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SGI's Letter to the Linux Community 565

_Upsilon_ writes "SGI has released a letter to the Linux community in response to SCO's recent threat to revoke the UNIX licence for Irix. The letter mentions that they inadvertently did submit some System V code into the Linux kernel, that has since been removed (and some more in the process of being removed). The article points out that the code fragments in question had already been released into the public domain as well."
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SGI's Letter to the Linux Community

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  • Don't /. these guys (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:32AM (#7113878)
    October 1, 2003

    To the Linux Community:

    As one of many contributors to the Open Source movement and to Linux,
    SGI takes the subject of intellectual property rights seriously. Our
    contributions are a valuable expression of ideas which contribute to
    the intellectual richness of Linux.

    Over the past four years, SGI has released over a million lines of code
    under an open source license. Throughout, we have carried out a
    rigorous internal process to ensure that all software contributed by
    SGI represents code we are legally entitled to release as open source.

    When a question was raised by the community earlier in the summer about
    the ate_utils.c routine, we took immediate action to address it. We
    quickly and carefully re-reviewed our contributions to open source, and
    found brief fragments of code matching System V code in three generic
    routines (ate_utils.c, the atoi function and systeminfo.h header file),
    all within the I/O infrastructure support for SGI's platform. The three
    code fragments had been inadvertently included and in fact were
    redundant from the start. We found better replacements providing the
    same functionality already available in the Linux kernel. All
    together, these three small code fragments comprised no more than 200
    lines out of the more than one million lines of our overall
    contributions to Linux. Notably, it appears that most or all of the
    System V code fragments we found had previously been placed in the
    public domain, meaning it is very doubtful that the SCO Group has any
    proprietary claim to these code fragments in any case.

    As a precaution, we promptly removed the code fragments from SGIs Linux
    website and distributed customer patches, and released patches to the
    2.4 and 2.5 kernels on June 30 and July 3 to replace these routines and
    make other fixes to the SGI infrastructure code that were already in
    progress at SGI. Our changes showed up in the 2.5 kernel within a few
    weeks of our submission, and the 2.4 changes were available in the
    production version of the 2.4 kernel as of August 25 when the 2.4.22
    kernel was released. Thus, the code in question has been completely

    Following this occurrence, we continued our investigation to determine
    whether any other code in the Linux kernel was even conceivably
    implicated. As a result of that exhaustive investigation, SGI has
    discovered a few additional code segments (similar in nature to the
    segments referred to above and trivial in amount) that may arguably be
    related to UNIX code. We are in the process of removing and replacing
    these segments.

    SCO's references to XFS are completely misplaced. XFS is an innovative
    SGI- created work. It is not a derivative work of System V in any
    sense, and SGI has full rights to license it to whomever we choose and
    to contribute it to open source. It may be that SCO is taking the
    position that merely because XFS is also distributed along with IRIX it
    is somehow subject to the System V license. But if so, this is an
    absurd position, with no basis either in the license or in common
    sense. In fact, our UNIX license clearly provides that SGI retains
    ownership and all rights as to all code that was not part of AT&Ts UNIX
    System V.

    I hope this answers some of the questions that you and the Linux
    community might have. We continue to release new Linux work, and are
    very excited about the growth and acceptance of Linux. We are
    continuing full speed to do new work and release new Linux products.
    We take our responsibility to the open source community seriously and
    are confident that we have an effective process to verify the quality
    and integrity of our contributions to Linux.

    Rich Altmaier
    VP of Software, SGI
    • by FirstOne ( 193462 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @12:02PM (#7114833) Homepage
      "We quickly and carefully re-reviewed our contributions to open source, and found brief fragments of code matching System V code in three generic routines (ate_utils.c, the atoi function and systeminfo.h header file), all within the I/O infrastructure support or SGI's platform."

      "Following this occurrence, we continued our investigation to determine whether any other code in the Linux kernel was even conceivably implicated. As a result of that exhaustive investigation, SGI has discovered a few additional code segments (similar in nature to the segments referred to above and trivial in amount) that may arguably be related to UNIX code. We are in the process of removing and replacing these segments."

      It would be nice if they (IBM, SGI) ran the ENTIRE Linux/GPL code base through a tokenized comparison with their reference SCO Unix trees. Thus GPL community could start identifying and removing any suspect code NOW, rather than wait for a trial outcome.

