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Cringley on Microsoft and Linux 480

brentlaminack writes "Time for this week's dose of I, Cringely. This week the Cringe talks about Ballmer's Orlando comments from this week. He compares Ballmer's comments with Linus's. Nothing new here for the /. group, but a good read for the non-technical."
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Cringley on Microsoft and Linux

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  • Well said (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dtfinch ( 661405 ) * on Thursday October 23, 2003 @05:50PM (#7295833) Journal
    I liked the part where he describes how most bad open source projects die in a darwinistic fashion while most bad microsoft projects limp on forever.
    • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @05:59PM (#7295886)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by cK-Gunslinger ( 443452 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:00PM (#7295901) Journal
        Yeah, I hate still having to deal with horrible projects like Bob.

        You misspelled 'Clippy.'
        • Re:Well said (Score:3, Interesting)

          Yeah, I hate still having to deal with horrible projects like Bob.

          You misspelled 'Clippy.'

          Not to mention that stupid @#$% dog in the WinXP search program. More annoying yet, when you tell it to go away, you have to wait for it to amble off the screen and jump off some unseen (hopefully high) cliff. Congratulations, Microsoft, you've managed to reimplement find [t-a-y-l-o-r.com]
          , in such a way as to consume a double digit percentage of the processor and only 64 meg of Ram!

          Now to be fair, neither grep nor find are exa

    • by OzPhIsH ( 560038 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:01PM (#7295906) Journal
      And I liked the part where he compared Microsoft Support to the Psychic Friends Network.. Hey, maybe he's on to something here... They can have the solution to my problem ready before I even call, and give me lotto number to boot.
      • by zulux ( 112259 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:21PM (#7296045) Homepage Journal
        The compairison has been done! Really!

        PSN did pretty well compaired to MS.


        Microsoft Technical Support vs. The Psychic Friends Network

        Microsoft Technical Support vs. The Psychic Friends Network

        In the course of a recent Microsoft Access programming project, we had three difficult technical problems where we decided to call a support hotline for advice. This article compares the two support numbers we tried: Microsoft Technical Support and the Psychic Friends Network. As a resultof this research, we have come to the following conclusions: 1 ) that Microsoft Technical Support and the Psychic Friends Network are about equal in their ability to provide technical assistance for Microsoft products over the phone ; 2 ) that the Psychic Friends Net work has a distinct edge over Microsoft in the areas of courtesy, response time, and cost of support; but 3) that Microsoft has a generally better refund policy if they fail to solve your problem.

        In the paragraphs that follow, we will detail the support calls we made and the responses we received from each pport provider. We will follow this with a discussion of the features provided by each support provider so that readers can do their own rankings of the two services.

        Our research began when we called Microsoft regarding a bug that we had detected when executing queries which pulled data from a Sybase Server into Microsoft Access. If we used the same Access database to query two databases on the same server, we found that all of the queries aimed at the second database that we queried were sent to the first database that we had queried. This problem existed no matter which database we queried first. Dan called Microsoft's Technical Solutions Line, gave them $55, and was connected with an official Microsoft Access technical support person. As Dan began to explain the problem, the support person interrupted him, and told him that since it was clear that it was not just a problem with Access but with the two programs together, Microsoft would not try to help us. They did,however, have a consultant referral service with which he would be glad to connect us. Dan then asked if we could have our $55 refunded, since Microsoft was not going to try to answer to our question. The tech support person responded by forwarding Dan to the person in charge of giving refunds. The person officially in charge of giving refunds took Dan's credit card info again, after which Dan asked about the referral service. It was too late, however - the refund folks could not reconnect Dan with the tech support guy he'd been talking with, nor could he put Dan in touch with the referral service hotline. End of Call One.

        Our second call came when Dan was creating some line graphs in Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access actually uses a program called Microsoft Graph to create its graphs, and this program has a "feature" that makes the automatic axis scale always start the scale at zero. If all of your data are between 9,800 and 10,000 and you get a scale of 0 to 10,000, your data will appear as a flat line at the top of your graph-not a very interesting chart. Since Dan was writing Visual Basic code to create the graphs, he wanted to be able to use Visual Basic code to change the graph scaling, but he could not find anything in the help files that would tell him how to do this. After working with Microsoft Graph for a while, Dan concluded that it probably didn't have the capability that he needed, but he decided to call Microsoft just to make sure. Dan described his problem to the technical support person, whom we'll call Microsoft Bob. Microsoft Bob said he'd never gotten a call about Microsoft Graph before. He then left Dan on hold while he went to ask another support person how to use Microsoft Graph. Microsoft Bob came back with the suggestion that Dan use the online help. Dan, however, had already used the online help, and didn't feel that this was an appro
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 23, 2003 @05:51PM (#7295837)
    Read a similar article at OSNews today: http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=4898 [osnews.com]
    • by Pieroxy ( 222434 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:21PM (#7296046) Homepage
      "Should there be a reason to believe that code that comes from a variety of people around the world would be higher-quality than from people who do it professionally? ..." says Ballmer.

      Linux people are geeks, inherently technical people, that focus on technology. I'm not even mentionning that they might be professionals themselves. Microsoft people are professionals, driven by marketing and other business objectives.
      • from a technological standpoint, Linux/OSS is more likely to be/become superior than any Microsoft product. That's because there is nothing that comes in the way of a pure technological product in case of Linux. There is plenty of constraints on the back of the Windows developers.
      • From a marketing standpoint, Microsoft will always be ahead of Linux. That's because in the Linux team, nobody cares about marketting.
      • But... some other people are doing the marketting job on top of linux. That's what we call distros. So eventually, they'll bring to Linux the only remaining area in which Microsoft excell: Marketing.

