Fedora QA Lead Pans Canonical 'Propaganda' On Snap Apps (happyassassin.net) 170
Long-time Slashdot reader JImbob0i0 shares a scathing article by Red Hat's Fedora QA "community monkey"/senior QA engineer on Canonical's announcement about their application delivery mechanism "snap"...
...and how it's going to unite all distributions and kill apt and rpm! This is, to put it diplomatically, a heaping pile of steaming bullshit... The press release and the stories together give you the strong impression that this thing called Snappy is going to be the cross-distribution future of application delivery, and it's all ready for use today and lots of major distributions are buying into it... The stories have headlines like "Adios apt and yum? Ubuntu's snap apps are coming to distros everywhere" and "Snap Packages Become Universal Binary Format for All GNU/Linux Distributions"...
Now, does Snappy actually have the cross-distribution buy-in that the press release claims (but never outright states) that it has? No... The sum total of communication between Canonical and Fedora before the release of this press release was that they mailed us asking about the process of packaging snappy for Fedora, and we told them about the main packaging process and COPR. They certainly did not in any way inform Fedora that they were going to send out a press release strongly implying that Fedora, along with every other distro in the world, was now a happy traveler on the Snappy bandwagon... They just decided to send out a wildly misleading press release and actively encourage the specialist press to report that Snappy was all set to take over the world and everyone was super happy with that.
Now, does Snappy actually have the cross-distribution buy-in that the press release claims (but never outright states) that it has? No... The sum total of communication between Canonical and Fedora before the release of this press release was that they mailed us asking about the process of packaging snappy for Fedora, and we told them about the main packaging process and COPR. They certainly did not in any way inform Fedora that they were going to send out a press release strongly implying that Fedora, along with every other distro in the world, was now a happy traveler on the Snappy bandwagon... They just decided to send out a wildly misleading press release and actively encourage the specialist press to report that Snappy was all set to take over the world and everyone was super happy with that.
Re:News at 11 (Score:4, Informative)
Shuttleworth pulls this shit regularly. Systemd, Mir, Unity, etc.
Pretty sure systemd was pushed -- at least initially -- by Fedora/RedHat folks.
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Shuttleworth pulls this shit regularly. Systemd, Mir, Unity, etc.
What? Are you confusing systemd with upstart?
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The imbecile responsible for the abomination that is systemd, is employed by Red Hat.
Fuck you systemd and fuck you Red Hat.
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In the old days, these guys were using the same distro as me and would also show up in the help forums.
Most of them finally moved on. Thank you systemd! Thank you RedHat.
Re: Vaporware Press Release (Score:2)
It's not vaporware. It's just not what they said it was. ROS packages should work great with snap. It's just not portable to any other distrubution except Ubuntu.
Catkin also does most of the work, so it's not fair to call this a win for snappy.
This will most definitely be an Ubuntu first thing.
Re:Unification (Score:4, Insightful)
Unification is what linux desperately needs in order to make it possible for third party closed source vendors to target the platform. Otherwise they just make ubuntu binaries, and that's it.
The few times that I've ever needed or wanted to install anything that was only shipped in binary form, the packages that were put out for one or both of the popular distros (usually Ubuntu and Fedora) could easily be packaged and run on others distros (such as Gentoo and Arch which I use). Actually, by the time I wanted to install those things on my distro, somebody else had already made an ebuild or packaged it in AUR, so.... do we really "desperately" need whatever this snap apps thing is? Doubtful.
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Yet the only times I've ever needed to install something, even if it was just a newer version of a package already part of the distribution it has resulted in half a day's work. Once it failed so completely that I ended up installing a different distro in a virtual machine solely to run the package in question until the updated package came out in my distribution. Or my least favourite, I offered to fix someone's Ubuntu distribution for a 6pack. If I'd have known that the guy installed a PPA that caused pac
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Do you know how many different versions of Linux run across a thousand server environment?
Yes. Our datacenter has many thousands of boxes, and we happen to run CentOS on our machines. At any time, there are at most two different versions of Linux across our datacenter. When we roll out updates, some boxes will obviously remain on the old version while others are upgraded until they are all the same version again.
If you're struggling with heterogeneous machines, maybe you should consider making your datacenter more homogeneous.
Unifying around shitty tech is a bad idea. (Score:5, Insightful)
Would greater consistency between the Linux distros make it an easier platform to target with binaries? Of course! But what we've seen happen with systemd, GNOME 3, and now these "snaps" is that this unification is happening around the worst technology around.
