Linux Foundation Asks Who Says "I'm Linux" Best 459
An anonymous reader writes "Everyone has seen Apple's clever 'I'm a Mac' ads, and Microsoft's attempted responses, first with Jerry Seinfeld, and next with 'I'm a PC.' The Linux Foundation tries to fire back with its community-generated 'We're Linux' video contest: all of the eligible videos have now been submitted and are ready to be voted on. Thankfully, the quality of Linux is much higher than the quality of some of these entries: entries range from the hilarious but inappropriate, to the well-made but creepy, to the 'I'm sure it sounded good in your head.' Thankfully, there are one or two that could actually be real commercials."
Evil Geniuses Use Linux (Score:5, Funny)
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Whatever happened to predictability?
The milkman, the paperboy, and late night tv?
Re:Evil Geniuses Use Linux (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Evil Geniuses Use Linux (Score:4, Funny)
Alex, the question is...... 3 things your wife likes more than you?
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Aside from the inaccuracies, that was fun.
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What ever happened to: http://ubergeek.tv/article.php?pid=54 [ubergeek.tv]
They were attacked by a Beowulf cluster of atomic supermen, backed by genetically engineered Cyber-goats.
I haven't watched that video in a long time. Sadly, I didn't even need to navigate to the URL to know what it was...how geeky is that?
And that so sums up Linux... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:And that so sums up Linux... (Score:5, Interesting)
It'd be nice if Canonical (or any other serious player, or especially a consortium) released ads which played on Linux' strengths and dispelled the myths of modern Linux. They could show a stylish but smart person being the Linux user and his curious but skeptical friend asking the questions:
But more importantly, Linux must go on the offensive. They must stress that they are capable of doing fancy stuff(show the oblig compiz-fusion screenshot), and they should mention the freedom that users will have to do whatever they want with their computer while reminding the users how annoying iTunes is for trying to install other crap under your nose. Maybe have a cheap shot at the "Vista capable" fiasco and the fact that Vista and 7 are the same thing are both prime targets for malware. Stress that users do have a choice!
Re:And that so sums up Linux... (Score:5, Insightful)
You ever notice how nobody really talks about features the way you're describing? It's because that's basically nerd porn. Everyone else would just go "jesus, that's boring" and tune out.
This is something most of the Linux community doesn't get: People don't give a fuck about computers. It's like a car: the only time they care is when it isn't doing what they want it to.
And, right now, it's a lot easier to get a Linux machine to the isn't-doing-what-they-want-it-to point than a Windows machine. (If you have to mention WINE, you pretty much already failed. WINE is an admirable effort that requires a level of technical proficiency or at least willingness to Google to get a lot of stuff running well--neither of which are things end users will do.)
Re:And that so sums up Linux... (Score:5, Informative)
Well said. Put slightly differently [hbs.edu] by Harvard Business School professor Theodore Levitt:
People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.
There's a reason why most Mac ads talk about how the Mac makes "real stuff" (photos, video, music, email, setting up a new printer...) easy: it's the holes they're talking about, not the drill.
Re:And that so sums up Linux... (Score:5, Insightful)
Another great way of putting the same idea. And while I agree I think that there is a bit more to the idea than even the previous poster says.
Small % of people - Those in the know about a product and want all the 'nerd pron'. (Or to put it another way they know all about their needs.) To such people ads that show all the flash over substance are meh at best. However...that's kind of the whole point. The mass scale marketing can't be tailored for this very small set of people.
Slightly larger % of people - These people are not the techs who are in the above category but rather the managers of those techs. Or the 'enthusiast' part of the market. The kind of people, for example, who do dual-phase cooling on chips that were designed for simple HSF setups. Still however this is not the target that mass scale marketing has to aim for.
Nearly every other bit of the % of people - The masses who want that hole not the bit. This is the target audience that when thinking about mass marketing your looking at. For example when I think about a fan belt for my car I sure as hell don't fall into either of the above two categories. I'm just looking for a part that will get the job done and not cost me an arm and a leg.
And mind you there are those to whom fan belts are important things that they want to know all sorts of details about when they think about them. But much like when I think about my OSs don't fall into that 3rd category.