      All of that is obviously not only true for Linux. Apple did understand that. There is a bunch of people doing a nice OS, and giving it away for free. It is not polished as we would like it to be. Ok. Let's polish it!

      The point is that Apple did a nice economy of scale with relying on a nice kernel that they don't have to maintain or pay!

      I think as OSS as some kind of "Public domain for software." It's just that enough people has an extensive knowledge of how a well architectured OS such as a UNIX work. When the critical mass of people is reached, an OSS software such as Linux pops up and it just reflects the materialization of the public knowledge.

      A multi-task OS is so basic nowadays, ther is no way Microsoft or any one else will ever be able to make money off of it. Microsoft is still resisting because they have this huge userbase, but it is just a matter of time.

      To resume my position, it is going to become very hard to make money off of a "Generic" proprietary software. By generic, I mean anything that has been around for a while and is understood by many people. OSS will represent a very nice basis for every software. A kind of public domain toolbox.

      Companies will have to find their added value on top of that.
  • by gmuslera ( 3436 ) * on Thursday October 23, 2003 @05:56PM (#7295870) Homepage Journal
    So in UPNP the people that worked there were C-Class players... ok, but then, where are the A-Class players for Microsoft? In the NBA? Because they don't seems to be working on Windows neither.
    • It's the most stable app on the platform.
    • Re:C-Class players (Score:5, Interesting)

      by acroyear ( 5882 ) <jws-slashdot@javaclientcookbook.net> on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:33PM (#7296124) Homepage Journal
      Yeah, its funny, but I'll run with it anyways...

      From what I can gather having read Code Complete and other books from M$ Press is that the serious A-Class players at M$ tend to work in the libraries and languages divisions since 1) languages and libraries were their original product to start with, and 2) the libraries are used in EVERYTHING else, from the OS to Office to these little don't mean a thing until they're integrated into Windows itself projects like UPNP. If they libraries are flawed, EVERYTHING they do, and everything everybody else does, is flawed, and M$ can't afford that. Thus, most A-Class players were working on .NET's internals since that's the next generation of libraries for the development environments to work in.

      On the other hand, they got crappy people do to the .NET 1.0 packaging and roll-out, considering that the original release required installing ALL of the documentation onto your HD even for just the run time...there's no reason it needed 1.6 GIG except that *SOMEBODY* stupid got involved along the way...

      Fortunately, 1.1 fixed that particular issue...
    • by ch-chuck ( 9622 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:56PM (#7296247) Homepage
      where are the A-Class players for Microsoft?

      Marketing and Legal.
  • by curtlewis ( 662976 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @05:56PM (#7295871)
    First off, I'm not defending Ballmer. He's an idiot. With that said...

    I agree with holding back Open Source releases 'until they're ready.' Personally, no software SHOULD be released until it's ready. The tendency to ship software out the door as soon as it boots has given us a market full of buggy, slopped together code and numbed the public to what amounts to poor craftsmanship. All in the name of the Holy Schedule.

    The one thing Open Source lacks, and despite the holding back -- clearly needs, is structured testing. There is no real testing of Open Source. No Test Plans, no Test Matrices of test cases. Pre release versions are dumped to the public to use as they will in a blind, shotgun approach to testing. Exceptionally sloppy QA at best. The frequent patch history of Open Source is testament to this weakness.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a suggestion as to how to solve this problem. Open Source by it's very nature doesn't lend itself well to any form of centralization, which is necessary for structured testing.

    On the other hand, you have Microsoft and others that USE structured testing, but they ship based on schedule, not the number of P1 bugs still open. End result? Garbage.

    Open Source at least is a labor of love. I'd just like to see SOMEONE commit to solid testing so that in the future people wouldn't have to put up with such bug ridden software.
    • Whooosh! (Score:5, Funny)

      by Moderation abuser ( 184013 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @05:59PM (#7295890)
      That's the sound that Open Source makes as it screams at high speed over your head...

      • Re:Whooosh! (Score:4, Insightful)

        by brianosaurus ( 48471 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:47PM (#7296200) Homepage
        Heh. Right on!

        As for the parent, I have a suggestion: If there is an open source software package that you use and want to help improve the quality, do your own testing and send feedback. Or write some tests and send them to the developer as a patch.

        One thing Cringley didn't really hit on is that many open source projects are just personal projects that someone happened to put online to share. That person will do some limited testing to make sure it does what they want, but probably not an exhaustive test, since they'd rather spend time developing once it "works." (I don't think that's something unique to open source. Commercial software often gets developed to the point that it "works", even though it might not work perfectly... take Windows, for example. It works, though it has its share of bugs and flaws which don't always get fixed.)

        The goal of open source developers isn't necessarily to gain market share or visibility, or to produce a perfect product. A lot of it is done to fill the needs of an individual developer, and the non-selfish idea that "if its useful to me, it might be useful to others" gets it released to the public.

        What happens in the case of some of the bigger projects (Linux, OpenOffice, etc) is that a huge number of interested users start lending a hand. Some write code. Some write documentation. Some do testing. Some give money.

        The really great thing about open source projects is that if you see a weakness, you can do something about it. You don't have to ask for anyone's permission first. You don't have to wait around for a patch. You can make your own and send it back to the developer. You become part of the project.

        Open Source doesn't need centralization in order to develop quality tests. It just needs people to understand that fact, and then jump on board and make it happen.
        • I'll start writing test plans and automated tests for linux as soon as someone is willing to pay me a professional wage to do it.

          Until then, I'll continue to join the 1200+ testers that work on windows, and probably around 8000 testers that work at Microsoft.