A typical Linux distribution today consists of the Linux kernel, which is actually quite good, and everything layered on top of that is shit.
We hear about systemd causing one problem or another far too often. For example, it was just a few weeks ago that we learned that a systemd change broke software like screen and tmux [slashdot.org]!
X is a trainwreck, but Wayland is even worse. With X we get a prehistoric relic, but at least it's somewhat usable. With Wayland all we get wheel spinning pointlessly in mud, going absolutely nowhere.
Then there's GNOME 3, which is by far the worst user experience we've ever seen from a Linux desktop environment. It's a tablet-oriented UI that nobody actually uses on a tablet, yet desktop users who try to use it are forced to endure the tradeoffs made to try to cram a desktop environment onto tablets.
People were attracted to Linux in the first place because it offered software that was better than what we found in Windows or Mac OS at the time. But that was 15 years ago, and times have changed. OS X and Windows provide a much better user experience these days for desktop users. FreeBSD is now indisputably better on servers.
These efforts to unify Linux have ruined it, I think.
Re:Unification (Score:5, Insightful)
"Unification" is exactly what GNU/Linux *doesn't* need. Innovation creeps up in the FOSS world through other projects, NOT through iteratively improving one core. I'm not a fan, but it's undeniable that systemd didn't become popular simply by building on initscripts. Even OpenRC doesn't do that; it uses sysvinit, but the scripts are entirely its own. Iterative development is not enough to create large breakthroughs. In the systemd example I gave it's really not that large because it doesn't actually do anything new, but it's still such a large change that it wouldn't be possible if it wasn't its own project.
In the "wonderful" unified Linux world, you'd be stuck with what you're given. If upstream doesn't want your contributions, you no longer have the (realistic) option to fork. You either get it into the mainline release, or your innovation or improvement simply doesn't get used because everyone's already "agreed" on this base.
Unification destroys the concept of distributions, destroys the ability to fork and build, destroys the ability to greatly change and innovate. I may not be a fan of some of the recent changes (such as the systemd cult), but I absolutely respect the shit out of the environment that makes that change possible or even easy. Whether you're running OpenRC, systemd, sysvinit, runit, or whatever, you're still GNU/Linux at the end of the day. The ability to pick and choose your software in Linux is a feature, not a bug. If you don't want configurability or choice, go use a BSD or literally any other OS.
The main issue with "targeting" is itself. Software should depend on as general a base as possible. For example, it shouldn't be using low level dependencies with unstable APIs. Most applications (games being the biggest examples) can get by with dbus, udev, xorg/wayland, and SDL. Other libraries such as libav, libpng, and so on are rather stable if you target them correctly.
If we want to point the fingers at anyone, it's the closed sources guys modifying the libraries that they use and expecting every distro to use their modifications. In the same breath, Ubuntu is one of the worst distros to target *because* they modify the libraries so much. The rest of Linux land doesn't suffer all that much, if at all. Build your shit right and it'll work.
Trying to force GNU/Linux land to unify will destroy its software ecosystem. Hackers will move on and/or simply refuse to target the unified stack. I've heard of some developers actively putting code into their applications to exit early if it detects software that the author disagrees with. Things could get ugly fast.
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Innovation creeps up in the FOSS world through other projects, NOT through iteratively improving one core.
Let me continue on your systemd example. You are completely right, innovation works this way. But once the new innovating product is there, and it is obviously superior, people will want to adopt it. Thanks to systemd you now have an unified way to specify services, and an unified way to start and stop them. It is good to have it.
I am welcome to any project which builds on systemd, and keeps the user {CLI,configuration} interface.
If upstream doesn't want your contributions, you no longer have the (realistic) option to fork.
Having trouble convincing one maintainer to add your contributions? Well, It'l
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Let me continue on your systemd example. You are completely right, innovation works this way. But once the new innovating product is there, and it is obviously superior, people will want to adopt it. Thanks to systemd you now have an unified way to specify services, and an unified way to start and stop them. It is good to have it.
Thanks for the best laugh I've had all day. The systemd mess is definitely not an example of much of anything other than large egos and small programming ability. And lots of lying.
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We already had a way to start things. Just drop a script into /etc/init.d and link to it from the various rc?.d. Systemd broke that. Currently systemd will start scripts too, so best bet is still a script if you want all the cases covered.
As for packaging, a lot of commercial user apps come as a tar file you unpack in /opt.