  • Uh-oh... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ( 450073 ) <xanadu@ino[ ] ['rbi' in gap]> on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:32AM (#7113880) Homepage Journal
    You mean that McBride's rants may actually have a bit of substance behind them? OK, most of the code is gone now, and what code was there was Public Domin anyway, but McBride whining about the simple fact that the code was there now has some merit to it?

    oh, man.
    • Re:Uh-oh... (Score:3, Insightful)

      by zoloto ( 586738 )
      Yeah this was my kneejerk reaction as well. But if they have already released it into the public domain, then it's there for good GPL or no GPL, right???

      • Re:Uh-oh... (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Pharmboy ( 216950 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @11:02AM (#7114238) Journal
        But if they have already released it into the public domain...

        Putting something in the Public Domain specifically means you are giving up any copyright to it. NO ONE owns the Copyright for Public Domain works, thus, anyone can use it for any reason whatsoever. Microsoft can use it, you can use it, Saddam Hussan can use, all legally, and no one has any authority to limit how you use it.

        The GPL relies on Copyright, and is very unrelated to PD. If you never have read it, go to and read the GPL. It is very much like any other software license in a legal sense, only the terms are different. Its an interesting read. GPL does NOT mean you can do what you want with it. If you change GPL software, sell or give away a modified binary but refuse to show me the source, you are infringing the copyright, for instance, and subject to getting your butt sued by the owner of the copyright.
    • This (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:40AM (#7113986)
      If you'll note, the example of infringing code given at the SCO stockholders meeting earlier this year was an SGI one. Upon being faced with the origin and the point it was public domain SCO backpedaled and announced it was not an example of infringing code, just an example of "code". Retreating from that statement to say yes, in fact it was infringing, would be odd and probably even their followers would see it that way.

      but McBride whining about the simple fact that the code was there now has some merit to it"

      The fact the code was there gives him no merit at all. What I see here is the linux community plus SGI being absolutely vehement in removing copyright violations from linux the instant that it's even hinted they might be there. This seems to place SCO wholly at fault since it is thus their fault the infringing code continues to be in linux, by virtue of the fact they refuse to tell anyone what that infringing code is. The legal doctrine of due dilligence means a court will likely see it the same way.
      • Re:This (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Master Bait ( 115103 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @11:22AM (#7114461) Homepage Journal
        The legal doctrine of due dilligence means a court will likely see it the same way.

        That's right. The fact that SCO did nothing to mitigate their supposed 'damages' from supposed infringing code puts them at the back of the bus.

        In another world, SCO would be undergoing wiretaps, subpoenas, and other assorted FTC-SEC investigation activities for criminal fraud. McBride et. al belong in jail.

    • Even if it had merit, the fact that McBride ranted about it renders that merit void.
    • Re:Uh-oh... (Score:5, Informative)

      by 47PHA60 ( 444748 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:46AM (#7114073) Journal
      In any organization this will happen. SCO is saying that IBM moved the code into Linux on purpose to destroy UNIX.

      This is very different from an inadvertant violation. If you took me to court and I could present evidence that I did not include your code purposefully, that I removed the offending code as soon as I knew about it and presented documentation that the code was public domain, but that I thought it would be better to remove any possibility of violation, chances are that would be the end of it. The court would see that I performed due diligence to detect and fix the problem.

      That is why Linus and others keep on challenging SCO to show them the code so that they can perform their legal obligation and remove it. These people have also said that the fact that SCO won't show the code probably indicates that there are no violations, and certainly not on the grand, purposful scale SCO alleges. Look, if somone walked into your place of work and said "you are running unlicensed software," they'd be right. I have never seen a business that was NOT running unlicensed software. Does that mean they did it on purpose to destroy the maker of that software?
    • Irrelevant. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by NaugaHunter ( 639364 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:47AM (#7114077)
      As I followed this, I thought there was always the undercurrent of 'There may be code that looks extremely similar that has ancestors in BSD and has been proven in court to be not part of the System V code and public domain'. Yes, Linux was written from scratch or whatever, but it was possible that in an effort to add some functionality someone refered to a book rather than reinvent the wheel.

      The mere fact that code is the same between two sources is useless without being able to prove if either was original. As has been shown repeatedly, either SCO doesn't know or thought no one else would remember about the whole AT&T vs. BSD deally.

