacOS, and I love MacOS :)
    Unix shells beat Applescript- with Applescript, the syntactic sugar hides the fact that it's still hard to get apps to do what you want. You have to get abstract anyway- best to not _pretend_ to be plain English :) most people do not use Applescript for anything.
    Color matching is still unmatched by anybody else- if you've used recent versions of ColorSync, you understand. Ironically it's marginally less powerful than earlier gamma controlpanels- but settings like accurate 50% settings for each color channel are made totally intuitive and graspable, and the process is clean and easy and direct- and Mac gamma IS GLOBAL. _All_ colors are correct, not just within certain windows like app-based color matching. I'd love to see Linux have something like this.
    Novice interface? Let the KDE people do that. Just keep 'em from getting in the way of my Window Maker, please ;P
    Actually we do have tabbed dialogs, but they are new and usually part of Win ports and I personally dislike them too. They are an interface copout, an attempt to keep all options in your face at all times, like toolbar madness ;P
    Installers more and more put stuff in the apple menu or system folder- I hate this too- the thing is, it used to be that programmers respected that we set up our _own_ systems. These days the assumption is that we want the programmers to administer everything. Blech- that'll drive me away from MacOS if it gets too bad :P
    Interestingly, the 'no window open' program always loses newbies- you launch a good Mac program and it waits for you to take some action and the newbie thinks nothing happened. It's like Unix- expert users want a cleaner interface. This type of Mac program is cleaner- in those cases the program's waiting for you to make a menu selection, and not drawing dancing paperclips and crap ;) again, a waning style...
    BBEdit rules. Newswatcher rules too. There are indeed some beautiful apps there. I'm personally fond of Eudora Lite because of how light it really is, and how much you can do with keyboard shortcuts. It'd take me three times as long to handle the same load if I had to use the mouse- and I don't know the commands for Pine etc for doing this, nor do I have the same graphical overview of the messages I get in Eudora. Interestingly, all these programs are multi-overlapping-window style instead of textareas-artistically-spaced-in-a-gray-background style... I really hate when there are three little areas, one for connection, one for message list, one for the message- my priorities call for some of these to be in _background_ windows...
    GUI just _isn't_ tossing icons everywhere and putting all the types of information in different textareas... Mac hackers, powerusers, programmers, understand this: there is tons of serious research that's been done about this. Buy 'Tog On Interface' if you're serious about GUI- if you want to do userfriendly you do it this way or you're not doing it at all- it's a science, it's not an art or popularity contest. And Windows is hardly an example of the right way- and much of the Mac world isn't the right way either. You can get tons of Mac programs that suck. I just avoid those where possible.
    And yes- I program. Not well- I guess some of my ideas are OK, I guess some of my algorithms are OK. I've been implementing them in REALbasic for the Mac (like VB done right, without sucky parts, and fully compiled to native code). I anticipate having a much easier time learning C on Linux than I would learning it on the Mac (at least until I can get codewarrior) because C on Unix is _easier_ than Mac programming. Much. Mac programming is insanely hard- your program is expected to understand everything from drag+drop (and oh, that's fun to implement! ;P ) to Color Quickdraw and the prospect of its windows being drawn half on a big screen at thousands of colors, half on a grayscale monitor off the side there, with meanwhile your refresh area being a region defined by the area not covered with two corners of other windows and a floating toolbar in the middle of your refresh area... this is enough to make you crazy. I'm going to find writing wee console apps much simpler- and there are things I need to do which would make fine little console apps- nothing more is needed, because this is linux, and I can pop open an xterm or use root tail to display the output of my program- or just pipe it into something or other. I have critical programs that could be reproduced by a sufficiently baroque shell script...
    I think, in the end, I'll be starting to program Linux simply because I expect Windows people busily programming Linux to make it work better for newbies and look and act more like they are used to- and this will hurt what it means to me, so in selfdefense I have to get involved and put some work in, stake my claim and define my territory. Not to make linux look and act like a Mac- but to retain the freedom to have it looking and acting however I please. So far I can still totally work it over and make it individual- I don't even want to lose that. I got a good, strong taste of that freedom using a Mac for years- I won't go back, I want to go forward and have even more individuality. Woohoo! :)
    And of course, I'd like to get my hands dirty with some techie details I'd really be able to cope with. I just _rebooted_ solely because, after hammering away at 27 different kinds of net content for 12 hours straight and then having a PPP timeout, MacOS got confused and couldn't shut down PPP effectively enough to restart it. At least in unix if I knew the correct obscure commands or whatever, I could do it myself...
  • The Unix philosophy is a Good Thing, and I expect that many/most defecting Windows programmers will recognize it as such. I did.
  • If you mean that the same functions in different apps are accessed in the same way, then yes, consistency is a good thing because it makes it easier to transfer knowledge about one app to another. However, trying to make all apps somehow look alike is not necessarily constructive and may make the UI less logical because the programmer(s) feel(s) that the functionality of the app has to be force-fit into a certain mold. Consistency is a good rule, but programmers and UI designers have to rememeber the reason for it.
  • Posted by OGL:

    This is really pathetic. I can't believe some of the comments made here. I used to think that the people on /. had improved somewhat from their flaming past, but I guess this thread proves us all to be just a miserable bunch of whining children.

