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Novell/Linux Parody on Apple's Mac vs PC Ads 324

xtaski writes "Wired's 'Cult of Mac' blog offers up video of Novell's spin on the Apple Mac vs. PC ads. The twist: a young lady portraying that winsome third party, Linux. There are two ads available for perusal, and the second is definitely the better of the two."
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Novell/Linux Parody on Apple's Mac vs PC Ads

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 23, 2007 @08:50PM (#18467243)
    Conveniently located on [] instead of some crappy Flash video. Now available in MPEG and Ogg!
    • by jZnat ( 793348 ) * on Friday March 23, 2007 @08:56PM (#18467279) Homepage Journal
      I like the third one best because it actually implies something useful to people about Linux: it has what you want on PCs and Macs (even games via Wine and Cedega, but they don't mention that).

      Now I know someone's going to say "but Linux doesn't have $x, and $y is a crappy replacement that doesn't support $z", but take a look at the Mac vs. PC commercials that Apple made; they don't mention crap like that either. The point of the ads are to get "Joe Sixpack" to use it.
      • by i_should_be_working ( 720372 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:05PM (#18467335)
        I also like how it's pointing out that it doesn't matter what type of computer you have. You can run Linux now. I guess many people are used to the idea of having to buy a new computer to change operating system.
        • by tbo ( 35008 ) on Saturday March 24, 2007 @01:17AM (#18468409) Journal
          I also like how it's pointing out that it doesn't matter what type of computer you have. You can run Linux now. I guess many people are used to the idea of having to buy a new computer to change operating system.

          It's understandable that anyone might prefer Linux to Windows. That said, many people are probably wondering, "If you have a Mac, why would you install Linux* on it?" This is a good question; pretty much any Linux program for which source is available can be recompiled for OS X. If it's command-line, no problem. If it's X11-based, just fire up Apple's free X11. The only snags are with binary-only software, but it's rare that you'd actually need to use a binary-only Linux app for which there's no Mac-native equivalent, and much more likely that you'd encounter the opposite situation.

          I've actually installed Linux on a Mac on multiple occasions (starting with kernel 2.2.x on an original iMac, which was about the first time it was really possible), so I will try to enumerate the reasons:

          0) Because you can.
          1) For fun--you enjoy tinkering with things.
          2) To learn about Linux.
          3) To develop Linux-specific software, such as Linux kernel drivers.
          4) Ideological reasons relating to Free Software--you refuse to run an OS where a portion of the code is non-Free (in which case you'd better be using Debian []).
          5) Because you care about performance in a particular niche where Linux has substantial real-world performance benefits over OS X.
          6) You're so used to Linux's user interface that it would be too difficult for you to switch.
          7) You actually think Linux's user interface is nicer than OS X (since they both offer the same choice of shells, this comes down to GUI preference).

          I really can't think of any other reasons that make any sense--if you can, please reply and elaborate. Now, to the analysis.

          It's pretty clear that the reasons given above are valid only for computer geeks. Normal people don't care about (0 - 5), (6) is obviously not applicable, and I have yet to meet a reasonable person who claims (7) holds true for "average" users. There's nothing wrong with this--being better than Windows for a lower price is a big accomplishment--but why imply that Linux is something it's not?

          Linux is a great OS for many people whose alternative is Windows, and for geeks. It's not a good replacement for Mac OS X.

          As an alternative ad that plays on the same themes, have PC as a guy, and have him break up with his girlfriend Vista because she's too demanding. PC sees Mac OS X (woman), and tries to hit on her, but is shot down because he's "not her type" and she "doesn't think they'd be compatible". Linux walks in, and she and PC hit it off. This would communicate that you can use your existing PC hardware to run Linux but not Mac OS X.

          * I use Linux in the sense that everybody except Richard M Stallman uses--I mean the entire OS, in a generic sense that does not specify a particular distribution, rather than just the kernel.
        • by Simon Garlick ( 104721 ) on Saturday March 24, 2007 @03:30AM (#18468995)
          When I got my first Intel Mac last year, one of the first things I did was install Ubuntu on it because I wanted something familiar and, of course, just because I could. Within two weeks I'd deleted it and was using OS X exclusively. Once you've seen what a truly user-friendly interface on UNIX is like, even the slickest Linux GUI feels clunky.

          • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

            by jZnat ( 793348 ) *
            I would recommend trying Kubuntu [], OpenSUSE [] (or SUSE [] even, although that would involve supporting that damn Microsoft-Novell patent deal), Mandriva [], or Linspire []/Freespire []. These distributions use KDE (K Desktop Environment) [], which in my opinion (and even Linus himself along with many, many others) is far more usable, customisable, and useful than GNOME [], the default desktop environment for many other distributions such as Ubuntu. Although GNOME tends to look cleaner than KDE, its usability is quite, well, l
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by billsoxs ( 637329 )
        You failed to point out in the ads that Linux is a woman - another way to get joe-6-pack. (With your Sig!)

        More importantly - and much to my surprise - Now I find out that all you slashdotters HAVE BEEN with a woman...

        (Yes I know some Slashdotters ARE women.)

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by johncadengo ( 940343 )
        I like the third one best

        I agree. The third one is the only one that actually attempts to convince you that you should actually use Linux. The first simply let's us know it exists (and anyone actually interested in watching these spoofs would know). The second let's us know that it keeps up to date. But its analogy is not well-thought out, I mean, mac looks way nicer than they show it to be. And Linux, well, I dunno how the analogy is supposed to fit into how linux looks. Reality is much closer to Linux h
        • by ArcherB ( 796902 ) *
          But its analogy is not well-thought out, I mean, mac looks way nicer than they show it to be. And Linux, well, I dunno how the analogy is supposed to fit into how linux looks. Reality is much closer to Linux having mismatched colored socks, pants from goodwill, and a knock-off designer purse made in China (really, made in China). Not because it doesn't look nice and not because it's knockoff (no matter how well imitated, where is Linux innovation in GUI?), but because of how its put together. And then there
        • by Nikker ( 749551 )
          At the end of the day your still only wearing one jacket. If you were introducing yourself to strangers for a presentation would you start with, "Hello! My name is John Smith, my address is $Address, my dogs name is ..., etc.

          Or would you say "Hello my name is John Smith!"?

          In the end you have to let the users decide what path they want to take, Linux is your introduction it is the users that create your presentation.
    • I'd like to see it, too, if there's a hot chick in it.
    • Oddly enough, the "Will It Blend" video for SuSE has disappeared from the site. That's a bummer, since it was the best video clip from BrainShare 2007! You can still find it out on YouTube, fortunately.... There is a great one-liner about end users in there! []
    • Leopard !

      -pure hilarity !
    • I am amazed that they actually had videos usable in open source players. It seems like everyone else in the Linux world has jumped on the proprietary Flash bandwagon.
  • Nice! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Carthag ( 643047 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @08:52PM (#18467259) Homepage
    I hate that I can't use any X11 apps or any posix apps on my mac. It's seriously annoying when I go to type curl -f -O hwait... oh it works. Well how about etherea-oh that works too. Well ScummVM! no I guess that works too. Screw it, now all my anger over not having open source software on my mac is for moot. Dang it all to heck!
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by adamchou ( 993073 )
      hey... what a ooincidence. thats just like apples campaign. pretend features that the mac have are exclusive. or even better yet, pretend that the mac is immune to security problems.
    • Try installing Amarok on OS X and you'll feel the pain. It took me a full 23 hours to install it via fink, having to compile KDE alone with it...
    • I know this was a joke, but why would you run the X11 version of ScummVM when there's a native OSX version?
      • by Carthag ( 643047 )
        I was just rambling off the first OSS software that came to mind. I run ScummVM in the native version (actually I run svn update once in a while cause I have all the Gob games and I love playing them).
  • Not Flash again. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by mosel-saar-ruwer ( 732341 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @08:59PM (#18467291)

    var fo = new FlashObj("/img/flash/media_player.swf", 320, 260);

    God, I hate Macromedia, and the marketing departments that are addicted to it.

    Does no one post MPGs anymore?

    • I think you can get in deep caca for posting useful formats like MPG in teh intertubes
    • by Dadoo ( 899435 )
      Does no one post MPGs anymore?

      Hey, don't complain. From what I've seen, everyone's addicted to WMVs, these days. At least Flash is a step up.
    • Indeed not (Score:5, Informative)

      by Dolda2000 ( 759023 ) <> on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:16PM (#18467413) Homepage
      If you follow the link in the article to Novell's video page [], you'll see they have them in Ogg/Theora format:
    • . . . and Adobe for buying them
    • by itsdapead ( 734413 ) on Saturday March 24, 2007 @09:48AM (#18470431)

      God, I hate Macromedia, and the marketing departments that are addicted to it.