      And in any case, SGI has already proven how easy it would have been to address the issue if SCO had identified any code they actually had rights to - yet another fact that would hurt SCO in a copyright lawsuit.
    • Re:Uh-oh... (Score:3, Insightful)

      From my perspective, SGI is just covering their bases. There was some code fragments that were part of System V but SGI still contends there were public domain anyway. Any other code that might be System V has also been addressed. As for XFS, they unequivocably state that it is not and never was SCO's.

      In the likely event SCO actually sues SGI, SGI can not only defend their code, they can also point out that any necessary corrective actions have already been put in place if SCO has any merit. This wil

    • Re:Uh-oh... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Deusy ( 455433 ) <charlie@ve[ ]org ['xi.' in gap]> on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:58AM (#7114199) Homepage
      You mean that McBride's rants may actually have a bit of substance behind them?

      Ok, I'll make it easy for you. Here's by far the most important part of the letter:

      "Notably, it appears that most or all of the System V code fragments we found had previously been placed in the public domain, meaning it is very doubtful that the SCO Group has any proprietary claim to these code fragments in any case."

      IOW, the letter can be summarised to, "We don't think we've infringed on [SCO's] copyright as this was BSD code, but it was that easy to replace that we've done it anyway."
    • Re:Uh-oh... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by pavon ( 30274 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:59AM (#7114209)
      Probably not. Here's my interpretation of this letter:

      SGI carfully verified its code base before releasing it under an open source licence. Most of it was code that was completely original to SGI. However it included a few excedingly common routines that have been around forever, have been release as public domain, published in textbooks and distibuted in BSD software for decades. There is no legal justification for anyone owning this code. We figured that the ATT case was the nail in the coffin of this issue and didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to try to claim ownership of this code again. But unfortunately, we were wrong and these morons think that just because SysV uses these extremely common routines that they must own them. To make things easier for everyone, we are have removed this code, and are looking for any other code that will give these idiots bad ideas, and will remove it as well. We appologise for underestimating the extreme stupidity capable of businessmen and layers.
  • This is also on (Score:5, Informative)

    by Sir Haxalot ( 693401 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:33AM (#7113888)
    Newsforge []
  • wow.. owned. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:33AM (#7113890)
    This is one of the most levelheaded, rational-sounding responses to SCO that I've seen in a long time. I hope they sent this to their customers. If it goes just to slashdot and associated sites it's sort of just preaching to the choir :)
  • Sound familiar? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by southpolesammy ( 150094 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:33AM (#7113894) Journal
    "Notably, it appears that most or all of the System V code fragments we found had previously been placed in the public domain, meaning it is very doubtful that the SCO Group has any proprietary claim to these code fragments in any case."
  • by Noryungi ( 70322 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:34AM (#7113914) Homepage Journal
    Since SGI seems to know what kind of "offending" code was contributed to the Linux kernel, I guess the whole situation will be corrected very soon...

    On the other hand, this also confirms that SCO is spouting non-sense and has no legal basis for its suits, since:

    1. The offending, potentially infringing code is being removed.
    2. That code may well have been in the public domain anyway.

    I predict SCO is therefore going to be squashed by IBM, SGI, Red Hat etc. Good riddance.

    • I predict SCO is therefore going to be squashed by IBM, SGI, Red Hat etc.

      My worst fears about the SCO case is not wether SCO will legally win a single dollar from someone, there is no chance in hell that will happend.

      No, my biggest fear is the SCO will somehow manage to slip away, at the last moment, from the much spectacular death they are running full-speed towards, and they will somehow manage to survive and hide in a small hole somewhere.

      • No, my biggest fear is the SCO will somehow manage to slip away, at the last moment, from the much spectacular death they are running full-speed towards, and they will somehow manage to survive and hide in a small hole somewhere.