The real problem is in library versions, especially dealing with software compiled against the latest greatest bleedingest edge version.
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"Unification" is exactly what GNU/Linux *doesn't* need. Innovation creeps up in the FOSS world through other projects, NOT through iteratively improving one core.
Google has certainly done a pretty good job of taking Linux, creating a OS platform in Android and making that available for hardware manufacturers and developers to target. Are the GNU/Linux distributions so much more innovative than Android? Seems to me pretty much everything new that has come out has been almost universally panned as being crap: upstart, wayland, mir, systemD, snap, GNOME3, Unity, etc, etc ...
Whether you're running OpenRC, systemd, sysvinit, runit, or whatever, you're still GNU/Linux at the end of the day. The ability to pick and choose your software in Linux is a feature, not a bug. If you don't want configurability or choice, go use a BSD or literally any other OS.
Linux-based operating systems can have the same thing, there are even mature distributions that
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Unification would be the death of Linux. It's all snow, you not being able to shovel it because each snowflake is individual, is a different problem.
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Unification is what linux desperately needs
No, Linux's strength comes from its diversity and flexibilty. Linux is the dominant operating system in the world right now, and it's because of its flexibility that it was able to easily be adopted on platforms as different as bionic/android, and SLURM/Linux.
If someone tried to enforce their system ideology on everyone, then these variations wouldn't be possible, and Windows phone might very well be the main competitor to iPhone (all the OEMs wanted that....or something, and Google hit first with Androi
Android is _not_ Linux in any reasonable sense. (Score:2, Interesting)
I don't get why people consider Android to be Linux. It's nothing like traditional Linux distributions.
Sure, a customized version of the Linux kernel is used, but everything else typically associated with a Linux distribution has been thrown away. That's probably why Android is successful: the Linux kernel is marginalized to the point where almost nobody even realizes it's there, and the traditional GNU/Linux userland is thrown away and replaced with what's essentially proprietary software, even if the sou
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That's what you get by calling the GNU/Linux operating system "Linux". If you used Linux as the name of a kernel, this issue wouldn't happen.
Android is as much "Linux" as Windows would be "Linux" were Microsoft to replace the Windows kernel with the Linux kernel. That is, it would not be "Linux" in any meaningful sense.
Thanks to the shared kernel, Android has lots of things common with GNU/Linux:
* usage of the ext2 file system family
* usage of / instead of \
* the same binary format
* the same kernel APIs; if you write a driver for android, a gnu/linux driver is not far away
Thanks to these common things, people have been able to port things like busybox or shell servers to android.
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everything else typically associated with a Linux distribution has been thrown away.
Not really, run "adb shell" and you have a familiar unix environment.
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Sure, a customized version of the Linux kernel is used, but everything else typically associated with a Linux distribution has been thrown away.
Like what? It has a package manager, a filesystem, a shell, a DE, a networking stack, a windowing system, etc ... It is componentized just like any GNU/Linux system.
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Diversity is something of a double-edged sword. It's great for people that have a very specific itch to scratch and of course the open source nature makes Linux great for customization, but I think the amount of fragmentation on Linux tends to dilute efforts at fixing some problems. So, apparently, Linux needs a new app delivery mechanism? How many does that make now? How many desktop environments are there? Everyone seems to keep heading off and make their own rather than fixing the existing ones.
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I think the amount of fragmentation on Linux tends to dilute efforts at fixing some problems.
Which problems specifically?
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I mentioned one already, so let's use that as an example: desktops. The situation is a hell of a lot better than it was just five years ago, but my feeling is that if efforts weren't divided over a dozen different projects, it seems like a lot of these issues would have been fixed much quicker.
Like I said, it seems like it's a bit of a double edged sword. It's really great to have a choice in desktops, but along with that comes the reality that each of those desktops is far less polished than what you see
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Do you think the problem is that there is the division of efforts? If Gnome were suddenly the only desktop available, would that make it a better desktop? Conceivably it could also give the project leaders a power-trip, and lead them into the false belief that whatever decision they make is correct, for example. As another possible counter-point, do you think having a single project could cause things to end up like
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I second that. Incompetent design and poor management are what hold the Linux desktop back, not dilution of effort.