      Yeah, don't you just hate the way streamed Flash videos "just work" across PC and Mac, with IE, Firefox, Safari or Opera - for anybody with the ubiquitous Flash plug-in installed?

      Of course, they discriminate against Linux users... Oh, wait, no, I just clicked "Install Plugin" in Firefox under Ubuntu and the video was running within 15 seconds... OK, so its not so easy if you're running PPC or 64 bit, and I had to click-through my Immortal Soul to Adobe, but they'd have to fight Microsoft, the Inland Revenue and T-Mobile if they wanted to collect that!

      Yes, Flash is propietary, and yes, it has been abused for unnecessary eye candy, but it is also a bloody good product for small-scale, web-deliverable, cross-platform multimedia/forms apps that don't need the full might (and bewildering technology thicket) of Java. Show me (say) a combination of SVG and ECMAScript that actually works reliably.

      PS "works reliably" in this context precludes telling your users/clients/potential customers "What? You're using Firefox|IE|Safari under Windows|MacOS? Just install Gentoo and do 'sudo apt-get-install mypersonalideaofadecentbrowserV1.0E-12PreAlpha' you moron! "

  • by dave1g ( 680091 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @08:59PM (#18467293) Journal
    This one convinced me a long time ago! []
    • by StarvingSE ( 875139 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:24PM (#18467449)
      Best. Video. Ever. Linux is the OS of super villains everywhere.

      On a more serious note, I kind of like the fact that Linux takes some technical know-how to run (shell scripts, configuring, compiling binaries as the vid states). I get geek cred when people come over and see this foreign OS called Linux on my machines. For that reason alone, who cares if it goes mainstream. Let the geeks have their own OS, the masses can use Winblowz.
      • And you wonder why Linux has taken up a perminate number three position? Until the average user can install and run it it'll alway be for geeks and those that can aford to pay for tech support. I'd love to be using it but I've yet to be able to get a version running on any machine. I have three seperate PCs and one Mac. I tried Ubuntu Live on all the PCs with no luck. It had a different problem on each machine. In the past I've tried Red Hat, Mandrake and Suise with no luck. Personally I couldn't care less
        • by jZnat ( 793348 ) *
          Who cares if Joe Sixpack can use Linux? If it's a geek operating system as you think, then that means I gain respect as a geek (aka geek cred) for using such an awesome operating system like Linux. It's like being able to say that you drive manual (in the US at least) and thus have the authority to gloat over others and be a general dick. :)

          Also, I feel that all operating systems suck in their own respects (similar to styles of governments), but Linux and other open source Unix-like systems suck least.
  • by khasim ( 1285 ) <> on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:00PM (#18467305)
    You really need better writers. Just putting a cute woman on screen is not enough.

    Look at what each of the other commercials is about. Each has a point.

    Macs are easy to setup - PC's are not.
    Macs are secure - PC's keep asking you to confirm each action.

    Your point is ... Linux is a 3rd choice?

    Why not focus on something like ... no license requirements? PC and Mac both dig into their wallets ... Linux invites all her friends along.
    • by i_should_be_working ( 720372 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:13PM (#18467383)
      1st ad: Linux has been a viable alternative for quite some time. Just because you don't hear about it all the time doesn't mean it's new or that your company shouldn't use it.

      2nd ad: Linux changes to suit the times. There's no waiting around for years for a new version.

      3rd ad: Linux can do the things that Mac and Windows can. And can do it on any hardware.
      • 1st ad: Linux has been a viable alternative for quite some time. Just because you don't hear about it all the time doesn't mean it's new or that your company shouldn't use it.

        Cheese has been around for a long time, too. Don't be a wuss. Say why you're better than the other two.

        2nd ad: Linux changes to suit the times. There's no waiting around for years for a new version.

        Putting on a jacket isn't that impressive. Particularly when Linux is behind Windows in new hardware support. If Vista hasn't been replaced

        • 1. Everybody's heard of cheese. Haven't you ever found out about something and gone "wow, I wish I'd known about this sooner! I can't believe it's been here all this time, and I didn't know about it"? That's the point.

          2. Can you get free upgrades from XP to Vista? Howabout from Tiger to Jaguar? No? Upgrades on Linux are free, and everything is shared, not bought and then kept locked away.