          I use linux at home, but it isn't worth enough for me to contribute to. In fact, I love many aspects of unix design and have many flavors of unix in my home network and linux is fun to work with. Testing requires significant thought and work, as muc
          • Re:Whooosh! (Score:3, Insightful)

            by scotch ( 102596 )
            Rest assured, though there are many "pure-takers" such as yourself, there are also many people who give as well as take. If this weren't true, open source wouldn't work. Fortunately, it is true. Even small contributions can add up: providing bug reports or helping on a mailing list or testing or documentation or coding or whatever.

            Some people will never get it. If you only work on projects because you get paid, or if you only pay for things or contribute money because you have to, or if you only offe

    • Forgotten? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Soko ( 17987 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:05PM (#7295927) Homepage
      Open Source at least is a labor of love. I'd just like to see SOMEONE commit to solid testing so that in the future people wouldn't have to put up with such bug ridden software.

      Ask and ye shall receive - ever hear of this place [osdl.org]? They employ a few really [osdl.org] good [osdl.org] programmers, BTW...

    • by cK-Gunslinger ( 443452 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:09PM (#7295945) Journal
      Wha? Maybe this is true for the 2 junior high kids who have a 3 year old v0.01a calendar project on sourceforge, but all highly succesful, highly popular projects (Linux, Mozilla, etc) have every bit as much testing and process as commercially-developed software. Don't beleive me? Try to sneak in some code that *breaks* the software. Go on.
    • "Personally, no software SHOULD be released until it's ready."

      You can always wait until the reviews, or even the project site, say that the application is stable. I do that.

      But sometimes I find really cool projects which would be a torture to wait for them to be stable; you just want to try them out IN THE VERY MOMENT you learn they exist. Screenshots, manuals and readmes are not enough.

      And, of course, developers could use the feedback, bug reports and fixes, which is the whole point of open source.
    • by AVee ( 557523 ) <slashdotNO@SPAMavee.org> on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:13PM (#7295986) Homepage
      First, this is why beta versions are released. To get a (massive, for the bigger projects) testing effort. This will show must bugs and will show the most annoying bug fist.
      Second, I really doubt structured testing will show all bugs. It sure helps, but only when combined with clear functional specifications and and a thoroughly described implementation. That whould require a central design and a central development process as well.

      In some respect this does mean that Balmer is right, extremely good software comes from a controlled process, but it whould be really expensive software as well. MS clearly cuts corners in this process wich is killing for quality. This is why OSS development still is better than half-harted controled development. Balmer whould be right is his top priority whould be quality, Cringly is right when he say's that isn't the case.
      • In some respect this does mean that Balmer is right, extremely good software comes from a controlled process,

        No, no, no. Processes never create anything. People do. Skilled, talented, motivated developers, who know the domain their applications work in; working with other necessary people -- users that will be using thing developed (unless developing for themselves), testers (which may be users, or developers; tester is a role not title). Good software comes from good teams. Good teams apply whatever pr

    • You are wrong, the QA that you say is lacking exists and to an even greater degree than you find in most commerical software. Buy RedHat Linux Advance Server, pay for a support contract and you will see what I mean.
    • I do not agree, even remotely.

      In open source, the users are the testers. If they don't like something, they fix it, or complain, and patches come out. The find/fix cycle has a speed relative to the number of users that give a crap.

      That means, nobody wasted time fixing things nobody cared about anyway. And, cool things one bug shy of being really cool will get that fix.

      I call that effiency.

      Structured testing is the old way. Let it go.

      In the future, the people putting up with bug ridden software -- w
    • The one thing Open Source lacks, and despite the holding back -- clearly needs, is structured testing. There is no real testing of Open Source. No Test Plans, no Test Matrices of test cases.

      That's true for some projects, but there are plenty of examples of open source projects which do have test cases. You probably wouldn't have to look very far to find them, either. Could they use improvement? Yes. Should more projects have them? Yes.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:21PM (#7296044)
      I think you've managed to miss the point entirely.

      The fact that OSS gets tested "in the real world" means that it undergoes the sort of testing that even Microsoft couldn't match (for most companies, they don't have the money to hire the hoards of testers with the almost infinite variations of setups required to really test something, for MS, they don't have the time to test this thoroughly). If you don't want to be part of this, then you use older, stable versions of the software.

      Otherwise, you've pretty much argued against one of the main strengths of OSS, which from inception has been release often and early (but don't call it version 1.0 until it's actually ready). There's entire articles written about how it's not hard to fix bugs -- the hard part is finding them.

      You're arguing for a step backwards in the development of software (a step into how its done in the commercial software world), and for changing one of the core strengths of how OSS has gotten to where it's at.
    • The point about open source projects not having testers is not at all true, it's just that a segment of the community(bleeding edgers and power users) makes up the testing population.

      For example, with Debian you have the unstable branches and the stable branches. There's a solid year+ of testing before packages make it into stable.
    • by LMCBoy ( 185365 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:38PM (#7296157) Homepage Journal
      It's called beta testing. It's called bugzilla. This is structured, distributed, open-source testing. Why would we use an open, distributed development model, and then turn to a centralized testing procedure.

      Many eyes make all bugs shallow.
    • by MourningBlade ( 182180 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:54PM (#7296240) Homepage

      PostgreSQL is quite heavily tested. Their regression test suite is...formidable.

      gcc is, if I recall, has a regression test suite which grows by leaps and bounds with every release. Not sure what sort of coverage we're looking at right now.

      perl 5.8 also has a large test suite, and 5.10 is looking to be insane in the testing department.

      All of the core CPAN modules have at least rudimentary testing, most of them have quite heavy testing.

      parrot loves it some testing as well.

