LinuxPPC 5.0 Announcement
ThoraX695 writes "LinuxPPC Inc. has just released
their plans for at least two minor updates and a major upgrade to the PowerPC port of Linux on their website. It looks like the major changes will be the 2.2.x kernel, Gnome instead of KDE as the default WM, XFB (which is based upon XFree68), and glibc 2.1 support."
I'm just happy to see that the alternatives to x86 are
getting good support. I'm seriously considering a PowerBook G3
instead of a P2 Laptop when my current p.o.s. melts down. (When?
after als, its amazing this things boots) Course
there is that one mouse button thing... will Apple ever
get over that crime against the universe? The release
also notes that and .com will split, leaving
org for developers and .com for the company. Best of luck
to both sites.
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LinuxPPC 5.0 Announcement
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