          3. The Mac was running Linux too. That's why he sort of closed the screen, trying to keep Linux from seei
      • 1st ad: Linux has been a viable alternative for quite some time.

        Being an alternative doesn't really give any incentive to switch. They need to show what's better about it.

        2nd ad: Linux changes to suit the times. There's no waiting around for years for a new version.

        Constant upgrades aren't always a good thing. Major upgrades normally mean having to relearn interfaces. Updates are a different matter, and MS and Apple both provide updates quite regularly.

        3rd ad: Linux can do the things that Mac and Windows can. And can do it on any hardware.

        Again this doesn't give any incentive to switch. If it only does the things Windows and MacOS can do, why not just keep using what you have? They need to show something that the others can't do, or can't do easi

        • Constant upgrades aren't always a good thing. Major upgrades normally mean having to relearn interfaces. Updates are a different matter, and MS and Apple both provide updates quite regularly.

          Then use Debian. If you only want bug fixes, Linux is the only logical choice. Will Microsoft support Vista in 15 years? No. Will the source code for the current version of Linux be available in 15 years? Yes.

          Again this doesn't give any incentive to switch. If it only does the things Windows and MacOS can do, w

          • by T-Ranger ( 10520 )
            It is a Novell ad so:

            Then use Debian. If you only want bug fixes, Linux is the only logical choice. Will Microsoft support Vista in 15 years? No. Will the source code for the current version of Linux be available in 15 years? Yes.
            ... More to the point, will Debian answer their phone about $VERSION_NOW in 15 years? Oh, right. Well, at least Novell will answer the phone for 5 years, which is about 2 more then MSFT, and 5 more then Debian.
      • No, number 2's point was that you can get whatever additions you want FOR FREE and people will SHARE apps with you and you can do that just fine, legally (whereas most Apple & MS products you CANT).
    • by khasim ( 1285 ) <> on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:15PM (#18467405)
      Mac drives onscreen in some trendy car (bug, hybrid, whatever). Pop music.

      PC drives onscreen in a wood paneled station wagon with a bicycle the back and a pile of luggage strapped on top (with bits of shirt flapping in the breeze). Music plays, but cuts out and comes back in at the wrong speed.

      Linux drives onscreen in a jeep.

      Cut to Mac "Nice jeep".

      Cut back to Linux in a limo. "I liked it, but right now I want this."

      PC "How do you change so fast?"

      Cut to Linux on a racing cycle, "I have lots of configuration options."

      PC "I wish I did."

      Linux (now driving a semi) "One day you might."
      • by khasim ( 1285 ) <> on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:36PM (#18467497)
        A little bit tougher ...

        PC is easy. Have the Man in Black doing the routine from the regular commercials.
        MiB: "Message inbound, it says it's from Mom."
        PC: "Mom? Great! Let me read it."
        PC then switches voice and gestures (like in the "identity theft" commercials).

        Mac: "Wow, that was weird. His security guy didn't save him."

        Linux appears as cute woman in normal attire.
        Linux's clothes morph into Agent clothes from The Matrix.

        Mac: "How did you do that?"

        Linux: "External security is not sufficient. You must become the security."
        • No offense, but I don't think Apple's ad agency is exactly quivering in their boots right now.
      • by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @11:21PM (#18467925) Homepage
        Mac and PC sit outside a doctor's office wearing white robes. Linux walks by, then turns around to look.

        Mac and PC shuffle uncomfortably and look away.

        "Hi mac, Hi PC."

        "Oh, hi Linux" they mumble.

        "What are you guys doing here?"

        "Oh, I, Errrr..." they mumble for a few seconds.

        "What's wrong?"

        "Look" says Windows "I've got 97,467 viruses."

        OSX and Linux both back away from Windows. "That's terrible" says Mac "How did that happen?"

        "Years of old code, the rush to the market, some fast programming, you know. Aren't you here for the same?"

        "Symantec said I should come get checked out. They think it's just a matter of time before I'm sick as a dog. Shouldn't you get tested too, Linux."

        Linux, now seriously creeped out and edging away. "I've got thousands of people around the world checking me out and making sure I'm well built and healthy. And I'm gonna stay that way. So if you don't mind, I'll see you later."

        They watch her go. Windows lifts his head to Mac "That could have gone better."

        "Shut up."

