Quicktime Lifting Tux?
James S. Blachly wrote in
to talk about something that has been brought to my attention before, but
you all should read this. He writes "The latest buzz on the linux-kernel mailing list is the copying of the Linux
Logo, the Penguin. Apple is using the penguin as the new logo for Quicktime. An image can be seen
either when installing the new quicktime 3.0 drivers or at www.apple.com/quicktime/.
Apple is shamefully capitalizing on other peoples creativity. The linux penguin logo is originally by Larry Ewing.
His terms of usage may be found here."
The similarities are extremely strong, but let's be honest, most cartoon stylized penguins look the same. "The Wrong Trousers" features a Tux-Like Penguin, and I seem to remember some old Warner Bros cartoons with somewhat similar birds as well. And it wouldn't surprise me if whoever created the Quicktime logo just didnt know. Only in the last 6 mos has Linux really become enough of a mainstream fixture that we would expect major companies to worry about conflicting mascots.
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Quicktime Lifting Tux?
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