        I wouldn't worry about that too much simply because they do not have a business model. Even if they came out tomorrow and said, "never mind" they still have no method of earning money. If they don't have the lawsuits, they don't have the reason to extort money from Sun, MS, HP
  • SCO Reply (Score:5, Funny)

    by briggsb ( 217215 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:35AM (#7113919)
    SCO is quick with their reply [] to SGI.
  • Either way... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Kandel ( 624601 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:35AM (#7113921) Journal
    Either way, the damage to Linux has been done. Whether SCO is totally wrong in their accusations, which this letter from SGI will assist, Linux and Open Source software will look that little bit less appetising to any corporation. SCO will certainly tarnish Open Source, but hopefully SGI will soften the blow with this open letter. Good Work SGI!
    • Re:Either way... (Score:3, Insightful)

      by WTFmonkey ( 652603 )
      Uh? You really think so? That's interesting, because I think (once this all said and done) that Linux comes out looking squeeky-clean, removing some of the doubt that might have been in CEO's head.
    • Re:Either way... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Lumpy ( 12016 )

      what damage? I found that this whole thing has actually helped linux. CTO's, managers and other are finally asking questions about this "linux thing". These are the same people that completely understand the IP rights mindset and know that SCO is up to no good when the whole thing is explained to them... I.E. "Example? ok, I think that your company ZXY corperation is violating my property rights in your product.. No you can't see what is in violation and I demand that you stop making your product
    • Either way, the damage to Linux has been done.

      I disagree. As a decision maker in a company (more influencer than maker) I report to an older MIS director who has feared bringing Linux in at all. His fear was based on the fact that his perception of Linux folk was long haired trash talking freaks...despite the fact that I advocated bringing it in and do not match the description....well, I have short hair anyway ;-)
      We use Sco Unixware to run our Main CRM apps. The director has been following the controv
  • Typical SCO (Score:3, Insightful)

    by FatRatBastard ( 7583 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:35AM (#7113922) Homepage
    Have now said that "there are currently no plans to sue SGI" [].

    I suspect they'll "terminate" SCO's SysV license with as much success as they had with IBM. I.e. their stock price will bump up and that's about it.
    • after terminating the license and having SGI continue to sell IRIX (which of course they will keep doing), doesn't that mean that SGI could sue SCO for breach?

      If the reasoning behind the license cancellation were valid, then SCO would have to sue SGI for selling IRIX to protect the rights that are in question. Not doing so would seem to indicate that SCO was abandoning their purported rights.

  • SCO should die (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Davak ( 526912 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:36AM (#7113934) Homepage

    together, these three small code fragments comprised no more than 200
    lines out of the more than one million lines of our overall
    contributions to Linux.

    This shows the minor things that SCO from which they are trying to gain. However, how small of "a copy" can be included before that is considering stealing?

    For example, if I "borrow" one line from a song in my song... is that stealing?
    If I borrow one line from another piece of literature in my "unique" work, is that stealing?

    Are they admitting to the borrowing of a small amount of code here?

    Everybody borrows; genius steals.

  • If SCO goes after SGI and continues to go after their own customers, they will eventually obliterate their own customer base. This is just more proof of Mr. McBride's roadmap for SCO (which mysteriously resembles a downward spiral).

    I'm just waiting for the SEC to wake up and realize that all of this was done so that the execs @ SCO could line their pockets.

    SCO: You copied our Intellectual Property!!

    [Company X]: No we didn't... that code's from the BSD codebase.

    SCO: Oh... ok... well we're going to sue yo
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:37AM (#7113946)
    SCO CEO Darl McBride remained true to form when he responded to the SGI letter, "IRIX infringes upon our IP, this means that motion pictures featuring graphics rendered on SGI is a derivative work of our UNIX SysV code. We are not just talking a couple in frames, we are talking entire movies here".

    The film at 11 is now the intellectual property of the SCO group.
  • by laird ( 2705 ) <lairdp&gmail,com> on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:37AM (#7113950) Journal
    "As a result of that exhaustive investigation, SGI has discovered a few additional code segments (similar in nature to the segments referred to above and trivial in amount) that may arguably be related to UNIX code. We are in the process of removing and replacing these segments."

    Isn't SCO costing SGI an awful lot of time and effort (i.e. money) to scour code in order to find the "iunfringing code" that supposedly SCO knows about and won't release? I'd think that SGI could have a case to sue SCO for refusing to identify the "infringing" code based on SGI having to spend money attempting to address SCO's claims without SCO helping? I'm pretty sure that the law requires that if you believe someone is infringing on your copyrights that you identify the infringements so that they can stop. Am I missing something, or is SCO just building a case against itself by refusing to allow people to remove the infringing code?
    • well they're costing /. a lot of disk anyway.
    • by DrWhizBang ( 5333 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @11:18AM (#7114416) Homepage Journal
      Yes, SCO is costing SGI a lot of money, but this has to look good on SGI - with SCO yammering on and on about indemnity for customers, and wailing about linux's "DNA" coming from Unix (yet not producing any evidence to back it up - SGI is taking the practical approach. Sort of a moral high road. They are basically saying "your claims are bogus, but we doubled-checked just to make sure, and this is all we found."