    "Look how good they did with NT, 95, 98, Office, and all the crappy applications they made"

    All of those are Microsoft applications...this should be self-explanatory. Obviously if you liked the quality of MS software you would probably use their operating system as well. But do you really think all Windows programmers work for Microsoft?

    "Those ones that write buggy limited software using buggy limited IDE's?"

    Is this really what I'm hearing? All software has bugs, and if Windows programmers want to contribute to the OSS codebase, how is that any different from a newbie Linux coder releasing his code under the GPL? This is one of the biggest FUD-filled generalizations I've ever come across.

    To sum up, you people need a clue. You must be the biggest bunch of hypocrites on the net. No one on slashdot ever deserves to use the word "FUD" again after this thread...


    P.S. Sorry if this seems a little extremist or harsh...but when is slashdot going to grow up? I used to read it all the time, but now I'm finding myself stopping by less and less often.
  • Posted by

    Q) How can you tell the difference between a Linux programmer and a windows programmer?
    A) Linux program names all start with "nogui"
  • Thanks for the link. Perhaps I can spice up my 'desktop' at work. That's the only place I plan on using Windows 9x anymore. :-)

  • Perhaps I suffer from a tad bit of multiple personality-identity disorder, but I actually rather like the way many Linux and *NIX apps look different. It's my belief that different jobs need different tools; and you don't ever see a crescent wrench and a screwdriver that look the same, do you?

    Not to mention the fact that I would very quickly get bored with my X displays if they looked just like the standard MS UI. I got very sick of seeing the same gray, day after day, and all my tools and applications just became a blur. They all could do some of the same things the others could do, they were almost all bloated, and it just stripped the usefulness of even investing the time and effort to learn something new, because I had already done it before.

    But then, I am also more inclined to want to learn how to use my tools properly than the ordinary random person. You won't catch me using a tire iron to carve a chair leg, just like you won't see me using a MicroSoft Word-style word processor to write HTML. You'll see me using proper carving tools in the former, and either vi or Emacs and possibly a perl script to check my work in the latter.

    In other words, I believe that the tools I use in Linux have (for the most part) been designed from the ground up to be as efficient in both form and function as possible. I wouldn't change that for the world; efficiency is very valuable IMHO. More so than a "standardized UI".

    Just my humble opinion. :-)
  • C'mon! What you are saying is that users are essentially stupid and can't cope with variety. Hogwash! That's the same thing Microsoft claims, and it Just Ain't True.

    Have you read Alvin Toffler's _The Third Wave_? Essentially, he claims the future holds what the past held-- we are becoming a self-service society. Only, we're doing it with the help of technology. Users are becoming *more* aware of their computer. Computers don't have to be simple-- users have to be intelligent.

    I'm not saying we shouldn't have easy-to-use software. We should. But we shouldn't assume we're building this software for morons. And that is the failing in the Microsoft camp. They assume they are designing software for morons. That's part of the reason they assume they can foist buggy software off on the public-- after all, the bulk of users are idiots.

    I say we welcome the Windows programmers just as we do everyone else. We will learn from them, and they will (hopefully) learn from us. And if our way is truly superior, everyone will win.
  • by Tony ( 765 )
    Sounds like you're getting a little defensive, Yoz. Cutting close to home?

    And just because you code for Windows doesn't mean you know shit about UI design, either. I have seen more poorly-designed user interfaces to programs than good UIs. So what do you call those who can't program a decent engine *or* a decent UI?

    Windows programmers.

    Or Mac programmers.

    Face it, there are just a lot of bad coders. Me included-- my code sucks. But I'm doing my best, and once in a while I put out something good. And it's easier to learn the principles of UI design then to unlearn years of bad coding practices (which the visual programming systems engender).
  • Umm... Customizability?

    The idea that condescending to the user is "innovation" is ludicrous. And that is all the paper clip manages to do, besides suck up resources. "Agents" will be HAL-- a master agent that interfaces with the user without treating them as if they were stupid, which dispatches invisible agents to take care of the request. Agents will be proactive, helping the user-- not treating the user as if they are stupid and incompetent. That is not innovation; that's how Microsoft has been treating their customers for years. Now they just have an "agent" do it for them.

    The sheer amount of control over my computer is innovative. Yes, I know most of the control is inherited from Unix (I'm a sysadmin/DBA/programmer at a Sun shop), but the absolute, complete control of the computer is simply astounding. That, coupled with CORBA on the desktop, is quite innovative. Especially since it works. (Yes, I'm aware of OpenDoc. So maybe this is just good implementation, but since there hasn't been a successful CORBA environment, I consider this quite innovative.)

    But the greatest innovation is the development methodology. Even without E, the Gimp, Gtk+ and themes, Gnome and KDE, Samba, .... even without all that, the development model, the philosophy (whether practical or ideological) is *very* innovative. It certainly beats any single "innovation" in the PC world.

