Stallman vs Ken Brown 304
An anonymous reader writes "Richard Stallman has become the latest person to speak-out about Ken Brown's "independent" study of Linux, which accuses it of being a Minix/Unix rip-off. Stallman says Brown deliberately confused the Linux kernel vs the GNU project, although I suspect Brown simply didn't know enough to be able to differentiate between the two."
what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:5, Interesting)
I believe that Brown is probably far more knowledgeable about the differentiation between the kernel and the GNU project but for the masses it is certainly not something that most people know or care to know.
Perhaps Stallman doesn't realize that it isn't a single person making the confusion it's everyone. The whole GNU/Linux bullshit doesn't help a bit either. Anyone not in the know is going to say, hmm, GNU/Linux, all one thing.
It was certainly FUD but what MS funded "study" isn't?
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:5, Insightful)
And about MS funding "studies": the ones that aren't FUD are the ones that we never hear about. I will bet my reputation as an AC that Microsoft has paid independent researchers to conduct a test, and thrown out the results when they didn't get what they wanted. It's not a conspiracy, it's just forum-shopping. In the spirit of bad Slashdot analogies, it's like getting a second opinion from a different doctor.
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:5, Insightful)
RMS insists that GNU/Linux be used when talking about Linux in general (not just the kernel). People are just starting to see Linux and they see the GNU in front. They will immediately believe they are one in the same. Remember... Most people are under the MS-influence. "Microsoft Windows" is what they know and understand. They are likely going to extrapolate that to "GNU Linux".
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:4, Insightful)
It's not a conspiracy, it's just forum-shopping.
It is deceptive. Essentially, they want it to appear to be a scholarly work because of the credibility they believe that will lend to the report. It is a deceptive advertising practice since it does not meet the standards of a scholarly work. A good clue is that the people interviewed seem to feel misrepresented.
Well, duh. (Score:2)
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:3, Insightful)
Kidding aside, this seems to be his only topic of conversation now. He's the legless veteran on the front porch, bemoaning the fates of battles fought long ago, and not budging or even listening to the greater conversation. He is just as divisive as the GNU/
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:2)
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:5, Insightful)
At the end of six months Linus had a functional kernel. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing even really that great compared to other existing kernels. It was from the support of other developers that it was able to become better.
I am not trying to downplay what Linus did because not everyone could do it. Just saying there were other kernels out there including bsd. Without the contributions of other developers I don't think the linux kernel would be where it is today. Now with others contributing to it, it does make sense to keep a good log of where the code comes from. A little bit of hassle to prevent bigger hassles down the line.
To say he must have copied the code is a bit unfair. The best way to describe it is the way other scientific projects grow. Bill Joy said in an interview "At Berkeley, we had the model that software is the result of your research. The university tradition is that when you do research, you publish. ...... But the fundamental principle in my mind is that people get to see the results of other people's work in a way that they can stand on shoulders rather than on toes."
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:2)
I'd take my hat off to the man if I was wearing one.
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:5, Insightful)
You got it wrong. Stallman very much realizes that most people get it wrong. And that's all the more reason to correct them.
Also, keep in mind that a lot of users are unaware of the GNU Project's involvement. He's trying to reach them also.
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:2)
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:what MS funded "study" about Linux isn't FUD? (Score:4, Insightful)
The blanket use of "Linux" is causing more and more problems. People using Mac OS X, who then switch to a linux distro, say "wow, this is all the same, OS X is sort of just another linux distro!" No, what they're familiar with is GNU, not Linux. Then there's this, and many many other mainstream articles that assume Linus wrote everything that comes in a distro, when in fact the vast majority of user-visible stuff -- the part of the OS that matters to a reviewer -- is GNU. You can throw in another POSIX kernel and, as far as an end-user can tell, the OS is exactly the same.
The confusion gets worse and worse. It really is important to differentiate GNU userland from Linux the kernel, and that's all that RMS is trying to get us to do.
Typical Stallman (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Typical Stallman (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Typical Stallman (Score:3, Insightful)
Brown wouldn't be able to. But that's hardly the same as no one can.
It's been done before and will most likely be done again. It's not that big a deal. I've written an OS (not Unix, early OS/360) and I'm nowhere near the league of these big guns.
Re:Typical Stallman (Score:5, Funny)
Well, there goes YOUR credibility, since as Ken Brown has taught us, NO ONE could possibly write an OS by himself!