      After all, we know that SGI does have a copy of this mystical Sys V code that SCO won't let anyone see (even though we all know what's there..."
    • SGI is actually saving themselves and others a LOT of money. If SCO goes through with lawsuits against SGI, it would cost both parties a lot of money to litigate. Part of SGI's defense will be their code audit and removal of anything remotely arguably infringing, which then limits potential damages.

      After that, SGI can argue about the copyright value associated with various code fragments. These are just insurance steps. However, as SGI has the System V code, they can surely determine what code snippets may
    • The real costs are to the rest of the Linux world. A number of large companies have put stops on open source plans until this is resolved. That hurts real people doing real work for businesses. My company sells products based on opensource, we have a number of very large deals that seem to be in limbo.

      The whole indemnification thing is another area, if you buy in to Sun's or HP's indemnification program, you essentially start to give up your rights to the software, the very rights RMS has been figh

  • by TopShelf ( 92521 ) * on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:37AM (#7113956) Homepage Journal
    Unlike Big Blue, SGI might not be well placed to fight a drawn-out legal battle with SCO. Revenue is declining [], cashflow is negative, and the share price is circling the toilet bowl []. And since the IBM/SCO case doesn't look like it will be resolved soon, you have to wonder how much resistance SGI can put up...
    • If I learned anything in the 2 lawsuits I have been involved in is that best strategy is to make time work for you.

      There is a reason for Hamlet stating "The laws delay" in his famous To be or not soliloguy

      They need to sit back and do pretty much nothing, other than make demands on SCO to produce the eveidence through discovery if they indeed get sued.

      Second SGI needs all the press they can get so maybe something useful can come out of this. SGI would love to be mentioned in every sentence next to IBM a

  • by Performer Guy ( 69820 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:39AM (#7113976)
    This totally scuppers SCO's argument that Linux contributors are out of control and stealing their stuff.

    Legally SGI is doing the right thing. They perform due dilligence and if anything slips through the cracks they remedy it. It illustrates just how flimsy SCO's copyright case is a pointer to what may actually ultimately happen when this matter is resolved.

    Prepare for more crazy ramblings from SCO in the immediate future. They will undoubtedly issue a press release claiming this is an admission of wrongdoing by SGI and play up the aspect of the letter that suggest missappropriated code, but of course this is not the message to be taken from the SGI letter.
    • Prepare for more crazy ramblings from SCO in the immediate future. They will undoubtedly issue a press release claiming this is an admission of wrongdoing by SGI and play up the aspect of the letter that suggest missappropriated code, but of course this is not the message to be taken from the SGI letter.

      You can almost write the SCO selective quotation press release yourself:

      "SGI has released over a million lines of...System V the Linux kernel."
  • Having both codes, this was the first open explanation about code exuality in System V and Linux. And for the first time someone openly started to tell which small parts that are. And even talking about fixes.

    Thanks, this might prove that SCO is nothing more but greedy business graduated troll
  • by etymxris ( 121288 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:40AM (#7113997)
    Notice how SCO didn't trumpet SGI's violations to the press. It took a more circuituous route of notifying SGI privately, and letting SGI spread the news themselves. Though there was much speculation, nothing was official until SGI's 10K. My guess is that SCO is starting to learn that trumpeting litigous claims to the press is not the way to proceed. I guess they are tired of defending against Landham (sp?) Act violations.

    (I originally posted this to finance yahoo message board, but it is appropriate here.)
  • atoi? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ikoleverhate ( 607286 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:41AM (#7113998)
    "found brief fragments of code matching System V code in three generic routines (ate_utils.c, the atoi function " they're complaining about copied atoi code?!?!?! exactly how many variations of converting ascii to integers could there be? And why would anyone care about something so simple? Unless it was a FUD screen...
    • Re:atoi? (Score:4, Funny)

      by Stonent1 ( 594886 ) <stonent@ston3.14 ... minus pi> on Thursday October 02, 2003 @11:19AM (#7114425) Journal
      "found brief fragments of code matching System V code in three generic routines (ate_utils.c, the atoi function " they're complaining about copied atoi code?!?!?! exactly how many variations of converting ascii to integers could there be? And why would anyone care about something so simple? Unless it was a FUD screen...