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I'd certainly not suggest a *single* desktop would make things better. But there's a pretty big difference between *one* desktop and the many that are in development now. I mean, we've got Gnome, KDE (Plasma) as the big two for a while, but now also Unity, Cinnamon, MATE, LXQt, Xfce, Budgie, Pantheon... and probably more besides that. It feels to me that part of what's driving this is not an effort to improve, but to differentiate. There's nothing wrong with that, but on the other hand, it's not exactly
Re: Unification (Score:2)
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I solved the problem by switching to FreeBSD. Saves a lot of time not dealing with Linux kids reinventing an octagonal wheel every 3 months. Plus you get a first-class port of ZFS. I highly recommend giving it a try.
I don't miss any closed source software on Linux (Score:2)
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I am happy when people like you are run over by drunk drivers who proceed to smash into telephone poles. Classic win/win.
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Unification is what linux desperately needs in order to make it possible for third party closed source vendors to target the platform. Otherwise they just make ubuntu binaries, and that's it.
Redhat/Fedora, SUSE/openSUS, Arch, Debian, and other major players don't seem to be impacted by this third party closed source vendor only targeting Ubuntu. If that were the case, there would be no need for Snap, Ubuntu would already be the default distro. More likely, Snap is just what it says it is - a software delivery targeted at mobile (which can also work with desktop). The problem is Ubuntu isn't a big enough player in the mobile sphere and probably even the desktop sphere. By promoting Snap as the
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This is a perfectly reasonable point of view, sure. Do you think the best way for a company to try to achieve unification behind their system is - before holding any meaningful discussions with other distributions - to issue a press release massively overstating their system's current capabilities and heavily implying it has already *achieved* unification? Don't you think it might be better to, oh, I don't know, actually talk to other distributions and try to achieve some sort of consensus? And be honest ab
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IDK about the software industry, but in other industries press releases often overstate the truth or make it easy for journalists to misinterpret them. Its not a good practice but it does happen.
I haven't read the press release myself so I can't really make a judgement on whether it was okay or not.
Maybe you don't like mark, but I think its awesome what he's doing, and that he invests his money into ubuntu instead of some yacht or an apartment in some skyscraper.
I'd say its okay to be pissed off by this con
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Unification is what linux desperately needs in order to make it possible for third party closed source vendors to target the platform. Otherwise they just make ubuntu binaries, and that's it.
One might argue that third party closed source software is bad because its closed, but this is how the world works unfortunately, and linux won't get any hold on the desktop market if you can't even port your closed source application to it because each distro is its own special snowflake.
I'm not concerned about market share, but you are correct just for useability sake. When pressed for time, I often just use Wine and a Windows app rather than walk through the build process of non-repo apps.
SIGH.... it's like being out on a playground (Score:3, Insightful)
Until everybody learns to play well together, Linux and other great open source projects will continue to be fractious tech that people will, rightfully so, find hard to take seriously.
Maybe both sides are right, maybe neither side is... but as long as people take sides, draw those battle lines, polarize the issues to extreme levels, open source projects can never mature (indeed, maturity is a word we can not associate with such feuds). Compromise and communication seems to never be considered.
That's not to say it can't be done, but the types of personalities that stand in the forefront of Linux, for example, seem very bull-headed - obsessed that their way is right, and never willing to accept constructive criticism or the possibility that there may be a better way of doing things.
Re:SIGH.... it's like being out on a playground (Score:4, Insightful)
Ummm, where you been the last 20 years? Linux is a data center operating system, lots of money being made off of it that way. There is a free UNIX that isn't fractured, and is making its maintainer good money on desktop hardware and it isn't Linux.
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Yep, exactly. Linux works great in places where:
a) A company curates and customizes a specific version of it for a specific purpose (Android, TiVo, Synology, etc)
b) The OS doesn't matter so much, since it provides standardized services (e.g. web servers)
c) The free price gives it a huge advantage in mass deployments on commodity hardware (data centers)
The fractured nature of Linux also isn't as much of a problem if the source you plan to use is free and open, so can simply be compiled to work with the targ
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Scuttleworth was an asshole before he even got into Linux, and if you had stopped to think for one second before proceeding to try to smear "Linux" with the asshole-brush, you've have realized that Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer and even that stinkning little hypocrite Bill Gates are all the same. Snakes and assholes, the whole bunch. "Linux" isn't even a factor.
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That driving assholish personality is the reason we have FOSS. Everything can't be a hug fest. FOSS is so large that everybody will never learn to play well with everyone, it's also large enough that many already do play well together.
