Debian Core Consortium Releases First Code 126
daria42 writes "It looks like the Debian Common Core Alliance announced a while ago is going to make good on its promises: the project has released its first code this week. The release consists of a base installation of Debian 3.1 with the Linux Standard Base and security updates attached. But the project also looks like it has attracted some criticism from within the Debian developer community - with a spoof Web site having already been set up to poke fun at the Alliance."
Spoof mirror (Score:5, Informative)
OT but Re:Spoof mirror (Score:1)
Anyway, it was my first real test of it. Pretty cool. Even if it didn't work very well.
Re:OT but Re:Spoof mirror (Score:1)
Re:Spoof mirror (Score:1)
Re:I like the debian logo (Score:2, Interesting) []
Spirals all come from Ubu Roi's dread Gidouille :
link (Score:5, Informative)
The address is [] btw.
Releasing of the Code.. (Score:3, Insightful)
It won't matter anyway to the Debian groups.
Re:Releasing of the Code.. (Score:1)
Bah... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Bah... (Score:1, Flamebait)
While I do agree with you, this is Debian. Unfortunately, Debian has the reputation of being a bunch of elitist assholes and flaming kids. Not that Gentoo's reputation is any better, but at least people just think we're a bunch of ricers and not likely to flame the hell out of anyone who asks us a question. *grin*
I really hope these kinds of attitudes can change in the future and that some developers (in all camps) can grow the hell up and start acting like adults.
Re:Bah... (Score:2)
Sometimes I wonder how amazingly better than it already is debian would be if the debian developers would spend even half the time they spend flaming each other, and anyone unlucky enough to set his foot in their mailing lists, on actually improving the software.
Conflict brings about the biggest changes. (Score:5, Interesting)
Take OpenBSD. Had it not been for Theo quarreling with the NetBSD elite, then we would not have the ultrasecure system that we have today.
And of course there's the revolutionary DragonflyBSD. If Matt had not been ostracized by the FreeBSD team, then we wouldn't have what will most likely become the premiere workstation BSD in the near future.
Then there's the whole CTSS/ITS/Multics debacle of yesteryear.
While not an operating system in itself, the whole XFree86/Xorg licensing incident has proved to be one of the greatest influences on UNIX GUI development in the past 20 years.
I believe that conflict is essential for open source projects. For if it were not for conflict, we would not have such great products as OpenBSD, DragonflyBSD, and Xorg. I, for one, support this sort of conflict. It often leads to increased productivity in the long run.
Re:Conflict brings about the biggest changes. (Score:2)
However, *childish* conflict such as this (the spoof site and whatnot) only serves to degradate one's own image, and drag their peers down the same way.
I'd see it more as a beneficial incitement. (Score:2)
Re:Conflict brings about the biggest changes. (Score:2)
The parent focused on OpenBSD. He was talking childish.
Re:Conflict brings about the biggest changes. (Score:1, Interesting)
That said, continual pissing matches/flame wars accomplish nothing. The examples given are pretty much people getting tired of the bs, and wandering off to do their own thing, not sticking around and rolling in the mud.
Aside from that, the examples you give to back up "conflict is a good thing for FOSS" is a bit daft; people broke away to work on the code
Re:Bah... (Score:1)
Re:Bah... (Score:2)
Re:Cool (Score:1)
Did Eric S. Raymond die or something? I'd heard he'd been sick. Who is going to maintain fetchmail now?
Re:Cool (Score:2)
That's REALLY funny.
Standards are a good thing (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Standards are a good thing (Score:3, Interesting)
That's why on the one side we have these DCC guys (at the moment underdogs, of course) trying to pool resources and, on the other side, the big shots (RH, Novell, Ubuntu) trying to be as different as possible.
Re:Standards are a good thing (Score:2)
I'm not saying everything's perfect, but I've had no problems. In contrast, my experience mixing packages between Mandrake, Fedora, SuSe, and RedHat has often been quite frustrating.
My $.02? My ultimate system would be a best-of-breed mixing of Debian and Gentoo. Just imagine...
# USE="mysql dbx hardened -X" apt-get install php5-cgi
* No binary pkg available wi
Re:Standards are a good thing (Score:1)
Re:Standards are a good thing (Score:2)
Someday, with the time and resources maybe I'll spearhead something *sigh*
Re:Standards are a good thing (Score:2, Insightful)
I can walk into any linux system and get stuff done, whether it's SuSE, Ubuntu, Debian, Knoppix, [insert distro here] and do regularly.
Maybe I am the minority but I certainly hope not. I've found you can glean anything you need to know from, modules.conf,
Re:Standards are a good thing (Score:2)
Re:Standards are a good thing (Score:2)
What a horrible example, as that file doesn't exist on debian based distros, which THIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT!
