Mandriva Says No to Microsoft Linux Deal 150
Kurtz'sKompund writes "French Linux vendor Mandriva said no to dealing with Microsoft on open source patents. They're the third Linux vendor in a week to do so, joining Red Hat and Ubuntu in the 'against' column. TechWorld reports that Mandriva's CEO echoed statements from other open source leaders, saying essentially 'we don't need to pay protection money to do our job.' From the article: 'Jonathan Eunice, an analyst at Illuminata, said Microsoft's deals with Xandros and Linspire don't have the same impact as they would if they had been made with a major Linux vendor such as Red Hat. "I think Microsoft is going to second-tier players, and they're cutting deals with them because they are softer targets," Eunice said.'"
So.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Wow, who would side with MS when you can get 3 priceless things which your entire business model relies on?
Re:So.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Wow, who would side with MS when you can get 3 priceless things which your entire business model relies on?
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OJ Simpson anyone?
Re:So.. (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm sure it's a bigger deal than that.
Undoubtedly, Microsoft is waving a big bag of money in front of these vendors in order to entice them to sign. Turning away a deal with a devil that'll plop you tons of cash in your pocket to help fuel future R&D plus the promise of no future litigation from M$' army of lawyers so you can focus on said R&D might not be as easy to turn away as it seems.
I will say though, this makes my respect for those vendors who have refused to sign that much greater
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Agreed. Even further, how many of us now boycott the Linux distros that buckled under M$ pressure? I do, and have steered multiple companies away from Suse already. Xandros and Linspire weren't really on my radar anyway, but now I'll be on the lookout for opportunities to torpedo them. Is there any community group organizing such a boycott?
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Damn, it's hot... (Score:2, Funny)
It's so hot and I'm so tired I'd read that you had Mr Goatse's fax number.
Only on /. would that even make sense.
Divide... and conquer. (Score:2, Interesting)
Look what happened :
- Linux distros stand (more or less) united vs. M$
- M$ issues FUD over patents
- Some distros give in and licence with M$
- Community gets upset with licensed distros and threatens to boycott them.
So what happens if the community carries through its threat and boycotts Suse
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Nonsense. (Score:2)
If they don't (and I don't see how they can possibly continue now) they will become increasingly irrelevant.
The moment MS commits the mistake to sue somebody, these distros would stop receiving any further support form anybody in the Linux world.
They are a bunch of shortermist @(@!)(@@#!%^#
Re:So.. (Score:5, Interesting)
That's what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you
Re:So.. (Score:5, Interesting)
So very well put.
These companies who profit wholly on the efforts of gift-economy programmers want to make deals that shaft those very same people. Either participate in the gift economy or don't. We don't care. But please don't try to poison our gift economy.
Re:So.. (Score:5, Insightful)
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Linux without GNU..... (Score:2)
A deal they SHOULD be making (Score:5, Interesting)
They should also highly publicize this agreement. It will go a long way against the MS patent FUD. Actively recruiting players who were not approached, like IBM and Oracle, would go even further.
In the end, a couple things might happen:
In any case, mutualy defense is a win for F/OSS.
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Man, we better start training more Jedis now.
I remember reading a site with the statistics of foss coders and the contribution of private companies that lead me to believe the majority of code in were written by companies like Sun, IBM, Linux Foundation, Mozilla, Canonical, etc...
And GP, the private sector must boycott these sellout distro too, otherwise we might see a rush of people seeking safe haven from MS suits(I mean those who bought MS-FUD-
Re:A deal they SHOULD be making (Score:4, Insightful)
MS won't risk it. No, the FUD value is *far* more valuable to them. They can scare people away from F/OSS and scare others into making their own deals.
FUD can only take you so far. (Score:2)
FUD like this is the short term strategy of the technological scoundrel, innovative companies are busy doing actual useful stuff.
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That's already been done, more or less, with the Linux Foundation [linux-foundation.org] and the Open Invention Network [openinventionnetwork.com]. Groups like Red Hat and IBM are members of both; Novell, somewhat ironically, is even a member of OIN.
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"It's a funny feeling being under the wing of a dragon. It's warmer than you think"
The best reason not to do any deal... (Score:3, Insightful)
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At the end of the day Linus has the power to axe certain companies from benefiting from future versions of Linux.
But bravo and well done to the companies that have said no, at the end of the day its built the computing industry to wo
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SHOCKER:When a major distro makes an important decision, it comes up on slashdot.
Thank God. (Score:2)
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They are our liberators, not a Supreme Being (may I be struck dead by lightning if it ain't so)!