Unbelievable (Score:5, Insightful)
Typical Slashdot reaction to a post about Stallman without understanding a single thing the man says.
Re:Unbelievable (Score:4, Insightful)
I frequently disagree with what Stallman says, but I don't have a fraction of his dedication, either. So I usually keep my mouth shut.
And another thing... (Score:5, Funny)
Is Ken Brown pregnant with Linus' love child?
*Dun Dun Dun*
How does it end? Tune in next week!
Re:And another thing... (Score:3, Funny)
And for those soap opera die-hards who missed this weeks episode: No need to fret as
You ruined it! (Score:2, Funny)
Wise man say... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Wise man say... (Score:4, Interesting)
Ah, yes: Hanlon's Razor [catb.org]
Re:Wise man say... (Score:5, Funny)
Yes, but Bruce's razor also applies:
Don't attribute to incompetence what can be explained by Microsoft funding.
Just publish the report already! (Score:5, Insightful)
Mr. Brown is up for the ride of his life (probably the last one as I can't imagine anyone taking him seriously after his paper gets out).
Stop being afraid of reviews and books - the truth will let itself be seen...
(sorry for the karma whoring - this just drives me nuts!)
Re:Just publish the report already! (Score:5, Interesting)
Mr. Brown is up for the ride of his life (probably the last one as I can't imagine anyone taking him seriously after his paper gets out)
What are the odds that the paper will in fact be published? Couldn't this whole exercise just be a means of stirring up the pot? I can easily imagine a quiet statement along the lines of "the article was not published due to $RANDOM_REASON" coming out in the near future. But the FUD and talk remain fresh in the minds of the public.
(wraps tin-foil tighter)
Re:Just publish the report already! (Score:2, Insightful)
It's at public forums like Slashdot where the truth is revealed, in reaction to the anger and other emotions people exhibit when encountering information that starkly contrasts what they believe.
Remember when Microsoft used stock photos for the "I used to be a Mac fan, but I'm better now" ads? It was a Slashdot reader, using Slashdot forums, that pointed out that the photo they used was stock.
Delayed for "rewrite". (Score:4, Insightful)
It's being "rewritten", apparently. Was mentioned in an article a couple of days ago. Allegedly to add in Browns answer to the criticism he's recieved, and the news of Linus wanting more source history control in his tree.
My guess is that it will lose all the debunked bullshit and instead consist of "Look, Linus Torvalds want better source history control in the Linux OS (confusing the kernel with the OS, again), therefore we were right all along no matter what we said! Based on this we draw the conclusion that so there! Greetz to Team McBride and Billy The Goatsex"
Beta reports? (Score:3, Insightful)
Don't help them beta test their FUD please.
RMS says "I told you so!" (Score:3, Interesting)
This is a surprise? Hell, most of the people who work with FOSS on a daily basis can't agree on whether to use "GNU/Linux" or just "Linux" and whether that means an entire distro or just the kernel. What possible hope has a shill-for-hire layperson who can't be bothered to do research like Ken Brown got?
Re:RMS says "I told you so!" (Score:3, Insightful)
Linux is not an OS! It's a kernel. Red Hat is an OS, and so is Debian, and neither Debian nor Red Hat is fragmented. Sure, they're different, but then a 747 is not the same as an A300 and you don't hear anyone complain about that either. As long as you can switch reasonably easily from one Red Hat version to another, there is no
Re:RMS says "I told you so!" (Score:3, Insightful)
What I'd say is slightly different -
Linux is the kernel
GNU is the operating system itself
RedHat is the group that got it together to produce a product of GNU and Linux.
Therefore saying 'RedHat' is fine, unless RedHat makes a non-GNU or non-Linux product. It describes the collection of GNU and Linux that the RedHat company makes.
Debian produces a similar product, they use different parts in their final product, so it's 'Debian'
So Debian is Debian, RedHat is
Re:RMS says "I told you so!" (Score:3, Informative)
Honestly, the thing is, the poster is demonstrably wrong on that. Brown had spent quite a bit of time on several mailing lists, not to mention interviewing Stallman himself, and this distinction was explained to him slowly, clearly, and repeatedly. So he does know the difference, he just pretends not to because that's convenient for his FUD.
Will Brown Do The Right Thing? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Will Brown Do The Right Thing? (Score:3, Insightful)
The point of the report is not to be correct, but to give MS (and others) something to point to and say "See? That there Linux thing is EEEEEVUL!"