Re:SIGH.... it's like being out on a playground (Score:5, Interesting)
Almost everybody is already pretty capable of working together. Did you know, fr'instance, that I've spent the majority of my working time for the last year working on Fedora's deployment of openQA - which is a (very nice) system written by SUSE engineers? We now regularly make commits to upstream openQA, the SUSE folks have been fantastic about working with us, and other distributions have been expressing interest in and experimenting with using openQA - and have been welcomed by both SUSE and RH/Fedora folks.
Canonical is the one player who is *always* pulling this kind of bullshit. Do you think a good way to kick off the process of playing well together with the other distributions is to issue a press release - and hold a press call - strongly giving the impression that their system is mature and ready for deployment, and that all the other distributions have already bought into it, when neither of these things is remotely true? Does that seem like a good way to engender good will and collaboration with the other distributions, to you? No. It's an attempt to strongarm the community into accepting your system by hoodwinking the press into giving it so much of a push it looks like a fait accompli. Why would any other distributor feel particularly happy about that?
Have you noticed that *not a single other distributor* pulls this kind of crap? It's always and only Canonical. We don't do it - however much someone may or may not dislike systemd for instance, we didn't build a half-assed Ubuntu package for it then issue a press release saying "Systemd Is Coming To Ubuntu", did we? SUSE don't do it. Arch don't do it. Elementary don't do it. Debian certainly don't do it. *No-one* but Canonical does it. Have you noticed how whenever this stuff happens, it always seems to involve Canonical?
When the SUSE folks built a PoC of openQA testing Fedora, they didn't issue a press release saying 'Our Awesome Test System Is Coming To All Distributions!" Nope. They contacted us in a super nice and friendly way and said hey, maybe you'd like to take this and run with it. And so we did! And now we're collaborating. *that's* how you build cross-distribution collaboration. Not by issuing bullshit press releases first and sending out ridiculous requests for people to come to your Snappy development sprint a day later, after the backlash blows up in your face. (Yes, they actually did this. The invitation goes out of its way to say that the whole team "including Mark Shuttleworth" will be there, as if we're all going to fall over ourselves like a bunch of starstruck teenagers or something. No, they didn't ask other distributions to come to some kind of neutral discussion about application bundling formats, they just asked us to come to their previously-arranged Snappy development sprint.)
Re: SIGH.... it's like being out on a playground (Score:1, Troll)
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Red hat never asked, nor coerced you to use systemd.
True. The coercion was applied to the other distros. The distros are coercing users to use systemd. I don't see how that's much better.
My bias: systemd has been a disaster for me, and it's necessary to remove it to make everything work properly (which is becoming more difficult over time). Either that, or spend a few weeks restructuring my machines and replacing software that I am pleased with.
Re: SIGH.... it's like being out on a playground (Score:1)
Whining from fedora (Score:1)
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It's claiming that it already *is*. And that it is "enabling a single binary package to work perfectly and securely on any Linux desktop, server, cloud or device", when it currently does nothing of the sort, because confinement is disabled on other distributions and cannot work effectively on X11 (which is still the default for every major distribution) in any case. That's a direct quote from the press release - note *present* tense. It does not say Snappy will some day "work perfectly and securely on any L
Windows 10/server 2016 (Score:2)
I wonder if snap is coming to Windows? It would be great to install snap packages regardless of OS since Ubuntu is coming to Windows 10 anniversary update
Redhat's strategy (Score:4, Insightful)
Flatpak’s (Redhat's preferred alternative to Snap) developers have been communicating with technical conference presentations and blog posts and trying to build a dialog with application developers and distributors
That explains how systemd worked, too. Systemd talked a lot with the people who write startup scripts, at both redhat and debian. They tried to be responsive to their concerns, and give them what they wanted, which is why systemD succeeded.
Just as notable is who is missing from the dialog: the actual users. Which explains why systemd made startup-script writers happy, and a bunch of users upset.
Re: Redhat's strategy (Score:1)
They aren't just any Linux users, though. They're the best Linux users. They're the ones running thousands or tens of thousands of Linux systems. They're the ones pushing companies to use Linux. They're the ones contributing to open source software that runs on Linux. They're the users that Linux can't afford to lose. Yet now they're quickly being forced over to the *BSDs by systemd and its problems, never to return to Linux. Linux will suffer because of their departures and it will never recover.
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Not really.
Most simply learn whats new and move on, they don't go about screaming that the world is ending.
The complainers may make it look like a lot, but its not.
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I'm guess people are hedging their bets and waiting.
