Sixth DebConf Ends in Success 112
fabbe writes "The 6th annual Debian Developers Conference (DebConf) was held in Helsinki, Finland from July 10th to July 17th 2005. With over 300 registered participants from around 40 countries, this was the largest DebConf to date. More than 20 sponsors provided DebConf with a total budget of around 125,000 euros. The conference featured talks, workshops, demonstrations, coding marathons and round table discussions on various aspects of the Debian Project. The presentations were captured by the DebConf5 Video Team and are available online at at Debian's site. "
A question that has been bothering me: (Score:1, Funny)
Re:A question that has been bothering me: (Score:3, Interesting)
Do these confrences ever end in failure?
This one [sco.com] might well do given the current climate.
Re:A question that has been bothering me: (Score:1)
Re:Success? (Score:1)
"Damn, Mr. Reaper. That was right on time. Another minute and it would have been really bad timing."
What WOULD failure be for this? They declared surrender and changed the base to Red Hat/Fedora Core? They decided that the new policy was too fast and people can't live at these speeds and we need to go back to the "when Hell freezes over" method o
Re:Success? (Score:1)
Except that when "suffer" is used as a transitive verb (which is to say, when it takes an object), it means primarily "to undergo or sustain [answers.com]." Similarly, the primary definition of the noun "success" is "The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted [answers.com]." Evidently, the Debian team was attempting to make this the largest DebConf ever.
The Utnubu Project (Score:4, Informative)
Link:i nux-Ball-Utnubu.html [joachim-breitner.de]
I think Debian can learn a lot from the rapid success of Ubuntu, and hopefully this project will help heal some of the growing rifts between the two camps.
Re:The Utnubu Project (Score:2)
Re:The Utnubu Project (Score:2)
It's "Utnubu" dammit! Ubuntu for n00bs!
Re:The Utnubu Project (Score:2)
Re:The Utnubu Project (Score:2)
10 PRINT "Balls To This Post"
20 GOTO 10
Re:The Utnubu Project (Score:1)
However, it has always been my personal credo that it's "all about goto 10 loops". And frankly, I think that applies to all facets of life, not just BASIC programming.
Re:The Utnubu Project (Score:3, Funny)
As if Ubuntu wasn't weird enough.. (Score:1)
As if telling everyone, "Here, have a copy of 'Ubuntu,'" wasn't bad enough. Now I can tell them I am also in full support of 'Utnubu' which is Ubuntu backwards. My coffee induced stutter is challenged enough. Seriously, I cringe everytime someone says, "OOB-WHAT-TOO?" as I hand them a copy.
Mark Shuttleworth gave a talk on Ubuntu (Score:1, Interesting)
The video server is still responsive; there should be a mirror or two of that video, btw.
Re:Did it help this issue ? (Score:3, Insightful)
1) 100 programmers are hired full-time to reverse-engineer drivers;
2) More than a handful of manufacturers actually open up their specs;
3) Linux freezes its ABI, which I for one am not particularly in favour of.
None of these have happened, to my knowledge. Oh, and Linux Desktop has bigger problems than drivers, but those that can plausibly be solved via hard work are rapidly being addressed.
wow...RTFA! (Score:3, Funny)
Congratulations! (Score:3, Insightful)
You just described the formula for a successful meeting!
Re:wow...RTFA! (Score:2)
I think that it's implied that it was successful because a whopping 300 people registered. I'm not saying that this criteria is either good or bad, but that's what I take from the summary + article.
oh my fucking god. (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:oh my fucking god. (Score:2)
Re:oh my fucking god. (Score:5, Insightful)
Get a grip and grow up.
For those of you that don't want to download the video: It's the opening slide for "Women in Debian and Free Open Source Sofware" by Magni Onsoien and Erin Clark (7/15/05).
Re:oh my fucking god. (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:oh my fucking god. (Score:1)
Re:oh my fucking god. (Score:2)
Re:oh my fucking god. (Score:3, Informative)
"success"? Huh? (Score:3, Funny)
Success? Could it be different; I mean, successful here means "it was not cancelled"?
Success! (Score:5, Funny)
ends in success? (Score:1)
and their consensus... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:and their consensus... (Score:1)
Lawyers for Little Debbie and several hundred thousand women named Deborah were audibly drooling.
Trekkies promised a write-in campaign saying that no one hearing the name would be in the slightest reminded of the Denebian Slime Eel reference anymore.
and our consensus? (Score:1)
Define Success (Score:3, Insightful)
Why not just say "Sixth DebConf Ends" instead of "...Ends in Success" when the additional words are meaningless?
Re:Define Success (Score:2)
Re:Define Success (Score:2)
Congratulations Debian... (Score:2, Funny)
Ah but I do jest. Huzzah for Debian, my favourite distro
I'm glad it was successful (Score:1, Troll)
oblig torrent (Score:2)
Re:oblig torrent (Score:2)
Question (Score:1)
Re:Question (Score:2)
Re:Question (Score:5, Informative)
As a member of the Debconf video team, the guy that took all of the video home to finish processing, a Debian Developer and a Free Software nut, I'm probably as well qualified as anyone to answer this question.
In a nutshell it's mpeg rather than Theora because none of the people arguing now, after the fact, that it should have been done in Theora were volunteering to help when the actual work was underway. Ffmpeg is GPL, it's in Debian main, and it has no problem encoding to mpeg-1. There are enough stupid software patents to be relatively certain that both Theora and mpeg-1 infringe on some. If there is a valid freeness issue against mepg-1, file a bug against the ffmepg package.