    (Innovation in the PC world? Visicalc, dBase, MacOS, Word Star/Word Perfect, and Mosaic. Hmmm... None of them are from Microsoft.)
  • Do you have a problem figuring out how to use the scroll bars?

    No, it would be a great idea if scroll bars worked the same on every application. But the Athena Widgets work a little strangely compared to more-advanced widget sets like Motif or Qt or Gtk+. But since Xaw isn't used as much these days, it's not that big of a deal.

    But if you are using this as a pro-Windows argument, it won't fly. Windows is inconsistent in its use of widgets. Perhaps it isn't as bad as the Athena widgets. I'll grant you that. But I only have two types of scroll bars (as nothing I use regularly uses the Athena widgets), and they both behave the same way.

    And if you want your machine to be consistent throughout, use programs based on the same widget set. Don't mix Athena and Motif and Gtk+ and Qt apps, especially if your happiness depends on an homogenous computing experience.

    - Tony
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • And we love our high speed - highly type safe language...

    Delphi is of course written in Delphi...and a little bit of assembler for the RTL.

    It does all of the things you mention...and one more.

  • ...or so it would seem from some of these comments.

    Oh goody. To be honest the amount of total trash that comes from Linux users and hack programmers is unreal. Only really rivalled by the amount that spews from VB/MS-SQL/Access people.

    The opportunity to cheese you people off by writing quality apps for "your" platform as well as Windows really appeals.

    Me goes back to being an evil Delphi programmer.
  • 9 times out of 10 when I need a quick solution to a small problem, gawk comes to hand. It's one of the best pieces of the Unix toolkit. Do you know the difference between "$1" and "$0 ~ /^/"?

    Although it's important to realise where you should stop using gawk and switch to perl. But this is far later than most people think.

    I despair of the number of new people I see who write everything in Perl, when most of the time they could use a shell script just as effectively (I do like Perl, just in it's place).
  • The first small computer UI I used extensively was DOS's: C:\>

    The first time I used a Mac, I was positively *baffled*.

    GUIs are easier for people who are used to GUIs. They are not inherently easier.

  • Even that VB book author (whose name escapes me) eventually decided VB was an abomination. There is hope yet!

  • Who needs wizards when you can just cp the source of a similar program, and hack away at it. That can be a feature or a bug, depending on who does it, but that's true of programming in general.

    With or without wizards, the competant will find a way and the rest will become fly-by-night consultants. Nothing new there.

  • At a former job, I was told there HAD to be windows clients for our Unix database server. I did NOT want to write Windows code in any way shape or form.

    Fortunatly, I came up with a macro-like metacompiler and a CGI so any web browser could be the windows interface, and I could just write macros for the unix software. I predict there will be more of that in future. HTML can't do everything, but in many cases, it's at least adequate and painless.

  • Think this person doesn't really know anything about UNIX/Linux?
  • by C.Lee ( 1190 )
    That explains why Windows apps have a pretty UI and crash rates around 70% Now why is it that the two seem to go hand-in-hand?
  • perhaps you mean []

    For more stuff, try []
  • it's not ui features that are the problem, it's the way they are used. You could have the most sophisticated ui features in the world and still have crappy apps. mac programmers tend to be very disciplined about making UIs, windows programmers try to dazzle with the UI.

    For example, MS Visual C++ has drag-and-drop text. It's a glitzy marketing checkbox feature, in practice is sucks, half the time you end up dragging text when you try to select it. That kind of feature really doesn't but much and it causes more harm than good.

    I think that the mac has a simple design and simple interface. There is one mouse button (now everyone is going to start crying about mouse buttons...) a click needs to be the most commonly intended action and most mac programmers understand that. On Windows, you click on button and get a menu, you click the other and hopefully it does what you want it to, who knows though all the windows apps are different..

    Then take button bars, until fairly recently, they were all the rage in windows apps. You fire up Word and you had 3 or 4 rows of buttons, probably 50 in all. It looks like the application can do a lot, you see all those buttons and think, 'damn, this thing has a lot of function..' fact of the matter is, most of them have menu entries and the menus are used more often because you can't figure out what the buttons do and you can't pick the right button very accurately any faster than using a menu. MS has realized this and the trend is away from the really complex button bars. Mac never had that, I can't think of a single app that had a UI feature simply because it was cool. As more sophisticated users of computers, we might be able to get some benefit out of those buttons, it's probably impossible to measure because it is so small, weigh that against the confusion it gives new users.

    Mac apps typically have one or two routes to a problem's solution. If you want to spell check there is the hot key or the menu item. Windows apps often have many more routes, hot key, menu item, popup menu item, status bar listbox, button bar, maybe more. The programmers of the world think this flexability is great but it confuses users.

    There are tons of other things, I could go on. I think the best thing to do would be to get your hands on a mac and do some work with some applications you've never used before and then try the same thing on windows. The mac doesn't have all the wiz-bang goodies and features windows might but its apps are amazing, and I've been a PC user and owner for 20 years. When you really look at it without bias, the mac is still probably 5 years ahead of windows if windows is even moving in the right direction.

