Corel Announcement on LinuxNet tonight, live.
Puffin writes
"Some friends of mine at the EngSoc Project at
Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada will be in the Corel announcement
with a notebook and will be relaying live details as
they are announced on LinuxNet IRC (#Corel on irc.cabi.net or linux.mit.edu). It starts at 7pm EDT, 2am GMT. More details are at here. "
No matter what the announcement, I'm excited to see Corel
joining the growing list of companies that are formally
willing to support Open Source. I don't expect an
announcement as exciting as Mozilla, but I expect it's
going to be cool.
Update Everyone should be in #corel intead of
#linux on LinuxNET this evening. I'm looking forward to
seeing everyone there at 7pm.
Corel Announcement on LinuxNet tonight, live. More Login
Corel Announcement on LinuxNet tonight, live.
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