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Mandrakelinux Releases New Corporate Line 29

joestar writes "Mandrakelinux' line of products has just been updated with two new products which are dedicated to the corporate world: Mandrakelinux Corporate Server and Mandrakelinux Corporate Desktop for x86 and x86-64 architectures. According to Mandrakesoft, these products focus on reliability and security, and will be maintained for five years. In my opinion, this release really says much about new Mandrakesoft's strategy and business. Press release here."
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Mandrakelinux Releases New Corporate Line

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  • more mandrake (Score:1, Insightful)

    by broyles ( 838024 )
    Sorry but i feel the better distros are distros like gentoo and debian where the free as in beer is still there and not out to make money
    • Although Mandrakesoft's main focus has been to make Linux available to the largest number of users, the company has also acknowledged, very early, that Linux required specific adaptations to be functional in a business environment.

      "Hey you guys, with all the money? Those free Linuxes, they're no good for you. You'd better pay us to write 'Business Edition' on the box."

    • Re:more mandrake (Score:3, Interesting)

      by dchamp ( 89216 )
      There still is a Free Mandrake "Download Edition", and they promise to keep it that way. This announcement is about a version with commercial support and added features. Mandrake is a commercial company, but they're all about the Free as in Free Speech thing.
      • Too many Mandrakes. (Score:4, Interesting)

        by LazyBoy ( 128384 ) on Wednesday January 05, 2005 @12:56AM (#11261114)
        I've been a Mandrake user for several years, but they're getting too tricky for my taste. How many Mandrake lines are there now, some of which differ in download and purchase form?

        Today I discovered that my 3-CD 10.1 Official didn't have flex, bison, or rsh-server packages. They're on the 4th CD, which you can't download for free.

        Yes, there were many ways to solve this problem. But I consider these standard elements that should be on the CDs. My next upgrade will probably be to a different distro.

    • Re:more mandrake (Score:3, Insightful)

      by HolyCoitus ( 658601 )
      Those distributions might be better for your uses or better for the ideals of the community but distributions like Mandrake are great for everyone as well. Putting forth a product like this gives another option to a business thinking about buying Linux. A major company would never purchase something without support or a business backing it. The larger the user base for Linux, the more software that gets written for it. The more drivers there are. I'll never complain about a distribution, even if I thin
    • Re:more mandrake (Score:3, Insightful)

      by SunFan ( 845761 )

      As long as you are happy with MySQL/PostgreSQL, Apache, and PHP/Perl/Python/Tomcat, for example, Gentoo and Debian are very good, but these "corporate" distros are for capturing Oracle customers, BEA customers, etc.
    • Commercial failure = only community

      No really, Debian is the very first Gnu/Linux commercial failure , before Slackware , they where in such a bad shape after not even 1 year that they add to be put on life support by the FSF.

      Gentoo is also a commercial failure , it never took out once it whas a community distribution , go talk with Daniel Robbins and the 20k of debt he add over this ...

      Mandrake-Linux is a community driven distribution , unlike Gentoo and Debian there commercial entity survived even if th
  • False Advertising (Score:3, Interesting)

    by superpulpsicle ( 533373 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2005 @09:44PM (#11260118)
    I look at the redhat enterprise series, and there was 5 major updates for Redhat Advanced Server 2.1. Now if the goal was to appeal to the corporate world with a less changing and more stable version, then 5 updates in 1 year clearly contradicts that. That's not even counting Advanced Server 3.0 updates. Let's face it, Mandrake and Redhat. You need CA$H desperately.

    • Well, it is a subscription. Maybe they're afraid managers won't feel like they got their money's worth if there isn't an update every 2 1/2 months.
    • Re:False Advertising (Score:2, Informative)

      by SunFan ( 845761 )
      5 updates in 1 year clearly contradicts that.

      Even Sun provides quarterly Solaris updates and more frequent patch clusters, but they at least provide long enough support timelines that customers aren't pressured to upgrade when and where Sun says. Solaris 8 is still probably the most popular version of Solaris in use, yet it is over four years old and has seen well over a dozen updates.

  • With Sun JDS/JES, RedHat Fedora/ES, Mac OS X desktop/server, this Mandrake desktop/server, and others (Linspire/Debian, etc.), is the UNIX market reaching saturation for number of vendors, again, or is it just taking off?
    • IMHO, Mandrake is going after the market that Red Hat thinks it owns.

      6-7 years ago Mandrake went after Red Hat's desktop and small personal server market, now they're after the big iron.

      Hopefully they get it. And hopefully they don't forget about us little guys too.


The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
