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Linux Software

National Canadian Installfest

Chris Tyler writes "The Canadian Linux User's Exchange (CLUE), an umbrella organization promoting the use of Linux in Canada, is co-ordinated a country-wide National InstallFest which will take place on September 26. The events will be open to anyone, Canadian or not (we have at least one American coming), but getting your PC through customs is *your* responsibility :-). We would like to co-ordinate with other countries for a World InstallFest sometime next year (imagine the publicity that could generate)." note: I try to avoid posting things that don't affect the majority of readers, normally this includes installfests. Is it worth creating a subsection on Slashdot just to house regional specific events like this?
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National Canadian Installfest

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Unix: Some say the learning curve is steep, but you only have to climb it once. -- Karl Lehenbauer