Re:Will Brown Do The Right Thing? (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm sure you're right, but the problem is that he's holding off publishing so that he can respond to the critics. But he CAN'T respond to the critics! So what's he going to do?
Is the money from Microsoft really worth destroying his reputation?
Re:Will Brown Do The Right Thing? (Score:3, Insightful)
(Looks at cheque. Looks at any estimate of the current value of his reputation, after all the detailed postings about his complete incompetency)
Yes, absolutely. If everyone is going to think you're an idiot, you might as well look like a rich one.
Re:Will Brown Do The Right Thing? (Score:3, Interesting)
Unless you believe Ken Brown and the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution as a whole have a reputation as anything other than Libellous FUDmongers For Rent?
Pre-Release Copy (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Pre-Release Copy (Score:4, Insightful)
Price is determined by the market. Value is not. Perhaps the most valuable thing on the planet is air -- without it you are dead in 5 minutes. But air is free.
This particular lesson was taught to me by an SOB of a VP, but a shrewd businessman.
As flattering a photo of RMS as there'll ever be (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:As flattering a photo of RMS as there'll ever b (Score:2)
Re:As flattering a photo of RMS as there'll ever b (Score:2, Informative)
He definitely cleans up better than I thought.
Re:As flattering a photo of RMS as there'll ever b (Score:2)
Re:As flattering a photo of RMS as there'll ever b (Score:2)
Re:As flattering a photo of RMS as there'll ever b (Score:2)
Samizdat? (Score:5, Interesting)
Yeah, because doing something for the betterment of society without wanting to get rich off of it is just un-American...
Re:Samizdat? (Score:5, Informative)
get lost, ignoramus.
samizdat means 'selfpublishing', having nothing to do with communism. It was 'invented' in a communist country, but it's as well employed everywhere where an author can't get published.
Re:Samizdat? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Samizdat? (Score:2)
No, he just likes the way it looks like "Same-as-that". Hee, hee, get it?
Re:Samizdat? (Score:5, Insightful)
It's especially humorous (in a sad way) as one of Alexis de Tocqueville's (the French author, not the intitution) main, favorable points about the US was the rich fabric of volunteerism, community spirit, and neighbourliness.
Re:Samizdat? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Samizdat? (it's pretty true) (Score:2)
Umm, Generally I would say that statement is closer to true than false.
Re:Samizdat? (Score:2)
Root Mean Square (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Root Mean Square (Score:2)
Well, I think of OpenVMS Record Management Services [hp.com] which, as I hope you all know, is what you use to access files in VMS.
Horrible confusion (Score:4, Funny)
To avoid horrible confusion perhaps we should call him GNU/RMS.
Ken will make loads of cash (Score:3, Insightful)
I hope the mainstream media's reviewers of this book are decent enough to mention that EVEN THE AUTHOR OF MINIX disagrees completely that Linux is a ripoff of Minix.
*Sigh* but he'll make money anyway. Sucks that you can proclaim a big lie and make mad cash from it.
Re:Ken will make loads of cash (Score:5, Interesting)
I doubt it. It's being published through Booksurge.com, a vanity publisher.
Defamation. Libel? (Score:2)
Problem is, that so much crap like this floats around, Linus et al are probably just used to ignoring it. Sometimes though I wish they'd step up and show that not all actions are without consequence.
Open source accountabilit (Score:5, Insightful)
"Torvalds' recent announcement that, in the future, Linux kernel contributors will have to certify the origins of their code before it can become part of the kernel."
Why do open source projects have to prove this for each piece of code? Proprietary projects dont have to do this right? But open source projects always have the code available for the world to check over.
Surely Linus should just accept any code and leave it up to any companys who own and IP it may infringe on to chase it up? Thats why we have patents, copyright etc right?
I cant believe that the SCO lawsuit and MS FUD has lead to this... extra work for Linus.... he should be left to concentrate on producing kernel code not dealing IP issues.
Fine, MS can continue to charge as much as they like for their OS, but from now on it should include the source code so we can check the codes "origins".
Re:Open source accountabilit (Score:2, Insightful)
"Torvalds' recent announcement that, in the future, Linux kernel contributors will have to certify the origins of their code before it can become part of the kernel."