This is what I'm doing. For the moment, I can make my systems continue to work by removing systemd, but I see the day coming when that will no longer be feasible. When that happens, I'll survey the landscape and pick an OS that meets my needs. Who knows? Maybe systemd will resolve all the problems that make it unworkable for me and the OS I pick will be the same one I'm using right now.
It's essentially a cost/benefit decision. Right now, sitting pat is the most economic answer, but ultimately it won't be.
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That explains how systemd worked, too. Systemd talked a lot with the people who write startup scripts, at both redhat and debian. They tried to be responsive to their concerns, and give them what they wanted, which is why systemD succeeded. Just as notable is who is missing from the dialog: the actual users. Which explains why systemd made startup-script writers happy, and a bunch of users upset.
But do (non-paying, non-contributing) users really matter? Debian has their "do-ocracy", those who do the job decide what to do and how to do it. Linus has been saying much the same about the kernel:
Jim Zemlin: Let's look a level deeper at the social interaction because open source is often described as this sort of democratizing process that, you know, everyone has a say, there's this grand consensus, but at the end of the day, needs to be some sort of decisiveness when it comes to making decisions. How do you deal with that?
Linus Torvalds: Well, I mean, it's really not a democracy at all and some people call it a meritocracy which is not necessarily correct either. It's - I have a policy that he who does the code gets to decide, which basically boils down to there's a - it's very easy to complain and talk about issues and it's also easy for me to say, 'You should solve it this way.'
But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is actual code and the technology itself and the people who are not willing to step up and write that code, they can comment on it and they can say it should be done this way or that way or they won't, but in the end their voice doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is code.
And it turns out people are lazy, so most people are much happier just arguing and quite often you only have one set of - one example code and there's not a lot of real choice there. You - there's not a lot of people who are competent enough to really do kernel programming and also not lazy enough that they actually get the job done.
As an end user, I've certainly had situations which pretty much amounts to "we don't give a shit", "you got what you paid for" and "if you don't like it, do it yourself". If application developers and system administrators get a taste of their own sour medicine, maybe they'll figure out what I did - your voice i
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On the other hand, Samba is a solid, portable, excellent project. As for me, I've been writing my own critique of systemd, looking at the benefi [slashdot.org]
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You might not recall it, but there was a time when I would boot my Linux desktop, go downstairs to get myself a drink, and come back upstairs just about the time to login.
Hypocrites (Score:1, Troll)
Fuckin hypocrites. RH/Fedora is the outfit that gave us Poettering of PulseAudio and systemd infamy. And *they* think they're gonna call out anyone else after those debacles? Methinks they doth protest too much... somebody needs to go over to RH and tell them to STFU.
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Last time I checked, Lennart wasn't grown in a Red Hat lab. I don't think we have that technology yet. He was working on PulseAudio before we hired him. We gave Lennart a pay cheque; he comes up with the ideas on his own. ;)
However much you dislike PA and systemd - and feel free to dislike 'em as much as you want, it's a free world - they achieved their positions honestly. We did not build half-assed PA and systemd packages for a few other distributions then issue self-congratulatory press releases about ho
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in what way did it not?
Re:Hypocrites (Score:5, Insightful)
What debacle?
Ubuntu releases snappy on their distribution, claims success around the world despite no one agreeing to it.
Redhat releases systemd and pulseaudio on their distribution, everyone around the world adopts it.
I can see which one is the debacle here. Oh and you think a couple of whining users matter? hahahahaha
Curious.. (Score:2)
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Not /opt ... /snap actually ...
If you install it you'll see you get a 'Core' Ubuntu system in /snap/something-or-other and then overlayed on that is the snap in /snap/app-of-some-kind
So basically they use a not-quite-namespace (pivot-root to be precise) with no container tech to do a "super chroot" (via pivot-root) into an minimal Ubuntu installation to run the app overlayed on that ...
Lead Pans (Score:2)
Apart from the toxicity, aren't they likely to melt when you put them on the hob?
Did he even read Canonical's announcement? (Score:1, Informative)
I read the article (I know, I know) and Adam's rant seems to be completely unconnected to Canonical's announcement earlier this week. He seems to be ranting about headlines he's read in _response_ to Canonical's announcement and not what the developers are actually saying.
Adam is countering claims that rpm and deb packages are dead, but Canonical doesn't seem to have any such plans. He's countering the idea snap packages have universal support, but Canonical does not apepar to be saying they have, only that
Re:Did he even read Canonical's announcement? (Score:5, Informative)
Did you actually try reading my post? Like, the bits with direct quotes from the Canonical press release?
