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Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" Is Out 755

Many readers are sending the news that Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon has been released. Download options include mirrors and torrents. Wired has a review based on the release candidate: "Gamers and hardcore media hounds may still feel left out... but we found playing music and watching movies in the new Ubuntu to be every bit as pleasant as it is under OS X or Windows... Wi-Fi, printing, my digital camera and even my iPod all worked immediately after installation — no drivers or other software required... I did have to install additional codecs to get MP3 and Windows Media Audio support."
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Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" Is Out

Comments Filter:
  • What? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by 3p1ph4ny ( 835701 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:01AM (#21024101) Homepage
    TFS: hardcore media hounds may still feel left out...

    Amarok. There's nothing like it on any other platform.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by deftcoder ( 1090261 )

      Amarok + account = tons of great music + great music recommendations!
  • IU Mirror (Score:5, Informative)

    by cow ninja ( 306125 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:02AM (#21024119)
    Indiana University's mirror is still going strong: []
    - or - [] (separate server)

    Ubuntu release days are fun for mirror operators. It lets us test our hardware and bandwidth.

    (Internet2 connected)
  • New logo? (Score:5, Funny)

    by BlackPignouf ( 1017012 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:09AM (#21024225)

    I didn't know that Ubuntu's new logo was a red spiral!
  • by GPS Pilot ( 3683 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:09AM (#21024227)
    If you have to install additional software to get MP3 support, the music-playing experience is, almost by definition, not as pleasant as it is under OS X.
    • by betterunixthanunix ( 980855 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:14AM (#21024285)
      Well, that is the price you pay for living in a country where software patents are allowed. MP3 is a patented format, so you can never truly listen to an MP3 for free. Part of the cost of Mac OS X is MP3 support, same for Windows Vista. A Linux distro can never distribute software that requires royalties, and so, technically, no Linux distro can legally distribute MP3 software in the US.

      Lucky for you, there is Ogg Vorbis, which is technically superior to MP3 anyway, in terms of quality per byte.

      • by jimicus ( 737525 )
        Lucky for you, there is Ogg Vorbis, which is technically superior to MP3 anyway, in terms of quality per byte.

        Betamax was technically superior to VHS. How much good did that do the people who bought Betamax VCRs?
        • A lot of good, actually. Until Betamax stopped being produced.

          Really though, I doubt that Vorbis is going to go the way of Betamax. PNG is a case-in-point: it was created for the same reasons Vorbis was created, and it remains a widely used format (and it is technically superior to GIF).

      • by julesh ( 229690 )
        A Linux distro can never distribute software that requires royalties, and so, technically, no Linux distro can legally distribute MP3 software in the US.

        This is quite simply not true. There is no reason why a Linux distribution cannot contain a disc of non-free software to supplement the free stuff, as SuSE did the last time I bought a box.
        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by MMC Monster ( 602931 )
          And probably part of the cost involved licenses for mp3. The question is, will canonical at some point in the future buy a license for everyone who downloads Ubuntu. How much would something like that cost?
        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          That disc is not a part of the distro -- it isn't on the distribution disc, and that disc cannot ship as part of a GPL package. It is common to maintain non-free repositories (Livna, for example) or sell non-free add-ons (as Mandriva does), but they must remain separate from the distro itself (Red Hat is so worried about legal trouble from Livna that they don't even officially mention it, and it is hosted in France). The GPP's point was that he had to go and install extra software to get MP3 support; gett
          • They don't *have* to be separate from the distro -- that whole "mere aggregation" thing.
          • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

            by julesh ( 229690 )
            That disc is not a part of the distro -- it isn't on the distribution disc, and that disc cannot ship as part of a GPL package.

            Why is a Linux distribution only permitted to have GPL packages? There's nothing in the GPL that requires this (in fact, it goes so far as to state that it _isn't_ a condition).