And therein lies the rub. Most of us who have been involved in FOSS fall directly into the 1st or 2nd category in my list. And as such we make very poor advocates for it at times. Because the majority of people don't really care about FEATURE X that to us is really really cool and important.
This is getting way too long winded so I'll just close in saying whenever any of the great FOSS conversion stores are shared, most of the best ones include users who just want something that works. Not the other 99% of the nerd pron that we like to go on about.
Re:And that so sums up Linux... (Score:4, Insightful)
Handyman's rule: all tools are hammers except chisels which are screwdrivers. What you buy something for may not be what it gets used to do.
Then explain the number of pristine, never to be used and decidedly overpowered tools sitting in many 'crasftsman' garages? I always felt Levitt was missing the mark. A lot of purchase decisions are about having the rights quarter-inch drill, regardless of its utility for making holes.
People will buy a car to drive on a road, but what car they buy and why may have nothing at all to do with driving. Operating Systems today are not a choice about practicality or functionality, but of style and ethos. The hobbyist feel and methods of Linux are not that far removed from the home mechanic tinkering with his hot rod that never leaves the driveway.
Linux won't garner marketshare based on being the quarter-inch hole maker of Personal Computers. We have Macs and corporate-desktop Windows for that.
Linux.com has to differentiate Linux from its competitors and show that it's the sexiest drill in the cabinet. Pasty nerds arguing over the last donut doesn't do either of these. Honestly, Ubuntu's graphics artists and Novell's XGL efforts did more to make people say "I want that on my computer" than 5 years of making Office 20XD6 work a little better on crappy hardware.
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That's your hobbyist community. For whom Linux is probably the right choice. They may not NEED that drill, but by god they can sleep comfortably at night knowing that if they ever need to drill a million holes, that high-end Makita drill hanging on the wall is right there. How is that any different than the Open Source advocate claiming: "I may not ever personally modify the code.
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Rough paraphrase: "Since everybody has a drill, sell your skills as a carpenter." You don't sell the tool, you sell the solution.
Re:And that so sums up Linux... (Score:5, Insightful)
I was going to reply to him, but you seem to actually understand.
He has no clue about advertising. It has absolutely NOTHING (none, nada, nil, zip, zero, nuthin') to do with the product. It has everything to do with getting the viewer's attention, and keeping it for the 15 to 30 seconds that the ad runs, *AND* mixed in somewhere show the product.
Like, this would make a killer ad..
Show a jet fighter buzzing the surface of the ocean. It fires a missile. WOOSH! People like jet fighters. They like big explosions. The flash and the noise will get (or keep) them looking.
The camera follows the missile. You see the girls on the beach. It flys down a road with flashy cars. it buzzes some other flashy thing. Then you see it going straight into a building with a big Linux sign on it.
Big explosion. Dust settles (quickly, we're at like 20 seconds already), and the sign is still standing.
No words. No dialogue. Just music (optionally, but suggested), jet engine noise, rocket noise, and explosion noise.
People who want to sell their product always want to include all kinds of crap about their product. Consumers don't care. 99% of the people driving cars (like in your example) don't know anything about them. They can't tell you what engine it has. Half of them can't even tell you the model without going outside to look. Everyone can say if it's pretty or ugly. There are some people who are really into their cars (like me) who can run down every part in it accurately. Ads for my car had nothing to do with the features of the car.
Here was the short version (30 sec) [youtube.com]. It doesn't even say the name until the end. Lots of noise and effects.
This was the long promo video [youtube.com]. Only the first 45 seconds showed up on TV, as I recall. Again, lots of noise and effects. Even I, a TransAm owner, didn't care to watch it past 1 minute, when they started babbling about the features.
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Ads a few decades ago were somewhat more intelligent, they would actually talk about a product and list some specific reasons why it was better than another product.
Good for you 1%er that you prefer those ads. Now - I wonder why we don't see many of those any more... you'd almost think, I dunno, that they didn't work as effectively or something. Colour me shocked.
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I mean, why is it still a hassle to access a Windows share? Sure, I can (usually) browse a Windows share from KDE, but almost no apps can actually DO anything with the files. You end up having to copy them locally first, which sometimes works. (Why i
Re:And that so sums up Linux... (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes, exactly!
I use Ubuntu, I went cold turkey from Windows eleven years ago with Red Hat 5... and I'm *still* just deeply frustrated at how many silly little things aren't on anyone's priority list to get fixed.
