Linux 2.2.0pre5 97
Linus released 2.2.0pr.5 this afternoon. Hopefully, enough mirrors will have synced by now.
People need to test these babies so the real 2.2.0 is as close to bug-free as possible.
"Your stupidity, Allen, is simply not up to par." -- Dave Mack (mack@inco.UUCP) "Yours is." -- Allen Gwinn (, in alt.flame
No ISDN in 2.2.0 (Score:1)
I don't plan on changing to 2.2.x untill I find a feature I need.
vga consoles (Score:1)
It's a nice day... (Score:1)
hmm... patch? (Score:1)
First, patch it.
# cd
# bunzip2 -c
Then, check for failed patches (files with a
# find . -name '*.rej'
If none appear, then the patch was successful. You can remove the original files that the patch saved (those with a
# find . -name '*.orig' -exec rm -f {} \;
Usually it's a lot easier, since scripts/patch-kernel (go and read it with less) under the kernel tree is a script that automatically applies a set of patches to a kernel tree. Sadly, the irregular numbering on the pre-2.2 series has broken this script (last time I checked)
Not this time!!! (Score:1)
It does apply to the ac patches, AFAIK (haven't tried them).
Wrong. (Score:1)
vga consoles - Necessary in the future (Score:1)
hmm... patch? (Score:1)
# cd
# cp patch-2.2.0-pre5.bz2 patch-2.2.1.bz2
Current kernel version is 2.2.0-pre4
Applying patch 2.2.1 (bz2)
(You have to rename the patch file as the patch-kernel script doesn't recognize the -pre5 extension. Obviously this has no actual effect on the patch itself).
Nothing beats the Sex Sells Ads on /. (Score:1)
No ISDN in 2.2.0 (Score:1)
If there won't be ISDN support in 2.2.0 because Linus refuses [] to include the lately sent-in patch file, this kernel version won't be quite useful here in highly-using-ISDN-Germany... :-(
Regards, Jochen
Problem Compiling? (Score:1)
checksum.c:200: redefinition of `csum_partial_copy'
checksum.c:105: `csum_partial_copy' previously defined here.
Now, I know a little bit about programming, so I opened up checksum.c (which is in /arch/i386/lib) and checked out lines 200 and 105. They're function declarations. Line 200 declares function "csum_partial_copy", and line 105 declares function "csum_partial_copy_fromuser". So why does the compiler think that its trying to redefine "csum_partial_copy"?
I'm trying to compile under RedHat 5.2 using gcc-
No ISDN in 2.2.0 (Score:1)
Pre-releases are good (Score:1)
I'm not going to worry, no matter how long it takes. Weeeeell, if we get up to 2.2.0-pre150 I might wonder if maybe Linus switched to the pre phase a tad early....
Why I'd like to use RPM's for prereleases (Score:1)
I like RPM because it allows me to keep track of files on my system, provides a powerful versioning system for up/downgrades, and most importantly, it saves time...
I'm pushing for a major switch from Solaris to RedHat Linux here at work. My major selling point is reduced administration time through the use of RPM.
Remember that RPM != Precompiled Binary. SRPMS allow you to compile from pristine source, but also give you the ability to track/update/remove every file created through the compilation process. I like that a lot better than the ".tar.[gz|bz2|Z]" system of spraying and orphaning files all over my file systems.
when to final 2.2? (Score:1)
IP Aliasing broken (Score:1)
Running the following command under 2.0.36 (and other 2.0 kernels) works fine:
ifconfig eth0:0
However, with the 2.2.0-pre5 kernel, this has no effect. I have built both Network aliasing and "IP: Aliasing" into the kernel.
Before I submit this as a bug, does anyone know if there is some new syntax or other requirement for this to work? E.g. some
WRONG: No ISDN in 2.2.0 (Score:1)
vga consoles - Necessary in the future (Score:1)
Why I'd like to use RPM's for prereleases (Score:1)
When you install an SRPM, all it does is copy the tar.gz file(s) and patches to
The problem is that if you're looking for someone to provide an SRPM for a kernel, then simply build an RPM from their spec file, you *still* have no control over the kernel configuration, which is pretty important when testing the kernel (which is, after all, what the prereleases are for).