            The GPP's point was that he had to go and install extra software to get MP3 support; getting a non-free disc from Novell counts as installing extra software. The system doesn't have MP3 support out-of-the-bo
      • by Tim C ( 15259 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:28AM (#21024505)

        A Linux distro can never distribute software that requires royalties
        Not true, there are a number of options:
        1) Charge for the version of the distro that includes the software, pay the licence fee to the licensor, disallow redistribution of the licensed code
        2) Give the distro away for free, pay the licence fee to the licensor, disallow redistribution of the licensed code
        3) Reimplement the required code, distribute only in countries with a more enlightened attitude towards software patents (eg the EU)

        Lucky for you, there is Ogg Vorbis, which is technically superior to MP3 anyway, in terms of quality per byte.
        Superior or not, that doesn't help me with all the music I have in mp3 (and no, I'm not about to re-rip it).
        The OP's point is valid - the experience is not as good out of the box as that of OS X or Windows, with regards to music playing.
      • A Linux distro can never distribute software that requires royalties

        Yes it can; it's just not a 100% pure Free or 100% pure free distribution.

        Lucky for you, there is Ogg Vorbis, which is technically superior to MP3 anyway, in terms of quality per byte.

        I want to walk into a Best Buy store with cash and walk out with an audio player that plays Vorbis. Which model do you recommend? A lot of people on various wikis swear by Cowon and iRiver, but the Best Buy stores in Fort Wayne, Indiana, don't appear to carry those product lines. They do, on the other hand, carry a full line of MP3, WMA, and AAC players. In fact, the only pocket-size Vorbis player sold in Best Buy is the Nintendo DS

    • by kripkenstein ( 913150 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:28AM (#21024493) Homepage

      If you have to install additional software to get MP3 support, the music-playing experience is, almost by definition, not as pleasant as it is under OS X.
      On Ubuntu it takes about 2-3 clicks the first time you try to play an MP3 (and no additional clicks afterwards). Might not be as 'pleasant' as no clicks, but completely negligible.

      What still is an issue is DVD encryption. Sadly DeCSS can't be legally obtained in the US. Much as I am opposed to software patents, some practical solution needs to be given, while we continue to struggle to change the patent system. Paying a few bucks for legal DVD playback in the US seems the only feasible option at this point, and Ubuntu should facilitate this somehow, if only by providing links to third parties that provide this service (e.g. Fluendo I believe were working on this).
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        IIRC, the deCSS problem wasn't a patent one, it was a DMCA one; that is, deCSS is a deliberate attempt to circumvent a copy protection scheme without a contract with the copyright holder. Of course, I don't know if someone also patented the algorithm, which would make it more of a double whammy.
    • Also 3D... broken (Score:3, Informative)

      by xtracto ( 837672 )
      Yup, I upgraded already to 7.10 from 7.04 via the recommended update-manager and after finishing the update and restarting my computer my ATI 3D acceleration stopped working :(. There is no way to blame the closed source drivers since my chipset is (supposed to be) supported by the open source ATI drivers and are not supported by the closed source drivers...

      Everything was working "almost" (as has always been the case with Linux for me) in my laptop with Ubuntu 7.04 (I had to press twice the wireless network
  • Ob: Bittorrent (Score:5, Informative)

    by spikedvodka ( 188722 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:10AM (#21024231)
    As always people... Don't use the download link from the main page. spend the extra time to get a .torrent like [URL:]

    Currently: 1938 seeds, 4389 peers. and it's going *very* quickly.
    • Rraaaaaaah! I just finished installing Debian stable ( + full-encrypted disk :o ) again on my laptop.

      I was actually going to download Ubuntu, since I like to keep a livecd handy for fixing people's comps, but decided to hold off for Gutsy. I prefer Debian to Ubuntu, personally. :P

      I guess I'll install ktorrent now and let her rip. Thanks for the link!
  • by ZipprHead ( 106133 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:10AM (#21024243) Homepage
    I'm actually really excited about this. We've got a demo running here. We installed it on a two year old notebook and everything just worked. Pointed Evolution [] to our Exchange server, and it just worked. Which IMHO is key, I love to hack things just as much as the next guy, but if I have to hack things just to get them to work the first time, its a major turn off.

    It's got a slick UI and the package manager is well done.

    Add in support from Dell [].

    All that is missing now is a really awesome developer environment [].
  • It's been reasonably stable[1] for me recently. The ra2500 wifi pretty much just works. The printer pretty much just works, the apps pretty much just work.