Not only that, most of the big projects (KDE, GNOME, OpenOffice) seem to have a definite philosophy of 'that's NOT broken and we WON'T fix it!' for things which quite patently ARE broken.
Let's pass over with all decent haste the absolutely insane affair of 'spatial windows' in Nautilus (wtf? Windows 95 Explorer had a 'spatial' mode, it was just smart enough to *also* offer a tree browsing view for people who wanted to do serious file management) and give thanks that the Ubuntu people at least had the insight to override the GNOME people and turn *that* craziness off.
Let's ignore for now the equally insane rush to *remove* copy-pastable file path text fields from dialog boxes and replace them with un-automatable candy-bar strips of buttons. Because, um, nobody uses keyboards anymore? I guess that's a step 'forward'. (Oh, yes, there's a magic hidden alt-key to bring up the real text field... but you'll never know what it is, because we don't talk about that.)
Let's also be thankful that *finally* some 'fully packaged' applications *now* start putting in menu entries.
No, let's talk about the more serious issues: how there are about five separate, incompatible 'official' object systems (GObject, CORBA/Bonobo, D-BUS, KParts, Firefox's XPCom, OpenOffice's UNO) before we even think about .NET/Mono or Java integration.
How there's still no sensible shared configuration system - after a zillion false starts, we still have gconf (two versions of) for GNOME, and the horde of weird formats in /etc for everyone else. Different /etc layout for each distribution, of course, despite what FHS tried to do.
How although we have X, which is fully networkable, if your X Server crashes - by definition a component which could be *on another machine entirely* - then ALL YOUR RUNNING X APPLICATIONS have to be restarted! The best feature of X, completely subverted just by bad 'standard' configuration.
And yes, how every 'desktop environment' insists on reinventing the API wheel and building 'virtual filesystems' ON TOP OF its own API rather than making them available to the Posix level with something like FUSE.
And then there's the pain of device management, like webcams. If it autodetects at startup, it'll probably work. If not.... good luck.
I love Linux, but... we seem to be settling for far less than we had in the 80s, even. At least then we had dreams of what a desktop *could* be.
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Yes we can?
I agree we need to get out there and show the masses that 'hey your looking at switching to a mac look here first' Tell them that Mac is Linux' prissy cousin and show how it can do everything they do and so much more. If people see an "I'm Linux" commercial they are just going to say yeah you like Linux but it has no applications, it's harder to use. The marketing should be getting rid of the reputation that Linux acquired in the 90's and should be about showing people how exciting and advance
Re:And that so sums up Linux... (Score:5, Funny)
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"Can I run my Windows programs on Linux?"
"Yeah, it runs just about everything that comes with Windows perfectly, including the amazing word processing power of wordpad, the mad calculating skizzles of calc, the years of entertainment that sol provides. It'll even do minesweeper and paint!
Did I mention that Ubuntu already comes with OpenOffice, Firefox, GIMP, and a calculator that can do everything short of graphing, all for free, without having to register, without having to install cracks, without having t
Already Slashdotted (Score:4, Funny)
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PDT? What's that as a unix timestamp
Re:Already Slashdotted (Score:5, Funny)
I know it was a joke, but I really couldn't help myself.
I laughed. (Score:2)
Too bad he's dead, but Burgess Meredith (Score:2, Insightful)
The original "Penguin" from the old Batman TV series would be a great Linux spokesperson.
Link to youtube videos (Score:2)
Anyone happen to get the links to the videos on YouTube? I was only able to watch one before the site stopped responding.
Re:Link to youtube videos (Score:5, Informative)
Here's one (the one the submitter called one of the better ones):
Challenges at the Office [youtube.com]
Some of the other ones are under the related videos.
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here is the 2nd "better one" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svaHnha-PXs
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This [youtube.com] is the "hilarious but inappropriate" one. The other two are NOT on Youtube, acually, but as far as I can tell, they're here [linux-foundation.org] and here [linux-foundation.org], respectively, in wget-able FLV glory.
Didn't Novell already do this? (Score:5, Informative)
Two years ago? [wired.com]
Re:Didn't Novell already do this? (Score:5, Funny)
Shhhh!! It's just a talent contest for the geeks who didn't get to be in one in high school. Don't spoil their chance to wear a nice gown and walk down the aisle just once.