  • This might sound silly..

    There *ARE* statistics about programming language usage, and Visual Basic is *definitely* the most widely used language out there, with COBOL in second place and C++ in third.

    Unfortunately, I can't point you to them because I don't remember where I've seen them (You might want to check professional magazines like IEEE Software or Communications of the ACM - they've spoken about this before I think)

    VB is good for certain tasks, unfortunately its ease of use has caused "round peg in square hole" syndrome to pervade the industry.
  • you've missed the point completely. the VB niche is 'short lifecycle GUI frontends to corporate databases' and it is very well suited this. i know you e1it3 l1Nu> h@x0r d00dz get a hardon from writing the most trivial apps in the most convoluted way, but that attitude cuts no ice in the real world.
  • The only WM I know that has monikers is AfterStep. If anyone knows of another one then please tell me because I consider that one feature to be enough to deside which WM to use, so I won't even consider a different one if it doesn't have monikers on the background menu.
  • Indeed, I even go as far as to write CGIs in gawk. Something to which it is very suited but few seem to try, they just opt for a big, slow, and ugly perl script.

    If you know the language well you don't need to start (many) other processes like most people seem to think.

    Gawk starts and runs faster than perl5 for most programs (that are suitable for it). In fact I only go to perl when I need to use sockets.

    When you get to using sockets, you give up on perl after about 5 minutes and go use C like you should have in the first place.

  • Linux already has several excellent RAD languages such as Python, Ruby, Tcl/Tk, and several Smalltalk environments.

    I'm using pygtk right now and development is very fast. I don't use a GUI builder, but I don't like fiddling with them anyway and find it easy to go from a design on paper directly to code because of the simplicity of the language and toolkit.
  • Ok, my subject line is somewhat of a troll, but not entirely. When Linux was new and the *BSD systems were also just becoming freely available, one of the things that caused Linux to succeed was the large number of PC programmers who flocked to Linux.

    The early *BSD systems didn't even recognize the standard DOS partition scheme. Linux, on the other hand, quickly supported the FAT filesystem and worked on DOSEMU, and with UMSDOS, you could even run Linux off of a MS-DOS filesystem! The *BSD developers were, in a large part, old-time UNIX gurus who were more comfortable with a VAX or a Sun workstation than a PC. Linux users came from the Minix/MS-DOS/Windows crowd and were sneered at as not known how a "true Unix" should work. This additude still exists among many *BSD people.

    I'm an old-time Unix user, but I don't fear an influx of Windows programmers, any more than I feared the "hords of unwashed masses" that have "invaded" the Internet over the last 15 years that I have been on it. Yes, the Internet has changes much because of them, and in many ways for the worse, but if there were still only a few million people on the entire Internet, there would be no Linux, no WWW, no /., no CNN, no place to buy my christmass presents, no ebay, etc. The world would be locked into "Prodigy classic" or old style Compuserve.

  • quite a bit of win9x is written in asm, which is why it isnt portable to other platforms, as opposed to win NT which is mostly in C, making it easy to port it, hence the mips, ppc, alpha ports

    asinus sum et eo superbio

  • There are windows programmrs and then there are REAL windows programers. Let's really consider what a who a *programmer* before we start going off on how horrible windows programmers are.

    Just because you know VB or enough C/C++ to write a notepad clone (as someone else mentioned) does not make you a windows programmer, please that's an insult to anyone who REALLY knows how to spit out code.

    I'm a windows programmer.. and no I don't use VB, I write drivers and custom applications to run the production line hardware in my company's factories. Most of the stuff I write is low level C/C++ with some assembler thrown in for good measure. In my experiance I wouldn't call anyone who hasn't dug through with the crap lowlevel windows API or driver model to be a REAL windows programer.

    My personal opinion is that windows programers for the most part will be good for Linux, the good ones will be added man power.. and the *hobbyists* won't hurt it any.. who cares if there are 50 notepad clones for linux? And besides the core linux developers are not going to let Joe hobby programmer screw with the kernel anyways.

  • Most people who have spent all their time in the Windows world have never seen a good GUI...

  • I think the Macintosh has a lot more tools for GUI design, and better tools, than Linux does. The Mac has had pretty much the same GUI for 15 years - that's a lot of time to build a lot of tools. Linux has the "GUI du jour" policy where as soon as you write an app for a GUI, a better one comes along. It changes so rapidly, that GUI tool developers can't capitalize on previous work - they have to start over from scratch every time.

    Timur "too sexy for my code" Tabi,,
  • FYI, the vast majority of applications written are in-house hacks done by consultants and what-have-you. Commercial-grade end-user software (the kind on your Win98 box) is almost always written in C++, but if you count by number of programmers, VB wins hands down.
  • You have three alternatives: MacOS, BeOS and OS/2. MacOS has got one of the cleanest interfaces available today, and it's actually really cute. Even a drunk person can use a Mac. BeOS is more technically advanced than most other operating systems available today, but is still really easy to use and configure. Lastly, OS/2 has got two points that make it shine: WPS and Java. For all of you who haven't seen the WPS, it's an object oriented user interface with enormous capabilites which makes it really easy to create a desktop you really like and want to work with. The Java engine in OS/2 is the fastest one on the x86 platform today, and it's getting better.