Ubuntu (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Ubuntu (Score:1)
Re:Ubuntu (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Ubuntu (Score:1)
Re:Ubuntu (Score:3, Insightful)
Nobody's versions match those of DCC (even Debian itself) - if all members felt that way, there would be no DCC.
DCC is a good idea, and so was United Linux, which got screwed up by a member. DCC is not facing such risks, so I think it will prosper.
In any case, DCC is targeted at people and companies sick of dicking around with distro incompatibilities and frequent version updates - a bit different from Ubuntu and Fedora.
Re:Ubuntu (Score:1)
Re:Ubuntu (Score:2)
If geeks are the new gold standard for "coolness" then there is still hope that someday reliability and functionality will be "cool" rather than keeping your machine on the bleeding edge.
Re:Ubuntu (Score:2)
And I looked at Ubuntu, but noticed that there were Ubuntu specific versions of packages. I got sick of that years ago with RedHat and Mandrake. I
Re:Ubuntu (Score:2)
If you ask me, that's a feature. They keep up with security updates, so why change what works? If you want something that's more up to date, that's what unstable is for. Hell, that's what 'unstable' means. You want to run a server that just works and doesn't change and have to be updated and reconfigured all the time? Run stable. You want the latest desktop environment updates as the appear? Run unstable. Simple really.
if it was
Re:Ubuntu (Score:1)
It is, but there was a problem where security updates and many packages were becoming overdue or late (too many supported architectures, plus the conservative policy that turned off many voluteer developers who went to Ubuntu, Gentoo and other bleeding edge distros).
It'd be good if DCC could keep Debian's good points and add some commercial backing to its maintenance and development.
Re:Ubuntu (Score:2)
I actually run my systems at 'testing'. And occasionally pull some unstable packages. Personally, Apt is why I run Debian. But Apt needs a little work. For instance, if you get Apache, you will get the Apache 1 (which is what I wanted). But if you do an 'apt-get install apache', there is no where to tell what v
Re:Ubuntu (Score:2)
Because of the client/server nature, those things aren't dependencies. If you want a working KDE/X desktop, there's a meta package that depends on the parts you need to do that. If you want to run KDE, all you need are the x librari
Re:Ubuntu (Score:2, Informative)
* Debian isn't even part of the DCC *commercial Debian* Alliance. Debian like Ubuntu aren't commercial distributions, so the DCCA isn't for them. If Debian were to join (or more likely, the DCCA join Debian), this barrier would disappear since Ubuntu tries to stay close to Debian SID as is stable.
* Ubuntu is based off of SID. DCC Alliance code is based off Sarge plus some selected backports. The only way Ubuntu could be based off of DCC Alliance code is i
Re:Ubuntu (Score:2)
I like Ubuntu cos the apps are more up to date. Currently KDE3.4 as opposed to 3.3? and Xorg as opposed to xfree86... I'm currently playing with Breezy on my testing box and it's very nice... latest Gnome 3.12 as opposed to 3.8 on Sarge...
I reserve Debian stable for my workhorse server...
Re:Ubuntu (Score:1)
Surely you mean GNOME 2.12 and 2.8, eh? :) I'd hate to think I'd missed that many releases overnight.
Re:Ubuntu (Score:2)
For instance, if Ubuntu was to be DCC-compliant, it would have to be using Gnome 2.8 instead of 2.12.
Re:Ubuntu (Score:2)
Couldn't they start with DCC and plug any Gnome they want on top of it? Or KDE/fluxbox/XFCE/whatever instead?
Re:Ubuntu (Score:3, Informative)
"Release early, release often" is a good approach for software development. Large numbers of small, frequent changes can produce rapid improvement. Debian Experimental and Unstable show how well that approach can work.
But what's good for developers is
I Love Debian Stable (Score:2)
It's good that one distro caters to the needs of people who believe in "if it a
Department of Redundancy Department? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Department of Redundancy Department? (Score:5, Informative)
From the DCC website:
What is the "DCC" of the DCC Alliance?
The DCC is not a Linux distribution; it is a "base" Debian system composed of essential programs or "packages" from Debian GNU/Linux, combined with member additions to attain LSB certification and achieve broad commercial acceptance and support.
It appears as thought this is the low level never changing set (just up from the kernel), and is similar to a bare Windows release, ie you have to add your own applications.
Re:Department of Redundancy Department? (Score:2)
So people who want to distribute a customized "LSB compliant version of Debian" should start with DCC and expand it, not start with Debian and c
Re:Department of Redundancy Department? (Score:1)
Re:Department of Redundancy Department? (Score:1)
If the DCCA wants a better standardized Debian, they should all get together and...
