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ZDNet Does Linux 71

Querty wrote in to tell us that ZDNet's AnchorDesk page (home of everyone's favorite person: Jesse Berst) is doing a whole big Linux Thing today. Articles Include "Take the Linux Plunge", "Resellers Key to Linux Success", "Essential Linux Tips" and "Jon's Linux Toolkit", and a (ahem) poll. It looks like Linux is mainstream now.
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ZDNet Does Linux

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  • ...when he stops babbling like this snippet: "Our GenX gadget guru Nicci
    Noteboom persuades with promises..."


  • by drwiii ( 434 )
    good old Guessy Bust, never ceases to amaze me.
    "Oh Linux is baaaad! Stay away!"
    "Linux will get you fired!!"
    "I've always said Linux has a chance against M$"
    "Here's how to get your boss to use Linux"

    M$ Encryption []

  • Isn't Jesse Berst the same one that wrote the infamous "Could You Get Fired for Choosing Linux?" article last year?

    Now it's "Take the Linux Plunge? How to Persuade Your Boss"

    Too savage.
    Too aggressive.

  • No, that's Gnulix.
  • It doesn't matter whether Linux becomes mainstream or not. The important thing is that *we* have it. I've been burned in the past by commercial OS's that I spent buckets of time learning to program and creating software for (Amiga, primarily). Once the company is gone, development stops and there's *nothing* you can do about it.

    Now I develop under Linux. The OS code is happily sitting here on my hard-drive. Nobody can take it away!

    *That's* what Linux is about -- not trying to conquer the world. If, as a side-effect, we make the computer world a brighter place, so much the better.
  • And the funniest thing is that someone is accusing Berst of carrying a grudge against Microsoft! And being on "Linux payroll"! Ha!

    Geez, people can be so clueless....
  • Hey Jesse, if you read this forum (unlikely), do us a favor and stay pandering to your pro-MS lackeys. We don't want, nor need, someone of your extremely dubious 'journalistic' talents writing about Linux.

    <Conspirisii>Unless, of course, you're part of a Microsoft conspiracy to make people abandon linux, out of disgust of the things we read at ZDNet. I know the thought of you suddenly jumping on the bandwagon fills ME with revulsion.</Conspirisii>

    -- (remove the SPAM-B-GONE bit)

  • Well, lets see here now... in the past, I've seen Berst

    Determinedly and repeatedly denigrate Linux (and other OSes) as inferior and unusable products

    Make statements about Linux et al that were either misleading or just plain wrong, either relying on anecdotal pro-MS propoganda or simply turning his opinions into his own personal 'truth'

    ... now do a complete about face on his Linux stance for no definite reason (though I'm sure we can all guess at a few!), a history of which is plainly summarized on the linux timeline.

    If we extrapolate from his prior examples, it's reasonable to assume that nothing will change except his supposed stance on Linux... that is, there will be steaming piles of mis- and dis-information spread around, cheap shots taken at other OSes, and general 'mindless advocacy'.

    Yes, it's nice to see mainstream press go pro-linux, but a mindless and inaccurate pro-linux stance is just as unacceptable as a mindless and inaccurate pro-MS stance. It's a pity that some anonymous-cowardly linux advocates see that 'any press is better than none', rather than 'good press is better than tripe'.

    -- (remove the SPAM-B-GONE bit)

  • Sure he can change his mind anytime he wants. But changing one's mind when one has said somthing like (to quote Berst) "I think it's great if you are willing to promote Linux to your boss. As long as you are aware of the risk you are taking. The risk of getting fired," or "My belief: Linux will never go mainstream" is generally denoted by writing articles with an overall tone similar to "I'm sorry about trashing Linux, I was wrong and I admit it," rather than (again, to quote Berst) "Now I've always said that Linux could be a serious challenger to Windows NT."

    Berst is so full of crap it's seeping out his ears.
  • If this is a troll, there are three billygoats over there who would like a quiet word with you about a bridge.

    If this is a real newbie, you're better off thinking of Windows as a rich-idiot's Linux.

    (Windows is basically DOS with a GUI glued on, and DOS is basically UNIX with everything useful taken out.)

    Anyone who -wants- to pay through the nose for less is welcome to do so. And, whilst you're at it, there's this tower in Pisa you might like - it's getting on a bit, and there's mild subsidance on one side...

  • Jessey being well versed in the /. effect, seeing his page hits going down decided to put the /. effect to work to fudge the advertising hits on ZDnets page. Thus providing managemnt with proof ogf his self worth.. especially now since it's propably *BONUS* pay time.

    To crazy?