    If you combined all of these three operating systems you would get a tremendous thing. Add the technically advanced and stable Linux (or FreeBSD) kernel, and you're in for a killer.
  • BE & OS 2 huh? Both suck. If Mac OS X doesn't suck yet, it soon will.

    Actually, all OS suck. The point is that some of the ones out there suck less than others. You just can't say "all other than Linux sucks" without trying them first. However, NT sucks like a blonde girl charging money for sexual activities, but without the good parts about it. In other words, a rip-off.

    Write more linux apps please!

    I do use Linux, even if it's not on a daily basis and not for doing native apps. The basic usage of Linux for me is to create Unix shell scripts for people who just want to type 'run' to start the apps.
  • What exactly do you think the halt/reboot/shutdown commands do?
    What exactly do you think Start -> Shutdown do?
  • In general, Macintosh programmers have a better sense of what user interfaces should be like or not.

    Windows programmers don't have the same strict development guidelines.

    Mac guys--where are you?
  • I have a few comments ... first, programmers is programmers (deep words from a PhD). If there are more people out there writing Linux apps as a result of migration from windows, so be it ... that rocks! It's all about world domination, and the Penguin is on his way.

    My second peeve is ... why is there so much compaining about the user interface? I'm using the latest version of Afterstep and it is the coolest friggin' thing on the planet. I don't need folders cluttering up my desktop. The interface is the computer, and Afterstep is awesome!!!!

    Finally, for those people bagging on StarOffice ... it rocks, and so does WordPerfect 8. I don't care if Microsoft Apps get ported, because I have these.

    Now, has anyone compiled a decent browser yet for Alpha? Can I get my Multia out of the closet yet?

    Kvetchingly, D.
  • What exactly do you think the halt/reboot/shutdown commands do?
  • Horses for courses.

    Yes, large systems are difficult to write - whatever the language. But not all systems are large systems. And for small, fast, throwaway projects, VB is not that bad. It also makes a good prototyping tool - as, I'm sure, do lots of other tools.

    I agree on the problems of the RAD concept though - to a degree. Sometimes quick and dirty is the right approach; sometimes careful design is. It depends on the application and the requirements.
  • The windows application has only one noticeable advantage and that is out of the box graphical use without a technical manual. Linux users/programmers KNOW this. This isn't some magical wisdom that only windows users own, its common knowledge and its being addressed. And its not like Linux software programmers write software to be overtly complicated, they (for the most part) are from the same school of GUI appearance as Windows and, to a lesser extent, MacOS applications.
    When large companies start to develop for Linux, they will make an impact, however that will mostly be due to a larger concentration on certain projects not a discovery of new problems.
  • Hint: not C. (not most of it anyway)
  • Look at how many programs there are out there that are precompiled for Redhat (and compatible) only.

    Caldera's Netware of Linux and Origin's Linux UO client, spring immediately to mind.

    When linux becomes popular, most programmers won't give a damn about releasing source or other distributions. It's getting harder and harder for me with my Debian system.
  • It's still new, granted, but it can do things I've never seen another OS do.

    Multithreading for *everything* like the BeOS would be a keen feature for Linux 2.4.0
  • And I agree with the position that VB programmers are generally less intelligent than others. Such a choice could only be based on ignorance.

    Where I work, VB programming is the next career move for folks tired of desktop support. That or Lotus Notes development.
  • This is the greatest danger Linux faces! Not Microsoft's halloween plans or being forced out of the market but being subverted.

    No, windows programmers aren't at fault. Linux is powerful and flexible partially BECAUSE it is difficult to use.

    Consider mathematics or any other technical discipline. They all have their own internal definitions and methods not to confuse the populance as some people seem to suggest but because the slight difficulty in using these methods is more than made up for in future ease of use.

    What happens in the future when we need to upgrade glibc again? Will the windows users recompile all there software against the new library? Will redhat ship the new library if it causes some incompatibility problems?

    I for oneam in favor of usability ONLY if it is aditional/optional. Keep text config files but if you must add a configurator
  • I for one, feel that WINE is a mistake. More of a waste of time really. WINE is not relavant.

  • If you cut open a windoze hacker and a un*x hacker, would there internals appear to be any different? No.

    It is not the programmers that gives windoze its "use-ability." The MFC makes it easy for windoze programmers to include all those "use-ability" features in their applications. M$ programming tools include wizards that make it easy to pop up some decent looking GUI interface in minutes. The problem with many windoze apps is that the underlying logic and operation of the program too often fails to live up to the high expectations that the GUI helps to engender.

    In contrast, un*x hackers more often focus on getting the basic functionality implemented correctly. Often there is only a simple command line interface. There is a far greater probablity that if a un*x programmer takes the time to implement a GUI version of an application, that the underlying logic and functionality is already stable and debugged.

