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Linux Software

Ask Slashdot: Linux and Handicapped Access

I recently received this submission from Shannon Hollen, asking for the following: "I am an online game designer/producer with a small company. I am also handicapped. So, I ask your help: I am in search of a Linux coder to hire for the purpose of writing me the specialized software that I need. I use the word "hire" because I am ready to, willing to and insistent upon paying my way. Can you point me in a direction?" Sounds like a worthy cause! Click below for more!
Shannon continues:

Since 1985, I have used a Mac and a piece of hardware called "Headmaster," a headset cabled to a box that sits on top of my monitor, completely replacing the mouse is every way. The box tracks the movement of my head, pointing where I look, essentially.

I type by clicking the "keys" of a software "keyboard" that sits along the bottom of my screen. It's about 7.5" x 1" and contains all the standard keys of a normal keyboard, arranged in an effciency layout. (NOT qwerty.) Having used this setup for the past fourteen years, I've become pretty good. I can type around thirty words a minutes when I know what I'm typing.

And I am dying to try Linux. I have a 200 mhz Pent sitting around that I used for school (All CSC departments must use DOS/Windows these days.), and I would like to drop Red Hat on it. The problem is, I need keyboard software, and in my research, I have found none for Linux.

This sounds like another area of Linux that could use some improvement, if not more visibility. Are there any active initiatives to provide handicapped access on Linux at this time? If not, then are there people out there interested in getting something like this underway?
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Ask Slashdot: Linux and Handicapped Access

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