      OSDL wrote a test suite for the Linux kernel which is pretty hard-core, I've been told. Testing results for development kernels are posted regularly to LKML, I believe.

      These are scattered projects (and they are not the only projects out there that test), but they reflect, in my opinion, a growing trend in open source: automated testing.

      The reason for this is twofold, IMO.

      1. Developers don't like fixing the same bug twice. If you write a test, you're unlikely to let that particular bug slip back in quietly (if you're good at writing tests, you can do a lot better than that in many cases). Also, automated testing + versioned source repository + automated tools = you know what patch broke what. That scratches a major itch.
      2. Some developers are just wired that way, or are paid to be that way. So, when a project comes or is brought to their attention, they try to do automated testing.

      As a possible argument against what I'm saying, I'll refer to your statement "no real testing of Open Source. No Test Plans, no Test Matrices of test cases"[1].

      To that argument I would say: don't get so hung up on names that you miss the point.

      [1] - I'm not saying you are making or would make this argument, just trying to think of possible responses and responses to those responses.

  • by So Called Expert ( 670571 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @05:57PM (#7295875)
    At the risk of being labeled a MS apologist (I try to be rather neutral), there are in fact things that a corporate entity like Microsoft provides that open source may or may not: - Reasonably consistent consistent APIs across products (at least in recent .NET times) - Product cohesion across the platform - Great documentation - Simple installation (sometimes) My experience with open source has been that the "bazaar" of Open Source is indeed a noisy, dirty one, and that it takes real effort to separate the wheat from the chaff re: product quality and completeness. Even if you argue that MS products are of lower quality (which is improving because of competition), some customers are willing to accept the quality hit because of the reasons listed above.
    • What, "I'm happy for it to break all the time, so long as it often breaks in the same kind of way?"

      That way lies madness.
    • by cant_get_a_good_nick ( 172131 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:10PM (#7295959)
      Reasonably consistent consistent APIs across products

      Talk to the Samba guys about how inconsistent they are about protocols. They are a huge company, and many things are inconsistent. You do raise valid points tho, and many in the OS community don't want to hear anything negative.

      There was a MS funded benchmark a while back, where Windows came out on top of Linux when it came to webserver performance. The great sea of Slashdotters were up in arms, They shilled for MS!!! A few people actually decided to think "maybe they're right" and looked for improvements in Linux networking code. And Linux got faster, and has beat beating Windows IIS's ass ever since. There are advantages to listening to bad news sometimes.
      • Definitely a valid point. I'm not sure on the numbers, but it looks like there are a lot of paid surveys that show X is faster than Linux. Every time someone goes in and starts tweaking the Linux code, it makes those accusations harder to prove. Even if those accusations are based completely on the patterns in the crack lines, a cursory investigation (at least) of the Linux code involved can improve the entire situation.
    • by aws4y ( 648874 )
      .NET is a Reasonable API?
      Yes and the MSRPC protocol was secure.
      The fact is that an API is never going to be "resonable" in the sense you define it because like the programs it is designed to bolster it is ever evolving. Take GTK+ it has what I would consider a resonable API, but it must evolve. If you want stability go and get a specification, oh wait, Microsoft will slaughter it, remember the Microsoft "extentions" of kerberos, java, and ANSI C/C++.(I know no C/C++ compiler is strictly ANSI standard, but
    • no MS's success is about strangling ISVs dating competitors, threatening HW manufacturers to withhold developer builds in case driver support for competition is written. Your argument is indeed true but MS isnt' an example; I've seen colleagues struggle with libc funcions only to discover that some undocumented (the Holy MSDN!) non standard default flag chocked on their vendor neutral code. Is that what you call quality? Oh, if only they'd have stuck to the one true WIN32 API they'd have saved themselves s
  • by AVee ( 557523 ) <slashdotNO@SPAMavee.org> on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:00PM (#7295896) Homepage
    Nothing new here for the /. group, but a good read for the non-technical.

    Isn't that the group Balmer addressed in the first place? My guess whould be that Balmer perfectly knew that it would be a clear to the /. readers. But thats irrelevant. What is important for Microsoft is keeping the non-technical with them.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:01PM (#7295902)
    "When Ballmer talks about rears being on the line, what really counts at Microsoft is meeting shipping targets -- meeting business goals -- not quality targets. It is all about revenue. And there is nothing wrong with that if we all just say it out loud and admit the truth. But we don't."

    He's right, Microsoft frequently gives away "Ship IT!" awards to managers who get the product out the door on time. This is the reason so many products that could have been great, are not.
  • Failure (Score:2, Funny)

    by apoplectic ( 711437 )
    UPNP is a decent example of Microsoft failure. But nothing is more fun to pick on than...

    Microsoft Bob!!
  • Never see it? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by cant_get_a_good_nick ( 172131 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:05PM (#7295926)
    If C-level players did an Open Source project, nobody would ever see it.

    Cough cough Sourceforge cough cough...
    So much stuff there is untouched by human hands its incredible.
  • by kidlinux ( 2550 ) <duke@@@spacebox...net> on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:07PM (#7295934) Homepage
    "There is no road map for Linux, nobody who has his rear end on the line."

    Right, why does Ballmer think Microsoft includes an EULA with their software? To void them of the responsibility for the trillions of damage their software has caused through security vulenerabilites and generally poor design.

    Yeah, trillions. We've all seen the way damage is estimated each time a virus grinds everything Microsoft to a halt. Usually in the hundreds of billions, and it's probably happened at least a dozen times. This let alone unrelated individual incidents companies around the world have on a daily basis.

    Oh, and don't forget about the kids that get locked up for writing viruses and other mischevious software that exploit said vulnerabilities. They're an easy scape goat to relieve Microsoft yet again of any responsibility what so ever.