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Re:Thank God. (Score:5, Funny)
Are you comparing a disaster that causes billions of dollars finansial losses and thousands of people to lose their home every year, to a natural movement of tectonic plates? That's low.
Re:Thank God. (Score:5, Funny)
Sorry, just had to fix that for you!
- S
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Re:Thank God. (Score:5, Funny)
He's done far worse than kill you. He's given you that thick southern accent!
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You're doing it wrong. (Score:2)
Where's the business case? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Where's the business case? (Score:5, Insightful)
Do you think MS still pays money to distros 5,10 years down the line? No, then they want to receive money, at least from the ones still around.
MS is in for the long haul here.
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Err, right. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the true value so far being shown in negative dollars?
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In the world of reality, I believe this is what we call an excuse. Every so often that world of reality leaks into the legal process and has an impact on it.
Is it because vista sales were weak? (Score:3, Interesting)
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Only Microsoft knows that, but it is a suspicion I've had for some time. Issuing public threats is bad PR, and would only be done in an emergency. If Vista and Office 2007 sales were shooting through the roof, why hurt the company's reputation by starting to make vague threats left and right?
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I don't think so. The only thing acknowledged is that Linux vendors are dealing with Microsoft regarding patent issues. You might say that this shows, in some vague way, that Linux vendors believe Microsoft has patents that might be relevant. But which ones are they? A lawsuit would have to specify; but the Microsoft-Linux vend
Re:Where's the business case? (Score:5, Interesting)
Further to sustain, "they paid us money" argument, they have to show that these companies paid more to MSFT than the recieved in concurrent deals. Already they can show that it is MSFT that paid Novell and not the otehr way around. They will move for discovery to see what kind of deals it offered to others who signed on. That is a can of worms MSFT would not like to open.
Further, many open source advocates have openly challenged MSFT to identify the alleged violations and they claim if there were really violations they could work around it easily. By not identifying these patents, Linux advocates could argue that MSFT has abandoned whatever rights it had. In copyrights/trademarks, if a company knows there is a violation of its trademark/copyright and still takes no action, it loses the trademark. This is one argument Linux could make.
In my opninion, IANAL, the strong, open and vocal dispute over the claims MSFT made over Linux has completely voided any residual "why would they have paid us money if they had not violated my patents?" arguments.
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Really, I think the main goal for MS here is to go for a "chilling effect" vice lawsuits. The main targets would probably businesses that are considering a move to Linux, and MS wants to stop them cold with the fear of a patent lawsuit somewhere down the line. Going after distributors is pointless in that regard (and
No, they don't (Score:2)
And completely bypassing their worthless opinion in the subject, it is not for them to say or not if there are patent problems, since MS is not telling them what is there and most likely it would not be up to them to fix the problem anyway.
Re:Where's the business case? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Where's the business case? (Score:4, Insightful)
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Bar Suse.... (Score:2)
Microsoft's FUD MoJo is weak... (Score:2)
Microsoft has got to know that if it really sued for patent infringement it would lose. Any minor infringement that did make it to litigation would be coded out ASAP. They wouldn't get billions and billions of dollars but they would lose their FUD talking points.
This can be a good thing. We are now separating the distros who have integrity from those that don't.
MS is scared of getting sued (Score:2)
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Absolutely no reason to cave. (Score:5, Insightful)
a) Acting out a patent lawsuit against a European company would be an utter political disaster for Microsoft. As soon as MS starts filing patent lawsuits against European companies, the EU will invent a reason to sue Microsoft again and again.
b) Acting out a patent lawsuit against an American company that is well funded, such as IBM, would be a disaster for the software industry and invite federal involvement, which no one wants.
c) Microsoft, like many tech companies, has managed to alienate Republican support. Ballmer might be a Republican, but Gates has already said he's, sigh, for the other side. So, I wouldn't expect a great many Republicans leaping to the defense of MS in the event some sort of legal war goes against them. And surely, Democrats aren't exactly going to rush to defend an oligarchical billionaire's company. Microsoft doesn't really have the allies on the hill that it thinks it has, and Republicans remember MS didn't do them any favors after they got a sweetheart anti-trust deal to begin with.
Bottom line is this: Microsoft's patent threat is a threat only, one that would it be stupid to use, and Linux distros shouldn't be afraid of it.
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Maybe that's why the only cable news network that's listing to the left is MSNBC...
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How do you think the political appointment of Ashcroft went through so smoothly and what was the first thing on Ashcroft's agenda? Dissolve the push for a harder MS settlement.
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Mandriva has always been nice (Score:4, Insightful)
Mandriva/Mandrake has held a place in my heart for a long time. It is up to date, and it has about the nicest install.