Fragmenting (Score:4, Insightful)
- Dont like it? Fork it! - Dont like it? Roll your own!
Problem is that it leads to a lot of confusion and fragmentation within the community that confuses the hell out of outsiders.
I think consolidation is a good thing and folks should work together more often rather then just splintering a code base.
(Note, fragmentation CAN be a good thing in the cases like Security Knoppix or RTLinux)
Re:Fragmenting (Score:1)
Typical Debian (Score:4, Funny)
"Hello world, we released an open source operating system so that all may benefit from our efforts and... Oh noes! People are modifying it to suit their needs! Evil! Strike them down!"
Re:Typical Debian (Score:1)
Re:Typical Debian (Score:2)
Before I get lambasted with troll mods and flames, I just want to note that I really have nothing against the Debian people and their excellent work. It's just a little funny how they go on the Stallmanesque defensive whenever a Debian fork makes the headlines.
why the spoof site? (Score:5, Informative)
This seems very reasonable to me. There's something I'm missing -- Why the resistance and the spoof site?
Re:why the spoof site? (Score:5, Interesting)
Except it will. It won't be a big fork. The only packages of any consequence that aren't identical to the Debian ones are X and the kernel. But it's still a fork. Denying that merely panders to the idea that forking is somehow inherently bad, rather than being an entirely natural process in free software development.
Debian trademark glass house: Debian/kFreeBSD (Score:2)
But the people I blame are the directors of the FreeBSD Foundation [] which now owns the FreeBSD trademark [] at least as far as it applies to "CD ROMs featuring an archive of computer programs which may be accessed for use archived on a CDROM." (And it appears the FreeBSD Foundation is working to expand the applicability of the FreeBSD trademark.
Re:Debian trademark glass house: Debian/kFreeBSD (Score:2)
No one forced CentOS to do anything. A letter from a lawyer isn't a legal decree. It's a start of a conversation. There was nothing preventing the CentOS people from opening a dialogue with RedHat's lawyers to work out an agreement that would satisfy both sides. The CentOS people chose not to pursue that dialogue and instead just remove al
Re:Debian trademark glass house: Debian/kFreeBSD (Score:1)
Since you need a lawyer for it, a start of a very expensive conversation.
And too often, a way for the initiator to monetarily outshout the other party before the "conversation" has even bagun.
You know, they could just pick up a phone.
Re:Debian trademark glass house: Debian/kFreeBSD (Score:2)
Re:why the spoof site? (Score:3, Funny)
No, I didn't. If I'd written that I'd look like some sort of illiterate moron. What I actually said was "choke on my fuck", and I've no regrets about doing so whatsoever.
It's Debian (Score:2)
Re:why the spoof site? (Score:2, Interesting)
The DCC Alliance FAQ claims that the official name is 'DCC', and that doesn't infringe on the 'Debian' trademark. But they also claim that 'DCC' is an abbreviation of 'Debian Common Core', so they ARE using the Debian name.
The very existence of a FAQ trying to explain away the name and trademark confusion between the Debian Project and the DCC Alliance proves that they've picked the wrong name.
The DCC Alliance claims that they aren't forking Deb
Re:why the spoof site? (Score:1)
They are backporting xorg from Etch, so it is 'not' 100% compatable. You won't be able use a Debian sources.list/mirror and get 100% of your packages, so whose mirror do you use.
Ian Murdock says this isn't a fork, I say its a salad fork, smaller one goes on the ?
disappointing (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:disappointing (Score:3, Funny)
I was expecting a "spoof site poking fun" to be, you know, funny.
Fork it! Roll your own!
Debian - great idea, bad execution... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Debian - great idea, bad execution... (Score:5, Insightful)
Apt isn't what makes debian great. The package repositoiry is what makes Debian great. Without it, apt is just a simple tool that works no magic whatsoever. For a perfect example of this, try running some of the apt-rpm ports out there. If there isn't a consistant, well maintained package archive to point apt at, you're still in dependancy hell. Too many Debian copycats don't understand this.
That is correct (Score:1)
The package repository is indeed important. I think Debian's strict packaging guidelines and quality control have made first-class repository possible.
For several months I have tried using RHEL4 system and it has been quite frustrating. APT is there and RPM is actually quite good low-level package manager. However there are no software packages! It seems like nobody wants to build packages for RHEL. Several important things are missing: Totem video player, Evince document viewer, Gtkmm devel libs, Epipha
Re:That is correct (Score:2)
That's because developers don't want to pay for RHEL in order to build packages against it. Really, can you blame them?