      • by Lars T. ( 470328 )
        Linux suddenly sits in a pile of rubish - "Well, you have to look out what you are doing."
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by adamchou ( 993073 )
      Just putting a cute woman on screen is not enough.

      you haven't looked around at the slashdot crowd lately have you? sure it is.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by backdoc ( 416006 )
      Oh. C'mon. They clearly make points such as in the first commercial the mac and pc are so busy fighting over who is #1, they don't even notice Linux. And, when they do, it's very mature. Get it???

      And, in the second video, she is fashionable and gets a new look quite often while the and the pc says he will be wearing the jacket for 5 or 6 years.

      I think the commercials are both good and humorous.
    • by mdwh2 ( 535323 )
      You really need better writers. Just putting a cute woman on screen is not enough.

      And how is that any different to what Apple did - portraying PC as boring guy in a suit, Mac as hip and trendy, and then reeling off a load of assertions.
    • Why not focus on something like ... no license requirements? PC and Mac both dig into their wallets ... Linux invites all her friends along.

      See, that's why I'm not in advertising. I would have had guys in top hats and monocles paying Mac and PC for sex and then Linux doing like nine homeless guys.
    • by Nymz ( 905908 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @10:32PM (#18467751) Journal
      It's obvious that GNU/Linux is a woman.
      She's high maintenance, expects everything to be given to her for free, and no matter what goes wrong... it's your fault.

      It's funny, please don't mod me down, just be content that I'll be going straight to hell.
  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:06PM (#18467343)
    Windows: "How long have you been standing there?"

    Linux: "Um... a long time."

    As soon as I watched that part, it was obvious - the implication is that "nobody's been even noticing". I like Linux; but I think there was a big shot of unintentional self-parody right there.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      Heh... I also liked the "I'm Linux," says the hot chick, "and there are an estimated 30 millions Linux users..."

      Man... Linux really gets around...

      Just wait until Novell does one about viruses...

    • by dbcad7 ( 771464 )
      I think the implication is that PC and Mac are self absorbed in themselves and each other, and haven't noticed that Linux was there. That's the way I see it. You see it your way of course, and I am sure there are other takes on it.

      The truth is of course, that both companies are well aware of Linux. That Apple chose to name the Windows guy "PC" kind of sucks because PC's do run Linux as well as Windows... I suppose it could be intentional, to kill two birds with one stone... but who knows.. I would guess a

  • Not as good as... (Score:5, Informative)

    by computersareevil ( 244846 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:10PM (#18467361)
    Good, but not as good as the IBM commercial [] from years ago, IMHO.
    • That's a much better commercial than the Novell ones. I wish IBM would put out more commercials like this. Get the public aware of what linux is.
      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        They did put out a bunch [] of other Linux commercials. Some of them are quite good, like the first result [] (and it's 'Lee-nus' not 'Lie-nus' you insensitive clod!), but I still like the original best. Gives me chills.
      • I actually thought they were all good.

        The Mac-PC-Linux commecials were very accessible. I could hand them to many of my less savvy customers and they could get the points. They are accessible, funny, and very fun to watch.

        The IBM commercial was fascinating and compelling. But I couldn't help get the impression that Linux was entirely passive in the commercial and not that interesting.
  • Here is another one (Score:4, Informative)

    by loconet ( 415875 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:12PM (#18467373) Homepage
    Here is [] another clip wire didn't add
  • Eh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Durandal64 ( 658649 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:22PM (#18467431)
    You know, someone could make a funny parody of the "Get a Mac" commercials; it's just that no one has. It seems like all the parodies are made by geeks who are upset about the originals, not creative people who can put a funny spin on them. All the parodies are basically big rants about why geeks don't like the originals. There's no subtlety involved at all. You can't parody a 30-second spot by making a 4-minute rant about how much the source sucks. You actually have to be clever. That's what the geeks making these things don't get.

    Novell's ads aren't as bad, but really, what do they say? "Hey, Linux exists too"? So? When I'm car shopping, I know that Fiat exists too. Doesn't mean I consider it a viable option.
  • by jeevesbond ( 1066726 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:25PM (#18467453) Homepage

    All the directors of Novell sat around after the Microsoft deal. Twiddling their thumbs, wondering what to do with the cheque for $308 million they'd just recieved. 'I've got it! Let's make some satirical ads,' one of them probably suggested.