      Yeah but if SGI made a version of atoi, surely it exploits vector optimizations, runs in 64 bits of precision, exploits NUMA and uses OpenGL. It may be 10x the size of the kernel but whoa, it's gotta be cool.
  • by lcsjk ( 143581 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:42AM (#7114017)
    Let's see now; SCO claims that they inadvertantly released code under the GPL so they cannot be held accountable.
    SGI claims they inadvertantly released UNIX code into Linux, but SCO says they are accountable; ie., lawsuit.
    Is something wrong with this scene?
  • by JoeLinux ( 20366 ) <joelinux@gmail. c o m> on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:43AM (#7114026)
    They fess'd up to it...gotta admire a company that can take it on the chin. For that reason alone, I think I'm going to get a new Octane. (g)
  • by snakecoder ( 235259 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:54AM (#7114163)
    I can't wait to see how they will spin this. "SGI ADMITS PLACING SCO CODE IN LINUX!" maybe time to day trade today.
  • SGI admitting to having contributed some System V code to the Linux kernel brings to mind a question I've had for years: what are the chances that in a big closed source project (like Windows for example), that some developer hasn't used some open source code at one point or another? How do you protect against this?

    Is there a process to audit big companies code? MS threatens me with audits to check my license compliance, can I audit them to check that no open source code is in their products?

    And for that matter, which license would win? If GPL'd code was found in a product like Windows, would Microsoft be forced to open source the entire thing?
    • what are the chances that in a big closed source project (like Windows for example), that some developer hasn't used some open source code at one point or another?


      How do you protect against this?

      Only through wistle-blowers

      Is there a process to audit big companies code?

      Not unless you're a big company

      MS threatens me with audits to check my license compliance, can I audit them to check that no open source code is in their products?

      It is to laugh!

      If GPL'd code was found in a product like Win

    • what are the chances that in a big closed source project (like Windows for example), that some developer hasn't used some open source code at one point or another?

      0%. In Windows 9x (at least), for example, you can run "strings" on some of the networking utilities to get at the BSD copyright statements.

      If you're asking about hidden GPL code, though, then it's anybody's guess.

      How do you protect against this?

      If you're part of the company in question, you could get the source code most likely to be copied (e.g. Linux if you're working on operating systems, Apache if you're writing a server, etc), try running something like Eric Raymond's new comparison program between those sources and your own code, and most importantly let your employees know that you're checking on them and that illegally claiming someone else's copyrighted material as their own is grounds for termination.

      If you're someone else and only have access to the closed binaries, then you might try checking for unique symbols or debugging output, but you won't have nearly as easy a time of it.

      MS threatens me with audits to check my license compliance, can I audit them to check that no open source code is in their products?

      No. They may get to audit you because that's one of the rights you can sign away to get a cheap site license from them. You don't get to audit them because you've never tricked them into agreeing to it.

      If GPL'd code was found in a product like Windows, would Microsoft be forced to open source the entire thing?

      No. You can't force anyone to agree to the GPL. You can sue them for past copyright infringement (and probably win big if you've registered your copyrights), but (despite SCO's claims to the contrary) you can't stop them from removing your code and selling their own code no longer encumbered. In the worst case for them, if they wouldn't have a useful product without your code and are redistributing too much to reimplement themselves, then they're pretty much stuck as they've already forfeited their GPL rights and would have to negotiate new rights with every single author whose copyright they've infringed.
    • > Is there a process to audit big companies code?

      Sure. File an infringement lawsuit and convince the court that you have enough of a case (for example by producing a former employee who will testify that they used your code) to proceed to discovery.

      > MS threatens me with audits to check my license
      > compliance...

      You entered into a contract with them. I didn't and so they have no more right to audit me than I have to audit them.

      > And for that matter, which license would win?