    There is a great deal of influence imposed by each different development environment on the look and feel and functionality of applications.

    M$ -> Easy to generate some kind of spiffy GUI. Sometimes impossible for highest gurus to circumcode buggy os calls.

    GNU-Linux -> Rock solid system implementation, but lacks the wizards that allows anyone who can click on "OK" to generate a GUI based application.

    This too shall pass...
  • Sorry if I seem a bit skeptical :-) I think we've already seen quite a bit of Windows programmers campaigning to get the kernel changed so their poor programming techniques will work. And we'll see more of it in the future. As for a focus on usability, well, I think we're more likely to get that from the Mac programmers! They may have a disturbing lust for one-button mice, but I think their hearts are in the right place. We must have a different version of Windows 95 here in England, because I've never experienced this "easy to use Windows" that people keep talking about.
  • "Wait a minute. These APIs actually work! And they make sense! You mean it could have been as easy and as stress-free as this all along?"

    I assume you're not talking about Motif here :-)

  • ummmm . . . i've only been writing c code for a few years, so i'm not sure what you're getting at. i can easily imagine stuff like writing ints to a file where you'd have endian problems, but it's a little harder for me to imagine how the compiler would know, or why it would care. i'm also a little bit confused by the idea that linux/intel programmers are inherently any less likely to screw that up.

    Stuff written into files, or over a network are the biggest problems in that area. The second biggest is doing unaligned memory accesses (the x86 by default allows 16 and 32 bit operations on any byte boundry, the OS can disable that; RISC CPUs almost never allow unaligned memory accesses, except via "special" slower instructions (like the MIPS loadlo/loadhi, and the SPARC V9 ASI goo)). The alignment issue effects structure padding, so you can't read/write structs from/to files and then just swap bytes around, padding may also be wrong. There are also issues with pointer vs. int size, does a char* fit in an int? Not allways.

    In general the idea is that programers who have only used a system that works one way may think that all systems work that way (once known as the "All the world's a VAX" syndrome). More to the point programs only tested on one type of system even if written by programmers who know better can devlope this type of problem. I know, I have written programs on a SPARC, and discovered when porting to an x86 that I forgot to convert from "newtwork" to "host" byte orders in a few places (and I'm talking about less then 5% of the places). Specifically the fear is that the existing "hordes of windows programmers" have only used windows, and to the extent that Linux on the Intel behaves like a Wintel system, they won't learn to do the more portable thing. I expect we will see many programs with binary data files that work on "Lintel" systems, but fail on Linux/SPARC. I also expect a higher percentage of current "Linux" programs can be compiled on non-Linux Unix-ish systems then programs written by folks whos only exposure to a Unix-ish system is Linux. That's not all bad, they won't fear using revoke(2) just because it isn't in Solaris. They won't avoid pthreads(3) merely because SunOS doesn't have it.

    are bitwise operations on multiple-byte things non-portable because of that? i guess i always (well, not every day of my life, but you know what i mean :) do things like "foo & (i 12)", so like with a big-endian thing you wouldn't be able to treat bits 0..31 as consecutive? i've mostly ever written code on intel things so i guess i'm naive.

    As for the bit shifts, bits 0..31 are consecutive on almost every machine I have used, and on all RISC machines I know of. Also to implment the C standard bit shifts need to work to produce the same results as multiplication or division by powers of two (with possable diffrences in signs), so the shifting you are talking about should be safe.

  • Not when i can help it. I have been spoiled for some years now by ANSI prototypes. Of corse if you read the Lion's Commentary on V7 (V6?) Unix you'll see K&R did do it quite a bit!

    As i said I tipically only get bit by endeness problems, and rarely by alignment issues. That's why i like to test my code with a Sun and PC client (or peers).

    I think Sun's XView (RIP) required it.

  • Are you using strange Australian-rules Perl or something? If Perl were compiled you would not be able to use commands like eval() or anything else that required runtime interpretation of commands. To be sure, Perl commands are compiled and you can write all sorts of fancy extensions and stuff. However, the Perl language itself is most definitely interpreted.
  • by yoz ( 3735 )
    Governments paying for free software? Er, yeah, there's been talk of a couple of small schemes, but why the hell should the govt. WANT to fund free software? Some of the biggest US companies are software companies, and they pay a load of taxes.

    And as for free software usability, that usually comes with good testing, something that you need money to do properly. It's a major problem that we've discussed here before.
  • ... it's a basic rule of UI. If all your programs look different and use different UI rules it's totally confusing to most users. The fact that Windows (and most other GUI-driven OSes) tries to stick to a single UI language is a major point in its favour.
  • Could someone tell me what major UI features the Mac has had over Windows since Win95? MacOS still doesn't even have proportional scrollbars, for god's sake. And the way people talk here, you'd think MS didn't spend millions on R&D and usability testing.
  • COM's in Mozilla. Netscape liked it so much they did their own version, called XPCOM.
    Hey, do you actually know *anything* about COM? Any proper arguments as to why you think it's garbage? Thought not.
  • Dr. Watson running under GNOME.
  • We need more people like Windows programmers, like those in the Gnome and KDE camps - people who actively try to program to a userbase of new computer users rather than geeks like themselves. We need people who program to the best traditions of Windows.