    To be honest I'd forgotten all about it, it just gets out of the way (unlike Windows) I think they're really into usability tweaking and performance optimisation territory.

    In particular the Window List. I use mine in a vertical panel rather than the more traditional horizontal panel and someone's mucked about with it so that it flips to two columns as soo
  • I've been running Gutsy for a month now (alpha, obviously). If you're trying to decide whether to upgrade or not, I can vouch that it is quite shiny (though the GUI for dual-monitor support fails with my work desktop's ATI card, unsurprisingly). I'm really liking it.

    That being said, I've got OpenSUSE 10.3 on my work tablet and it has been fantastic. October's the new nerd-Christmas!
  • by JK_the_Slacker ( 1175625 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:15AM (#21024315) Homepage


  • Damn! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Chris_Jefferson ( 581445 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:25AM (#21024451) Homepage
    Damn, and I've only just finished compiling the last... wait. Wrong distro. Sorry.
  • Huffy Hummingbird?
    Hapless Hookworm?
  • On my main PC (development / surfstation) I'm currently running Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) which I'm quite happy with, but for various reasons I'm planning to wipe it and install a new distro from scratch. I've been waiting for this Ubuntu release before I make my move, but just recently OpenSuse 10.3 came out and I'm hearing good things of it too. Has anyone tried both and got an opinion?

    I'm looking for a distro which will give me a good environment for development in (mainly databases and script langu

  • by Jugalator ( 259273 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:31AM (#21024547) Journal
    We've just tried this one out as soon as it was released, and there was quite some differences in installation on our modern laptop hardware compared to 7.04 at least. Proprietary graphics driver installation couldn't really be much easier from what I can see -- besides by making it automatic, but I suppose there are reasons other than technological ones behind that.

    After the few guided clicks to get that done, a reboot later and suddenly Compiz was also activated without any user actions needed. Hmm, so how do you configure those 3D effects then? No way we could find, but from reading an online computer magazine, we found out that the Compiz Config Settings Manager wasn't included. We installed that one, and it then integrated nicely into the Desktop Settings as a new "Custom effects" option. Why that one wasn't part of the distro by default is still unknown to us though. It seemed like an obvious choice to let the user customize the window effects?

    Otherwise, I think Compiz didn't lag or anything even once when maximizing windows or rotating the desktop, etc, and this was on a laptop without a *that* hot graphics card. So we were impressed about how smooth the UI was. No interruptions from some service suddenly kicking in to work a bit like every user of Vista has no doubt grown used to take for granted by now with the SuperFetch, System Restore, Search Indexer etc services. They seem to kick in at the most inappropriate times -- not even when the computer is idle! Come on! Maybe Ubuntu's new desktop search indexer make it suffer too, but nothing we could see anyway.

    After doing this, we unplugged the network card, and voila, it automatically discovered our WLAN. We didn't have to do anything, really.

    So let's try open the (already mounted and ready) NTFS drive with Windows Vista on it? Oh, we can simply drag a file there now too -- cool! NTFS-3g apparently installed and ready.

    We seemed to have to install Windows Media Audio support though and as we're still quite some Linux amateurs, we have still not got around that part as the work day is over. It's been fun experimenting though, and getting up to date with what a modern "desktop Linux" distro can offer. Looking at the feature list of Ubuntu 7.10 [], and summing that one up with the new features of GNOME 2.20 [] gives one a mighty impressive list of new features compared to just 6 months ago.

    Linux desktop development (GNOME, KDE, desktop distros, ...) really seem to be picking up some pace lately. And we're just months away from KDE 4. This is exciting times to follow for sure, and for the first time I'm starting to become a believer in "Linux on the desktop".

    I have some pretty high demands of novice usability though, which makes me hesitate still as for some distros. E.g. SUSE Linux 10.3 had a few quirks on my home stationary computer. Its NVIDIA driver install having me to use the command prompt and special "SUSE for NVIDIA" instructions is unacceptable for amateur usage IMHO, although I finally got it done. It also even failed to install the distro to the hard drive the first time around, because it couldn't mount the SATA drive it had just formatted (??). A reboot, and then it could do it like it was no problem at all. *shrug* That also gave an early feeling of "still aimed for geeks" that I'd so much like it to see it move away from.