This stood out to me too. Anyone else think that Brown is going to use this piece of information to say that Linus knew the process was flawed before, and that he needed to do this to clean it up? He didn't do it before Brown announced his book, so it must be direct result of that. So Linux was
Re:Open source accountabilit (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Open source accountabilit (Score:3, Insightful)
"...Linux kernel contributors will have to certify the origins of their code before it can become part of the kernel."
Why? [...] Proprietary projects dont have to do this right?
Are you kidding me? Of course they have to. What matters is the license of the original code, not the project it's being copied into. If the license of the original code allows it, it's fine. If not, then you can't copy it, whether you're working on an open source project or not.
But open source projects always have the c
Re:Open source accountabilit (Score:2, Interesting)
But if Im a Microsoft OS coder and I contribute some code to the NT Kernel no one will know if I stole it from somewhere. Microsoft doesn't verify each of its coders contributions yeah?
Re:Open source accountabilit (Score:2, Insightful)
Believe my I worked some years in software development for a variety of midsize firms. In all of them we occasionally stole code from here and there. Sometimes from competitors, where some renegade brought a copy of the repository, sometimes example code without actually having a license, or we even integrated GNU-code, nobody ever discovered, how should they ever notice?
The urge is just so
Re:Open source accountabilit (Score:2, Informative)
The code monkey is going to copy any code they have access to in order to get their job done.
I can guarantee you that plagarisim in commercial code is hundreds or thousands of times higher than in open-source. For the simple reason that it is hidden.
I'm posting anonymously because I have done it too, at two different companies, with code from an earlier employer. I have also written oss and I did NOT plagarize that
Re:Open source accountabilit (Score:4, Insightful)
I've been doing this stuff for 10 years, and I've never had to demonstrate that I didn't steal the code from some unlicensed place.
There isn't someone in our legal department who occasionally comes along and insists I check my algorithms for IP infringement or anything like that.
While it's harder to detect in closed source, I'd be awful surprised if software houses routinely audited their own code to make sure they know where it comes from.
Quite frankly, I don't see how it is any different for OSS stuff -- more transparency is all you really get.
As far as your asertion that closed source shops need to (or do) know the original attribution of all lines of code
Re:Open source accountabilit (Score:3, Interesting)
I think you're missing his point. Microsoft, for example, doesn't require that each and every programmer certify that they haven't illegally copied anything every time they want to check something in.
You're right. In that sense, I don't think anybody else does this... Both open-source and proprietary projects. I was thinking of legal obligations.
However, in a proprietary project, you're presumably working for a company, and they are paying you to write code for them. If you steal code, the company
The whole point was to "clone" unix (Score:3, Informative)
That was also the point behind the development of Minix as well.
Bear in mind that at the time Unix licenses cost many thousands of dollars.
Re:The whole point was to "clone" unix (Score:2)
Tannenbaum wrote Minix so that his students (and Apprentice-Hall customers) could have an affordable Unix like operating system they could learn from.
Big difference.
Consistent (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Consistent (Score:3, Insightful)
Did he not say before that the Linux generalization term will confuse and will be used by the proprietary companies to muddy their not so just arguments against the GNU/Linux OS?
Did he not say before that patents are an Evil Thing(tm)?
Did he not forsee the abuse the BSD license will get from uncrupulous coporate entities, producing the GPL?
Tell me, mister wise guy, where RMS has said something wrong about wh
Re:Consistent (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
stop with the "me too" posts (Score:2, Insightful)
I don't care if the Pope speaks out about this book -- we've beaten this dead horse enough.
Boggles The Mind (Score:5, Insightful)
The thing that boggles my mind about all of this is that it seems like Brown thinks or wants to convince others that Linux ``magically'' appeared in a robust form.
I started using Linux in December 1991 with version 0.11. Stable and mature aren't quite the words I would use for that version, especially when you consider that I had to reinstall it about twice a day and it didn't even have login or a proper shutdown command.
Re:Boggles The Mind (Score:2)
I seem to recall it taking me nearly three weeks of downloading, RTFMing, asking questions and other such things before I could get it installed. And then it was only moderately useful at that point.
My next foray into Linux wasnt until the Red Hat 5.x group (5.2 being my first return to Linux). That was only marginally better, but at least it had the benefit of a decent
Re:Boggles The Mind (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm sorry but Ken Brown is a dirtbag.
Re:Boggles The Mind (Score:3, Insightful)
I wonder if Ken Brown actually stopped to consider what the original purpose of Minix was?
How can you accuse someone of using a teaching tool to understand the principles, and then using those principles in their own work, of 'stealing ideas'?
