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96 Hours Of Open Source Talks In Bangalore 171

nileshch writes "The ongoing community-driven Linux Bangalore 2003 is upto a record of sorts. There are, hold your breath, 96 scheduled talks. That's about 96 hours of open-source talk in three days! The first day with 30 talks is already over with star speakers like Nat Friedman, Miguel De Icaza and Sirtaj Singh Kang enthralling the audience with their refreshing perspectives on Linux and Open Source. Rasmus Lerdorf and Jeremy Zawodny of Yahoo! Inc, amongst others, are also scheduled to talk at the event."
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96 Hours Of Open Source Talks In Bangalore

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  • You don't really see Bangalore as being the Capital of Open Source, I would have thought a more appropriate place would be Finland.
  • by wrinkledshirt ( 228541 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2003 @04:14AM (#7616504) Homepage
    96 Hours Of Open Source Talks In Bangalore! 96 Hours Of Open Source Talks...!

    Take a poster of Darl down, kick it around...

    95 Hours of Open Source Talks in Bangalore!
  • by dankdirk77 ( 690855 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2003 @04:23AM (#7616553)
    I hear whining from people all the time about jobs going to India, but news like this I hope can make at least the real slashdot crowd aware of the good going on there.

    India is a natural ally of the united states because it is one of the few stable democracies in the region. The people are diverse, smart, conservative, and could potentially join us with japan as the new rulers of the world.

    May open source flourish in that country!!!

    • by Copley ( 726927 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2003 @04:35AM (#7616581)
      Agreed... Everytime the topics of Indian software / service centres / whatever come up (and it's more and more often these days), comments appear which seem to imply that the products supplied will inherently be 2nd rate... Does anyone have any evidence to base this on?! Just because products is not coming from the good ol' US of A doesn't necessarily mean it's crap!
      • by PurpleWizard ( 643191 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2003 @06:48AM (#7616897)
        My experience in the Power Industry (high voltage power transmission and related electric infrastructure stuff) is that the engineers are superb.Individual work at least as good as the UK staff I worked with.

        What was lacking was good procedures and best practice working methods, along with overall project management. Once those started to be in place the products started to be as good too.

        To put it in context look around you and grade the dedication and motivation of yourself and your coworkers. If it is less than 9/10 you will rapidly be at risk from over seas. They are as clever, they are as well educated (maybe better because of the dedication) and they are much more motivated and dedicated.

      • This is nothing unusual:

        When inexpensive Japanese elecronics started flooding the market they were considered cheap and unreliable. How about the preception now ? Similarly for goods from Taiwan, Korea, China, ... Probably something similar is happening in the case of India.
    • ...and could potentially join us with japan as the new rulers of the world.

      This is the most arrogant thing I've ever heard an American say, and I've watched Bush's speeches. Has it occured to anyone in this god damn country that the rest of the world is getting fed up with us assuming that we are at the top of the food chain from now until eternity?
    • apart from the obvious question of what makes being conservative a good thing (or do you think that burning brides for their dowries is just a quaint ethnic folkway?), India has elected Communist state governments in the past. One of my most eye-opening experiences, in fact, was being taken round Mumbai by a Communist councillor and getting a first hand view on the difference between US lunatic fringe communism, Russo/chinese dictatorship communism, and genuinely elected communism...

      Just because a section o

      • The vast majority of India is not Muslim, and given that they get their fair share of Muslims blowing themselves up in public places, I doubt the EU's "Muslim friendliness" will account for much in their decision of who to align with.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    > Sirtaj Singh Kang: From hell's heart, I code at thee

  • You forgot ... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by skjaidev ( 546202 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2003 @05:24AM (#7616711) Homepage
    Micro [] soft [] ;-)
    • In a way, it was to be expected. considering that MS' IndDev Center at Hyderabad is into development of Services for Unix (SFU).