    I'm tired of this bullshit. The day Microsoft gets hauled in to court to take responsibility once and for all is the day I go skiing in hell. I bet I'll see Gates running the resort.
    • by NotClever ( 635709 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:19PM (#7296032)
      "Oh, and don't forget about the kids that get locked up for writing viruses and other mischevious software that exploit said vulnerabilities. They're an easy scape goat to relieve Microsoft yet again of any responsibility what so ever."

      When you have a house and it's broken into, you're going to hope that the kids that did it are caught and put in jail. Just remember that it's your fault because you didn't put unbreakable glass in your windows, and encase the entire house in armor plating.

    • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:30PM (#7296104)
      The day Microsoft gets hauled in to court to take responsibility is the day the flood gates are opened on software liability in general. Say goodbye to open source. How do you think Linus or R.M.S. would fair against a volume of lawsuits that wouldn't even make Microsoft flinch? How many developers would risk open source development if there was liability involved?

      I don't remember the details, but the software industry tried to get a law passed that would've voided EULAs without a piece of paper to back them up (anyone remember what I'm talking about?). Microsoft was all for the idea. I think it died (fortunately). Just remember, liability is a double edged sword.
      • The day Microsoft gets hauled in to court to take responsibility is the day the flood gates are opened on software liability in general. Say goodbye to open source. How do you think Linus or R.M.S. would fair against a volume of lawsuits that wouldn't even make Microsoft flinch? How many developers would risk open source development if there was liability involved?

        You usually have a lot more liability if a) you're selling the product and b) marketing the product as having specific qualities.

        So would I, p

    • I bet I'll see Gates running the resort

      No, he will be running the lift. Once all of the the Linux people are in the chairs, the lift motor will mysteriously BSOD!

    • PJ at GrokLaw is assembling a "Press Kit" of hard questions to ask of Darl & Company. I suggested the following but it is equally applicable to the folks in Redmond:

      Both Microsoft and SCO tout the fact that they indemnify their customers as an advantage of their products over Linux and other Open Source Software. The American Heritage Collegiate Dictionary defines indemnify as:

      1. To protect against damage, loss, or injury; insure.
      2. To make compensation to for damage, loss, or injury suffered.

      This d
  • by astrashe ( 7452 ) * on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:07PM (#7295935) Journal
    I like what Cringley said, but I don't think he goes far enough. The argument becomes more lopsided in linux's favor when you take into account the ways that linux has changed microsoft's products.

    When I started to use linux, people who worked with windows pretty much accepted that you'd have to reboot several times a day. This wasn't just because of the need to preserve backward compatitibility with DOS. Even NT 4 was pretty buggy before sp4 or so.

    I remember telling people that sun servers often stayed up for years without reboots -- no one believed it. Computers crashed, that's what computers do. Microsoft, and to a lesser extent apple, convinced most casual users that's the way computers worked.

    But obviously, this wasn't something that was caused by an immature level of technological development, because other companies, like sun, were shipping machines that didn't crash all the time.

    I believe that linux is responsible for a huge percentage of the core improvements that MS made to windows. They never felt it was a problem to ship OSs that crashed until they saw an alternative that didn't crash, on the edge of their radar screen. An alternative that people could install on their existing PCs, an alternative that people running ISPs could use to do server work.

    Linux's quality, for the most part, doesn't come out of competition. There are efforts to make linux better at doing certain specific things, efforts that are driven by benchmarks. Most of the time, these little competitions seem to be waged with FreeBSD. But it's a historical fact that people wanted to make linux more reliable way before windows had any stability at all.

    Microsoft *needs* linux to push it. If linux wasn't out there, does anyone think they'd be trying to tighten up security? Does anyone think that they would have delivered stable versions of windows without the pressure of competition.

    My point is that even if you don't use linux, you benefit from it in a big way. In fact, I would say that most of the real benefit that linux brings to the world comes in the form of competitive pressure on microsoft, and those benefits are seen by windows users, not by linux users. Who knows how much they'd be charging, what the net would look like, how often windows would crash, etc., if it weren't for linux.

    It's hard to get this across, but every discussion of open source vs. commercial development ignores the effect that open source exerts on commercial developers. The discussions are simplistic for that reason.

    If you were going to compare open source development vs. monopolistic commercial development in a realistic way, you'd have to talk about what a horrible job commercial developers did before open source developers started to hold their feet to the fire.
    • by iceT ( 68610 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @09:20PM (#7297049)
      Anecdote time.

      Windows NT4 had no utility to show the uptime of a running server. It was stored in the kernel, but there was no tool that came with the operating system that would display that information.

      But, Microsoft DID release a unsupported set of tools called the Resource Kit. The Resource Kit was, as you would expect, all the tools that would be of USE to a system administrator, like a remote shutdown tool, a remote command tool, just to name a couple.

      In there, there was a utility you could use to display the uptime of the server.

      The format that the server displayed was:


      So, much like the 'no one would EVER need more than 640KB of memory', whoever wrote that tool couldn't even comprehend a system that was up for more than 99 hours, and 59 seconds.

      My server at home has been up for 68 days, 11 hours, 26 minutes.

    • by Chester K ( 145560 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @10:16PM (#7297308) Homepage
      This wasn't just because of the need to preserve backward compatitibility with DOS.

      Yes, it was. The Win9x line not only needed to ensure application compatibility with DOS, but also device driver compatibility with DOS -- and anyone who ever wrote DOS drivers could tell you, there was almost no such thing as standards.