      I'm not sure wha
  • by furry_marmot ( 515771 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @10:57AM (#7114195) Homepage to remove it. Everyone knows that. The only reason SCO is acting the way they are is to get money. There's the brain-dead, pathetically desperate attempt to convince people (especially a judge, eventually) that they have been damaged and deserve money; and then there's the attempt to convince people that the infringing code is so extensive that it couldn't possibly be removed -- therefore, they should be able to license Linux/Unix/Irix/etc, with a right to prevent people from using it if they don't pay up.

    The correct solution in such cases is a) determine if damages apply, and b) cease and desist infringing (that is, remove or rewrite the code).

    But if the code is removed, then SCO can't charge everyone under the sun with licensing fees. And if they showed people what the hell code they're talking about, people would be able to remove the code, thus preventing them garnering licensing fees. Since removal of the code is the last thing they want to happen, they are probably unable to even present a coherent case in court. I mean, besides wanting to keep the purported infringements a secret, wouldn't a judge just order the offending code be removed?

    I believe their sole strategy is to whine, posture, lie through their teeth, and desperately hope people will be scared and cave in and purchase licenses, as some have done already.

    If they actually had a case, they'd take someone to court and win and be done with it. Resorting to scare tactics and hysterical accusations pretty much proves they have nothing, IMHO.


  • End user liable? (Score:5, Informative)

    by deragon ( 112986 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @11:06AM (#7114287) Homepage Journal
    A bit off-topic, but in all this SCO issue, I never understood why the end user would be liable.

    If I buy say a Ford, and it turns out that Ford stole intellectual property from GM, would I, as a Ford owner whose car specifications have been improved by the stollen IP, have to pay say $200 to GM? I think not. GM should only sew Ford, not Ford car owners.

    Now why a Linux user would be liable? Contributors to Linux and other open source project should be liable, but not end users. If SCO limited its action against code contributors, I could understand it (assuming that there are some merits). But can they actually ask end users to pay up? Can this really stand in court?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      SCO/MS are playing the indemnification card to try and add additional finacial burden to linux distributors. Basically if it's a patent case then end users _could_ be held liable. The only patents involved in this case so far are the IBM patents that SCO is infringing.

      The question we should all be asking is:


      Buisness people will be getting shivers down the spine after reading that, but it makes more sense than end users being held responsable for a contr
    • Re:End user liable? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by krb ( 15012 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @12:45PM (#7115344) Homepage
      It's legally valid because you didn't licence your car from Ford -- you purchased an object. Things like cars and toasters aren't (yet) subject to licencing (just wait til your toaster has software on it though... betcha the box has a EULA).

      You did, however, licence your linux software from the developers who wrote it and if they stole code, you, as a licencee, may be responsible, not for damages, but for payment of licencing fees on the code that was misappropriated.

      We could argue all day about wether software *should* be considered identical to a physical object, but at present it is not. You don't buy software, you buy software licences, always.

      So in summary, yes, it *could* stand up in court, not as a liability issue, i.e. damages for past illegality, but as an issue of paying a licence for the use of SCO IP. This presupposes that they can prove that Linux actually carries any such IP and that the version of the kernel you happen to be using contains any of it. The first is highly questionable and the second will be moot about a week after any infringing code segments are actually identified.

      (the latter case, incidentally, does nothing to help IBM in their contractual dispute which *is* a liability issue and *is* about past damages. If infringing code is found, even if the code is removed from the linux sources, those responsible for the misappropriation, presumably IBM, will be held liable for damages. However, users should be free and clear, though linux's reputation would be substantially tarnished.)

      [i am, of course, not a lawyer, but i'm pretty sure my understanding is correct.]
      • "You did, however, licence your linux software from the developers who wrote it and if they stole code, you, as a licencee, may be responsible, not for damages, but for payment of licencing fees on the code that was misappropriated."

        You understand the GPL about as well as SCO's lawyers do. The GPL is not a user license. It only applies when modification and distribution are involved. As a mere user of a 2.4 kernel, the GPL does not affect me in any way, and there is no licensing involved between me an

  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 02, 2003 @11:08AM (#7114312) 7397.asp []:

    SCO spokesman Blake Stowell said Tuesday that he understood the extension is being sought "for the purpose of gaining documents from IBM related to the patents they claim. . . . Some of the patents aren't even filed with the U.S. Patent Office, as far as we can learn."