If you are going to give a linux PC to a newbie, they are one of the first I would recommend. They have configuration tools (drake) that are second to none.
It is a very nice distro, and now with the assurance that we are free from MS worries, I would highly recommend trying it to see if it is the right distro for your friends.
Re:Mandriva has always been nice (Score:4, Insightful)
The x.2 and the 10.x (through 2006) were pretty ugly. 2007 and 2007.1 seem to be pretty good.
Until Ubuntu, MDK had the rep as *THE* newbie friendly distro. The installer is still second to none (with the caveat that it seems to overwrite the MBR with grub even if you tell it to install grub on the root partition instead).
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When in battle, don't you always pick off the low hanging fruit first? It will "strengthen" their position in our corrupt court system when it comes time to take SCO's place in the battle.
Who paid whom? (Score:3, Interesting)
Let us not forget. MSFT does have a large war chest, and we cant be sure if it backs up a huge truck load of money on to the driveway of these players, these guys wont have a change of hearts and sing a different tune. So let us not celebrate it too much.
Redhat/etc. aren't holding out for more MS $$ (Score:2)
You can take that to the bank. And celebrate!
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Jonathan Corbet at LWN has been charting out who contributes patches [lwn.net] to the Linux kernel. It's an imperfect measure and of course doesn't include all the other significant stuff outside of the kernel, but it's kind of interesting if you're into that kind of thing. Among corporations, Red Hat has the mos
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I hope that perception catches on (Score:5, Interesting)
"I think Microsoft is going to second-tier players, and they're cutting deals with them because they are softer targets," Eunice said.
Let's hope that perception catches on. Only second-tier Linux players go in for a Microsoft deal.
Want to give everyone the perception that you're one of the major players? Refuse to deal.
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Rock on! (Score:1)
Keep it real, Linux users!
Way to go Mandriva! (Score:2, Insightful)
what if (Score:1, Interesting)
Could Linspire (or some other company that did cut a deal) take up the old source code, call it the Enterprise version or something, and distribute it, without worrying about getting sued?
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Sort of. Redhat Enterprise at least has a lot of non-Free software, so they'd have to leave that out unless they paid for it. The GPL stuff, yeah, no problem, but that basically makes it Fedora.
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Really? According to their website, it's $80 [redhat.com]. Is there another way to download it that's legal?
Microsoft = Mob ? (Score:2, Funny)
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Reminds me of an article a friend of mine wrote lol. (It's the second Google Search result for Microsoft Mafia [google.com])
the canossa reference in the blog title (Score:2, Interesting)
So SUSE is a second-tier vendor? (Score:3)
Oh, I'm curious about these software patents. Can some one please show me a piece of software?
I'd like to hold it and examine it....
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That doesn't seem to cut it (Score:2)
-- Antonin Scalia
How many more? (Score:4, Informative)
Note to Bill: Fire the lawyers and improve Vista. See the accompanying discussion to this article [slashdot.org] to begin pulling your head out.
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Can't stop a magnum (Score:3, Insightful)
by happy coincidence, lists 357 distros.
Redmond has bought off a couple already, and certainly a healthy chunk have a userbase in a low power of two. That leaves a couple hundered in the middle somewhere.
So the strategy can't be to try to bail out the ocean. Redmond's business acumen is way beyond that.
I'm thinking that this is all about hedging against further anti-trust litigation:
"But dad! We played nice with a whole bunch of those kids. That pile of human wreckage over in the corner is just a bunch of lazy whiners."
Hey Microsoft... (Score:2)
Go European (Score:4, Interesting)
Or heck, Red Hat (having rejected MS patents outright) could even go first, with Linus in tow.
It would make perfect sense if the MS threats weren't also aimed at users.
now that some have said yes, some no - next step? (Score:5, Insightful)
Eunice ... cool name (Score:2)
Question (Score:2)
Since Linux can be re-distributed by anybody who wants to, couldn't I grab Debian/Red Hat/SuSe, re-brand it, throw up a website, and write an email to MS claiming they should send me boatloads of cash for a cross licensing agreement?
If I recall correctly, the MS deals are based on userbase, so I wouldn't have to pay MS very much money, but since their userbase is huge, they'd have to pay me quite a bit.
Would this work? I don't think MS has a leg to stand on, but if they want to pay me millions of do
Re:What about me? And gentoo and... (Score:5, Funny)
Gentoo + Microsoft. hmm....
"To compile properly, this version of Gentoo requires Microsoft Visual C++ for Linux(TM) version 7.0 or later. [Click to buy online]"
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Re:What about me? And gentoo and... (Score:4, Insightful)