      The end result was a GUI system that couldn't be stable because in order to be stable it had to enforce restrictions, and that was unacceptable because the software and the drivers needed to run without restrictions. Over the course of the Win9x line, Microsoft built APIs and pushed developers to use them, and then once there was sufficient legacy behind Win32 and WDM, they pulled the rug out from under us and we're all running on NT and enjoying the stability benefits that a protected architecture can provide.

      To say that Win9x was unstable because Microsoft was just lazy is a completely asinine thing to say and anyone who maintains as such shows how little they actually know about the situation. To say that Windows is stable today because of Linux is also misguided: Linux didn't really start appearing on Microsoft's radar until after 1999, which was when Win2k shipped, so Microsoft was already firmly in the stable OS bandwagon before Linux was a concern.

      .NET, on the other hand, is as much of a response to Linux (well, Open Source in general) as it is to Java -- Microsoft doesn't push the cross-platform capabilities of .NET in their marketing or technical evangelism, which is what you'd assume they'd really be pushing if they were intent on solely battling Java. No, Microsoft pushes the security, interoperability and standards aspects of .NET -- the very grounds that Linux and other Open Source software have been eating its lunch on lately.
  • I wouldn't say (Score:3, Interesting)

    by smittyoneeach ( 243267 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:08PM (#7295942) Homepage Journal
    Steve Ballmer...confuses market success with technical merit

    Consider the software marketplace, and the two feedback loops that drive it. One is the Almighty Frogskin* the other is the quasi-academic pursuit of excellence for its own sake. [slashdot.org] **
    I'm increasingly bemused by those who try to see these orthogonal motives as somehow overlapping. They just ain't. Nothing to see here. Keep moving.

    *They're no longer purely green...but neither are frogs [genomenewsnetwork.com]
    **because a shot o' sake, like jogging nude, puts color in your cheeks
  • I, Cringley slashbox (Score:2, Interesting)

    by TMKroeger ( 81022 )
    I know this is barely on topic, but why doesn't the title of Cringley's latest article show up in the slashbox any more? I liked having a new title appear to remind me to go check out his latest musings.

    Perhaps, I'm just dreaming and the title was never there... it's been one of _those_ days...
  • by ummit ( 248909 ) <scs@eskimo.com> on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:10PM (#7295960) Homepage
    Don Norman [jnd.org] (who if you haven't read him, you should) has a bit in his book The Design of Everyday Things about a psychology experiment in which the subjects were asked to write an essay arguing against some point they'd ordinarily believe in. Some of the subjects were paid money to write the essay, some were asked to do it for next to nothing. Then, later, they were interviewed to find how strongly their former beliefs held, or how much they might have changed their minds.

    Conventional wisdom suggests that the people who had been paid more would be more apt to change their minds, but actually, the reverse was true. The explanation is that the people who were paid could resolve the conflict in their mind between the beliefs they held and the contradictory statements they were writing by saying "heck, I still don't believe this, I'm not writing it because I believe it or anything, I'm writing it because I'm being bribed to." But the people who didn't have that "out" had to resolve their own cognitive dissonance another way, and for some of them, at least, the way was to realize that maybe there was something to the counterargument, after all.

    Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that I was eerily reminded of it while reading Ballmer's arguments that Microsoft's commercial software is "obviously" better because it's written by professional programmers who are paid for it.

    But if you're getting paid to write code, and the code is (for whatever reason) crap, that you can't take pride in, you can at least feel good about all the lovely $$$ you're being paid. The open source programmer, on the other hand, who is doing it for love rather than money, doesn't have that out, so has a much higher incentive to write code that's not crap, because feeling good about it is the only reward.

    • by Milo77 ( 534025 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @09:31PM (#7297101)
      One interesting and perhaps obvious aspect of this whole argument is: we don't need to upgrade as often as MS finances would require us to. This is why free software is successful. Yes "it's ready when it's ready", and that soon enough in almost all cases. MS of course realizes this and that's why last week Gates said longhorn will be done when it is done. They can't compete with open source and still meet rigid ship dates - something has to give.
  • by angle_slam ( 623817 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:12PM (#7295979)
    I think the fundamental misconception that MS has about open source is simple--why would anyone program open source?

    If you are a good programmer, you program for a living because that is what you're good at. This is something that economists and Ballmer/Gates understand. Might as well get paid to program if you're good at it and enjoy it.

    That's what's confusing about open source/free software--what do the developers do for a living? Are they students? Are they unemployed? Are they underemployed (e.g., working McDonalds)? If under/unemployed, why? If you are a good enough programmer to contribute to open source, can't you get a job with MS/IBM/Apple/Adobe/Oracle/etc.? Why would you program for free, in your spare time, instead of getting paid to do so?

    • Why would you program for free, in your spare time, instead of getting paid to do so?

      Why would you be a starving actor or artist, working poor-paying jobs to live on and doing what you love in your "spare time"?

      Programming -- good programming, anyway -- is a creative process, and creative people love what they do, and will do it whether or not they get paid to do it. Heck, they'll do it even if it costs them.

      Simply put, open-source programmers program for love rather than money. And it turns out that

    • Boxed blinders (Score:3, Informative)

      by dmaxwell ( 43234 )
      All of that only goes for boxed software that is bought like product. MS, Oracle, etc all assume that the only solution to a problem is buy some product. For a techie, that's the easy way out. It is often expensive and not a very good fit for the problem either.

