Predictions for next year
This Internet World article makes some interesting predictions.
The first being that Kaffe will end up shaping Java as much
as Sun does, and even that Microsoft will end up adopting Kaffe.
While that might be a little far out, the second set of predictions
are believable: IBM and Compaq may be lining up a ton of software
to release as open-source. However, unlike the article I expect
it will be go beyond server software. Improving support for
Java, existing Xterminal and WinTerminal support will increase
the number of users whose GUI is Linux based. By helping make Linux
into a fully fledged desktop OS, large vendors' reliance on Microsoft
is reduced, increasing the ability of their own software departments
to compete without being constrained by undocumented APIs, and
the like. I'll make the bold prediction that
by 2000 Linux will be a very strong desktop contender,
with some desktop features Windows 2000 does not have.
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Predictions for next year
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