You might as well accuse everyone who ever went to school or university of stealing the ideas from their teachers or professors.
I think I will write a paper ex
Irrelevant tripe... (Score:4, Insightful)
So why does it matter?
Why should we even bother reading such FUD if we already know the author doesn't posses the capability to make a reasoned argument? And whose fault is it if we get mad at what they say?
It is pieces like this which say far more about Microsoft than they do about Linux. This is as bad as people criticizing Microsoft carte-blanche with no rationale whatsoever.
I suppose these articles are useful as flame-fodder, but they do very little toward actually providing enlightment concerning the issues facing both Windows and Linux.
Interesting new followup on Tanenbaum's page (Score:5, Interesting)
stuff here [cs.vu.nl]
Re:Interesting new followup on Tanenbaum's page (Score:4, Funny)
Must we dupe things ourselves when slashdot's editors forget to do so?
When I first saw this title... (Score:4, Funny)
Creative Perspective (Score:2, Interesting)
Another software writer's perspective o
Confusion (Score:2, Interesting)
What I truly wish: (Score:5, Interesting)
I pray for this, in all honesty.
Ken Brown is an Intellectual Property Pirate! (Score:5, Insightful)
Want proof? In the entire review copy there isn't A SINGLE WORD that hasn't been used by other writers, sometimes writing on the VERY SAME TOPICS that Ken Brown writes on.
By the way, I'm trying to be "Insightful" more than "Funny"....
Astroturf de Tocqueville Institute (Score:5, Informative)
The Clinton plan included an increase in taxes on cigarettes from 24c per pack to 99c. Understandably, PM was not in favour of this, so a Philip Morris executive suggested an astroturf campaign [unsw.edu.au], writing to one of his people:
If you want some astroturfing done, who you gonna call? The Alexis de Tocqueville Institute [unsw.edu.au]: And here is their proposal [unsw.edu.au]: And over the next two months ADTI ran a PR campaign against the Clinton plan. For the benefit of PM they documented all their activities. All the details are here [unsw.edu.au].Poorly written article (Score:5, Funny)
Lisa Stapleton should consider a night course or two if she continues to write professionally.
"He couldn't have done this work..." (Score:3, Insightful)
I once wrote a paper in a College English course that my professor put on the rounds with the other department teachers, as an example of some outstanding work by his students. Several of the professors leveled accusations of plagiarism against me, due to my 'inexperience' I could not have possibly created such work.
These people did not take into account that I was 28 years old at the time (I am 40 now), had been writing my whole life in and out of structured courses, and had ample time to develop my own abilities for critical thinking and composition. I ended up having to persuade them I did not plagiarise the work.
It is interesting to me that in a professional setting no one's word has weight unless 'Doctor' precedes their name, and the burden of proof does not lay with the accusers.
Re:"He couldn't have done this work..." (Score:3, Insightful)
People who teach at universities are well aquainted with the phenomenon of the student who has plagiarized, but whose plagiarism cannot be conclusively demonstrated. In those cases, the faculty are forced to grade the work as though they didn't know that the student who wrote it was a plagiarist. We grit our teeth and give the grade t
Re:Ironic Though.... (Score:2, Interesting)
[rationalization]This is a little off-topic, but if you consider the article in question to be Microsoft-generated FUD intended specifically to emasculate Linux, then it ties in a little better.[/rationalization]
I noticed yesterday that one of the articles was on a page with a Microsoft ad that said more people were using Windows Server than Apache, and I've also seen one
Re:More RMS Babble (Score:2, Informative)
It is: http://slashdot.org/articles/99/12/04/2319209.sht m l.
Frankly GNU has fallen from the Open Souce limelight. Open Office, Mozilla, Linux, and The Gimp have all taken the spotlight away from GNU. Why? Because they are useful.
GNU hasn't ever been a part of Open Source because it belongs to the Free Software Movement which is other completely differenct movement with different goals than the OS movement. Their g
Re:More RMS Babble (Score:3, Insightful)
Frankly I find RMS saying that selling clo
Selling isn't unethical (Score:3, Insightful)
No one prohibits you from modifying a car you buy because you own the car. But with proprietary software you're not allowed to modify it when you buy it, because you don't own it.
It's like buying a car but only being able to drive it if you rent software from the car dealer so you can start it up. That would be silly, and yet before the FSF we could only run computer hardware by renting the sof