But you paid RedHat all that money. Tell them to get off their asses and package the software you want to use for that distribution you paid too much for.
Re:That is correct (Score:1)
That's because developers don't want to pay for RHEL in order to build packages against it. Really, can you blame them?
No. I can't.
But you paid RedHat all that money. Tell them to get off their asses and package the software you want to use for that distribution you paid too much for.
I didn't pay anything and I am really glad I didn't. I am using Scientific Linux 4.0 (a distro built using RHEL4 srpms). I installed it because I had some compiler problems with Debian Sarge and Ubuntu. Their gcc
Re:Debian - great idea, bad execution... (Score:1)
Abandon Ubuntu back for Debian on the one box I did persist with Ubuntu on - turns out something bad happened to the libraries named used in Ubuntu.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Ubuntu Live CD, and I've used it to recover several poorly PCs, but you do get the feeling it was forked from an early "unstable" in both senses version of Debian.
I'm sure the Ubuntu effort is helping push Debian to new heights, but this release every 6 months turns out software more like Microsoft's than Debia
Exactly. Throwing out features to appeal to the lowest common denominator in the name of portability is great for the those fringe architectures that hardly anyone uses, but lowers the standard for the vast majority of users (i386 etc).
What's wrong with going on a feature by feature basis?
Feature X: Supported platforms:
i386, PPC, AMD64
Unsupported platforms:
the rest
Damn Browncoats.... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:No Ubuntu? (Score:2)
Respond to my post if you have questions- I bet I have an answer for you!
Re:No Ubuntu? (Score:1)
Re:Ubuntu ubove ull (Score:2)
Re: Ubuntu ubove ull (Score:1)
I higlighted and middle pasted that list, not checking it for grammatical errors. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'll pay more attention next time. Ubuntu ubove ull.
this is (what I can make of) the critisism (Score:3, Insightful)
the spoof site at [] is pretty slow too, here is my analysis (and a copy of their 'faq':
So somebody is upset about basing the name of a separate organisation on 'Debian' and abbreviate that to a 'D'. Well wanker, I tell you something: you cannot trademark a single letter, or we'd only have about 36 possible companies.
(this seems a rip-off from the 'real' DCC faq entry. see above, no trademarks on single letters.
Aha, a somewhat real-ish bone to pick. Except that creating a patched kernel is not such a big deal. You can find several in testing, does that mean that testing has been forked with every new kernel release? As long as the new kernel is interoperable with the one it replaces you can hardly call that forking.
is DCC necesary?
Debian has grown into a big organisation, and thus also has it's share of people with 'uncommon personalities'. It is all a volunteer effort (and thus?) some people in debian react a little allergic to commerce baseed on Debian, even though the licence allows it. Commercial Debian-based distro's have a vested interest in Debian, so they seek some influence. It can be vey hard to have to argue with every maintainer whose package they have altered to get him to accept the changes(There are 1000's of developers and and at least ten times more packages in Debian). Even with proper conflict resolution it quickly becomes a nightmare, so a lot of distro makers don't feed their changes upstream/to Debian at all.
That is a problem and something that a separate repository can solve. Yes that is in effect a fork, in the same sense that Ubuntu or Knoppix is a fork (not for the silly reason above). If the Debian derived distromakers have their own repository where they can work together changing Debian to their common goals without getting bogged down in Debian rules/games, then that is just great, IMHO.
It is great for the Debian-derived-distro-makers(DDDM?), as it allows them to cooperate and improve Debian while they are at it. It is great because it avoids conflict and bottlenecks. Commercials distro's (can) have a different interest than induvidual Debain developers. With this construction no single Debain developer can obstruct a DDDM. It is great because It will concentrate all enhancements made by DDDM's into one place, so the Debian developers don't need to track all different DDDMs for changes to their packages. And most of all, it will concentrate efforts into coding and cooperating, and that is good for all.
Re:this is (what I can make of) the critisism (Score:2)
So if they want to fork Debian, why not just admit they're going to fork it and call it something that doesn't use the name "Debian"?
As I see it, the problem is that they want to fork Debian because they have different goals from Debian, but they don't want to admit it.
What is the problem with a fork then? (Score:2)
Usually forks are considered 'bad' because of the duplication of effort. This fork is good because it prevents the structure of the Debian organisation to slow the
Re:this is (what I can make of) the critisism (Score:2, Insightful)
Great, I'm going to start a new Linux distribution tomorrow. I'll call it, oh, "Microsoft Windows Inspired Operating System". Then I'll get worried about trademarks and change it to "MWI Operating System", but make it clear what "MWI" is an abbreviation for. Finally, on the