    What we don't need, however, is people who program to the worst traditions of Windows. Before you switch to Unix coding, learn the differences between (and the rational behind) /usr and /var, share and local, $HOME and /etc, and program with those concepts in mind. Use getopt_long() (including --help/-?/-h), write a useful man page; use $EDITOR/stdin/stdout if applicable; even let users use regexps, shell, or perl commands if they would work with your app. The last thing we need is another grotesque internal pseudo window manager like StarOffice's, or a multiuser-blind app.
  • by gr ( 4059 )
    I mean that [MS Windows] is so easy to operate that you don't need to pick up a book to configure it...

    Maybe you don't need to pick up a book to configure Win9x/NT, but there are plenty of books out there on how to do so, and their authors aren't exactly starving.
  • Wine, it seems to me, is a clear statement that Linux users want or need the programs those Windows programmers have written.

    ... or a clear statment that Linux users want or need to be able to say that Linux supports everything that Windows does in order to convince Windows-obsessed users that Linux is worth using.

    I'm actually not too sure why I'm taking part in this argument, as I'm a NetBSD, Solaris, NeXTStep, and macos (rhymes with Bacos!) user. Oh well.
  • Mac guys--where are you?

    Thinking of writing serial qcam support for PPC-based Linux, so I don't have to ditch my webcam when in (Mk)Linux(PPC).

    ...and maybe using NetBSD instead, but hey, OSS is OSS.
  • Speaking of cut'n'paste, though, it'd be nice if X was more consistent in this area.

    What's inconsistent about X?

    Highlight the text you want, click the second button where you want it to go. You don't need any silly keystrokes, much less combinations. (Not that I'm against keyboard control, but if you're going to highlight with the mouse anyway...*)

    Only exception that springs to mind is netscape, but you should be using lynx anyway.

    Well, I guess I'm assuming you aren't using some weirdo window manager that tries to act like another operating system, but twm should be enough for anyone.

    * I'll grant that I don't always highlight with a mouse, especially on macs, where shift-right/left highlights a letter, option-shift-right/left highlights a word, and shift-up/down highlight lines, but still...
  • A common reply to the comment that Windows is easy to use is that "Easy is whatever you are used to." This comment generally means that Windows is only easy because people are used to it. If they got used to something else that would be easy to use. But, this saying applies directly to all GUI applications on any platform. GUI apps should have similarities in order that users can carry skill sacross between applications. These similarities don't have to be monolithically enforced, but they should be codified in a style guide so developers have an idea of what users expect. The application writer can then follow the style guide as best he/she can, but when efficiency or ease of use requires a different style the writer doesn't have to be contricted bythe style guide.

    What will happen is that the applicatiosn that people can get started on easily because the GUIs have similarities will be successful. The ones that arbitrarily diverge form the style guide will fail or be niche products because the learning curve is too high.

    A style guide is a generalization. Details are left up to the developer. A current defacto guideline that would belong in a style guide is what basic menus to use such as File, Edit, View, Help, and guidelines for what belongs in those menus. This way the user knows in general what to expect in those menus because he/she sees the same things in every application. Simple and not terribly restricted, yet it makes learning curves shallower, and makes thigns "easy to use".
  • I would really love to get ports of programs
    like Pegasus Mail. Based on standards, efficient
    extremally flexible. I use pine since few years, but still not all of pmail's features are there.

    Another thing is solving stupid problems with fonts, preconfigured Mozilla configuration with plug-ins etc. Every such configuration step is easy to make, but if you need to make 50 of them
    to get usable system it becomes annoying.
  • Finally, after reading the entire thread, I find someone who says what I was thinking. Do not apologize for your comment. You, unlike most of the previous posters, have the right idea. The idea pehind OSS is that every developer has something to offer. We should be inviting the Windows developers to join our cause.

    Not one of the posters here nor any other developer has been a UNIX master from his/her first line of code. Let's give it a rest and get back to coding.
  • I've seen "does one thing, and does it well" programs in Linux. I also get the feeling that Unix programers tend to build do everything programs - first example Emacs. If a program doesn't have a scripting language flexible enough to write a web browser in, what is it worth?

    Some times I wish Unix programers would add features instead of scripting machines with more theoretical power, but that are much harder to use.
  • Vi includes support to run Python or Perl as scripts. Gnumeric uses Guile. Gimp uses ... Scheme I think.

    You mis-understand. I don't want a scripting language to write a script to do what I want, I want to be able to go to a menu and select what I want done. If I'm writting something in Emacs and I want wordcounts or Fog indexs, I could write a script, but it would be much easier for me just to go to an index.
  • Vi includes support to run Python or Perl as scripts. Gnumeric uses Guile. Gimp uses ... Scheme I think.