      It'll be interesting, though, to see, say, Steve Ballmer's reaction to the title of the guy's talk. (I'm talking about the first link, obviously)

  • by Space cowboy ( 13680 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2003 @05:40AM (#7616746) Journal
    Is there (or will there be, once it's finished) an online transcript of any of these 96 speeches ? Not necessarily for free (though free would be good :-))

  • they fit 96 hours in THREE days (72 hours)?
    • by cioxx ( 456323 ) on Wednesday December 03, 2003 @06:09AM (#7616815) Homepage they fit 96 hours in THREE days (72 hours)?

      With the help of the new LZW time compression algorithm. Why else do you think companies outsource to Bangalore?
      • Re:How the hell... (Score:1, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward
        Actually, they use multiprocessing:

      • I have to inform you of my outrage on the LZW time compression algorithm! It was awarded a patent, but it's clearly a word-for-word copy of the General Theory of Relativity, especially the part about time dilation at high speeds!

        Obviously, the USPTO doesn't care about prior art. Even when the author of the prior art was a patent clerk himself!
      • Which decade are you in? Forgot multiprocessing? ;-)
      • "With the help of the new LZW time compression algorithm. Why else do you think companies outsource to Bangalore?"

        Because they don't hate Unisys [] there yet? Or is it because they call 26 year old [] things new?

        I have some new farting technology for sale, too. It stinks better than the farts you know, and it's patent pending!
    • The same way your local radio stations manage to have a "90% music hour" with 20 minutes of commercials - by overlapping the talks.
    • Re:How the hell... (Score:3, Informative)

      by gavri ( 663286 )
      If you had RTFA, you'd see that those are talks taking place simultaneously in different halls.

      Tough luck if both your fav speakers are on at the same time
    • They accelerated India up to relativistic speed :).
  • by cyberjessy ( 444290 ) <> on Wednesday December 03, 2003 @06:52AM (#7616907) Homepage
    I have just come back from Linux Bangalore 2003. One of the most striking things I noticed is that there is hardly any "hardline linux advocacy" at the venue. It focuses well on how linux would fit into today's computing environment, including interoperating with Microsoft Windows.

    It is evident from the fact that Mono is given great prominence. Miguel De Icaza is speaking today as well as on friday. A top official from Microsoft (YES Microsoft!) is speaking on how Windows and Linux can co-exist.

    In short, a very credible and organized meet of enthusiasts and business users. Hats off to the organizers!
  • Miguel de Icaza (Score:2, Informative)

    by yodha ( 636988 )
    I attended the Linux Bangalore/2003 event today. After Miguel de Icaza's Mono talk, me and five others had a really long and interesting one-on-one talk with Miguel over lunch. Some photos here []. It was really nice to see and interact with some great people over here in Bangalore itself.
  • Hopefully someone with record and bittorrent the talks?

    Q: Can I have a copy of the delegate database with email addresses?
    A: ROTFL! (Rolling on the floor laughing) NO!

    Q: I'll pay you for it!
    A: You don't have enough money

    Q: I do! I am Bill Gates!
    A: You still don't have enough money to make us break our privacy policy.
  • I was surprised to learn that the cost of living is greater in Bangalore than Seattle. If you make $60k a year in Seattle, you need to make $67k in Bangalore to maintain a similar standard of living. S er vlet?pid=246&previousPage=245&cid=homefair&fromSal ary=60000&fromCity=743&toCity=389

    It seems that anyone moving jobs to India is not only taking american jobs away, but also stealing from shareholders by paying an unnecessarily high pric
    • I don't know where you got your numbers for india, but they can not be right. You can build a rather large, even by our american standards, in India for 67 thousand. What kind of house can you get in the US for 67 thousand? Not much. A brand new car there probably cost about $10,000. If you spend more than a $1000 on food a year in india, then you are getting ripped off or eating at a 4-5 star restraunt every day.

      A person who makes about $2500 is considered to be making a very good salary and has an above
  • i remember having to fetch those in Medal of Honor
  • No wonder everyone outsources to bangalore, each day there is %33 longer!

    96/3 = 32 hours in a day.... Heck, with that much time in a day, you wonder why it's just software that gets sourced out.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
