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HP World Calls for Linux Papers 5

Drew Bertola writes "HP World Conference is looking for paper submissions for their Linux Track. The Linux Track may be cancelled unless 4 more paper submissions are made by the end of the week. To submit your idea, go to the HP World Conference submissions page. For more information, e-mail Orly Larson or me. "
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HP World Calls for Linux Papers

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    If HP wants to be associated with Linux, then I say let them. They are looking to be profitable and we can show them that Linux can cut their OS costs while providing excellent intra/internet services (not to mention data services).

    Improve your bottom line... Linux.
    Codifex sans a password.
  • Will they pay for flights, accomodation, dancing girls, etc? :)

  • They're just a bunch of Microsquishies... let's not let them benefit from association with Linux.

  • I sure would like it if they came out with drivers for their OfficeJet 1150C Printer/Scanner. Appearantly nobody else has, and I don't know enough to be able to.

    • I hope HP is reading this!

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them WHAT to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
