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Red Hat Launches Online Red Hat Magazine 111

loconet writes "Today Red Hat published the first issue of their online Red Hat magazine, formerly known as the Under the Brim newsletter. Each issue includes Editor's Blog, Red Hat Speaks (interviews with Red Hat personalities), From the Inside (News, Whitepapers, Events), Ask Shadowman, Tips & Tricks, Fedora Status Report, Contests. This month's issue features a detailed article on Fedora Core 3."
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Red Hat Launches Online Red Hat Magazine

Comments Filter:
  • Grrr... (Score:2, Informative)

    by temojen ( 678985 )
    All the article links are Flash... preventing an "Open in New Tab". This is certainly a weird way to do rollovers on links.
    • Re:Grrr... (Score:2, Informative)

      by oexeo ( 816786 )
      You can get around this:

      1. Hold down shift
      2. Hover the link, and press Ctrl+C
      3. (Still with shift held) Press Ctrl+V+T

      You can do it pretty fast once mastered
    • Out of curiousity, what browser are you using?
      And um, what OS, I'm just curious.
    • > All the article links are Flash... preventing an "Open in New Tab". This is certainly a weird way to do rollovers on links.

      Ah, thanks for the heads up. That page was loading slow anyway. Since I don't read Flash, it's good to know that I can just close the tab and move on to other business.
  • by October_30th ( 531777 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @06:54PM (#10870222) Homepage Journal
    Does it come with a secret decoder ring?
  • Is this... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by emrysk ( 787256 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @06:54PM (#10870230)
    ...actually different from Under The Brim in content? Doesn't look like it. Any other differences?
  • Interesting! This magazine will give corporate users more confidence on Linux. There will be little new technical information in this site. However, people from companies will find it very usefull, in the same way that they find usefull the Oracle or DB2 magazines. It is just corporate support to the products that they are buying. Great!
    • Interesting! This magazine will give corporate users more confidence on Linux. There will be little new technical information in this site. However, people from companies will find it very usefull, in the same way that they find usefull the Oracle or DB2 magazines. It is just corporate support to the products that they are buying. Great!

      I hear you, but without useful little pluses, like we got in DEC User magazines, of hand-coloured Zork maps, you probably won't find one anywhere near an actual techie.


  • by daeley ( 126313 ) * on Friday November 19, 2004 @06:56PM (#10870258) Homepage
    This magazine was brim-ming with potential naming greatness, but their crown-ing achievement was "Editor's Blog" and "Tips & Tricks"?! What about Hat Tricks? Brim Shots? Bowler, I Don't Even Know Her? Buy software in the Haberdashery! The Beret-B-C's of Linux? Helmet-ropolitan Opera House?!!! (OK that last one is a stretch.)

    Kids these days....
  • by Rahga ( 13479 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @06:58PM (#10870274) Journal
    A little birdie told me that they want you to read Red Hat Magazine, but stay away from Fedora Core. It will EAT YOUR BRANE [].
    • Alot has changed since then. Regardless, Fedora is a hell of alot more open then Suse is. Suse could very well still fit that irc description, except its worse, you pay money for it. There is nothing wrong with how Suse is developed and how RH used to be developed, but people keep complaining about it. Makes no sense, people are complainging for the sake of complaining.
  • by goldstone ( 832829 ) on Friday November 19, 2004 @06:58PM (#10870276)
    This month's issue features a detailed article on Fedora Core 3 Wowee! I hope next month's issue has an article on the history of the parallel port!
  • So does this mean the print magazine Wide Open is officially dead? I got my first copy-- went to subscribe (at the redhatmagazine url) and they said they were switching to the magazine being free. I thought - 'Yeah!' and then filled out the application. Since then... silence.

    I wonder if this is taking its place and they decided to act like Wide Open never happened. (the jokes are too obvious - please don't even bother)

  • Seriously... even Times new Roman is better than that... just because X seems to have and issue with font rendering, doesn't mean you have to propegate it.
  • It's good to see they finally sped up yum, it was HORRIBLE in FC2... took 10x as long to do the same thing as apt-get upgrade.
  • Is this like an oxymoron ...Jumbo shrimp, Military Intelligence, happy windows user??
  • Heh...i like the name of the department (submit-debian-articles-just-for-fun dept) and hooray! more daily reading![eh..actually i think i might have to consitter it..i dont like red's to robust and slow...i wish i had a fast computer..] (that takes the place of MausI and II that i have yet to finish and im worried because i have a test soon!)
  • by Spoing ( 152917 ) on Saturday November 20, 2004 @01:34AM (#10872691) Homepage
    This is a good resource for people new to Linux and want to try Red Hat's flavors. It's not a guide for idiots, though, and at times it does have some handy sections. For example, the article on SElinux is good as is the one on Evolution...though after using Evolution for a few years I personally found nothing new about that.

    You won't appreciate much in this magazine if you are not curious about software, are a die hard Debian fan, or simply know quite a bit about Red Hat or Fedora Linux already.

    I've bookmarked it, will review it regularly, and will consider passing along articles or the URL to friends and associates as it is appropriate.

  • OK I haven't RTFA, but from the summary, it sounds like they're just changing the name of their old magazine.

    Take some Oregano Oil [] for your health and well-being.

The system was down for backups from 5am to 10am last Saturday.
