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Yellow Dog Linux v4.0 Released 182

worm eater writes "On September 29, Terra Soft Solutions delivered the final release of Yellow Dog Linux v4.0 to their CD manufacturer. It is currently available for download by subscribers. Yellow Dog Linux v4.0 is built upon Fedora Core 2, offering both KDE 3.3 and GNOME 2.6.0 desktops with an all new presentation for both the Installer and post-installed desktop environment. Expanded USB support includes many cameras, printers, adapters, and storage devices. FireWire support is now built-in with bootable FireWire made possible through manual configuration. Mac-On-Linux offers the ability to run Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X and now offers automatic network configuration."
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Yellow Dog Linux v4.0 Released

Comments Filter:
  • Hmmm (Score:2, Funny)

    by bgackle ( 597616 ) *
    Hmmm... Yellow dog linux, the distro for computers named after a red fruit.
  • Corelation (Score:5, Funny)

    by leonmergen ( 807379 ) * <> on Monday October 04, 2004 @04:03AM (#10426586) Homepage
    Hmmm, for some reason I have the feeling there is some sort of corelation between the naming of "Red Hat" and "Yellow Dog" ...
  • Mac on Linux (Score:2, Informative)

    by kuzb ( 724081 )
    It should be noted that Mac-on-Linux still doesn't run on i386 hardware - so if your goal is to run OS X or some other OS made for PPC, most users will be out of luck.
    • Re:Mac on Linux (Score:5, Interesting)

      by dr_labrat ( 15478 ) <> on Monday October 04, 2004 @04:23AM (#10426680) Homepage
      Unless, like me, you use PearPC, which works like a charm
      • In a universe in which "charm" is defined to be something "so slow your granny could out run it"?
        • No, but I define "works" as "works" and "like a charm" as "better than anything else thats out there".
        • PearPC works quite well, and is completely usable even on my crusty old 1.3 gig Duron with 256MB Ram.

          When i say usable, it's certainly slow but for doing stuff like checking sites in MacIE etc it's just dandy.

          One of these days I'll upgrade my machine and really open'er'up.
    • Re:Mac on Linux (Score:2, Informative)

      by fum ( 788690 )
      Mac-on-Linux on PPC is like VMWare von x86. As far as I know there's no goal to run on x86.
      • Mac-on-Linux [] is not like VMWare on x86!! VMWare emulastes an entire x86 machine, while Mac-on-Linux allows direct acess to the hardware by OS X (or some kind of PPC Linux flavor) run inside of it. This is very important because it makes Mac-on-Linux much faster (there is almost no lost of speed)..
        • OK, you correct.

          As everyone knows there are no drivers for Airport Extreme for Linux. Why can't OSX inside Mac-on-Linux access the Airport hardware? Then it would be possible to configure OSX to NAT and Linux would be online via Mac-on-Linux via WLAN.
          • Re:Mac on Linux (Score:2, Informative)

            From Mol's user's guide:

            By default, mol uses network address translation (also called masquerading) and a virtual ethernet network (tunN) to provide the client OS with network access.

            So i don't think that's possible (although it was a very good idea, maybe suggest it to mol developers..)

    • by TheRaven64 ( 641858 ) on Monday October 04, 2004 @05:49AM (#10427001) Journal
      Does anyone know of any equivalent to MOL that runs on OS X? I would like to be able to run beta releases of OS X, old versions of MacOS (for games) and various UNIX distributions (which I often need to write about) on my PowerBook without rebooting or resorting to VirtualPC (which, as of version 6, didn't boot Fedora Core 2. I don't know if version 7 does).
      • The changelog of recent Mac-On-Linux releases show that the developer is moving toward a release that will build and run on both Linux and OS X. The latest development snapshot [] compiles cleanly on 10.3, but fails to run (perhaps it's just my inexperience that prevents it from running). I've seen reports in the Mac-On-Linux mailing lists [] that other users have gotten Mac OS 9.1 to run in MOL on OS X 10.2.
        • This is indeed a cool development. I'd love to run Linux on my powerook, but without Nvidia support, I don't get suspend or any form of power management. Nor do I get wireless (dang broadcom). Being able to run yellowdog or fedora PPC inside a virtual machine would be great. Of course, there isn't much that Linux can do that OS X can't.
      • You can try and get SheepShaver [] working, but I haven't been very successful. OS X isn't supported, though.
    • Re:Mac on Linux (Score:5, Informative)

      by Quobobo ( 709437 ) on Monday October 04, 2004 @06:52AM (#10427217)
      Amusingly enough, it should also be noted that Yellow Dog Linux doesn't run on i386 machines either. So, no, I wouldn't say "most users will be out of luck" when this is a story about YDL.
  • Airport EXTREME (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 04, 2004 @04:21AM (#10426675)
    Till someone does something about the Airport Extreme problem, Linux is worthless on the new Powerbooks. (And I know it's BoardCom who isn't cooperating)
    • Re:Airport EXTREME (Score:4, Insightful)

      by nathanh ( 1214 ) on Monday October 04, 2004 @05:17AM (#10426889) Homepage
      Till someone does something about the Airport Extreme problem, Linux is worthless on the new Powerbooks.

      It's not worthless. I'm running Linux on a new PowerBook and although it's annoying that the wireless doesn't work, I can remember 5 years ago I didn't even have the option of wireless and computers weren't worthless back then. I can live with the loss in functionality until a driver is written.

      You always have the option of a USB or PCMCIA wireless dongle.