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Two years ago? [wired.com]
That is a funny reply to the Mac ad series, but have people already forgotten the great linux ad which *preceded* either the Mac or PC ad series? Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwL0G9wK8j4 [youtube.com] It includes Mohommad Ali, Sylvia Nasar, Penny Marshall, and former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden.
I am Linux (Score:5, Funny)
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Oops (Score:5, Funny)
Linux marketing = epic win.
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Hahahahaha yes, linux marketing must pass the slashdot test first.
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Very fitting (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Very fitting (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually it be more along the lines of someone suggesting to the Linux guys that they should do something and the Linux guys telling the person "go make the commercial yourself".
No, its even worse (Score:3, Insightful)
Then the FOSS people come along and say you should get a car based solely on the brand of transmission (kernel) inside.
Not brilliant. Its been like watching a whole subculture go through a decade-long neurosis, trying to push something to users that they mostly cannot see or touch.
Imagine if Apple constantly went on and on about OpenDarwin / XNU in their mass-market advertising. Or if Mozilla waged a "Get Gecko" campaign to end-users... They would be in the 1-2% penetration bracket nowadays with a nonsensic
Re:Very fitting (Score:4, Insightful)
Well as usual with Linux, they show up late to the game
Not quite -- the "he's linux" commercial preceeded either the Mac or PC ad series. Perhaps the only usual thing is that Apple and MS take undeserved credit.
and produce a half ass working team that people find unbearable to watch while the hardcore crowd yells at them for being peons.
I found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwL0G9wK8j4 [youtube.com] to be a fully working team, coached by Wooden no less.
But hey we can criticize MS/Apple all day, but when it comes to Linux we have to treat them with special care because they 'do it for free'.
No, we can criticize MS because we've proven in court they illegally use their monopoly to extinguish competition in other areas, and Apple because they lock down both their hardware and software. Linux is the best open source OS there is, and anyone who cares about software freedom ought to care about it.
My candidate... Jay Maynard (Score:2)
Jay Maynard, the TRON guy [blogcdn.com]
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I'm sure a lot of people find that offensive, but I personally think it describes the situation perfectly.
Linux has a long, long, long way to go in the eyes of the public.
Since the server already melted.... (Score:4, Informative)
Unfortunately the server already melted so here are a few videos Novell produced to market Linux.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3AXo5i_XYI [youtube.com]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjJePMwEMWg [youtube.com]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8WNPvjtjQg [youtube.com]
"I'm Linux"? (Score:2)
Samuel L Jackson.... (Score:5, Funny)
Reprising his role as Jules from Pulp Fiction:
Jules: [Jules shoots the man on the couch, who turns out to be Steve Jobs, turns to talk to Bill Gates] I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? I didn't mean to do that. Please, continue, you were saying something about best intentions. What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort. What does Linus Torvalds look like?
Bill: What?
Jules: What OS do you run?
Bill: What? What? Wh - ?
Jules: "What" ain't no OS I've ever heard of. They have a usable command line in What?
Bill: What?
Jules: Usable command line, mother fucker, do you have one?
Bill: Yes! Yes!
Jules: Then you know what I'm sayin'!
Bill: Yes!
Jules: Describe what Linus Torvalds looks like!
Bill: What?
Jules: Say 'what' again. Say 'what' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say what one more Goddamn time!
[end scene, fade out with Linux, Operating System of Bad Mother Fuckers everywhere]
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What a second... (Score:5, Insightful)
Aren't linux machines still Personal Computers?
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At some point, PC became synonymous with Microsoft Windows. I am not sure when that happened. All I know is that I didn't get a memo.
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PC became largely synonymous with "something running one of Microsoft's current set of operating system offerings" at about the time IBM licensed MS-DOS as PC-DOS and distribtued it as the standard OS for the IBM PC, and it was cemented when the Mac became the main hardware competitor to the PC and its clones, and so comparisons tended to be PC vs. Mac whether or not they were hardware comparisons, OS comparisons, or, comparisons of the combination
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BTW, I'm Spart
Re:What a second... (Score:5, Funny)
Mac: "I'm a Mac."