If you're building your own RPM/SRPM, you haven't saved any time (especially considering that you often have to build the stuff successfully more than once if you are making your own spec file; once by hand [using the tar.gz] and again from the spec-- for instance to find out what files it provides).
I don't think the original poster cared (or knew) about building his own RPM, he was more concerned with just getting a binary package and installing it, letting others compile for him.
If you want to build your own RPM/SRPM, then just grab a spec file from an earlier kernel SRPM and, edit it to work with the new kernel. The steps are the same, more or less, only the configuration file (which you would presumably include preconfigured) will be different.
Aaron Gaudio
"The fool finds ignorance all around him. modules? (Score:1)
Aaron Gaudio
"The fool finds ignorance all around him.
when to final 2.2? (Score:1)
Stop whining and become part of the 'team'.
Use "patch" to apply patch (Score:1)
bunzip2 patch-2.1.131.bz2 #or gunzip if applicable
patch -p0 patch-2.1.131
(the -p0 tells it not to strip any directories from the filenames being patched)
Why we use RPMs (Score:1)
IP Forwarding... (Score:1)
Why is it nessessary for 2.2.0 to be released soon (Score:1)
I personally would not like to see it released after first quarter this year, but I don't understand why it is so important to people to have 2.2.0 released.
Linux kernel 2.2 is currently in a feature freeze, which means the current pre release does everything the final kernel will do. So why is it so important for 2.2.0 to be released?
Why don't you, the people who want to use 2.2.0 final, just use pre5 AS IF IT WERE FINAL, and only update to the latest pre every 5 releases or when you find a bug in the kernel you are using.
If 2.2.0 were released tomorrow any further bugs that are found would have to be put into a patch, and because end users, not just the `beta testers' will have to apply this, linus will probably want to wait a while before releasing it.
I personally like the releasing of a new pre every 2-3 days, it means I have to compile then re-boot, which makes me feel like I am in windoze again
hmm... patch? (Score:1)
patch -p1
And you'll be done!
rpms? (Score:1)
bz2 are the standard. Gimmicks need not apply.
Mirrors slow in mirroring (Score:1)
when to final 2.2? (Score:1)
Well, they could pull a Microsloth and release it as-is, even though it still contains bugs. Or they could do what they're doing, make multiple prereleases and correct the bugs in each, then making sure that the bugfixes do not engender new bugs, so when they do release 2.2.0 final, it's stable and works. Which would you prefer? If you want to speed up the release of the final 2.2.0 kernel, install the latest prerelease and submit intelligent bug reports.
Cyrix (Score:1)
I guess it's time for the real stuff.
This must be me, it can't be the kernel... (Score:1)
no no no no no no no!
bsd_comp and ppp_deflate depend on ppp, not the other way round!
using aliases is the right way. the kernel doesn't know that ppp-compress-24 is bsd_comp, and doesn't need to!
this approach means that a compression module will only be loaded if it is going to be used: if your ppp peer doesn't support compression, the modules won't be loaded, and everyone's happy, yes?
I should imagine that you can't load ppp_deflate without having ppp already loaded (could be wrong, can't check while at work), so having ppp *depend* on ppp_deflate would obviously be broken...
Concise list of fixed stuff (Score:1)
IP_MASQ_F_DLOOSE: I just reported this... (Score:1)
Is why I use .deb and compile my own (Score:1)
when to final 2.2? (Score:1)
Almost three times faster compiling! (Score:1)
Nothing beats the Sex Sells Ads on /. (Score:1)
No ISDN in 2.2.0 (Score:1)
In either case, it is on Alan Cox's todo list, and I'm sure that it will be fixed early in the 2.2.x series.
Mousewheel stopped working (Score:1)
Take your time, Linus! (Score:1)
nothing is ever finished.. (Score:1)
AC saves your day :) (Score:1)
and put it in
patch then recompile
talking windows users is where I draw the line
or better yet... (Score:1)
D.A.R.E. to keep your kids off drugs. (Score:1)
vga consoles (Score:1)
lilo error message (Score:1)