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Linux Software

Linux Conferences

Allright a couple a tidbits that I just wanted to throw out. First off, I am definately going to Linux Expo, and am really looking forward to it. The hard part is going to be posting Slashdot Stories while I'm there... hopefully I'll be able to get good net access from kind willing souls *grin*. Secondly, a bit furthur off is the Atlanta Linux Showcase coming in October. Greg Hankins has written a blurb plugging the event and asking for speakers and vendors- hit the link below for some gory details.

The following is a blatant plug for the Atlanta Linux Showcase by Greg Hankins

Atlanta Linux Showcase Needs Your Help!

The Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts users group is preparing for their second annual Linux show, the 1998 Atlanta Linux Showcase, October 23 - 24, 1998 in Atlanta, GA. We are going to have 2 days of Linux talks, vendor exhibits, BOFs, and non-stop Linux action, and you can catch NetWorld+Interop the same week.

We're looking for vendors to exhibit at the show, and sponsors -- we need help covering speaker travel, hardware and equipment loans, and Internet access. We also need speakers to talk about Linux and free software or Open Source topics.

Last but not least, we're in need of a few people that can volunteer to help put on the show (you don't necessarily need to be located in Atlanta). If you are interested in helping out with a large all-volunteer run conference and trade show, please get in touch with us. We're also seeking involvement from other Linux users groups.

Visit our web pages ( for details, or email us at

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Linux Conferences

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The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