      I'll give you a for-instance. We use a troubleticket system called IRM to handle IT inventory and helpdesk tracking. It did almost everything we needed it to do very very well. The only thing it cost us was me learning how to set it up. The o
    • by Grishnakh ( 216268 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @07:40PM (#7296522)
      I can tell you one thing wrong with working for pay: you don't get to do what you want. If you're a professional programmer, you have to work on whatever your company tells you to work on, no matter how stupid an idea it is. Even worse, you have to do it their way: you have to use development tools, OSes, etc. that they've chosen for some reason, not what you would choose. And worse yet, you have to deal with all kinds of typical corporate BS: stupid and annoying coworkers, endless meetings which kill productivity, the cold lifeless cubicle environment, people stealing your food out of the refrigerator, etc.

      Not only this, but in the real world, people don't always get to work on stuff that interests them. You may have a deep interest in audio codecs, but how easy is it to get a job working on that? Not very. But if you want to play around with the source code for Ogg Vorbis, there's nothing stopping you.

      The idea that stupid economists hold that people will take jobs they're best at is BS, because real economies don't work that way. Finding someone else to pay you to do something you love is hard to do, as many starving artists will vouch for. Or, you could become an entrepreneur and start your own business doing something you like, but then you'll find that you have to waste a lot of time doing all the business crap, and not the fun stuff.

      Open source changes all of this. Anyone who's interested can get involved on an OSS project in their spare time; sometimes they can even turn it into a job function if their job has a need for it as some others here have mentioned. You don't have to find some company to hire you to do it, and thanks to the internet you can easily collaborate with other people on the same project. And best of all, none of it is like working in a corporation.

      I think in reality, a lot of OSS programmers are also professional programmers, but the stuff they do at home is much more interesting to them than what they're paid to do at work.
    • That's the Big Lie Microsoft keeps telling over and over again, and not even Cringley called them on it: Open Source developers are "enthusiasts" who write software as a hobby after coming home from their 9-to-5 jobs at McBurgerBucks.

      I saw a survey a long, long, time ago (5 years? more?) that showed that most contributors to Linux (or was it BSD... or some other project...? I've forgotten the specifics) were computer professionals in their mid 20's to 30's, who had full-time jobs. A lot, but not all, were
  • I'm surprised (Score:3, Informative)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:16PM (#7296000)
    he didn't mention the best case of 'just ship it' in history, WinME. What I've heard is it was a discarded code base revived just so they'd have something to market that year (WinMe is a pretty catchy name after all). That's about as low as it gets.
  • by frovingslosh ( 582462 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:19PM (#7296024)
    Everyone seems to have missed this. Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer have never mentioned it. Linus has never made this observation. And Robert X. Cringely doesn't seem to get it either. But here is the simple reason why Linux and other free software will always far exceed anything from Microsoft.

    Microsoft is producing the software to make money; that's a given. And it's often stated that Bill is driven by a Borg mentality to beat the other players in the industry and to own everything. Which makes a lot of sense; a lot of the evil illegal things they do can not be explained just by a motivation to get money, they already have the money.

    And it stated in this article again that open source software development is based on a desire to make this software free. And personal reputation of the developer. And other motivations. But here's the one major driving motivation to Open Source Software that no one else seems to be willing to state:

    Open Source software is largely driven, and will continue to succeeded, because of a hatred of Bill Gates. It's as simple as that. People hate Bill Gates so much that they are not just willing but glad to donate tens or hundreds of hours of their time to anything that would make projects that Microsoft competes with better. And the more illegal things he does to try to destroy other software and to take over the software world, the more this will continue to be true.

    • Open Source software is largely driven, and will continue to succeeded, because of a hatred of Bill Gates.

      This is so far from the truth it's not even funny. I don't know of a single Open Source developer that develops software based on some personal feelings toward anyone at Microsoft.

      This is a misconception that really gets me because it inevitably leads to the "If you want X project to beat M$, you need to put feature Y in just like in the M$ product."

      What people fail to understand is that I, and most Open Source developers I know, simply don't care about beating anyone. I'm just out to make good software that I'm proud of. That's it.
    • And personal reputation of the developer. And other motivations.

      That's true. Plus teh feeling of community, the fuzzy feeling of giving back to the community which also gives you such great software to use and work with.

      One flaw in Ballmer's criticism I noticed is that he says "there are no butts on the line", but yes there are - just not people's butts. The best code gets into the mainline. Not as good code doesn't. So, survival of the fittest code wins and the butts of the less-fit code get kicked
  • by 91degrees ( 207121 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:20PM (#7296038) Journal
    I have my own opinion on this matter. It seems even open source develpers don't understand their development model. Many - possibly the majority - of open source coders are not writing code for purely altruistic reasons. They are writing code because it doesn't do what they want it to do. Since the developer is the customer, the developer has a vested interest in making a good product.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:21PM (#7296047)
    Good article, but Cringely makes a mistake here:

    Against Ballmer's glib...

    Ballmer didn't write glib [gtk.org] and that's a fact.
  • why bother (Score:2, Interesting)

    by manon ( 112081 )
    as far as I can be the judge on this, I don't care what Microsoft thinks about Linux. They see Linux as a danger, we just want stability in our OS. Linux isn't around to compete with Microsoft as far as i know.
    As long as Microsoft doesn't boycot Linux, I'm fine with whatever Balmer is saying. I'm passed the Linux is better then Windows thing.
    If Windows would fit my needs, I would have used Windows. If people using Windows have security problems, don't look at me, I'm not going to tell them to make the switc

  • His opinion pieces are carried on PBS' website. Does he have a show on PBS? I've searched the TV schedules for all the nearby PBS stations but no one seems to carry a show entitled "I, Cringely." Is it a show that's carried somewhere? Or does he have a show of some other name, and as a result gets to do this opinion piece on their web site as well? If so, what's the other show? What's it about? Is it any good at all?
  • Of course, the emBallmer is only passingly familiar with that little industry news issue, they wouldn't actually be financially involved with such behavior as casting aspersions on a competing product not based on any technical competence.
  • From the article:
    How can Microsoft compete with that argument? It's hard, and the internal struggle to come up with a good response is evident in Ballmer's remarks. They certainly won't respond on price, since there is no way to undercut free. So we're back to the usual campaign of fear, uncertainty and doubt.
    I'm not sure how it could work for Microsoft, but they could offer to pay people to use their products... :-)
  • by Bug-Y2K ( 126658 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @06:44PM (#7296188) Homepage

    Seriously: Has anyone ever been fired from Microsoft for writing insecure or buggy code? I don't think so.