Linux: "I'm a PC. Because you see Linux actually runs on PC hardware, so it's a fallacy to refer to only Windoze machines a PCs.
Mac: "ummm..."
Linux (standing up, and brushing cheeto dust from beard): "In fact, to be pedantic, Mac's are PCs too in the more general sense of the term since PC stands for personal computer, and Mac's are certainly computers designed for personal use. Really we are all PCs. I really hate how M$ has appropriated that term for it's own platforms when the term is equally applicable to linux machines as well..."
Mac: "please...kill me now."
Re:What a second... (Score:5, Funny)
Linux: "And that's another thing. 'kill' is a UNIX command, and as we all know, Macs are UNIX machines underneath (technically BSD UNIX), so, yeah, you could invoke 'kill' once you know your PID. Really, you're not a Mac, you're a UNIX machine, derived via a NextStep machine and tweaked to look like a Mac. You're a prettied-up UNIX-like machine just like me! We're practically brothers!" [Big, kind of scary-looking, cheetoes-laden smile at the end as he tries to hug Mac]
Mac: [Slowly starts stepping sideways out of the picture]
Re:What a second... (Score:5, Funny)
God, I can just see RMS doing that commercial. Only the commercial would be about 15 minutes long, and would contain multiple instances when he exclaimed "GNU stands for GNU's not UNIX! It's a HACK!!!"
Re:What a second... (Score:4, Funny)
Mac: "I'm a PC"
PC: "And I'm a P - whaa? Goddamnit Mac, have you been talking to Linux again?."
* PC bitchslaps Mac upside the head
Mac (hurt): "Aww, Pee Cee."
* Linux jumps up and down laughing maniacally
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Aren't linux machines still Personal Computers?
That largely depends on what machine you install Linux on. It'd be a stretch to call a Playstation 2 a PC.
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facepalm (Score:5, Insightful)
Isn't part of the point of linux that there isn't a face to it?
Linux is my mailserver
Linux runs my mythtv
Linux runs on my access point
Linux runs on my sister's laptop.
Linux runs on our company's DVR.
Linux is not an operating system for the desktop or for the server, or for the embedded device. Linux is an operating system for EVERYTHING.
Its like a ball of clay, endless potential and totally at the hands of the artist.
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People really underestimate how those embedded applications can quickly add up. Linux in your smartphone, Linux in your car navigation system, Linux in your wireless router, Linux in your playstation, before long it is "Linux everywhere."
Yes, some of these applications might not be as visible as Windows on the desktop, but they do add up. Sooner or later, someone is going to come out with a statistic like Linux outsells Windows 2:1 !!! Everyone will be wondering how that is. It will be all the embedded
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(self reply) ...unless they're concerned about the Ken Thompson back door I suppose... (see the Jargon File on "back door" if you don't get it; I'm too lazy to make a link)... but if you're paranoid enough to still be concerned about that of all things, you're probably the NSA or working for them, given the annoyance of the coding on the bare metal you'd need to do to have absolute certainty.
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mac vs pc: stallman vs. torvalds (Score:5, Funny)
Torvalds: "Hello, I'm linux."
Stallman: "You should really refer to him as GNU/linux, and me too."
Torvalds: "We reliably operate huge numbers of servers, embedded devices and personal computers and have support for a a huge array of hardware devices."
Stallman: "But most importantly, we allow you to have the freedom share your ideas with others and be able to use other's ideas enriching all of us simultaneously."
Torvalds: "...and making big bank."
Stallman: "uhh, what?"
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Oooh, I see we've offended the religious community!
Microsoft must love this.... (Score:2, Insightful)
The parent post says: "... hilarious but inappropriate, to the well-made but creepy, to the 'I'm sure it sounded good in your head.'"
If I was in MS's marketing department I'd be all over the bad videos. I'd show them to everyone I could and explain, 'See? This is the type of person who identifies w/ Linux. This is how they brand them selves. These type of people will be working on your servers, looking through the source code, etc.'
My job would be done, people thinking about switching over would be cre
Just one catch. (Score:2)
It won't be good marketing at all if the audience can't figure out if it's a guy or a girl speaking. Or gets confused when the voice doesn't match the person saying it.