    • Has anyone tried using the driverloader package to get aorund this? I had a similar problem with the Broadcom wireless in my Dell (work) laptop. It costs like $14 after the demo period is over, but allows you to use the windows drivers for your wireless card and gives you at least basic functionality. In my book basic wireless functionality beats none, especially for such a cheap price (beats buying a PCMCIA card). Just a thought.
    • Re:Airport EXTREME (Score:3, Interesting)

      by JanneM ( 7445 )
      I've been in the market for a new laptop just now, and I looked long and hard at the PowerBook 12", but in the end, the lack of wireless support made me go elsewhere (a Panasonic "Let's Note" in fact).

      It's a shame; the hardware is quite nice, otherwise.

  • Preemptive posting (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 04, 2004 @04:25AM (#10426689)
    First of all, it's nice that there are now a lot of distributions catering to different needs from which to choose from.

    There's mandrake (yes mandrake ppc is still active), yellow dog, ubuntu, crux, debian, gentoo.

    And to all those complaining about linux on ppc:
    1. Nobody forces you to use it.
    2. Believe it or not, but some people don't think OSX is their favorite OS.
    3. Linux offers way more choice then OSX.
    4. There are other ppc computers then just Apples.
    5. It may not be a weired idea to use linux on a server and there are servers with ppc.
    • There's mandrake (yes mandrake ppc is still active),

      For the definiton of active that means "hasn't had a release in a year and a half"? This [] fixes that latest major release at 11 April 03.

  • java 1.4.2 for PPC (Score:5, Informative)

    by zdburke ( 304337 ) on Monday October 04, 2004 @06:41AM (#10427178) Homepage
    YDL 3 and 4 didn't ship with a usable Java distribution, but IBM offers a great 1.4.2 version one here: [].
  • This is going to start another of those "But why leave the beautiful Mac OS X for Linux" flame wars, isn't it?

    Thank God that is, I just happened to have tons of fresh pop corn near by, and nothing interest to watch. This will do nicely.
    • Yup, just like those "But why leave the beautiful Windows XP for Linux" every time a new gentoo release comes out. I guess it's just something we'll just have to deal with.
  • Comment removed (Score:3, Informative)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday October 04, 2004 @06:56AM (#10427237)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Geez. It's not like every little trivial utility that's free on the PC costs money for the Mac (although I admit that since Unix has taken over, this has gotten better), but there's no free download of a Linux distribution for it, either?

    (Insert rant about people needing to support Mac developers because the market is so tiny in the space below.)


  • 64 bits ? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by fib2004 ( 753099 )

    I got through the YDL website and just found out that : Yellow Dog Linux v4.0 offers 32-bit support for USB-G3s, G4s, G5 Power Macs. If I decided to buy a G5, I would expect it to work in 64-bit mode, not just in 32-bit mode. Some kind of strange since the G5 64-bit instruction set seems to be working with Linux. I found at IBM DevelopperWorks [] how to set up a 64-bit mode (Y-HPC Kernel), but it still seems to be beta...

    • Re:64 bits ? (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Afaik yellowdog is planing to come out with a fully 64-bit distro in the near future. If you want a 64-bit Linux on your G5 right here right now you should look into gentoo. (Maybe there are also other options, but I know that gentoo offers a full 64-bit linux)
  • (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 04, 2004 @07:09AM (#10427278)
    I have started to create a forum for yellowdog users. Right now it is simply a forum, but there will be future expansion. I would like to invite novice and experienced linux users to join.
  • So... where is it?
  • by TheHonestTruth ( 759975 ) on Monday October 04, 2004 @07:40AM (#10427509) Journal
    I have a G3 700MHz iBook currently running panther and getting a little long in the tooth.

    A) What performance increases am I likely to see running YDL (real numbers, not "OMFG it is liek teh fastest")?

    B) Never having used Mac-on-Linux, would I really be able to squeeze YDL and MOL onto my measely 20 Gig drive? I currently only have a couple gigs left, but that is mainly due to installing fink and darwinports to get linux functionality. What is the performance of MOL? Better than VPC performance I would hope (since there is no endian conversion).

    I'm just a little leary of wiping my iBook, which is my primary machine, to install YDL if I'm not going to see a significant performance gain and cannot reasonably run my Mac apps when I need to.


    • A) What performance increases am I likely to see running YDL (real numbers, not "OMFG it is liek teh fastest")?

      I have real numbers for you:
      These were done on a Dual G4 1.25ghz. Panther (10.3.3) versus YDL 3.0 (which uses linux kernel 2.4.22f)

      UNIXBENCH (Bigger is better)
      YDL: 316.4
      OSX: 131.0

      LMBENCH Process Creation (smaller is better)
      FORK: YDL: 352 OSX: 1402
      EXECL: YDL: 997 OSX: 3106
      SH: YDL: 3058 OSX: 6443

      LMBENCH Latency (smaller is better)
      PIPE: YDL: 18 OSX: 30
      TCP: YDL: 46 OSX: 76
    • I'd like to second this question. Currently I own a handfull of Linux boxes and a 900mz G3 iBook (640mb ram, 40gb hard drive, airport (not extreme)). My job requires me to do quite a bit of Photoshop, as well as running a few 3D applications. The primary 3D application I use is avilable on Linux, but Photoshop simply won't perform acceptably under Wine, since I can't seem to get my Wacom tablet to work properly (tried the Linux Wacom project several times, not sure if it's a problem with their drivers or

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