  • ZDNET has been HOT on GNU/Linux and Open Source all month long. I submitted a link to a rather long article which was done on January 11th and it appears just in searching for 'Linux' on their homepage that they've been doing this all month long. See these articles:
  • Yaknow, I've never liked Jesse Berst. He follows nothing but the latest "trend" although Linux isn't a trend.
    What makes me absolutely disgusted by this jerk is the fact that he makes a point to declare what is right or WRONG (Linux, a year ago), and then he goes on, many months later, to follow up on what he has said was RIGHT (Linux, now) or wrong.
    Does anybody with an IQ over 32 actually listen to what this hypocritical contradicting bastard says? It's poor journalism ("Linux sucks" - Berst, last year. "Linux r00lz!" - Berst, this year)... Well, apparently people DO listen to him, considering he still somehow has a job.
  • I was a newbie once long long ago in a galaxy far far away... But I persisted -- I sought and read everything I could buy or browse. Now I help enlighten (some of) the masses. Don't bust on them! They might not know they need or want it until they try. Help them.

    To help those newbies: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

    OK So I'm somewhat biased... :)

    "Linux sucks. But Linux sucks less." - JWZ

  • i did not know that linux has been around for 15 years... thank you zdnet for showing me the light...

    and i quote:
    "We've been using Linux for almost a year, and collecting the stories you need to read to get off to a good Linux start. You'll find out why it took Linux more than 15 years to turn into an overnight sensation -- and why it took us months to get past a basic Linux installation -- in Linux 101"

    need i say more?
  • One of the links at the bottom of this article is a nice comparison of Linux and W2K. Now, it was 5 pages long, and I didn't feel like reading it, but I'm curious how they can compare a product that is here right now to a product that won't be here until at LEAST the year 2000 (probably later, if I know Microschlock). It boggles the mind. The masters of vapourware are at it again...
  • You'll find out why it took Linux more than 15 years to turn into an overnight sensation -- and why it took us months to get past a basic Linux installation

    Um, am I missing some years somewhere? I could have sworn it didn't start in 1984... Hmmm 1984. Big brother!!!
  • judging from the poll and the link on slahsdot i think an inordinate number of slashdotters will have skewed the results. then again, it might help us get noticed - and maybe my company (almost 100% pro-m$ - they would if they could but a few key apps elude m$) - keeping my fingers crossed?
  • by aladdin1 ( 5520 )
    linux is not a poor man's windows! firstly it is an actual operating system... oh, just look it up.
    go to:

    that should get you started.

    soapbox time: linux allows us to get away from hegemony and agony that is microsoft (well at least until we have to go back to work - then, linux makes me wish we were using it in the office since windows crashes several times a day)

    overheard in the office:
    a: hey did you know they have found a win-nt virus?
    linux advocates in the office : what does it do? keep windows from crashing?

  • jesse, get yourself an account and stop logging in as an ac.

  • Doesn't matter - the article isn't being conspicuously advertised, so few people, if any, are going to see it. Funny, Berst's column is usually advertised fairly well - just not this time.

    Even if Berst sucks, still, I appreciate the mere mention of Linux in mainstream press - but only if its in a place people will see it!

    I don't imagine there are that many ZDNET readers who click on "AnchorDesk"...
  • Ya learn something (???) new everyday.
  • I never thought I'd see the day! Reading through the comments at the end of Jesse's article, his readers are now flaming him for being, of all things, ANTI-Microsoft!

    Jesse Berst anti-Microsoft? Yeah, right.

    It's funny. People say that Linux advocates are fanatical, yet look at how some of these Windows freaks react when Jesse kind of hints that Linux might be, in some situations, sort of OK. I wonder how many of these people wear slip-on shoes for the sole reason that they find those string things on some shoes just a bit too complex.

    (OK, maybe that last comment was a bit immature, but after reading through so much cluelessness, I really felt the need to vent. :)
  • Prepare yourself... you're about to get flamed... I will, however, not take that route. To answer your question, quite simply, no. Linux is a multi-user, unix-like system that is distributed for free. It is more stable than windows, runs faster than windows, and smells better than windows. I'm sure you'll hear a lot more.

  • Could someone tell me what this is. Is linux some kind of poor mans Windows?

    No, you might say that Linux is what the real power users use.

    It happens to be cheaper (possibly much cheaper) than any of the "offerings (the kind you can't refuse) from microSnot, but that's the least of it.

    It is more flexible, more reliable, and will do more than the M$ "products".

  • Exactly what is it that you're talking about?
    It seems that you are incapable of understanding
    sarcasm, using punctuation, etc. Since he was
    being sarcastic, I'll skip pasting in his mentions
    of PINE and Lynx. What does '94 have to do with
    *anything* ? I'm 13 and I doubt anyone really
    cares how old anyone else is here.
  • (in reference to their hit-and-run style of journalism)

    If you have no have no credibility...



  • Did I misread? Did Jesse say he's been using Linux? I know for a fact that is untrue as my brother works for ZD-NET and they don't use Linux on their desktops there in Washington State....give me a break....Maybe I misread....I've been up for 28 hours so that's possible...


  • ...if you consider the notion that Jesse Berst is a really poorly written Arexx script running on an Amiga 500 in some janitor/hobbyist/apocalypse-minded Amigan's basement as a last ditch jape of the wintel world.