They all suck (Score:2, Funny)
I checked them out yesterday and they're all shit. If any of them got aired on the mainstream media then I'm wiping my Ubuntu partition and installing Vista
duh? (Score:2)
Hi, I'm Linux (Score:5, Funny)
Hi, I'm linux and the load on my server is getting very h
404 file not found
Hi! We are Linux !... (Score:2)
Script (Score:5, Funny)
[Cut to suburban home basement. Room contains boxspring mattress, cinderblock and plank bookshelf, and cable spool table. On the floor is indoor/outdoor kitchen-print carpet. On the walls are a selection of tattered scifi movie posters, including Natalie Portman in torn jumpsuit poster from Episode II. Glow in the dark stars dot the ceiling, from which dangle several hand painted styrofoam "planets". There is a stack of obsolete game consoles in the corner. Computer in aluminum and plexiglass supertower case with purple lighting is next to table, on which are two unmatched LCD monitors. Pale overweight adolescent enters from stage left. He is wearing black jeans, and black tee-shirt with penguin and wildebeest motif. The hair is short spiked dyed pink, but black roots are prominent.]
Adolescent: "I am Linux! Ph3&r me!"
[Cue jingle. Wipe to series logo.]
Tux is the perfect face (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't know if it's been done (links are dead to me), but why not make Tux the face of Linux in an ad?
Get a bunch of Tuxes made in various sizes (or digitally modelled) and show people doing things in their daily routine, with the penguins replacing phones, laptops, servers, embedded devices, etc.
And at the end of the ad, the simple text:
Linux, you're already using it.
Penguins can fly (Score:3, Insightful)
Shrek and HP had an ad... (Score:3, Interesting)
Awhile back when they were making Shrek, there was a rather lengthy printed article/advertisement on why they chose Linux for most of their production. It had a lot of shameless plugs for HP, but also quite a few mentions of the virtues of a free and freely configurable OS.
I'd always thought it'd be a cute commercial to see Shrek walking along having a conversation with the Donkey about Linux. The donkey would ask all of the typical FUD questions, and Shrek would explain them all and throw in a few jokes here and there.
It's a face everyone knows and isn't intimidated by, and a product (the movies) that people enjoyed.
Copying Apple's Campaign... (Score:3, Insightful)
... was stupid and annoying for Microsoft and is the same for Linux. If no one in the open source community can come up with a marketing idea better than copying third-hand from Apple, the community is in trouble.
How vague (Score:3, Informative)
OK cool that French video got me sold on Linux because it seems to say that if I put that Linux thing on computers then cute French nurses will fall for me and laugh at my jokes. But what's that Linux thing you're talking about, where do I get it? *googles some* okay, looks like there's lots of them, so what do I want, RedHat, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, Slackware?
My point is, while you can tell people "got milk?" cause they know how to obtain milk, you can't tell people "get Linux", it's too confusing. Choose a precise product and market it.
Re:I'm Debian (Score:4, Informative)
Really? I thought for sure slackware would be it.
Slackware (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Slackware (Score:5, Funny)
Like the God Amen, Slackware created himself.
I thought that was Gentoo.
Re:Slackware (Score:5, Funny)
No, Gentoo is the future incarnation, which is yet to finish creating itself.
Re:Slackware (Score:5, Funny)
"And Lo! The Lord did sayeth 'emerge earth' and he did wait five days and five nights. Verily he did then adjust his holy USE flags, and then did emerge again!"
Spoiler alert, he eventually created the world after spending a lot of time compiling from source. Later, on the forums, he bragged he did it in seven days and that everybody who couldn't do it that was either a noob or needed a faster computer.
Re:Slackware (Score:5, Funny)
"And Lo! The Lord did sayeth 'emerge earth' and he did wait five days and five nights. Verily he did then adjust his holy USE flags, and then did emerge again!"
Spoiler alert, he eventually created the world after spending a lot of time compiling from source. Later, on the forums, he bragged he did it in seven days and that everybody who couldn't do it that was either a noob or needed a faster computer.
That came back to bite him when he had to do a zero write flood and clean install from a huge arkive (sounds like Ubu' to me).
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"And Lo! The Lord did sayeth 'emerge earth' and he did wait five days and five nights. Verily he did then adjust his holy USE flags, and then did emerge again!"