    *At first you seemed to be complaining that Unix programmers "tend to build do everything programs", now you want more features...*

    You misunderstand. I don't want a scripting language to write a script to do what I want, I want to be able to go to a menu and select what I want done. If I'm writting something in Emacs and I want wordcounts or Fog indexs, I could write a script, but it would be much easier for me just to go to a menu item.
  • As long as they don't I'll be happy; but I just know we'll start seeing x based setups (Star Office) that are a bitch to install over a network (instead of RPMs or Deb's), violations of the file system standard (haven't seen this yet, but I know it will happen - windows guys love to install of the root) etc.
  • I am not a professional programmer, but a systems/network administrator who has done his fair share of programming when necessary. When I first wrote anything GUI-based, it was with Visual Basic 3.0. I was pleased at the simplicity of providing very usable features (buttons, scroll bars, etc.) with very little effort. Also, the language consistency within the control sets was helpful.

    That being said, what I think this question really addresses is the need for solid, consistent APIs and widget sets. My impression so far is that toolsets like Qt, GTK, Java, etc. are getting better and more easy to use. That, to me, is one key factor in making Linux more usable: Solid GUI toolset foundations.

    Another aspect that needs to be considered is programming discipline. While the Windows APIs and toolsets have made rapid application development more possible, they also have made programmers more susceptible to being lazy and less concerned about feature bloat, etc. I only hope that people who do program more extensively than I do will take the time to be (a) consistent in their coding practices and (b) respectful of cross-platform issues. If the available toolsets are not misused, then Linux will become more usable (interface-wise) without much effort.

  • *nix supremecists should check their attitudes at the door. i've been working in linux since '94 (*nix since '87) and have seen no evidence of a superior breed of programmers. i'd wager that the ratio of good to bad is about equal across the board.
  • As long as they don't demand (or develop) some lame-ass IDE or a whacking great collection of useless Foundation Classes, I think pulling in some Windoze programmers could be good.

    It could also be a beneficial experience for them, as well. "Wait a minute. These APIs actually work! And they make sense! You mean it could have been as easy and as stress-free as this all along?"


  • There is already too much people who claims to
    be Linux programmers, but just try to turn
    Linux into just a bit more stable Windows or DOS.

    I see questions "How I bypass system and access
    video directly" every day in comp.os.linux.development.apps.

    So goes for KDE which not yet have builtin scripting language and ties programmer to ONE
    language, which some people thinks better in
    the world, but many other (including myself)
    think as good only for limited niche, and this
    niche doesn't include GUI. GUI is to be written
    on Tcl/Tk, Python, Guile, but not C/C++, as well
    as computation routines are not to be written
    on bash.

    I don't even mention numerous incompatible programs which fail to compile even on BSDI,
    not mention Sparc (either Linux or Solaris)

    Let alone character-graphic toolkits, which don't
    work even on good telnet clients, not mention
    hardware vt220, or audio programs which try to
    access /dev/dsp directly, assuming that they
    have user on the same machine as they run, instead
    of looking to DISPLAY variable and using netaudio.

    These windows programmers do not understand five

    1. There can be another CPU aside Intel
    2. There can be other users on machine aside
    one running their program
    3. Nothing requires user run program on the
    machine he is sitting at,
    4. forking is simplier and more errorproof than
    5. There is UNIX toolbox phylosophy and they
    are expected to give users ability to combine
    their program with other ones, user is already
    familiar with.
  • Well, I'm sure some Linux users want or need Windows apps.
    But I don't. Generalisations like yours are always wrong.
    It's impossible to say what all Linux users want, because we don't all want the same thing.
    Having said that, no-one will be forced to use these hypothetical apps developed by this hypothetical horde of Windows programmers, so, sure, let them go ahead and code. It's no big deal.
    Someone else made the point that whether there is a whole lot to be learned from the Windows world about GUI design is questionable, and that is true. Perhaps what we need for Linux is a whole re-examination of the human/computer interface, rather than copying old designs.
    Here's a good article on this:
    The Anti-Mac Interface [http]
  • It's fashonable in Linux circles to express contempt for all things Microsoftian. But this is a mistake; we can learn a lot from looking at what works on the Microsoft and Mac platforms, while leaving behind what does not work.

    Many people who have spent all their time in the Unix world have never seen a good GUI. A good GUI is one that enables an expert in an application area to be highly productive. One reason why users are highly productive is that the applications they need to use work consistently. In that sense, X's configurability has worked against us ... it makes it too easy for every app to work differently. In many Unix/Linux shops, no one can sit down at his neighbor's desktop and help with a problem, because everyone has a different window manager and has rebound all the keys to work differently.

    Too many people on Slashdot say "I don't like it because it looks like Windows". What you are saying is that you would rather be different for the sake of being different, and you don't care that this will make life harder for new users.

    Windows made lots of botches that should not be copied, e.g. to shut down your computer you first press a button named "Start".

    One thing Microsoft spends a lot of money on is human-factors research. What is easiest for people to use? Coming up with a theme per day is fine and dandy, but it would be nicer to conduct studies on what works the best for different types of users.

Them as has, gets.