    My guess is this:

    Microsoft has a secret production facility in the mountains of Tibet, provided to them by Gateway. They are quietly producing Amigas in multi-colored boxes.

    At a prearranged time, to be signalled by the Berst-script announcing "I've always said 'Linux is the only real way to personal salvation, and now it appears I'm right, because JESUS NEVER LOVED FAT AGNES!", the Microsoft/Gateway marketing campaign kicks off, the neo-Amigas with "MS enhancements" flood the market under the banner "The only real alternative there ever was," the Berst script will start gradually revising its stance on the new Amigas, coyly hinting that a whole subterranean basement farm of Amigas is running the Pentagon.

    Net result:

    Linux is supplanted as the meme of the day by eager corporate lemmings sent off to numerous Amiga conventions for free who come back as members of an astroturf organization with the slogan "Amigas: Good enough for Andy Warhol, Good enough for Uncle Sam's Mailed Fist, Good Enough for Me."

    Sometime in late 2000, just before the real millenium change, the Berst script will execute a terminal loop, Microsoft will quietly cease production of the Amigas, and the world will be plunged into a thousand years of darkness. The apocalypse won't happen, either, because Bill Gates will own controlling interest in the trinity.

    "Give me $20 worth of pudding, or kill me."

  • But on the chance that this newbie is legit, be warned: if you don't know what Linux is, you are probably not ready to try it. Yet. Read up on Unix basics and lurk on /. and newsgroups a while first. I would hate for someone's first experience with Linux to be traumatic due to lack of basic knowledge.

  • Hmmm, MS announces that Win2K is going to be later than ever, ZDNet suddenly starts printing lots-o Linux articles.

    No conspiricy -- just that outlets like ZD rely on NEW NEW NEW to sell their press, and right now Microsoft ain't delivering. So they go elsewhere.

    Just like back when Windows 95 kept getting delayed and more delayed, and all of a sudden ZD started printing lots of OS/2 Warp articles. As soon as 95 came out, they dropped Warp press ASAP. I'd expect them to do the same with Linux as soon as Win2000 is out.

    (BTW, there seems to be a divergence in opinion in Linux space. Slashdotters seem to think that the mainstream press sucks and they should go away. Others are writting them and compaining that their WordPerfect/Linux writeup was not as long as the MS Office one.)
  • Well well.... Mr U-Turn himself, Jesse Berst, and that great journalistic institution ZDNet have decided to jump on the Linux bandwagon now that it's travelling at 300mph. I'm sure that once they've paid due homage to the current 'fad' they'll go back to their usual profound insights into the wonderful world of Windows...
  • Apparently Jon never thought of putting explore2fs [] into his toolkit. 0.17 is really stable and good for my uses, anyway.
  • I agree with that. Journalist have to be dramatic in order to get attention. I get a kick out of the thought that maybe all this was spurned by some minor staffer who was caught installing the new 2.2.0 Linux kernel on a ZDNET computer.

    As a side thought, I'd like to see ZDLabs do comparative performance testing. I suspect that they might find the results surprising. ;)
  • Absolutely brilliant.

    I'm stunned

    - - - - - -
    Member in Good Standing,

  • Well, this is just an idea.
    ZDNet is a known lackey of Microsoft.
    Microsoft is trying to prove that there are other options.
    Can YOU figure it out?

    They give the judge the "Anchordesk" to read,
    then he says "No Monopoly" and then ZDNet says
    "We were wrong. Linux is crap, use Windows"

    Thats scary.
  • HAHA
    God I hate ZDNet. Spammongers.
    And why would I wanna use a "tool kit" made by
    Jesse Berst?
  • Point taken:)
  • Don't be fooled by Jesse's sudden turn around, it is not sincere. He is still Microsloth's whore and doing what anyone in that profession would do that had sold their integrity along with their body, anything their pimp tells them to do.

    The article is meant to show Jesse as a non biased journalist only wanting to promote the best product. But when we view the Talk Back section we see that the people are overwhelmingly at odds with his opinion. Jesse will eventually have to admit that the people were right and MS products are truly the best products available in the world.

    What this two bit whore fails to disclose is that he decides what gets posted into the Talk Back section and what his relationship with his next door neighbor Microsloth actually is. I'm sure there is an article coming down the line sometime in the not too distant future praising how great Linux is and how it would take over the world if it were not for the fact that:
    A) It makes your hair fall out
    B) Makes you impotent
    C) Causes your spouse to leave you for AS/400 salesperson
    D) All of the above

    This message is in no way meant to offend those who's profession is to provide a quality service for a reasonable price while maintaining their integrity and self-respect. Rest assured that I hold you in a much higher esteem than I do Mr. Berst. I just cannot think of a better or more appropriate word to describe this individual.

    Where there is no vision, the people perish:
  • I used to work for ZDNet Australia (, until I saw the error of my ways, and a piece of trivial information for you all is that their Web server is Apache, run on a FreeBSD box.

Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (4) How many times do we have to tell you, "No prior art!"