Mpeg-1 allows anyone on any platform to view the files with minimal fuss. The results look remarkably good at the low bitrate used and AFAIK no one is running around suing over the use of mpeg-1. For a low bitrate encoding, what exactly does Theora add?
It's even more comical that some are saying we should have used Theora while others are arguing that we should make DVD images (mpeg-2, where patents are actively enforced.) You really can't please everyone.
Still, for anyone who wants the wholesome buzzword goodness of Theora, wait until we're finished processing the videos and Theora versions will be made available.
Successful end? (Score:3, Insightful)
Sixth DebConf Ends in Success
Ok, so how exactly can a conference be unsuccessfully ended? Is this where the attendees launch a sit-in and prevent the conference from ending, or what?
It just seems like a hollow success.
"What was good about the conference you jsut attended sir?"
"Well, it ended. I'm quite thrilled by how well the organizers were able to get everyone to pack up and go - it was quite a success."
Re:Successful end? (Score:3, Funny)
Sixth? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Sixth? (Score:4, Informative)
Phew... (Score:5, Funny)
At least it wasn't like the previous five DebConf's which ended in bloodshed.
Re:Phew... (Score:2)
Sixth DebConf Ends in Success
Nope, doesn't help. For some reason, I'm still reading this headline as "Sith DebConf Ends in Success".
So now the Sith have organized, and it's no longer "one master, one apprentice." Damn. Time to get your lightsabers [parksabers.com] ready.
Questions on current Sid (Score:4, Interesting)
I am well aware that all these questions could be directed to a package manager, yet when it's broadcast to a higher level audience more attention helps overcome the inertia in place which always causes those package manager to accelerate their updates and/or be more pro-active on such concerns.
[Note: I would assume when municipalities adopt the OSS model they plan on having both wired and wireless options accessible to their employees that could only help us regular users in seeing improvements to a vitally overlooked section of networking]
Re:Questions on current Sid (Score:4, Informative)
What is the status on KDE 3.4.1 and accompanying addons becoming current with X.org currently kludging its way through Sid?[alioth hasn't updated its 3.4.1 packages since early June, long before Branden submitted X.org into Sid.]
Everybody is working on the transition from GCC 3.3 to GCC 4. A big pile of packages have still to be rebuild. During that time the X Strike Force is working on getting Xorg to compile on all architectures. Once all that is in place. KDE 3.4.1 will be uploaded, and the bug squishing on that will begin. I'm guessing a month or so before a fully working KDE 3.4.1 is in sid, give a couple of months/take a week.. ;)
In the meantime you can still use Alioth KDE 3.4.1 packages with sid and xorg (Yes, Really!). You need to delete all aspell and libjack packages from sid, and get libaspell and libjack from testing, then KDE will install without problems. And hold off on upgrading once you have something that works, unless you are prepared to sort out the dependency issues that are bound to arise
Re:Questions on current Sid (Score:4, Informative)
[alioth hasn't updated its 3.4.1 packages since early June, long before Branden submitted X.org into Sid.]
Correction: I didn't upload the X.Org X11 packages to unstable (sid). David Nusinow did. David has taken the lead on X.Org X11 responsibilities, as I have recently acquired others.
Doesn't stop me from helping out and doing commits, but I've been distancing myself from the actual package uploads over the past year or so. For example, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto handled most of the XFree86 4.3.0 uploads.
Re:Questions on current Sid (Score:2)
I've got them installed with Alioth packages, with a little tinkering it is working.
More info on Available Videos (Score:5, Informative)
no roiting or violence is good (Score:2)
Good lord. (Score:4, Informative)
Downloading Debian CD images with BitTorrent [debian.org]
Re:Good lord. (Score:1)
Re:wow, no torrents.. (Score:2)
Re:wow, no torrents.. (Score:2)
We discussed having torrents, but the host for the videos supposedly has multiple Gb to the internet and is better able to handle streaming (if the client software supports it) than torrents.
I'd be interested to know what the bandwidth usage is, but I doubt that the bandwidth is challenged unless a lot of people are downloading 150MB videos by accident. I'd expect more cherry-picking than mirroring (it's a total of 7G or so).
Feel free to set up a torrent though - this is open source, scratch-your-own
SAT-Style Analogy (Score:1)
Re:Debian?!?!?! (Score:5, Funny)
Ob "Monty Python and the Holy GPL" reference (Score:1)
Bring out your dead!
[clang] Bring out your dead!
[clang] Bring out your dead!
[clang] Bring out your dead!
[clang] Bring out your dead!
SLASHDOT: Here's one -- nine pence.
DEBIAN: I'm not dead!
SLASHDOT: Nothing -- here's your nine pence.
DEBIAN: I'm not dead!
MORTICIAN: Here -- he says he's not dead!
SLASHDOT: Yes, he is.
DEBIAN: I'm not!
MORTICIAN: He isn't.
SLASHDOT: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
DEBIAN: I'm getting better!
SLASHDOT: No, you're not -- you'll be st
Re:You are using "testing" or "unstable"? (Score:2)
Re:You are using "testing" or "unstable"? (Score:1)
Re:You are using "testing" or "unstable"? (Score:1)
If you watch the videos you'll see a nice anecodote about how one of the devs was complaining long ago before he was a DD, yet after it was suggested that he fix what he didn't like, he actually DID. Before you go about calling something a "joke," get your facts
Re:You are using "testing" or "unstable"? (Score:1)
Re:You are using "testing" or "unstable"? (Score:1)
Re:I am an end-user: Debian sucks (Score:2)