    But back to Ubuntu 7.10 -- so far no problems here, and I was left with an excitement to play with it more after the day. :-)
  • I've been using Ubuntu for a few years now. I think I can safely say that from a user perspective there aren't any major difference between Feisty and Gutsy besides the eye candy. Despite this, I am seriously loving the fact that people are going nuts over how awesome Gutsy is when those same people were meh about Feisty and Linux in general. It just shows that all these people who have been putting down Linux because of its lack of hardware compatability, etc. really just wanted eye candy this whole time.
  • by evilviper ( 135110 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:50AM (#21024853) Journal
    "Mom, Dad, I've got something to tell you..."

    "What is it Gutsy?"

    "...I'm tired of living a lie..."
  • by FooBarWidget ( 556006 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @10:55AM (#21024935)
    My new Dell laptop (Inspiron 6400) arrived just today. The perfect chance to install the latest Ubuntu.

    I'm very impressed. Wireless networking worked out-of-the-box. Battery support works out-of-the-box (if I remove the power cable, Ubuntu will switch to power saving mode just like Vista would; battery meter is shown by default). I can plug and unplug USB mouses at will. Partitioning the system is painless because it supports non-destructive NTFS resizing out-of-the-box. I have absolutely no idea why so many people are complaining about Linux laptop support.
  • by rindeee ( 530084 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @11:08AM (#21025193)
    While Ubuntu on the desktop is the bee's knees, server leaves me unimpressed. While I'm not expecting a "big-iron" capable monster with every service imaginable, what I would expect is the "Ubuntu touch"; The most useful, advanced and friendly services at the "administrator's" fingertips, easily managed, configured, etc. LAMP is a nice start, but how about a full sweet of ready to go "stuff". XMPP, SIP, VPN, Doc Mgt, etc. If Ubuntu could do for servers what they've done for desktops, well, that would be really good. ;) In the interim, I'll stick with CentOS (no, I'm not comparing CentOS to Ubuntu).
  • Bittorrent client (Score:4, Informative)

    by ealar dlanvuli ( 523604 ) <> on Thursday October 18, 2007 @11:23AM (#21025461) Homepage
    Everyone, please stop using Azerus. Deluge is a native gtk bittorrent client that supports encryption and is speed-comparable to uTorrent. It is in "Add/Remove Programs" in 7.10.

  • goatse (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 18, 2007 @11:29AM (#21025573)
    when i first read the release name goatse gibbon, i thought to my self great now i have to download the hole release
  • by seandiggity ( 992657 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @01:30PM (#21027811) Homepage
    sudo apt-get a-life
  • by Fantastic Lad ( 198284 ) on Thursday October 18, 2007 @08:42PM (#21034413)
    I think Mark Shuttleworth is one of the few people this world has today who can be looked upon as genuinely heroic.

    The man put up his own millions, fought to bring computer technology to the third world, and will mail you a free copy of the Ubuntu CD if you ask.

    Yeah, talk about shortcomings and areas where it doesn't work, etc., but for crying out loud! It might be wise to treat it in a tone of constructive criticism rather than bitter complaint. A little respect is due here. Heck, a lot of respect is due here!

    And sheesh, I'm not even a regular Linux user. (Not until the Gimp does more than 8 bits and builds a better layout and includes CMYK. And changes its creepy name.)


  • by hswerdfe ( 569925 ) <slashdot@org.howard@swerdfeger@com> on Thursday October 18, 2007 @09:50PM (#21035065) Homepage Journal
    I've been on 7.04 for a while now. and there were a few things about it that I just love...
    The one I like the best is when I went to the command line and typed 'sux' for the first time.
    it told me sux was not installed but that I could install it by installing some package or another.
    That was Nirvana for me with 7.04.
    Other then that the sound continues to work when I switch users, the WiFi is now 100% instead of 75% and the new intel video drivers mean the OpenGL stuff actually works.

    I hope 7.10 has some equally cool things hidden in it.
    p.s. anybody know if 'ionice' is installed by default yet?
    It would be a good idea cause Beagle indexes on startup and can really slow down DVD performance.

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
