Linux Advocacy (editorial)
The following is a mini editorial by Slashdot reader Kendall Koning
Why too much MS-bashing is a Bad Thing (tm)
I'll make this really short.
After reading many of the comments sent to Mr. Berlind about his piece on MSNBC, I'm a bit embarrased. This is the kind of thing that gives (influential) people like Mr. Berlind a negitive impression of the user community that supports Linux. While he may have been wrong in his judgement of Netscape's source code release, we certainly have no right to accuse him of being paid-off.
A few of the responses were fair and professional, but most were just flames. Keep in mind that people are often turned off by disrespect, anger, unfounded allegations, and name-calling.
From the linux advocacy mini-howto:
As a representative of the Linux community, participate in mailing list and newsgroup discussions in a professional manner. Refrain from name-calling and use of vulgar language. Consider yourself a member of a virtual corporation with Mr. Torvalds as your Chief Executive Officer. Your words will either enhance or degrade the image the reader has of the Linux community.
Always remember that if you insult or are disrespectful to someone, their negative experience may be shared with many others. If you do offend someone, please try to make amends.
If you believe that Linux was not given fair treatment in an article, review or news story, send the details, including the above information, to li@li.org so that an appropriate response can be sent to the publisher. If you contact the publisher directly, be professional and sure of your facts.
Focus on what Linux has to offer. There is no need to bash the competition. We have a good, solid product that stands on its own.
If you plan be an active advocate of linux, through whatever medium, please read the rest of the advocacy mini-howto, and try to follow the suggestions it has to offer.
Kendall Koning (kkoning@kkoning.ml.org)
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Linux Advocacy (editorial)
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