Here, here's an easy one. The very first sentence of the press release claims Snappy is "enabling a single binary package to work perfectly and securely on any Linux desktop, server, cloud or device". *Present* tense. The claim is that it does this right now.
This is patently and demonstrably false. The snappy packages for Fedora are built with confinement disabled, and the installation instructions tell you to disable SELinux to use snappy. Thus the whole supposed 'security' feature of snappy itself is inactive (the snaps are not confined, they have full system access), and using snappy requires to to *significantly decrease* the security of the whole system (not just the snaps you're running).
Not to mention that meaningful confinement of X11 apps is impossible, and all major distributions still use X11 by default. This is why no-one is running around telling everyone they should use Flatpak right now. I presume it's also why Canonical engineers haven't been running around telling everyone to use Snappy right now. Canonical's PR department appears to have no such qualms, however.
So. There's a nice easy one for you. But for the advanced class - Canonical PR are not a bunch of idiots. They know exactly what they're *doing* when they issue a press release with a lot of key words and phrases carefully arranged in extremely ambiguous ways. You can bet your bottom dollar they were not shocked and amazed when all these stories came out saying that Snappy was now the agreed-upon universal app distribution system and apt and rpm would be dead any minute now. (Or if they were, it was in the "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" sense of the word). They knew exactly what they were doing. Have you seen 'em running around issuing clarifications, fr'instance? No? Hmm, wonder why that is. It's fairly apparent from the articles that *were* published that Canonical held a press call to go with the press release; do you suppose they were carefully correcting the assumptions of journalists on said press call? Hmm? Doesn't look like it, does it?
snap vs systemd (Score:1)
Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away? (Score:3, Insightful)
Mandatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/927/
It's the absolute truth of everything, as shown by the past DECADES of various standardization attempts.
Meanwhile, the concept of snaps is broken and WRONG. The reason is quite simple. Let's take OpenSSL for example. A lot of software uses it, links to it. In a snap-only world, if you had a dozen snaps on your computer that used OpenSSL, each and every one would have to update their packages INDEPENDENTLY. You have zero control over your computer. You cannot pre-empt, you cannot patch before the upstream does, you're at the mercy of that huge blob becoming available for each snap.
And NOTHING stops closed-source commercial software vendors from shipping their software with BUNDLED libs, and/or statically linked, right now. Except one little thing. They don't care about less than 1% of the user base. Case in point: Steam.
So there is absolutely NOTHING in snaps, no benefit whatsoever, over the existing delivery methods. You want a centralized app container for all your distros? Tarballs. You can tarball your bundled and/or statically build application if that's what you want, even today. And guess what, EVERY *nix operating system on the planet supports those.
And good luck with the isolation/containerization part, until all the distros agree which one to use. LXC, LXD, docker format, rocket format, next-container-wonder-du-jour.
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So what if the binary tar ball does the same thing as the snappy snap? Just ignore new features in the snap, right? /usr and are unable to clean it up. Yea after years of experience you'll maybe not do that but making software hard to install and untrackable just to please you is silly.
What if you unpack shit all over the place in
Getting some place to list the installed software (both CLI and GUI), with a version number, an uninstall button and a shortcut created in the start menu is better than nothing at
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Isn't that stuff for sysadmins? What it's for, server software? Even if you're right, I'd rather try snappy snaps (once upgraded to an OS that uses them) since it advertises itself as a package manager for end user software, not some framework to set up virtual virtual images.
If I want to fuck around on the command line doing system things I could try the more classical solution of making my own deb as was suggested. I would at last learn to make a deb, if only to package stupid things like a wallpaper or a
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I agree I think the next 2 years or so will prove the likes of SNAP and docker to be about the worst thing to happen to computer security since Windows came on the seen.
I have every confidence that hacking Linux systems is going to become shooting fish in a barrel. Exploit some obsolete lib -> get shell -> run precanned generic container escape code and get root.
Nothing new from Shuttleworth and co. (Score:1)
Personal post (Score:3)
For the record, Slashdot, while I *am* an RH employee and a Fedora QA team member, this was a personal post, as the first words of it explicitly claim. It's not posted on behalf of Fedora or RH and does not reflect the official position of either RH or Fedora.
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I give you a lot of credit for sticking up for yourself and/or RH here since obviously not everyone agrees :)
That said, its just my opinion that RH pointing the finger at Cannonical is a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, since RH has also caused its own share of grief especially among smaller users.