    From [] the patent numbers are:

    Go here [] []

    Type in the patent numbers into form

    You will find them all. Immediately. In fact they load up immediately after typing in the number.
  • SCO stolen code (Score:3, Insightful)

    by bratgrrl ( 197603 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @11:13AM (#7114358)
    SCO is not going to open up anything to examination, because it will show how much GPLd and BSD code they've appropriated and misused.

    It's all a big bluff. I predict that the whole issue will mysteriously evaporate overnight. I'll bet money as soon as the legal proceedings get to a point that requires substantiating any of their claims, it will all go away. Just like their plan to invoice 1500 Linux users....
    • Re:SCO stolen code (Score:3, Interesting)

      by phliar ( 87116 )
      It can't just evaporate any more -- IBM's countersuit will have to be answered, and most likely SCO will have to pay IBM's costs.
      ...defendant IBM prays that this Court enter judgement in favor of IBM and against SCO, dismissing the amended complaint with prejudice and granting such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper, including costs, disbursements and attorneys' fees.
      "Dismiss with extreme prejudice" would have sounded cooler.
  • Profit from SCO (Score:4, Interesting)

    by sjbe ( 173966 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @11:26AM (#7114493)
    I've seen a lot of people for the last few months expressing outrage over SCO's actions. If you are convinced that SCO has no case and that their claims are false, why not short their stock? Put your money where your mouth is. I have.

    SCO has a P/E ratio over 80 lately which indicates it's stock price is inflated anyway so it makes sense. If they're going to be a bunch of lying bastards, why shouldn't we profit from them going out of business?
    • Re:Profit from SCO (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Gunzour ( 79584 ) < minus cat> on Thursday October 02, 2003 @12:24PM (#7115125) Homepage Journal
      Perhaps because shorting a stock is highly risky and not for the faint of heart? Shorting a stock carries the possibility of losing more money than you put into it. It's possible that I short a stock, it goes up significantly, I get a margin call, and my stock broker comes to me and says "You owe us $20,000. You have 5 days to pay." At least with regular investing I only lose what I put into it.

      I'm not saying nobody should do it, but it's obviously not for everyone. If you are going to short SCO, make sure you know what you are getting into.
  • by phliar ( 87116 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @11:33AM (#7114566) Homepage
    I've got it! The real objective behind these ridiculous statements SCO is making: to consolidate and solidify support for the GPL and Linux by making large companies like IBM and SGI make public statements in support! Sure, contributing code to Linux is all very well, but until now the press releases had always been a little diffident and scattered. Now the industry is unified and strong in support of Linux and the GPL. Since the GPL hadn't been tested in court, what better way to help than by filing a completely ridiculous case against it? "The GPL is invalid because US Copyright Law only allows you to make one copy."
  • Just ignore SCO (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Animats ( 122034 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @12:25PM (#7115141) Homepage
    It's over. SCO can't do anything to anybody until they win a lawsuit. That's not going to happen, given that 1) their case is lousy, 2) IBM is opposing them, and 3) IBM has Cravath, Swaine, and Moore as attorneys.

    Cravath, IBM's usual law firm and their law firm in this case, is the biggest name in business litigation. They're incredibly expensive, very thorough, and usually win. If there's some fact or legal argument anywhere that will help the case, Cravath's army of lawyers, paralegals, technical experts, and non-legal staff will find it. Cravath has filled up entire buildings with staff for previous IBM litigation.

    Basically, IBM will win this unless their attorneys screw up. And Cravath doesn't screw up. They have enough people checking each other to prevent that. That's the Cravath business model.

    Reasonably soon, the IBM-SCO case will reach the discovery stage, where SCO will have to disclose documents to IBM's attorneys. We'll probably see some interesting disclosures about the SCO-Microsoft deal.

    Meanwhile, SCO's stock is down from a high of 20 to about 15 today.

  • by yeremein ( 678037 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @12:59PM (#7115498)
    SGI says:
    All together, these three small code fragments comprised no more than 200 lines out of the more than one million lines of our overall contributions to Linux. Notably, it appears that most or all of the System V code fragments we found had previously been placed in the public domain, meaning it is very doubtful that the SCO Group has any proprietary claim to these code fragments in any case.

    Tomorrow's SCO press release will say:

    All together, these ... code fragments comprised ... more than one million lines of ... System V code ... that the SCO Group has ... proprietary claim to.

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