    'Then we'll all give ourselves massive bonuses, go on holiday and think up of more ways to sell Free software to Microsoft.' Another may have mentioned.

    'Ooook!' Ballmer might have remarked from a corner of the room: indicated he'd like another banana, please.

    I'm not saying it's a good or bad use of the money, but we can all see where some of it is going. My only question is: does she run GNU/Linux?

  • Novell's Linux... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Jay Maynard ( 54798 ) better looking than I am.
  • by mrmikedee ( 1077187 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:35PM (#18467489)
    If Novell was serious about being the 3rd option in the Apple v. PC debate they would hire professionals who could make decent commercials. These Novell "parodies" are just imitations of true creative genius (Apple's PR people). Make something that is original ffs.
  • Okay.... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by FooAtWFU ( 699187 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:45PM (#18467531) Homepage
    I like Linux. And I like girls. And I like girls who use Linux. (I know several, one of whom is also incidentally the most amazing person in the world, though mostly for other reasons.)

    But those ads were just, um, well, stupid.


  • by DrJimbo ( 594231 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:48PM (#18467559)
    If she turned around you would see the knife that Novell plunged into her back when they sold out to Microsoft.

  • by malevolentjelly ( 1057140 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @09:57PM (#18467597) Journal
    That was painful to watch. Open source community, either have web talent do it, or get some money together if you want decent ads.

    That was awkward. Ouch.

    All they expressed is that Linux exists, and is 'cute'.

    Mac should have revealed GNU/BSD technologies at its core by lifting up his shirt and showing a mutated semi-open-source Kuato!!

    "KILL ME..."

    Mac: Not today! Not ever! Ha-ha!
  • by TheCoelacanth ( 1069408 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @10:12PM (#18467671)
    I noticed that she never pronounces SUSE so I'm assuming that means that even Novell doesn't know how to pronounce it.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 23, 2007 @10:23PM (#18467711)
    Here's an even better Mac/PC/Linux video []. Truth hurts.
  • by Klowner ( 145731 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @10:40PM (#18467781) Homepage
    What the heck did they cut out the part where hot Novell Linux girl takes a $20 from the PC for certain favors out behind the shed?

    (frackin sellouts..)
  • by SirDrinksAlot ( 226001 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @10:41PM (#18467789) Journal
    It should be Tommy Chong (of Cheech and Chong) playing the part of Linux. Then this would be more believable.
    • by dtfinch ( 661405 ) *
      He started his own video blog on YouTube like only a week ago. Though I haven't seen any comments on Linux yet. []
    • Tommy Chong? That's...errr...interesting.

      One thought experiment of mine has been to recast the Get a Mac ads with two women, rather than two men. Who would play PC? Who would play Mac? Other markets (U.K., Japan) have done their own versions, but always with two men.

      The first that came to my mind were Candace Bergen as PC, and Paula Abdul as Mac. YMMV.


  • by dtfinch ( 661405 ) * on Friday March 23, 2007 @10:41PM (#18467791) Journal
    She's much more appealing than the Linux Guy [] we had before.
  • I tried to show this chick how much better my perl scripts and abcde were than her iTunes. She didn't get it. Come on ladies that get it, speak up.
  • Already been done (Score:4, Informative)

    by giminy ( 94188 ) on Friday March 23, 2007 @11:18PM (#18467909) Homepage Journal
    Here []
  • Now I know why you slashbots are always whacking off about it in here.

    I thought you were just a bunch of nerds the whole time, I apologize.

    Hey Linux, SHOW US YER TITS!!!! Woooo
  • My version (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ( 782137 )
    Mac: Hi, I'm a Mac.
    PC: And I'm a PC.
    Linux: (played by stereotypical nerd) Hi, I'm Linux. I don't like anyone. Go away.
    Ubuntu: And I'm Linux too.
    Mac: You're just the other Linux with a dress and some concealer. It's rather disturbing, actually.
    PC: PCs can dual boot Linux and Windows too, you know. Come, Ubuntu, let me extend an embrace to you.
    Mac: Are you going to put down the fire extinguisher first?
    PC: No. No I am not.

    With that, BSD walks in and kicks everyone in the crotch. Fin.
  • Let's"open"....and has serious dependency issues. Plus she's pretty much impossible to understand, and has a multiple personality disorder. Great. I don't think I'll ever be THAT drunk!

Too much is not enough.