    I live and work near Redmond and know many Microserfs.... Both blue badges and permatemps. I've never heard any of them saying anything about anyone being fired for quality issues.

    Sure there was the guy who offed himself in the 911 on highway 522 because he didn't get promoted (taking out some elderly tourists in a motor home as a bonus). Then there was the guy who stole/resold a few mil $$ worth of software that then died... of "mysterious causes."

    But actually *FIRED*??? Not yet.

    I think that would be a great motivator to assist "Trustworthy Computing" to live up to its name. Take the bozos responsible for the latest RPC vulnerabilities and FIRE the whole damn group in a very public fashion. Of course a public execution would be even better, but Microsoft doesn't have *that* much political clout here in Washington State. I'm sure the current administration in "the other Washington" would allow it under some provision of the Patriot Act, but as far as I know, only Boeing and the penitentiary in Walla Walla have the authority to actually kill people around here.

    C'mon Ballmer! Live up to your promise and SACK SOMEBODY NOW!

  • by RouterSlayer ( 229806 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @07:11PM (#7296346)
    the article was good, but he missed mentioning the biggest difference of all, and the most important point. probably because he thought it was obvious.

    but anyhow, the largest reason open source is better and more secure than closed source (or commercial software like microsoft) is because you have millions of people around the world looking at it, testing it, not just coders, but everyone.

    If there is a serious flaw, it's going to be found, and very quickly, and what's more, lots of those people are coders, which means they submit suggestions and sometimes even patches and improvements to the developers. and not only that, he misses the whole culture and ideas of sourceforge, where anyone and everyone can review any project, and also development of open source projects for the ones we know most well, are not single person developments, but a team, and that team is reall cohesive, it has to be.

    anyone in the world can stamp out an email to the developer(s) of an open source project and say "hey dude, there's a bug when you do this, this and this", even a novice computer user can do that.

    ballmer just doesn't get it, and never will. M$ can never beat the sheer magnitude of good coders around the world, 24 hours a day inspecting the code.

    the only way M$ can beat open source would be to try to open source windows themselves. but that wouldn't work. M$ has lost the respect of decent coders, and their "cool" factor a long time ago.
    My bet would be open source coders would look at their code and end up vomitting the rest of the day. it really is that bad. :)
    • but anyhow, the largest reason open source [projects are] better ... is because you have millions of people around the world looking at it, testing it, not just coders, but everyone.

      Unless that project is XFree86... because looking at it just paralyzes you with FEAR.
  • by Mr. Flibble ( 12943 ) on Thursday October 23, 2003 @09:06PM (#7296989) Homepage
    While this is /. and many will disagree, I doubt that the heads of Microsoft are dumb. The author seems to think that they are, but I disagree:

    Microsoft is a company - its objective is to make money. It does this by selling software and associated other things (part services and hardware, (Joysticks Mice etc...))

    The objective of Open Source (Linux in this example) is to make the best software possible it just so happens that this model also believes that open code is the best code.

    This is pretty simple. Now, the heads at Microsoft understand this - but it is their job to promote Microsoft. That is what they get paid to do. They work for Microsoft, they have Microsoft stock options - they make their living by selling Microsoft. The heads of these companies (and all companies really) are salesmen. They work to sell a product. Now, it is important to believe in your product to sell it - and Microsoft exec's clearly do.

    But really, can you blame them? They are clearly worried by the Open Source model because it presents a direct threat to their Cash Flow. Buggy software requires upgrades - this is good for business because you can sell the upgrades, and make money. That is their objective. With Open Source, buggy software is bad, because the objective is to make the best software possible.

    Microsoft does not want to make the best software possible - otherwise people would buy it, and once they bought it, they would never need to buy it again. Their sales would go up - and then plateau.

    Linux developers want to make the best software - because that is what they set out to do in the beginning.

    There are totally different perspectives at work here. If you want to understand Open Source, and Commercial software you have to understand both ideals. I think Balmer understands totally - but he can't start disparaging Microsoft. It goes against his mandate.

    I think MS is scared - and rightly so. They are hitting a plateau in sales, and Open Source is a serious threat to their server sales. What comes out of this will be interesting. That much is certain.
    • The objective of Open Source (Linux in this example) is to make the best software possible it just so happens that this model also believes that open code is the best code.

      If that's the objective of Open Source, then it has failed utterly.

      I would say the objective of Open Source is more making software that is good enough that people can tweak easily to meet their specific needs...

      With Open Source, buggy software is bad, because the objective is to make the best software possible.

      Dude, put the kool-a
  • by Tyrell Hawthorne ( 13562 ) on Friday October 24, 2003 @01:07AM (#7297917) Homepage
    Well, I hope everyone understands that Microsoft probabably hasn't misunderstood anything. Not as much as it might seem. As has been stated before, those guys aren't dumb. They probably understand very well why open source works so well. But that isn't something they're telling openly. What they say is what they believe their customers will believe, what arguments will hurt the open source movement. It's all about spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt. Remember how it went when you were 13? That's this.

You can not win the game, and you are not allowed to stop playing. -- The Third Law Of Thermodynamics