Spoiler alert, he eventually created the world after spending a lot of time compiling from source. Later, on the forums, he bragged he did it in seven days and that everybody who couldn't do it that was either a noob or needed a faster computer.
Imagine His surprise upon learning that one of His angels had the evil bit set...
Re:Slackware (Score:5, Funny)
Imagine His surprise upon learning that one of His angels had the evil bit set...
And thus was the first daemon spawned.
Re:Slackware (Score:5, Funny)
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Praise be brother.
Actually, that's one of those things people don't get. Slack has been around the longest, and is still the most table and unmolested distro there is. They've been doing it right for years, while others have come and gone.
Divine inconsistencies (Score:3, Interesting)
Slackware was the Daddy. Like the God Amen, Slackware created himself.
Yes, that's one of my favorite mythological editing blunders: Atum [wikipedia.org] (later lumped in with Amun [wikipedia.org] and Re [wikipedia.org]) was a creator god, first-born of the gods, who birthed himself from the waters of chaos (later personified as the god Nun [wikipedia.org]) by His own will. The god Thoth [wikipedia.org], scribe of the gods, was on hand to record this birth of the first god.
I love Ancient Egyptian mythology, if for no other reason than the wonderful editing it went through when various cities unified (and thus merged their religions). Christianity is
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SLS [wikipedia.org], but who's counting? :)
Anyway, Slackware and Debian are pretty much exactly the same age, if you count from when the projects started. Debian took quite a bit longer to reach 1.0, but then, they were actually trying to make a good system. :)
Re:I'm Debian (Score:4, Funny)
Slackware ended up being a good system too, and much earlier.
p.s. Debian 1.0 would have been released a year earlier, but they were still arguing whether the DFSG was in violation of the DFSG.
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p.s. Debian 1.0 would have been released a year earlier, but they were still arguing whether the DFSG was in violation of the DFSG.
They still haven't figured it out.
Re:I'm Debian (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I'm Debian (Score:5, Funny)
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They're all in OGG format so everyone will be able to watch them anyway ;)
There, fixed that for you.
Re:I'm Debian (Score:5, Funny)
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By the third time it gets pathetic, and over used.
I think the whole idea is to be a counterpoint to existing commercials.
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First Time it is cool
It's what?!? First time it was whiny, annoying, stupid, and borderline insulting. Second time it was just plain pathetic. Third time, it's so far over the top that it may actually become mildly amusing for the very first time. (Though I'm not holding my breath.)
Will anyone who actually thought those stupid ads were "cool" please kill yourself and any offspring you may have? Do it for the good of the species. :)
Re:Any Comerical like this would be fitting. (Score:4, Interesting)
Well, then that's your angle, right?
Mac: Hi, I'm a Mac ... er ... nevermind!
Linux: Well, you're not really a Mac, right?
Mac: Of course I am.
Linux: "Macs" [using air-quotes, here] now use PC processors and an operating system that's based on Unix and a user-interface that's derived from NeXT. They have about as much connection to the Mac that Apple introduced in 1984 as MTV has to music on television.
PC: Heh
Linux: And what are you laughing at?
PC: Well, I'm a PC, so that just seemed sort of funny.
Linux: You're not a PC.
PC: OK, that's just not funny. I'm *the* PC
Linux: A PC is a hardware platform. In fact, it's the same hardware platform that your friend, here, runs on. You're just Windows.
PC: Alright smart guy; what are you then?
Linux: I'm Linux
PC/Mac: [unison] What's a Linux?
Linux: I'm a clone of the Unix operating system that Mac is based on, but I run on just about anything more powerful than a calculator, including some of the most powerful supercomputers on Earth.
Mac: Sounds like you're spread sort of thin.
Linux: I wouldn't talk. You have versions that run on music players and cell-phones these days.
[Mac shuffles feet]
PC: Aren't you written by a bunch of college kids?
Linux: I suppose the employees of IBM, the NSA, Oracle and Google were in college once, yeah. Weren't you the product of a college drop out?
PC: No, he just stole the
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"Hey guys, let's do everything possible to exacerbate the 'me too' image problem Linux already has!"
This campaign is probably the worst idea ever, and of course it's only coming to fruition long after the initial luster of the Apple commercials has faded and people already find them played out.
I think the original Apple commercials came to fruition at precisely the moment that their luster faded and people found them played out.