Disclaimer/qualifications: Everyday desktop RH user from v.5 all the way up to FC14. I now split my time between slackware and LFS. I understand the business need for the enterprise approach and features b
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-- forgot to add, IMHO Redhat's best releases *ever* were in the 6.2 thru 7.x series.
Re:Personal post (Score:5, Informative)
Well. You may not see it this way, but to me there's a rather big difference. Usually when people talk about RH 'causing grief' and 'UNIX design philosophy' (sigh, if I had a nickel for every time...) they're talking systemd. Yes? Well, sure. Lennart wrote systemd, RH is fairly solidly behind it these days (though note it wasn't at first - Lennart had to sell systemd inside RH about as hard as he had to sell it anywhere else), and quite a lot of people don't like it.
Fine, it's a free world. But that's ultimately a technical argument. We didn't put systemd under an RH CLA. We didn't issue press releases prematurely declaring that it was taking over the free world. It's a freedesktop.org project, you don't have to sign your soul over to RH to use or work on it, it has plenty of non-RH contributors, and it got integrated into non-RH distros through their usual processes for feature review.
I don't usually actually have any problems with Canonical's engineers, or their projects, believe it or not. Of course there's the whole Wayland/Mir mess, but that's kind of an exception (and even there the main problem is down to management, not engineering). The stuff I don't like from Canonical invariably comes from management and/or PR, and (again purely my personal opinion) ultimately derives from Mark and his poor-man's-Steve-Jobs complex.
I don't have any particular problems with Snappy as a technology. Heck, a couple of things about it might be better than Flatpak (I don't know either system in much depth, just broad overviews and the specifics I dug into for this kerfuffle). From a purely technical viewpoint - if you ignore the publicity, and the problematic influence of snappy being under the Canonical CLA and the server end being a black box - it's perfectly possible Snappy could turn out to be the best answer to this particular question. It's certainly not a Wayland/Mir situation - Snappy and Flatpak both have fairly complex histories and predecessors, but whichever way you cut it, they've been around about as long as each other.
The issue I have is specifically with *this press release about snappy*, and more specifically with the way it vastly overstates snappy's current capabilities, and the way it strongly implies that snappy already has substantial cross-distro buy-in. Taken together - and if you look at the stories that came out of it, which Canonical PR *certainly* was not ignorant about, especially given there was a press call - this comes off as an attempt to effectively pre-empt the whole process of building consensus around a solution by giving Snappy such a strong press push that everyone just has to fall in line behind it, regardless of the fact it's not remotely *done* yet and there are other options that have already been trying to build support the right way.
Snappy is non-free anyway (Score:5, Interesting)
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I've seen this reported elsewhere too. Is this really true? If so, that's a complete showstopper.
Good for games, even open source ones? (Score:2)
Let's me start by saying that when you want to run a game, you're more pragmatic and the political/philosophical/meta-technical issues take a second or third seat. I.e. even if snap packages are "evil" game users want to play the game, and Steam is a bit evil for someone who played in the DOS / Windows 95 days (or 8/16bit before that) when you didn't have to log in to some tracking platform each and every time. It's still praised a lot still.
Games are distributed as .deb etc. packages, binaries or Steam. Th
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A second technical reason that prevents even me from running games included in the distro or distributed as .deb : I can't install a 600MB game or smaller at all, that's more than there's free space on the / partition
So to clarify, you don't want to use sane package management and would prefer to basically spray software all over the place like the Windows drive letter model because you can't mange your storage effectively? Look first off it 2016, you don't have a good excuse for not have 600MB free on a volume especially root.
Second you should be using some kind of pooled storage. In fact just about everyone should. You should also be using a file system that handles that well. Severs with specific performance need
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As it is, distroes default to ext4 and users can use a small boot drive (low end SSD, eMMC, very old hard drive..) or do the basic separation between / and /home on a single drive. I advocate for joes and grandmas and everything in between. You might as well talk of ghetto SANs or hypervisor desktop rigs. I could network boot an iSCSI volume from a ZFS file server afterall, after spending a few hundreds on a tiny PC and a couple 2.5" drives.
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you mean... sudoctl systemctl snapctl installctl windows10ctl
output of the command:
"active/dead: upgrade was ... 9:32 am"
to view the full message, run upgrade again using a 4k monitor.
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Patiently awaiting the APPS guy.
I predict it will be the SNAPPS guy this time.
Re:Only Luddites Get First Posts (Score:5, Funny)
In Soviet Russia, apps guy awaits COWS!!!.